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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: By a spring, closer to River Port
Interaction: @princess Malachi ⋆ @13org Myra ⋆ @helo Valok ⋆ @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Belladonna watched as the bear began choking on her water. She felt pity rise inside of her. To her surprise, Myra came up behind the creature. Myra began viciously attacking it and she raised an eyebrow. ”So you’re cute, but not innocent. Imagine that.” She rolled her eyes and turned away as the owlbear began to die. She wished she hadn’t used her energy to shield the creature now. Clearly she could take care of herself.

Malachi moved to her side and began disinfecting her wound. He put a bandage on it and whispered in her ear to stay close once they started walking. She wondered why, but wasn't able to to wonder long. A cub appeared and began nudging one of the owlbears. Belle sighed heavily as realization dawned on her. ”It’s the lion king all over again,” she muttered and shook her head with dismay. ”It was protecting its territory and cub…” She pinched the bridge of her nose.

Belladonna’s eyes followed Malachi’s gesture, while he was helping Valok. She stared at the owl bear and felt a heaviness fill her chest. Giving a deep sigh to relax herself, she bent down and stared at the owlbear. ”Hi there.” She offered her hand and the owlbear sniffed it. Slowly, the owlbear cub put its paw in her hand. She smiled softly at it. ”This is all scary and new and I know you can’t understand me, but I’m going to take care of you.” Her voice was gentle and soft as she moved her arms toward it. The owlbear tensed; then grief overwhelmed it and it ran up to her. She sighed and picked it up gently, much like a child. The owlbear wrapped its arms around her neck and its claws laid on her back. Belle didn’t know whether or not to laugh, ”It’s okay. I got you, little one.” She moved next to the Elves and smiled faintly, though her eyes were holding a sadness to them.

Belle was grateful for the owlbear, since it allowed her to hide her joy of leaving the wizard-assassin. She pet its head gently and glanced at Myra. The creature, whatever she may be, could take care of herself. Hell, the thing could turn invisible or camouflage. Belle’s worry melted and she nodded to Malachi. ”Thank you.” She whispered to Malachi only for him to hear. Belle moved over to help Malachi with Valok, putting the owlbear down for a moment as she readjusted. It scampered after them as they moved into the woods. Belladonna recollected it in her arms once it moved back up to her and held it in one arm. She did her best to stay quiet as Malachi had asked. Belle kissed the owlbears’ head to help soothe it more and was thankful she had maintained her strength after her gang years. She needed it right now.


Time: Afternoon
Location: Gadgets and Conveniences
Interaction: @Helo Leon, @AliveFalling Vaeril, @dreamingflowers Nur, @Funnyguy Darius

Lucia heard Vaeril state they could browse freely so she followed his instructions. Her gaze moved over the different objects. She kept close to Leon in case he needed help. She gazed at the grumpy storekeeper and frowned. What was wrong with him? She would need to ask him later. Her gaze moved to the more expensive items and grinned.

Lucy eyed the spheres and grinned. It was what princess Risa had used. She took two of them in her arms, a white and a black, and then took one of the standard backpacks they had. She stuffed them inside the bag and grinned as she slumped it over her back. Her gaze went to the location sender next and she picked it up. These would be useful with the rebels coming. The wayfinder would be helpful, so she bought two. Then, she grabbed the travel shelter. She grinned to herself; then squealed with excitement when she found the darksight glasses.

”Oh my gosh!!! I lost one of these YEARS ago and I’m SO glad I found another!” Her voice was louder than usual as she turned to Leon. ”These are the most amazing things in River Port. I know it’s been hard to get here lately but it’s SO cool!” Glee filled her eyes as she turned to the hoverboard. Childish joy filled her as she snatched it quickly. ”Ooooh I love these!!” She jostled the bag onto her back and grinned, despite the weight. It would be good training for her. ”Don’t worry, I got this.” She smirked and patted Leon on the shoulder. ”What say you, handsome?”

