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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning > Afternoon
Location: Healing Center > River Kingdom Forest
Interaction: n/a

Sunlight burst into the window and blinded Artemis. She forced her eyes open and blinked rapidly to clear the dots in her vision. Why was the sun so damn bright? After they defeated the lich, they needed to have a war on the sun. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. Her arms hit the tub beside her and she chuckled. ”Oops.” She pushed herself up. Water splashed around her as she stood up. Cracks sounded as her tail transformed into her legs. She reached for her clothes on the chair near the tub. At the same time, her hair blinded her and she let out a quiet growl. This wasn’t going at all how she wanted it to. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail with her seashell clip and sighed in relief. Finally, at least now that wasn’t in her eyes. She quickly dressed and moved into the other room. She looked around, but didn’t see her companions. She glanced at the adjacent room and rubbed her eyes. She had never understood fairies and the need for open windows and no curtains.

”Asher and Flower, what time is it? And why is the sun so bright?” She yawned. The Healing Center had a few private rooms that connected to a bathroom, which is where Artemis had slept to rejuvenate herself. She frowned when there wasn’t a response. Maybe they had patients to take care of and that’s why they weren’t responding. As she entered the room, she breathed a sigh of relief. They were both lying in separate chairs with blankets over them. ”Oh you’re both asleep. Long day you had, huh?” She laughed as she approached them both. ”Typical fairies, sleeping the day away.” There was no response still. Ashy and Flower were sleeping hard, weren’t they? Did the Healing Center tire them out that much? By the looks of it, there hadn’t been that many patients last night. "Guys wake up. It's time to eat breakfast - your favorite meal of the day!" It was true. She had spent enough time eating breakfast with them and not eating until evening, having been stuffed. She had been looking forward to it with them.

Artemis tilted her head to one side and swallowed. She glanced outside and saw the day had started hours sooner. How long had she been asleep…? She went over to the cup of water she’d drank the night previously and sniffed it. She recoiled as a foul smell reached her nostrils. What the…? Why did it smell like Klura? She had slept 12 hours. Who had given her that drug? Her heart began racing as she stared at her companions. They had glasses beside them as well. She went over and began inspecting them as well. It didn’t smell the same as her’s. On top of that, the room smelled horrible. What was going on? Artemis spoke louder as panic filled her. ”Ashy and Flower, wake up.” She went over when there wasn’t a response. They hadn’t moved even a millimeter. Her breathing hitched as she shook Flower’s shoulder.

Still nothing, and then her head rolled forward. Artemis inhaled and jumped back with shock. Blood began pouring out of her mouth. What was worse was that she now noticed that Flower’s eyes were gone. Where her eye sockets should be was the word ‘treacherous whore’ carved into them. Artemis inhaled sharply and bit back a sharp scream of horror. She watched as the blood soaked the blanket. She slowly reached forward and let out a soft cry of horror. Carved all over Flower’s body was the word ‘traitor’, ‘cunt’, and ‘slut’. Tears filled her eyes as she turned to face Asher. Artemis had to confirm what she thought she already knew. She slowly moved over to him. Gasping for air, Artemis pulled the blanket back and shrieked. The same fate had been given to him as well. The words ‘whore’, ‘traitor’, and ‘bitch’, were written all over him too. He was soaked in blood as well. His eyeballs were gone as well.

Artemis began hyperventilating and crying, falling to her knees. Who had done this? Why had they killed these precious fairies? She gripped her dress as she wailed and then punched the ground. She felt as if she were being strangled. Shock overwhelmed her and she turned to her side and vomited. The room began to spin around her and caused her to lose her balance. She let out a pained scream of grief and horror. Gasping for air, she pushed herself up and scrambled out of the room. She could hardly see in front of her as she ran through the Healing Center. Beside her were beds filled with lifeless, motionless fairies and elves. She thought she was dreaming. This was a nightmare. It couldn’t be real. What monster had killed them…? Was River nearby? Was he responsible? He did enjoy torturing fairies…

Artemis burst out of the Healing Center and tripped over the entrance. She fell to her feet and caused a ruckus. To her horror, there was a bevy of Dark Elves. ”Oh no... Oh no…” She whispered and tried to stand and move away, but they had noticed her. There were fairies all over, none moving to aid her however. They looked horrified as well. ”SHIT!” She turned and spirited away, wiping at her tears. She gulped for air and began compelling herself to calm down. It was an aid she didn’t use often in fear of warping her mind too far. Right now though, it was necessary. She took several deep breaths and inhaled as arrows flew passed her. She cried out as one hit her ankle and she hissed as she stumbled.

