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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: River Port Healing Center
Interaction: @Helo Valok @Princess Malachi

Belle remained unresponsive to Valok, eyebrows raised. This man lived his life on orders. How irritating would that be? Valok didn’t live for himself, only for the next order and commander. Her heart strings tugged for him. She watched as he stood up and approached the fairies. When he returned and spoke, Belle couldn’t help but crack a rare smile. He hadn’t understood what she meant and she found it… entertaining. Wait, had he just made her laugh? Her eyebrows furrowed as a giggle escaped her. What was happening and why? This was gross. She sounded like those annoying fairies. Belle quickly became neutral once more and managed to smirk.

”That is something you and I can agree on,” She replied and added in a low tone for only him to hear. ”I’m not used to them.. More so Elves and Demis.” She said as the fairies brought them over the water. She turned to take the cup of water as she heard footsteps approach and saw Malachi. Belle took a sip and listened to his orders. It pained her inside to have to take them, although he was keeping her safe and protected.

Belle felt relief fill her when he announced they would have a proper meal. Still, she eyed the bun with curiosity and regretfully turned to the dress. She fought a grimace and remained silent. Next Belle quickly moved into another room to change and looked for a knife. Without regret, Belle cut the edges of it so the dress’ hem came to her knees. She couldn’t imagine if she was attacked how she would fight in this dress. Afterwards, Belle took the fabric edges and used it to pull her hair up into a messy bun and tucked Elleta’s necklace into the dress. When she returned, Belle offered Malachi another one of her rare smiles. ”Thank you.” It was the only thing she could manage to say.

Belle took her bun out of the bag casually, trying to envision it as a cinnabon. God, she could kill for one now. Trying to remain neutral, she hesitantly bit into it. Then her eyes widened as the honey and cinnamon flavor filled her mouth and she looked at Malach with wide eyes. Holy shit this is good. Remaining silent, she suddenly began wolfing it down. She was careful with the honey and used a nearby towel to wipe her fingers off. Belle couldn’t help but wonder if Valok had possibly had a point.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Time: Evening
Location: River Port Healing Center
Interaction: @Helo Valok

Belladonna glanced at Valok as he spoke. He was right, it was way too bright in here. She cringed a little as she stood up. She moved over to sit by Valok’s side with a faint grimace. ”Lower the lights a little, fairy girl.” She told the fairy who quickly obeyed her command and dimmed the lights. She rubbed her temples and pinched the bridge of her nose to keep her cool. Belle looked at Valok after some thought. ”I don't like being here. I'm game to leave whenever Malachi returns. And this whole day has been stupid, hasn't it? I'm ready for a drink.”

Fairies were easily becoming the worst company she had so far in Avalia. In the background she could hear them fawning over Avenger, but pushed it out of her mind. They were joyfully giggling and hadn’t stopped talking. How were they so genuinely happy? Were their lives that simple and peaceful? She couldn’t stand how they could have so much energy. At the moment she’d be fine if she slept for the next month. ”So what do you want to do after this? You feel any better - are you hungry?” She ignored her stomach rumbling and focused on him. He’d been critically injured, not her, and she wasn’t going to be a little bitch about it. A cut on her side and hunger and dehydration weren’t unfamiliar to her.

After a moment, she leaned in and whispered, ”Are all fairies this annoying?” She grimaced at their loud laughter. Belle almost contemplated praying that the rest of the rebels weren’t going to be this annoying.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Town Square → Beach
Interaction: @Helo Leon @Alivefalling Vaeril @FunnyGuy Valaeon @princess Risa
Inventory at home: 2 Dresses, adventurer outfit, 8 mood bracelets gray coat, 2 spheres, 1 travel shelter, ruddy apple, round rindley old cheese, flask of cider, round of dark bread, 1 hoverboard, blanket, 1 cooking pot, flame starter kit, flask and water purifier, stream water, 1 hairbrush, pillow, and 1 of each cleansers, 2 wayfinders, honey comb
Inventory on her her: 2 mood bracelets, 1 backpack, 1 location sender, 1 darksight glasses, and eye protector; her bow and arrow, magic staff and its' holster