She then bought a few necessities; cooking pot, flame starter kit, flask, and water purifier. She bought eye protectors and smirked at Leon. ”Gotta protect these gems, y’know? Can’t shoot blind now can I?” She smirked at him and continued to shop, unaware yet of the others in the shop. Her gaze only saw the items. She bought a hairbrush, pillow, blanket, and the various cleansers. Lucy panted a bit from the weight of her bag but ignored it and grinned like a child on Tirrus. ”This will be all. Thank you!” The total would be 1666 amas. Her gaze turned to Vaeril as both sympathy and joy filled it. She was filled with regret, yet her mind was on the rebels. Perhaps he’d prove to be useful with them then they could share. Next, she turned to Leon with a grin. ”Need help? Don’t let me rush you. Take. Your. Time.” Her voice became soft and earnest for him to only hear.

Lucia then noticed the two other customers in the store. Were they a couple? The woman was gorgeous and Lucia began noticing her features. She waved to them. ”Hi there!! Don’t forget to use birth preventers!” She then started to laugh. ”I’m only kidding. How are you? I LOVE your outfits. Amazing!”

She turned to the shopkeeper and tilted her head to one side. ”Why so sad? Turn that frown upside down mister.” She grinned at him and tickled under his chin, which he blushed at and scowled quickly to try to mask his initial reaction. ”Tell me what’s wrong and who am I beating up?” She kept her gaze focused on Leon and Vaeril as she waited for a response.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Surfside Cafe
Interaction: @helo Leon & @AliveFalling Vaeril

Lucia noticed Leon drumming his fingers, but said nothing of it yet. However, he didn't verbally oppose Vaeril's offer. She nodded when he asked if they wanted to go to Gadgets and Conveniences, returning his smile. Once he left for the washroom, she turned to Leon.

"I know he's weird, but if he's someone to worry about we should find out as much information as possible. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Play it cool and we’ll discuss it later. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”

When Vaeril returned, she smiled at him and nodded excitedly. ”Sure. I know the way. Follow me." She then led the group around the boardwalk and back to the road. Lucia hadn’t noticed the fairy and demihuman fox.


Time: Afternoon
Location: River Kingdom
Interaction: @princess Helio @Tae Azriel @FunnyGuy Umber


Artemis watched Helio with wide eyes. The vines he created were going to go through her. She braced herself for the pain and swallowed. This would hurt unlike anything else, especially coming from Helio. His words and pinch of her cheeks sent waves of fear coursing through her. She shut her eyes so she wouldn’t have to see it. Then, an unexpected noise made her reopen her eyes. Shackles rattling against the ground hadn’t been the sight she expected. It spoke and chills ran down her spine. The voice that spoke belonged to that of Aklenroth. She hadn't thought she’d be thankful for the bastard's intervention, yet here she was, thankful.

Artemis inhaled as she was thrown into her cage. She cursed at the pain, but knew it was better than what had been planned initially. The demon - Umber, telekinetically crunched her cage to make it uncomfortable and cramped. She sighed as she pulled her legs up to her chest. She smoothed her hands over her outfit and sighed. How long would this go on? What had he meant about Azriel and Darius? She couldn't let her mind race and decided to worry about it later. She felt the demon staring at her and stared back at it. Her eyes narrowed but then she turned away. Right now, it had the upper hand and she’d have to play it safe. Artemis sighed and kept her gaze to the floor of her cage. She took several deep breaths and began to think.


Time: Afternoon
Location: Forest outside River Port
Interaction: @helo Cade @Tae Elsea @Alivefalling Ezeri
Mention n/a

Cora listened to Cade, and nodded. He was right. Maybe part of her couldn’t admit she had lost control. She didn’t want to believe she had been careless. The illusion had been too real and raw, and drawn out her worst memory. She sucked in a deep breath and felt Cade’s unspoken words. She remained silent as he continued to speak.