”Fuck.” Her voice was quiet as she darted behind a clearing filled with trees and bushes. She found a particularly large tree and jumped behind it. Quieting her breathing, she held her breath and heard the Dark Elves race passed her. She curled up tighter into her ball and listened to them chattering. Her gaze moved to her ankle, which was throbbing. Thorns pierced her skin all over but she was numb to it. She shut her eyes and willed herself to remain silent. To her relief, they passed her, but were ruthlessly destroying the forest in search of her. So much for preserving it, she thought bitterly. Silent as the grave, which she wished she was in currently, Artemis waited. It felt like forever until she finally climbed out of the bushes. The sun had moved overhead, basking the forest in sunlight. She glanced at the forest and guessed it had turned into afternoon now. Her pursuers were long gone.

Nearby, she heard a stream. Still, she had to be careful, as the blood from her ankle would only dirty the river. She glanced down at her dress and ripped a piece of the fabric off. She then gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. It would hurt, but she had to remain silent, or it would all be for not. She pulled the ankle out and breathed in and out deeply. Pain blinded her but she continued. Once it was out, she stored it in her pocket. She’d carve the Dark Elves with it if she found them. For a few minutes she applied pressure to it. Next, she bandaged her ankle and made sure it was tight enough to stop the bleeding.

Sighing, she looked in the direction of the stream. Quietly, she began to crawl toward it, willing herself to quit shaking. She knew they would search the river, so she had to remain inconspicuous. She transformed her legs into her tail and took off swimming, making sure to stay in the shadows and move in the opposite direction of her pursuers. Tears threatened, but didn’t flow. Artemis felt numb as she swam through the stream and in the direction of Port River.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Day Two


Time: Afternoon
Location: Port 10, Lucia’s Residence
Interaction: @helo Leon

The port was unusually busy, hustling with citizens going about their business of the day. Above her, seagulls cried and squawked as they searched for food. The salty, yet delicious air, filled her nostrils, filling her with warmth and joy. To her right the ocean waves crashed and pulled back, taunting the kids playing by its edges. Her eyes were gleaming with joy as she watched. The children, mainly elves, were laughing and playing as they should be. They didn’t have to worry or care about the world. That was how it should be - carefree, happy and having fun with anyone and everyone. It was this dream and vision that had pushed her through the toughest times of her life: leaving her family, the ones who had cared and loved her, had groomed her to hate Aklenroth, and to fight for the future of Avalia. It was who she was now, and she wasn’t going to look back on it.

Lucia turned to her companion, a human named Leon. She had found him the night the DROMS had been activated. Despite being delayed by her Dark Elf squad’s death, she hadn’t let it deter her from searching for humans. She had to. What would happen if the other side scooped them up? What if they had been tortured? Lucy had searched day and night in the woods and near Roshmi. She had asked Elleta to help her find them. Of course the elven woman had been searching herself until disappearing to the Golden Death. That night, Lucy had her silver-gray stallion, Moonlight, searching with her. She’d been on the brink of wanting to give up, before telling herself that was ridiculous, when she’d found Leon.

The fire sparked in her, creating a wildfire. She’d been caring for him and shielding him ever since. With her fortune of amas, she’d bought him clothes, food and provided shelter. They had been staying in a hideout she’d created in the woods to sneak away with her friends. She trained him with his magic and how to defend himself, and how to blend into the light elf community. It proved to be difficult, but she’d not let it deter her. He seemed to tinker with anything and everything, for some reason. Lucy had let him play with her staff and bow, under supervision. She’d given him pieces and parts of her armor as well and to make something of his own with it. He was not going to get injured on her watch, that was for sure. She’d also asked him about Earth, what it was like and where he had come from. Lucy had been fascinated and enjoyed hearing it, hanging onto every word.