Lucia smiled at the dragon as he introduced himself. Then, her smile slowly faded and was replaced by a frown. That hadn’t been in her intention; Lucia had seen people eavesdropping and had wanted to keep the princess safe. She opened her mouth to speak when the next dragon joined the conversation. At least he hadn’t told them to shoo. She turned to Leon with furrowed brows and an apology in her eyes. Had she made a bad impression on her too? She shuffled her feet. Way to go Lucia, she thought. However, she saw Risa smile up at her and wrap her arms around her. Lucia returned the hug with surprise, having expected disappointment from the young girl.

The fairy’s words were moving. She was sweeter than cake. Before Lucia could quite speak up, the girl continued to turn to the dragonborns and defend her. Lucia’s excitement was palpable. She had to withhold her glee though as not to overwhelm them. She linked arms with Leon with a wink and started walking. ”Thank you,” Her voice was quiet so only the group could hear. She fell silent as they passed people and finally were a safe distance away. Her blue eyes lit up with passion and determination as she began readying her reply. She glanced at Leon, then turned back to the Princess and dragonborns.

”I am on your side and want to bring Aklenroth down more than anything. We are here waiting for the rebels. We also received a note that said meeting hall at 2pm. Was that your doing?” She then continued to speak. ”I was partially involved with the DROMS, although I wasn’t instrumental to the process, I was tasked with finding the humans once they were summoned.” Her mind’s eye filled with memories of the night and tears threatened to boil over. She blinked them away and didn’t let it stop her. ”I lost some friends in the process although I know they’re looking down at us though and rooting for us!” She glanced at Leon, wary of his response and studied him carefully.


Time: Evening
Location: River Port Healing Center
Interaction: @Helo Valok

Belle sat on the bed and avoided eye contact with the fairies. Being healed and helped were strange to her. In the Hunters, she usually bandaged her wounds herself and sucked it up. There hadn’t been time for pitying or healing. She had broken her arm once during a pursuit and continued to escape despite it. She glanced at Valok and could tell he felt similarly. What a strange yet similar pair they were. She chuckled from the irony. Once they finished the healing business, she thanked them. Belle curiously watched as the strange glow began to ebb away. Life with the Hunters would’ve been easier with that. She sighed and looked down to find Avenger pecking at the bed with his beach. She cracked a rare smile and picked him up gently.

”He’s SO cute.”

Belle jumped as she turned to find one of the healers with red hair and blue eyes, addressing them. She grimaced at the loud noise and sighed. This was something she’d have to overcome. Avenger was adorable, and it would, unfortunately, attract attention which last thing she needed. Belle withheld a groan.

”Yeah.” She replied and pet his head gently. Avenger turned to cuddle up against her and Belle regretted her actions. What did she do now? ”Keep your voice down. I have a headache.” She told the fairy who looked at her with dismay, but nodded and quietly began speaking to her friend. Her head was throbbing and she knew if she didn’t eat or drink mead within the next hour, she might self-combust.

”You alright over there, Valok?” Belle called to Valok as she leaned forward and tilted her head. He’d been more critically injured than her and he looked lost. She understood to a degree how he felt. Kindness, concern, compassion; all foreign emotions to Belle that unfortunately were being shared in the room. It made her sick inside and she couldn’t wait for Malachi to return and leave. She didn’t know how to reply and it was bothering her. Belle wished desperately that Torvi and Bowyn were safe and here. She couldn't wait to reunite with them.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: River Kingdom, Town Hall Dungeon
Interaction: N/A


The rest of the afternoon proved to be entertaining and yet dreadful. The appearance of the narcissistic bastard had caused her temporary entertainment. She had managed to remain above the waiting sorrow. Though she hated the muzzle, she had been glad nobody had seen or heard her giggles. The humor from Helio only proved that there were fragments of him in there. She wished she could reach him, but she knew it would be near impossible. She refused to give up on him though. This was her problem to fix. The fruits of her betrayal had given her scars inside she knew might never heal. Artemis took several deep breaths. Now she sat in the Town Hall dungeon and was sitting in a tub of water. The conditions of the dungeon were disgusting and she wished to never see the likes of it again. Her clothing was laying on her dirty cot and within reach if she needed them fast. Her tail was half submerged in the water which was refreshing, while the tip of it was out. She felt humiliated, but reminded herself she’d been through worse.