”I’ll be okay for now. The idea of more food sounds delightful… I can’t say I’d eat another rat.” Cora grinned at Cade playfully as she turned to begin walking once more. ”And your friends seem great, Cade. It’ll be great to meet everyone there.” She quickened her pace and began walking with determination and excitement toward the port. Her mind buzzed as she began thinking of her friends and food.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: By a spring, closer to River Port
Interaction: @princess Malachi ⋆ @13org Myra ⋆ @helo Valok ⋆ @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Belle watched as Matthis’ staff turned into a scythe and raised an eyebrow. There was something off about him. She couldn’t place it. If she sensed it then surely Malachi would as well, judging by the glance he had. Whatever; that was a problem for another day. She began to eye her comrades. Her gaze flickered to Malachi who glared at her and she returned it. She wasn’t going to sit here and watch them battle; nobody fought for her but herself. Besides, she was used to being in danger and fighting. If he wanted to bitch her at her, she’d only return the favor.

Next, she watched Valok summoning dark energy and watched with fascination. He answered her on what the creature was and nodded. She eyed it and defensively began raising more shields around the group. Her mind rattled for ideas on how to use her magic. She wished she had her gun. Ugh! Her eyes then turned to Myra who surprisingly vanished from thin air. That was a cute trick, she thought. It didn’t take long to figure out why; another owlbear appeared. The second owlbear grabbed Valok into a bear hug, pecking at his head. Belladonna stared in horror. Malachi took her shoulder and told her to hold the first one off then moved to go rescue Valok.

Belladonna turned to the owlbear in front of her. Her eyes widened as it swiped at her and wasn’t fast enough to move out of the way. She scowled as she held a hand onto her side briefly. It came back red with blood and she glared. This dress was a gift. Anger boiled to the surface as she menacingly glared at the owlbear. She began forming spheres of water around it and focused on one around its head. Her intention was to begin drowning it. Her concentration hadn’t been higher; she wasn’t even sure she was blinking.

Multiple spheres began forming around the owl bear, encasing its hands, legs, and head. The water began to pressurize around it to begin making it difficult to see, hear, or breathe. Drowning was the worst and she knew the agony of it well. She felt herself draining from the effort but refused to give up. Adrenaline was flowing through her veins and God, did she love the feeling.

An idea formed in her mind, though it was reckless. Belle raised her hands as the sound of rushing weather filled the air. She began creating a small wave and ran toward the owlbear. When she was too close in range, she sent a blast of water flying toward the owlbear. Knowing she was close in range for attack, she concentrated on using her water magic to propel herself out of the way. Still, it had taken her a few seconds, despite concentration. Rushing water was the only noise she could hear; she could feel it vibrating around her. She felt every water droplet flowing through her. It was if she was one with the water. She allowed it to graze her side and clean away the blood. She’d have to patch that later and live to hear it from Malachi.

Belle stared around at herself in awe. Water flowed from her hands. Her gaze turned out the owlbear as she glared at it. ”It's a shame you’re cute.” Belle then intensified the pressure of water around it as she stumbled back onto the ground. She stood up with a slight wobble and hadn’t noticed her panting until now. She tried to begin catching her breath. She then raised her arms and formed water spheres around herself for protection.

Belle then turned to watch her results and smoothed her dress down. She couldn’t wait to change into proper fucking clothing and drink mead. Her attention turned to the group and her eyes widened as she kept an eye on the owlbear also. What she saw horrified her and she quickly shouted,”MALACHI! Watch out!!” She turned and shot a blast of water to force Malachi out of the way of the scythe. Belle then turned and created a shield of water around herself protectively with her eyes on both groups. The spheres of water returned, this time protectively shielding Malachi and Valok.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: River Kingdom
Interaction: @princess Helio @Tae Azriel @FunnyGuy Umber


Artemis watched the interaction play out. She watched Helio turn to face her. She froze briefly, and wondered if she had triggered him. She didn’t have time to ponder it; the demon had started speaking. His words caused her to grit her teeth and scowl. Unexpectedly her cage flew open and she was forced to levitate in front of Helio, her arms out to her sides. Horror didn’t describe her emotions. For a moment, she was frozen and unable to breathe. As he twirled her, she began pondering what exactly its powers were. Clearly it had empathy and could it see memories? If so….

