Time: Morning > Afternoon Location: Healing Center > River Kingdom Forest
Interaction: n/a

”Asher and Flower, what time is it? And why is the sun so bright?” She yawned. The Healing Center had a few private rooms that connected to a bathroom, which is where Artemis had slept to rejuvenate herself. She frowned when there wasn’t a response. Maybe they had patients to take care of and that’s why they weren’t responding. As she entered the room, she breathed a sigh of relief. They were both lying in separate chairs with blankets over them. ”Oh you’re both asleep. Long day you had, huh?” She laughed as she approached them both. ”Typical fairies, sleeping the day away.” There was no response still. Ashy and Flower were sleeping hard, weren’t they? Did the Healing Center tire them out that much? By the looks of it, there hadn’t been that many patients last night. "Guys wake up. It's time to eat breakfast - your favorite meal of the day!" It was true. She had spent enough time eating breakfast with them and not eating until evening, having been stuffed. She had been looking forward to it with them.
Artemis tilted her head to one side and swallowed. She glanced outside and saw the day had started hours sooner. How long had she been asleep…? She went over to the cup of water she’d drank the night previously and sniffed it. She recoiled as a foul smell reached her nostrils. What the…? Why did it smell like Klura? She had slept 12 hours. Who had given her that drug? Her heart began racing as she stared at her companions. They had glasses beside them as well. She went over and began inspecting them as well. It didn’t smell the same as her’s. On top of that, the room smelled horrible. What was going on? Artemis spoke louder as panic filled her. ”Ashy and Flower, wake up.” She went over when there wasn’t a response. They hadn’t moved even a millimeter. Her breathing hitched as she shook Flower’s shoulder.
Still nothing, and then her head rolled forward. Artemis inhaled and jumped back with shock. Blood began pouring out of her mouth. What was worse was that she now noticed that Flower’s eyes were gone. Where her eye sockets should be was the word ‘treacherous whore’ carved into them. Artemis inhaled sharply and bit back a sharp scream of horror. She watched as the blood soaked the blanket. She slowly reached forward and let out a soft cry of horror. Carved all over Flower’s body was the word ‘traitor’, ‘cunt’, and ‘slut’. Tears filled her eyes as she turned to face Asher. Artemis had to confirm what she thought she already knew. She slowly moved over to him. Gasping for air, Artemis pulled the blanket back and shrieked. The same fate had been given to him as well. The words ‘whore’, ‘traitor’, and ‘bitch’, were written all over him too. He was soaked in blood as well. His eyeballs were gone as well.
Artemis began hyperventilating and crying, falling to her knees. Who had done this? Why had they killed these precious fairies? She gripped her dress as she wailed and then punched the ground. She felt as if she were being strangled. Shock overwhelmed her and she turned to her side and vomited. The room began to spin around her and caused her to lose her balance. She let out a pained scream of grief and horror. Gasping for air, she pushed herself up and scrambled out of the room. She could hardly see in front of her as she ran through the Healing Center. Beside her were beds filled with lifeless, motionless fairies and elves. She thought she was dreaming. This was a nightmare. It couldn’t be real. What monster had killed them…? Was River nearby? Was he responsible? He did enjoy torturing fairies…
Artemis burst out of the Healing Center and tripped over the entrance. She fell to her feet and caused a ruckus. To her horror, there was a bevy of Dark Elves. ”Oh no... Oh no…” She whispered and tried to stand and move away, but they had noticed her. There were fairies all over, none moving to aid her however. They looked horrified as well. ”SHIT!” She turned and spirited away, wiping at her tears. She gulped for air and began compelling herself to calm down. It was an aid she didn’t use often in fear of warping her mind too far. Right now though, it was necessary. She took several deep breaths and inhaled as arrows flew passed her. She cried out as one hit her ankle and she hissed as she stumbled.
”Fuck.” Her voice was quiet as she darted behind a clearing filled with trees and bushes. She found a particularly large tree and jumped behind it. Quieting her breathing, she held her breath and heard the Dark Elves race passed her. She curled up tighter into her ball and listened to them chattering. Her gaze moved to her ankle, which was throbbing. Thorns pierced her skin all over but she was numb to it. She shut her eyes and willed herself to remain silent. To her relief, they passed her, but were ruthlessly destroying the forest in search of her. So much for preserving it, she thought bitterly. Silent as the grave, which she wished she was in currently, Artemis waited. It felt like forever until she finally climbed out of the bushes. The sun had moved overhead, basking the forest in sunlight. She glanced at the forest and guessed it had turned into afternoon now. Her pursuers were long gone.
Nearby, she heard a stream. Still, she had to be careful, as the blood from her ankle would only dirty the river. She glanced down at her dress and ripped a piece of the fabric off. She then gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. It would hurt, but she had to remain silent, or it would all be for not. She pulled the ankle out and breathed in and out deeply. Pain blinded her but she continued. Once it was out, she stored it in her pocket. She’d carve the Dark Elves with it if she found them. For a few minutes she applied pressure to it. Next, she bandaged her ankle and made sure it was tight enough to stop the bleeding.
Sighing, she looked in the direction of the stream. Quietly, she began to crawl toward it, willing herself to quit shaking. She knew they would search the river, so she had to remain inconspicuous. She transformed her legs into her tail and took off swimming, making sure to stay in the shadows and move in the opposite direction of her pursuers. Tears threatened, but didn’t flow. Artemis felt numb as she swam through the stream and in the direction of Port River.