Thankfully it seemed Risa and Kyran had escaped. What she had found interesting was the tension between Umber and Azriel. She hadn’t let her thoughts wander in case that dumbass demon had been nearby. The bitch’s flirting with Helio made her roll her eyes and internally vomit. She had managed daggers in her eyes and remained silent otherwise; she wasn’t giving her the satisfaction. Her gaze had flickered from Umber breaking one of the fairy’s wings and back to Azriel and was sure she knew a way to return the favor. Artemis refrained from smiling in case anyone noticed and kept a neutral expression upon her face.

She sighed as she adjusted her position and wished she could shove the demon into a small ass cage and force it to sit in the sunlight. One way or another, growing up, she had been caged, be it physically or mentally. She was tired of it. There was one person to blame for this and she would be damned if she didn’t help bring him down. Artemis knew she had to bide her time in order to free herself. What she had observed from Helio was he was narcissistic, unpredictable, moody, sadistic, and also exceedingly cocky. She was aware he knew of her strengths and the muzzle had only stopped one of them. She wanted to hum to herself, but it had only caused her to nearly be tortured. That wouldn’t go over too well, not after enduring a near decade of torture and abuse by that piece of shit Dark Elf.

Instead, she began envisioning the most excruciating ways of revenge if she managed to reach her goal. The rebels were in River Port; she wasn’t far from there. She knew it would be wiser to go down into the water, but that would be a cowardly, selfish move and she didn’t want to be that person anymore. It was logical though. She wanted to protect Risa and Kryan, help the rebellion, and take Aklenroth down. It was the only thing keeping her from going ballistic at the moment. Artemis took several more deep breaths to calm herself. All she needed was patience and she wasn’t a patient person; so to her it was like listening to Terneus talk for hours.

Besides, was her family alive still? Did they even care? Had her kingdom crumpled, or were they prospering? She felt intense homesickness unlike before. She missed her seashell bed and the sea. Swimming for hours at dusk and dawn with nothing but the stars and moons to stare down and watch her. To swim with Orion, Aqua, and Nedia. Artemis swallowed and took a deeper breath. She had to hang on in order for them all.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Time: Evening
Location: Town Square
Interaction: @Helo Leon
Inventory at home: 2 Dresses, adventurer outfit, 8 mood bracelets gray coat, 2 spheres, 1 travel shelter, ruddy apple, round rindley old cheese, flask of cider, round of dark bread, 1 hoverboard, blanket, 1 cooking pot, flame starter kit, flask and water purifier, stream water, 1 hairbrush, pillow, and 1 of each cleansers, 2 wayfinders, honey comb
Inventory on her her: 2 mood bracelets, 1 backpack, 1 location sender, 1 darksight glasses, and eye protector; her bow and arrow, magic staff and its' holster

Lucia was perplexed to hear that Leon had heard a voice in his head. She wondered if someone had tried to speak to him with magic. Perhaps a demon had been nearby, but it wasn’t enough information to ascertain. Vaeril was a light elf so how could he have done it? Suspicion rose for the Riverport community and she felt herself transitioning to mama bear mode. She moved onto considering the note he had been given. Most likely, it had been from the rebels, so it was important they went and kept it on the down low. If it wasn’t from the rebels though and a trap for her human, there would be hell to pay.