Her eyes met Helio’s. She took a deep breath and tried steadying her racing heart. The wails and sobs of the fairies was something she worked to drown out. She couldn't help them, and their deaths would likely be agonizing but swift. They weren’t used to torment like she was. She swallowed and began to compel herself to relax. The sooner this was over with, the better, and not only for her sake. She stared at Helio, not allowing herself to tear up or show her emotions. Despite her breathing, she was scowling.

This demon - no, atrocity… It was going to force Helio, despite being out of his mind, to torture her. And if he messed up…. Artemis shuddered, then took another deep breath and fought off looming traumatic memories. She stared into Helio and blinked a few times to clear her mind and then compelled him.

You will make sure to do a good job, enough to prove yourself. Do not let my reaction deter you. Do this, Helio.’ Artemis shut her eyes to hide her pupils dilating and reopened them once they were regular again. She swallowed and braced herself for pain of any kind. Whatever they threw at her would be hideous. These were Aklenroth’s goons after all, and this demon seemed to specialize in torture. She had to survive long enough for….

Artemis felt the corners of her mouth twitch and awaited whatever hellish fate would come.


Time: Afternoon
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade @Tae Elsea @Alivefalling Ezeri
Mention n/a

Cora turned to Cade as he apologized to her. Her expression lit up and she felt tears forming in her eyes. She stopped petting the unicorn and came over to Cade. Once there, she pulled him into a gentle, unexpected hug and then let go. ”Thank you Cade. I am so, so sorry. I didn’t lose control. I thought I was fighting off someone and got carried away in the illusion. I promise I won’t let it happen again.” She paused and wiped her eyes, then continued. ”I’m going to make sure I master my control though.”

She moved away from Cade and stared at Ezeri. She laughed with amusement. Ezeri had climbed onto the unicorn and her imp on its head. She petted the unicorn once more and began heading forward. She wasn’t sure how to respond, so she instead allowed Elsea to reply. Thankfully her response was elusive yet honest enough. She nodded in agreement and turned to glance over her shoulder. ”How close are we, Cade?” She felt joy rise inside of her. She was one step closer to reuniting with Kenia, Malachi and Rei! Cora’s eyes were bright as she added, ”And plenty of other people too, Ezeri. All kinds of people you can befriend.”


Time: Afternoon
Location: Surfside Cafe
Interaction: @helo Leon & @AliveFalling Vaeril

Lucia listened to Leon and folded her hands. He seemed nervous, but why? She would have to find out later. She listened as Vaeril spoke. He grew up there too? She wondered if she had run into his family. Silence followed after a brief pause while she was deep in thought. Then, she offered a friendly smile.

”Works for me. Thank you so much! What about you Frodo?” She glanced at him and nonchalantly taped her fingers against her temple. It was a secret code she had developed with him asking if he was okay. She turned to glance at Vaeril as she adjusted her grip on her staff. ”Very nice of you, sir. We appreciate your kindness.” Lucy waited for Leon’s confirmation. Her gut was telling her otherwise and she knew to trust it. However…. Her gaze flickered to Vaeril. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Elleta appear and disappear as quickly as she’d come. For a moment, Lucy hadn’t been sure she had even been there. She resisted the urge to chuckle.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Surfside Cafe
Interaction: @helo Leon & @AliveFalling Vaeril

Lucy smiled when he joined them. She studied his expression and body language. Her eyes narrowed, but she maintained a pleasant expression on her face. ”I am from the Moon Elf Kingdom. It’s quite beautiful." Lucy smiled as she ate in between answering. ”I lived with my f-... parents... and uhm, I had your basic Light Elf childhood. What about you?” She hesitated, then continued as if nothing had happened. She kept her eyes on him.

