
Time: Afternoon, Day 2
Location: By a spring, closer to River Port
Interaction: @princess Malachi ⋆ @13org Myra ⋆ @helo Valok ⋆ @Eviledd1984 O'ner
Location: By a spring, closer to River Port
Interaction: @princess Malachi ⋆ @13org Myra ⋆ @helo Valok ⋆ @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Belladonna watched as the bear began choking on her water. She felt pity rise inside of her. To her surprise, Myra came up behind the creature. Myra began viciously attacking it and she raised an eyebrow. ”So you’re cute, but not innocent. Imagine that.” She rolled her eyes and turned away as the owlbear began to die. She wished she hadn’t used her energy to shield the creature now. Clearly she could take care of herself.
Malachi moved to her side and began disinfecting her wound. He put a bandage on it and whispered in her ear to stay close once they started walking. She wondered why, but wasn't able to to wonder long. A cub appeared and began nudging one of the owlbears. Belle sighed heavily as realization dawned on her. ”It’s the lion king all over again,” she muttered and shook her head with dismay. ”It was protecting its territory and cub…” She pinched the bridge of her nose.
Belladonna’s eyes followed Malachi’s gesture, while he was helping Valok. She stared at the owl bear and felt a heaviness fill her chest. Giving a deep sigh to relax herself, she bent down and stared at the owlbear. ”Hi there.” She offered her hand and the owlbear sniffed it. Slowly, the owlbear cub put its paw in her hand. She smiled softly at it. ”This is all scary and new and I know you can’t understand me, but I’m going to take care of you.” Her voice was gentle and soft as she moved her arms toward it. The owlbear tensed; then grief overwhelmed it and it ran up to her. She sighed and picked it up gently, much like a child. The owlbear wrapped its arms around her neck and its claws laid on her back. Belle didn’t know whether or not to laugh, ”It’s okay. I got you, little one.” She moved next to the Elves and smiled faintly, though her eyes were holding a sadness to them.
Belle was grateful for the owlbear, since it allowed her to hide her joy of leaving the wizard-assassin. She pet its head gently and glanced at Myra. The creature, whatever she may be, could take care of herself. Hell, the thing could turn invisible or camouflage. Belle’s worry melted and she nodded to Malachi. ”Thank you.” She whispered to Malachi only for him to hear. Belle moved over to help Malachi with Valok, putting the owlbear down for a moment as she readjusted. It scampered after them as they moved into the woods. Belladonna recollected it in her arms once it moved back up to her and held it in one arm. She did her best to stay quiet as Malachi had asked. Belle kissed the owlbears’ head to help soothe it more and was thankful she had maintained her strength after her gang years. She needed it right now.

Time: Afternoon
Location: Gadgets and Conveniences
Interaction: @Helo Leon, @AliveFalling Vaeril, @dreamingflowers Nur, @Funnyguy Darius
Location: Gadgets and Conveniences
Interaction: @Helo Leon, @AliveFalling Vaeril, @dreamingflowers Nur, @Funnyguy Darius

Lucia heard Vaeril state they could browse freely so she followed his instructions. Her gaze moved over the different objects. She kept close to Leon in case he needed help. She gazed at the grumpy storekeeper and frowned. What was wrong with him? She would need to ask him later. Her gaze moved to the more expensive items and grinned.
Lucy eyed the spheres and grinned. It was what princess Risa had used. She took two of them in her arms, a white and a black, and then took one of the standard backpacks they had. She stuffed them inside the bag and grinned as she slumped it over her back. Her gaze went to the location sender next and she picked it up. These would be useful with the rebels coming. The wayfinder would be helpful, so she bought two. Then, she grabbed the travel shelter. She grinned to herself; then squealed with excitement when she found the darksight glasses.
”Oh my gosh!!! I lost one of these YEARS ago and I’m SO glad I found another!” Her voice was louder than usual as she turned to Leon. ”These are the most amazing things in River Port. I know it’s been hard to get here lately but it’s SO cool!” Glee filled her eyes as she turned to the hoverboard. Childish joy filled her as she snatched it quickly. ”Ooooh I love these!!” She jostled the bag onto her back and grinned, despite the weight. It would be good training for her. ”Don’t worry, I got this.” She smirked and patted Leon on the shoulder. ”What say you, handsome?”
She then bought a few necessities; cooking pot, flame starter kit, flask, and water purifier. She bought eye protectors and smirked at Leon. ”Gotta protect these gems, y’know? Can’t shoot blind now can I?” She smirked at him and continued to shop, unaware yet of the others in the shop. Her gaze only saw the items. She bought a hairbrush, pillow, blanket, and the various cleansers. Lucy panted a bit from the weight of her bag but ignored it and grinned like a child on Tirrus. ”This will be all. Thank you!” The total would be 1666 amas. Her gaze turned to Vaeril as both sympathy and joy filled it. She was filled with regret, yet her mind was on the rebels. Perhaps he’d prove to be useful with them then they could share. Next, she turned to Leon with a grin. ”Need help? Don’t let me rush you. Take. Your. Time.” Her voice became soft and earnest for him to only hear.
Lucia then noticed the two other customers in the store. Were they a couple? The woman was gorgeous and Lucia began noticing her features. She waved to them. ”Hi there!! Don’t forget to use birth preventers!” She then started to laugh. ”I’m only kidding. How are you? I LOVE your outfits. Amazing!”
She turned to the shopkeeper and tilted her head to one side. ”Why so sad? Turn that frown upside down mister.” She grinned at him and tickled under his chin, which he blushed at and scowled quickly to try to mask his initial reaction. ”Tell me what’s wrong and who am I beating up?” She kept her gaze focused on Leon and Vaeril as she waited for a response.