Leon had reacted positively to the horn, grinning. He was a daring, young man who showed no fear at all and Lucia respected him for that. However, he was new to Avalia, and there was a price for his handsome little head. She listened as he spoke more. ”Well, Leon. It just sounded like a war horn that could have been signaling an attack. Considering the past few weeks and the way life here has been, it wouldn’t have surprised me. The baddies could have been aware of the rebels coming and been up to no good. I’m proud of how brave you are, but we also need to anticipate incoming danger and be ready. Better safe than sorry!” She lowered her bow and smiled wide at his compliment, her cheeks reddening, ”Awww, Leon! So sweet. You’re right I am pretty great. Let’s go make sure there aren’t any hooligans we need to set straight. Just follow close to me.”

Lucia made her way into the town from the beach, moving slowly and staying closer to the walls as the fountain came into the view and two … dragonborns!? One of them had a horn which meant he was the obvious culprit for all the commotion. She held out her arm to pause Leon as she sized up the situation more, her gaze fixating on the little figure of a fairy sitting on the fountain. She had pink braids. Risa had very long hair and dressed in much more feminine clothing last she saw, but still that could have been the idea. It would not be smart for a fairy princess to walk around advertising who she was with a target as big as hers on her back. She was sure if she got a good look on her face she’d be able to tell for certain. Lucia did not want to leave Risa alone in the middle of town with two dragonborns if she wasn’t sure they were trustworthy. The way the one dragonborn stood in front of Risa made her the hair on the back of her neck raise.

There was only one way to find out… Her gaze traveled to Leon and she kept them hidden in the shadows for now. How would she fight two dragonborn if she had too? Was light magic enough? She sheathed her arrow and bow, knowing it wouldn’t be as effective, and kept a firm grip on her staff instead. ”Dragonborns, They may be part of the Sanguine Draconis militia. As far as I know they fought against Aklenroth. If they are part of that group they’re their own military. Don’t know much about them, but if they’re here for Risa’s aid, that’s good news. Still, I don’t know them well and with their obnoxious entrance, I’m wary of meeting them. That fairy girl might be Princess Risa and I’m dying to meet her but we must remain cautious, okay? Act like an Elf, don’t give that name again, maybe something more Elf like.” Her gaze flicked to the group then back to Leon. ”I don’t know how well I can defend you if something goes wrong, so be ready to bolt if needed back to my residence. All I can hope for is my light magic is strong enough with my staff. Remember the pretty amas for your head. Okay?” She paused, awaiting confirmation and then took a deep breath and moved forward.

Lucy strode out of the shadows with a grin on her face. ”Well well well, we found the source of the noise haven’t we?” She grinned as she joined the dragonborns and remained a safe distance away. Her staff was sheathed for now, but it would only take her seconds to pull it back out. ”Thought the dogs of war were here. But to my delight, it’s dragonborns! A pleasure to meet you, good sirs and miss!” She clapped her hands together enthusiastically. ”What’re your names sirs?”

Her gaze fixated on Risa and she sucked in a deep breath. It was the princess! Oh how exciting! Lucy wanted to squeal and bow, but that was only a fool’s move right now. She would have to withhold her excitement. She moved forward and gently took her hand in a comforting matter. ”Hello princess, I’m on your side and support you.” She whispered in her ear and moved away, her blue eyes wide with excitement and awe. She was much younger than Lucy had anticipated. This poor dear looked younger than even Leon. Goodness, and she had been through hell already. Risa was going to need tons of Lucia hugs and comfort.

”I’m so sorry to hear about what you’ve gone through. Do you need a hug? OH! Silly me, forgetting my name! I’m Lucia.” Her voice had been only loud enough for Risa to hear and she removed her hand from hers. She stepped back and grinned at her with the kindest expression she could muster. Her gaze flicked around until she found Leon and kept him in her peripheral vision.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: River Port
Interaction: @princess Malachi & @helo Valok

Belle sighed in relief once they made it to the port. Her side was burning, though she refused to show pain. Beside her, Avenger waddled and she occasionally had pet his head. She scowled when a large rottweiler came bounding up to her, heaving with excitement. Belle raised an eyebrow and then noticed the slip of paper on its head. Before she could take a look, Malachi had taken it. Belle rolled her eyes and sighed loudly, although he showed them what it said soon after. Her attention turned back to the Rottweiler and eyed its' droolwith a grimace. She ignored the dog and turned back to her companions. ”What a non-inconspicuous way to get the message out.” She gestured to the paper. Belle turned to the direction of the Healing Center and moved forward toward it, regardless if the others followed.