”Did you attend the Roshmi ball?” She stacked her plates together to indicate she finished her food. She swallowed as she mentioned it. Elleta and the others had told her of the horrors they had witnessed; including the death of Rosemary. Lucy chewed her lip for a minute and processed her emotions. Leon needed her right now, so Lucy took a deep breath and steadied herself. She prepped her brain top pronounce his false name. It sounded foreign to her, but she didn't let it show. ”Frodo, how’s your food?” She turned to her companion and took his hand to gently squeeze it reassuringly.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: Forest near Coast/Creek
Interaction: @princess Malachi ⋆ @13org Myra ⋆ @helo Valok ⋆ @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Belle had been silently listening to the others conversing. She had kept her comments to herself. They had a fighting pit here. What was this, the fucking Hunger Games? What was Daka Island? It didn’t seem like a lovely place to be, considering the way the two spoke. Then Valok lifted his shirt to show his scar and Belle had turned to look. Eyebrows raised, she thought about mentioning the few she’d picked up from her days with the Hunters. She had some on her ankles and on her back. Jumping through a shattered window hadn’t been her proudest moment, but she’d evaded police out of her craziness.

Smirking, she turned away. There weren’t many ways to cover it up without giving it away. She stood up and watched as Malachi approached Myra to remove some dirt. She turned away, but then the creature was moving in her peripheral vision. Belle turned to watch her smile then point at her and smirked. ”Smiling isn’t my forte.” She told the girl and then frowned as she became alert. It didn’t take them long to find out why. A giant bear-owl hybrid thing was coming at them. It roared and caused Belle to make a face. Did it have to roar that loud? She inhaled as it swiped at with its giant ass paw and backflipped out of the way and back onto her feet with surprising agility. She stood up and glowered at it. What the hell is that thing? Belle bit her lip and hesitated. It was huge and had claws and large beady eyes. Its’ paw was enough to kill her. She would have to make sure she stayed a safe distance away from it so she wasn't injured.

”Alright bitch, you want to do this the hard way or the easy way?” She didn't wait for Malachi to toss her the bow; she wasn’t waiting around for anyone. The group's life was endangered and her own. Besides, he was likely going to be better with it than her. It was new to her and they didn't have time to try shooting it. This meant she'd have to use her damn magic and reveal herself. She raised her hands and water began rising from the creek around them. Droplets of water surrounded the group as shields began forming around half the group. She was concentrating on more but it was proving difficult. Myra was shielded, but she couldn’t tell who else had it. Her gaze wasn’t moving from the owlbear.

”I usually cut corners and do things the easy way but something tells me you’re not going to do that.” Belle scowled at the owlbear. She raised her hands higher and began forming more droplets around herself to begin creating multiple spheres of water. It was challenging and she was quickly becoming frustrated with her power. She took a few deep breaths. Be one with the water. she told herself. Water is all around you. You have an advantage here. She smirked as she began concentrating harder, not wanting to die a lousy death to this weird hybrid.

”You need a fucking mint.” she told the owlbear angrily and picked up a few stones from the creek. She then whipped it at the bear and aimed for its eyes. ”What the hell is this thing?”
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning > Afternoon
Location: River Kingdom Forest
Interaction: @princess Helio ~ @Tae Azriel ~ @FunnyGuy Umber

Music: Dearly Beloved

Artemis sat in her cage, unable to look up. Not even when a dark elf suddenly poured water into her cage out of a bucket, filling the bottom with it. Her eyes were glued to the metal floor. She thought she’d felt despair before, but nothing could beat how bad she felt now. River had stolen her freedom and youth. This was much worse. Artemis watched as darkness overwhelmed the forest and looked up with confusion. Was Helio doing something?

As she watched, the floating demon from Aklenroth’s castle emerged. Oh great, She thought bitterly and looked away. She had felt its four eyes watching her. I bet this son of a bitch helped torture Helio. Her heart broke as she thought of it again. She felt savage rage fill her then quickly drain. The cage suddenly rattled and she flinched, looking around in confusion. Artemis gritted her teeth as she listened to it urge Helio on to create more fear. It confirmed her suspicions.

If the situation couldn’t become any worse, it did. The demihuman, the demon’s friend or seemed past, joined. Her greeting was rather cold to the demon. She wondered if the two of them had a falling out and wondered if she could use it to her advantage since neither had acknowledged each other yet. She sighed as she adjusted her position and watched as the insane demi threw two fairies down. With her luck, she’d recognize them too. Thankfully she didn’t, which made her feel slightly better. The boy’s tongue was cut out and then the fairies hands.