Time: Evening
Location: Beach
Interaction: @Helo Leon, @AliveFalling Vaeril
Inventory at home: 2 Dresses, adventurer outfit, 8 mood bracelets gray coat, 2 spheres, 1 travel shelter, ruddy apple, round rindley old cheese, flask of cider, round of dark bread, 1 hoverboard, blanket, 1 cooking pot, flame starter kit, flask and water purifier, stream water, 1 hairbrush, pillow, and 1 of each cleansers, 2 wayfinders, honey comb
Inventory on her her: 2 mood bracelets, 1 backpack, 1 location sender, 1 darksight glasses, and eye protector; her bow and arrow, magic staff and its' holster

After the shopping extravaganza ended, Lucia had found Elleta and given her the heavier objects. The elf had given Lucy an inquisitive look but remained silent. Morgayne had come to assist as well and then off they went. Lucia had continued their new adventure with new friends, and eventually they found themselves at another bar for drinks. The strange elf, Orland and his demon companion, Nur proved to be interesting company. The idea that they had found another human was exciting to her. How many more were hiding?

Lucy had decided to sit on the beach and let themselves relax. For now, it was them, since Vaeril had stepped away. She had laid a blanket out for them to sit on and some snacks to eat. Her gaze was fixated on the ocean waves. Finally, she turned to Leon and kept her voice low. ”How are you? What’s on your mind?” She stretched her arms out and glanced at him. ”What happened at the cafe? I could tell you looked uncomfortable. Was it Vaeril?” She glanced around to make sure he hadn’t been in earshot or close to returning. ”I’m sorry if I am causing you any stress. I know you offered to buy drinks and I want to know that you’re comfortable and not acting. I’m not a great liar myself or that cunning, but I can compensate with my bubbly personality.”

A loud horn echoed and reverberated throughout the Port. Lucia rolled onto her feet, grabbing her bow and stringing an arrow simultaneously. She glanced around for the source of the noise and noticed it had come from the square. With a growl, Lucia stood up and lowered her bow. Narrowing her eyes, Lucia set her darksight glasses on and looked at Leon. ”Do you want to go check that out or stay away? I'm not sure who it came from and I don't want you in danger.” She glanced upwards at the sky then back down to him. Her body language didn’t leave much to the imagination in terms of her response. She kept a firm grip on her bow. Her mind went to the rebels but why would they be so loud? She gritted her teeth.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Gadgets and Conveniences
Interaction: @Helo Leon, @AliveFalling Vaeril, @dreamingflowers Nur, @Funnyguy Darius

Lucia smiled as Nur introduced herself and agreed to drinks. As she was looking at her, she couldn’t help but notice something seemed off. The irises of her eyes, her striking beauty… Where had she seen this before? That was when Nur locked arms with Leon and it clicked in. She was clearly not an elf, fairy nor a demihuman. This was a demon and Lucia had a hunch of what sort she was and she did not like it. However, she had to play nice. It wouldn’t do well to make enemies or come across a potential foe. Orland’s expression revealed enough as well, and she wanted to cheer him up. She went to speak, then his comment on Frodo’s caused her eyebrows to raise. He recognized Leon’s fake name? That meant he was also a human. She couldn’t believe her luck and managed a grin.

Then unexpectedly, he began playing his instrument and singing a loud, unfamiliar song. Lucia found the music pleasing and applauded him enthusiastically. ”Wow, Orland that was amazing! That’s going to be stuck in my head!” She exclaimed and immediately began to hum the song under her breath. She glanced at Vaeril with a cheek grin. ”Who knew we’d meet such an awesome elf like you, huh? Lucky us!” She led them out of the shop while keeping a peripheral vision on Leon in case of anything.

Her luck turned up once again when a dog came bounding up to Leon and split him away from the possible soul-sucking demon. She was glad she did not have to start something. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, Lucy-Lou! Her mother used to tell her. She eyed the dog with a sad smile. Was it a stray?

The dog handed Leon a paper and she figured she’d ask why when they weren’t around so many strangers. She perked up and smiled at him at his question, ”Well of course! You’re handsome and delightful.” She smiled and linked arms with him and offered Orland to take the other if he chose. The poor lad had seemed sad when Nur had left his side. She gave him a comforting smile. ”Onward to the next big adventure, gentlemen and miss!” She beamed as if nothing were wrong and there hadn’t been a strange demon getting uncomfortably close to her human. Lucia was dimly aware of the girl grumbling and assumed she wasn’t a dog person. Dogs were great though, and if a dog didn’t trust her, then she didn’t either.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: By a spring, closer to River Port
Interaction: @princess Malachi & @helo Valok

Belladonna considered Valok’s statement to give it a strong name as his words pulled her out of her head finally. She had flashbacking during most of their conversation. She was at a loss for a moment, before she finally stated, ”Okay. I’ll name it Avenger.” She had been a big Marvel fan and of Iron Man specifically, but she knew naming it Iron Man would raise a few eyebrows. Superheroes had always been idols for her. After having no strong parental figures in her childhood, she always yearned for a protector or to be strong enough like them. She had enjoyed sneaking into theatres to watch the movies. Even more enjoyable was the free food Gaia had provided for them.

Malachi’s voice made her look over her shoulder. Belle turned to face him and hadn’t realized she’d been expressing her pain visibly. ”Peachy,” she replied and looked at the owlbear. She tried to set it down but it whined. She sighed and gently moved it beside her. The owlbear clawed at her and raised its arms, but Belle ignored it and beckoned it to walk with her. The owlbear huffed and began to walk alongside her. ”I have some friends I made in Roshmi. I’m hoping to reunite with them. I can describe them to you when we get there I suppose.” Belle attempted a smile, though it never reached her eyes.
”Thank you.”

She glanced down at Avenger and watched him waddle. She managed to snicker and ruffled his head like Gaia had done to her. Avenger looked up at her and pecked her hand gently to show affection. You’re definitely not going to be used in war, little Avenger. You’re going to have a long, happy life from now on.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Gadgets and Conveniences
Interaction: @Helo Leon, @AliveFalling Vaeril, @dreamingflowers Nur, @Funnyguy Darius

Lucia made a silly face in reply to Leon and stuck her tongue out at him playfully. The female she had spoken to was greeting her and she felt a wave of joy wash over her. To her surprise, she even came up to Lucia while letting her know she liked her style. Though Lucia might have not come off as the smartest, it was quite easy to catch on to what Nur’s body language insinuated what the compliment really meant. Lucy grinned sheepishly, though there was a knowing gleam in her eyes. She tossed her hair over her shoulder with a smirk. ”Well. It’s not a frequent style of mine. Usually I’m spoiling others, like my great friend here! I think everyone deserves a nice treat once in a while, don’t cha think? Well anyways. My name’s Lucia! What are your names?”

She eyed Leon and purposely allowed him to introduce himself instead, in case she called him by the wrong name. Her smile was kind and genuine, yet her eyes were holding a caution to them. If he could read her mind, she would be telling him to be cautious and play it cool. This woman, although she didn’t judge, was a demon and not an ordinary one either. She was going to keep a close eye on Leon.

She handed her items to Jordo to get paid for by Vaeril while they were talking. She made a quick mental note to thank him later and help pay for drinks. Maybe she would even hug him if he let her. She turned her attention to the elf who spoke of leaving for the next store. However, she felt rude just leaving this sweet girl mid-conversation along with her male companion, Orland.