Fantastic. She thought sarcastically as she looked away and blinked to erase the memory from her mind. It’s as if I’m back on Daka Island. She shut her eyes as tears streamed down her face which she blinked away. Not even River’s repeated abuses or assaults had made her feel this much despair. Things seemed so bleak that she was starting to feel numb. Her only hope was that somehow she could help Helio or end his suffering at the least.

A memory tugged at her mind, and she absentmindedly began humming the tune to a waltz. It had been her comfort when she’d been River’s prisoner. The forest around her became distant. She was quiet and lost in her memory.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Surfside Cafe
Interaction: @helo Leon & @AliveFalling Aklenroth

Lucia stared at Leon when he used the phrase ‘lightyears’. What was that? She shrugged it off figuring it had to do with space. She watched as a dark-haired woman practically threw herself on another beachgoer. She watched with curiosity and chuckled.

“Sorry it’s just, really important to me and I’m worried someone might try to steal it.” She then grinned at his next comment. Lucy paused as she ate and the unanswered once finished. ”She’s around 700 years old, give or take a few years. No, but we can live up to 1,500 years. In case the of Aklenroth, he’s well past that.” Her voice was hushed and then she grinned. ”By the way, I’m 120. That’s young for an elf and if anyone asks you, I’d say you’re around that age. Okay?” She flipped her hair dramatically and turned as a newcomer’s voice reached her ears. Lucia listened as he introduced himself and inquired about her staff.

”Hi there! Nice to meet you, I’m Lucia.” She grabbed the staff, eyes narrowed but a friendly smile upon her face. ”My parents gave it to me.” She tried to hide the edge of sadness in her voice and remain cheerful. Lucy pushed it out of her mind and asked him, ”Would you like to join us, Mr. Vaeril?”

Time: Afternoon
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade @Tae Elsea @Alivefalling Ezeri
Mention n/a

Cora had slept soundlessly that night. The illusion had left her feeling mixed. She wasn’t going to dwell on it though; Elsea and Cade, plus their new companions, would need her. Still, the deer caused her to feel empty inside along with Cade’s coldness. Nonetheless, Elsea’s friendship had provided her with the company she needed. Cora hadn’t told her what she’d seen. It wasn’t the right time and she didn’t want to waste time. Cora sighed and was appreciative of the break they had. She used it to lay down and sleep soundlessly. The tension inside of her was gone - it was if the bubble of hatred and rage she had for Linnet had finally burst.

The next morning she awoke and remained as quiet. Cade presented her a spear which she appreciated and had taken graciously. He had also brought her fruit this time and she was very grateful. Cora thoroughly enjoyed it and was glad not to be eating a rat again. She had endurance, but the long walking was becoming cumbersome. She used it as a walking stick and kept her tiredness to herself. Upon their travels, Cade urged them to stay back. Cora held her spear tight, not wanting to use fire again. Alarmed, she watched and then relaxed once he beckoned them closer. Standing by a river was a unicorn! She stared with shock and joy as she stared at the creature. They existed. She watched as Ezeri approached it and felt the alarm come back. Thankfully the woman managed to tame it. Next, she waved them forward. Ezeri started to talk all of a sudden after being very quiet. It was endearing and made Cora smile. The woman seemed to have had a lonely life.

Elsea was first to bound forward, quivering with excitement. Cora grinned and then hesitated. She set the spear down for good measure and then approached it slowly. She listened to Elsea and stared at the two women with a faint smile. ”That’s amazing, Elsea, and thank you Ezeri for allowing us to be able and to pet it.” She stroked the mane and turned to Ezeri. ”I am glad to have you in our company.” She offered her a smile and turned back to the unicorn. ”I can’t believe I’m actually seeing this.” She laughed as she faced Cade. ”How common are they in Avalia?”
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Lucia’s Residence > Surfside Cafe
Interaction: @helo Leon