”Oh yes! Let’s go check out Odds and Ends maybe. Would you and your friend like to join us, sweetie?” Lucy waited for a reply and shrugged the back off for a moment. Next, she adjusted the sling over her shoulder containing her staff. It briefly poked out and she sighed as she pushed it back in. No way would she lose it! Lucy then pulled the backpack on and grimaced momentarily. It was heavy but she wanted to train to become stronger for the rebellion and refused to complain. They couldn’t have a small fry on their team now could they? ”And we met Vaeril over at the Surfside café, who is such a nice man. Do you know one another?” She eyed Orland and studied him. Red eyes. Her gaze shifted to Leon as she tapped her temples, a mental note of saying: Play it cool but be cautious.

While Lucy appeared calm and bubbly on the outside, on the inside, her mind was racing. Nobody did such nice gestures for others without something in return. Whatever the price may be, she was going to make sure no harm came to Leon and would go down fighting for it if she had too.


Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: By a spring, closer to River Port
Interaction: @princess Malachi & @helo Valok

Malachi and Valok both had answered that the owlbear preferred meat. Pricey little thing, she thought and glanced down at it. However it would be the least she could do for the orphan. It was their fault unfortunately. Belle sighed and scratched its head gently, which made the owlbear hug her tightly. She rubbed its back and looked at the Elves. What said next made her eyes widen in surprise.

Belle stared at Valok, tilting her head to one side with wide eyes. That request had been surprising for her. She could count on one hand the amount of times she’d heard it. Belle reminded herself of the past he spoke of and quickly became neutral. Inside her head, she could hear Gaia talking to her prior to her betrayal…

”If I had to choose between getting caught or dying, I’d choose to go down fighting. Ain't nothin’ death can do worse than snitchin. Do you know what happens to rats, Little Blue?” Belle zoned out as the memory replayed in her mind. As if she’d been stabbed, her breathing became sharp and she fought to stay present. She looked frozen, as if she’d been drenched with ice. "Blue! It’s your fault! You dumbass! Who do you think you're thinking you can just walk out on us and living normally after this? It’s a lifetime Belle it ain’t a pastime. The fuck you think we made you a leader for? You’re gonna be ar at! We told you we’d kill you if you left! Remember what happens to snitches, Blue!”

Belle’s expression fell as pain filled her eyes. She abruptly started to move forward without a word which allowed Malachi to respond. Belle moved Valok off of her gently and to Malachi fully so she could focus on the owlbear and herself. She gritted her teeth and narrowed her gaze.

”You're a rat, Blue! I hope you rot in hell!”

Tell the devil I said hello, bitch. Belle adjusted her grip on the owlbear and continued forward relentlessly.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: By a spring, closer to River Port
Interaction: @princess Malachi & @helo Valok

Belle sighed in relief when the invisibility wore off. She turned to the elves and smirked as she gestured behind them. ”Good times.” Next, she looked at the owlbear who pecked her cheek gently with its beak and whose eyes were filled with grief. The owlbear stared at her while its stomach rumbled and she raised her eyebrows. Belle gently removed herself from Valok for momentary rest and to focus on feeding the owlbear.

”What do they eat?” She adjusted her grip on the owlbear and looked at Malachi and Valok. They would know the best and hopefully could help her care for it. As for Malachi, Belle knew he was likely pissed, but wasn't acknowledging it. She refused to apologize for using her magic or regretting her actions. After all, she had saved his life.

Next, Belle leaned against a tree for a momentary rest. Using her magic in such a large quantity had been difficult. She gritted her teeth and thought to herself, Toughen up, bitch. She readjusted her grip with Valok and moved away from the tree. A smirk painted her lips after Malachi spoke. ”Yeah, hang in there. Don’t die on us, big guy.” She then added with a wry tone and a faint smile. ”Don’t let that bravery be our last memory of the Valiant Valok.”
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