When Leon mentioned going into town after needing to repair the fira, she nodded in agreement. There were cafes all over the beach. She particularly enjoyed the Surfside Café. It had the most delicious sandwiches in Avalia. She’d order them every time she’d come here with her parents. She grinned with excitement and jumped up quickly. The move may have surprised Leon and taken him aback. She was brimming with unbound energy and excitement now. Her eyes were shining with joy as she turned to face him. ”Your wish is my command! I know the perfect spot!” She grabbed her staff and spun it with glee. ”Oh, you’ll love this place! Just don’t tinker with anything alright? We don’t know who else is here and what side they may be on. You can do this okay? I believe in you!” Lucia patted his back and then turned to face the house. Elleta was leaning out the window, having been listening. ”We’re going to the Surfside Café. I’ll bring you leftovers!”

Twenty minutes later, they were now dining at the Surfside Café. It was a moderately pricey Cafe, mainly adorned with fish on the menu. It had indoor seating and outdoor, which was what Lucy chose. She could survey the beach and everyone else on it and know when to duck in case trouble lurked. The outdoor seating had umbrellas if anyone needed them, and was adorned with flowers in vases at every table. The colors were beachy: mainly blues, green and tan hues. It was perfect to Lucia. There were other Avalians there, though not too many that it didn't bother Lucy. They sat away from others to be safe and were in the shade too. She held open her menu and pretended to be examining it. With the waiter gone, she began whispering to Leon what the items were on the menu. She helped him pick out something if he needed it, and then ordered for herself.

She held her staff beside her and had scowled at anyone who came near it. She adjusted her quiver of arrows on her back and smiled at him. ”So. Are you excited to meet the others?” She began tapping her fingers on the table and glanced around. She saw a tall male elf on the beach along with two others farther down. She wondered if they were allies or foes, but didn’t bother to question it more. Right now, her responsibility was protecting Leon. She’d have to assess everyone before proceeding.

Lucia smiled calmly at Leon. ”I have faith that you can fix the fira later, by the way. We’ll be better off too once the rest of the family joins us.” She was speaking in code in case there were any goes around. ”Elle will know who to look for; but don’t tell her I told you this, she’s a really old woman. She seems to know too many people.” She giggled and brought her finger to her lips, as if having dropped juicy gossip that could land her in hot water. ”That’s between you and me!” She turned to find the waiter approaching with their food. She gasped with excitement and began digging into her food abruptly. She glanced at Leon as she ate her sandwich and pasta, along with some fruit on the side. It was safe to say the girl had an appetite. ”Do you like your meal?” She inquired, tilting her head to one side after chewing and swallowing her food. The food was so delicious. ”We can search for others after this too. I wonder who those people are on the beach. We can assess them before proceeding to join them. How does that sound? She continued eating while waiting for his response.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: Cave
Interaction: @princess Malachi | @13org Myra | @helo Valok | @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Belle had slept lightly, having jumped at the slightest of noises. She was farther from the others in her makeshift tent. She’d taken sticks and tied them together with vines. Next, she found moss and spread it out on the bottom. She’d taken big leaves and tied them around her sticks. It gave her privacy and some comfort not to sleep on the bare ground. Belle stared at the cave around her with a sigh. She’d slept on worse before so this wasn’t awful. Still, she had been hcilly, and wished they could have built a fire. She was close to the coast and hopefully finding Torvi and Bowyn. She couldn’t wait to find them again and wondered why the warmth inside of her felt confusing.

Once the others were awake, they had started their journey again. Belle followed them quietly, not making conversation. She glanced at the spring and wished she could play with the water. She wanted to practice her magic, but couldn't, and it frustrated her. She remained silent to allow the others to finish before speaking herself. She bent down in order to procrastinate replying. With a sigh, she began scooping water and using it to wash her face a little. Next, she began drinking it and assessed it in her hands. It was clean, she could tell. It was also refreshingly cold. She sighed as she finished and stood up. She glanced at the other two to reply.

”Same as Malachi.” Her response was short and sweet. Her eyes scanned the woods as she studied everything. The back of her mind tugged at a distant memory she refused to feed into. She sat down briefly near the creek and watched the fish swimming beneath the water’s surface. She sighed to hide her irritation.
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