Once the ball had been announced, Lucia had immediately rejected the idea of going. It was nothing but a trap and she wasn’t allowing her human or self to get involved in it. The news of rebels meeting at port ten had been her interest. She had left with Leon that day on horseback. She didn’t allow them to delay and had packed food and water. She’d been stacked with weapons as well. Throughout the day and night, they arrived prior to everyone else. She’d bought them a home to stay in as well. It was plain and ordinary, as she preferred. It didn’t stand out and it was enough room for the two of them. It stood upon a hill overlooking the sea and port. Elleta and her allies, Morgayne and Regulus, had been staying there as well as an extra layer of security. They had asked about a blonde girl named Belle, and her companions Torvi and Bowyn, but Lucy had told her she didn’t know them or see them. Still, she continued to be on the lookout for them. Right now, Lucia was sitting outside by the home, eying the scenery. So far, so good. She didn’t see anything suspicious but wasn’t allowing her guard to drop. She glanced at the satchel beside her and turned to face Leon. Her staff laid beside her as well.

”Are you hungry? I grabbed some fruits and can prepare a meal for you if you’re hungry. I know this world is strange and unusual for you. Let me know.” She smiled at him sweetly and leaned back with a sigh. ”This port is so peaceful. I love coming here. I used to come here with my parents, for trading and bartering. Something I’m unusually good at. Weird, isn't it?” She giggled and smoothed her pants down as she twirled an arrow in her hands. ”Once the night has come, we can continue practicing your magic if you’d like or training, or just relax. Either way, I’m good with it. Your needs are my concern, so let me hear it.” She grinned at him as she tilted her head back to look at him, a goofy grin on her face and in her eyes. Her arms were behind her to hold her balance. She’d proved to be an oddball of the Elven community, that was a given. Lucy waited for a response and hoped she’d make him laugh with her antics.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade | @Tae Elsea | @Alivefalling - Ezeri
Mention n/a

Corvina gritted her teeth in response to Cade’s words. She let out a few breaths to calm down and ignored him. His disappointment was irritating and unnecessary, and she knew they’d be glad she had fire ready in case this woman had been malicious. The fire extinguished from her hands and then she squeezed Elsea’s hand. Her words of comfort were kind and she appreciated her. She listened to Ezeri with some fascination, then walked around quietly to stand where Ezeri could see her.

”My name is Corvina. This place is called Avalia. I’d love to hear more about where you come from, but I think we should go too. So you can tell us while we walk.”
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Evening
Location: Nearby the Healing Center
Interaction: Dark Elves

When Artemis arrived back at the healing center, she was informed that Risa had left. She’d been on her way back to the Pretty Flower. Sighing, Artemis rubbed her temples. All this walking was exhausting her. She glanced over her shoulder at the way she’d come. It wasn’t too far; yet darkness had soon taken over the kingdom. She glanced around once more and began on her way again. She didn’t know if Risa was alone and she wanted to make sure she was safe. She left the healing center and began making her way through a nearby alleyway.

A moment later, a hand collided with her head and knocked her onto her feet. She cried out in shock as she hit the ground. Stunned, she glanced around and saw a few pairs of feet. She scowled as she gleaned up to find more Dark Elves staring down at her. One of them slashed at her legs, for good measure, which made her yelp. A few of them began kicking her, causing pain rushing through her body. She didn’t cry out though, as she refused to give them satisfaction. Finally, Artemis managed to roll out of the way when one of them moved over, granting her the opportunity. She quickly climbed onto her feet, scowling.

”You idiots again?” Artemis sighed heavily and glared up at them. Pain coursed through her body which she ignored. The Dark Elves began jeering and laughing, with insults pouring out of their filthy little mouths. Her temper rose. They began surrounding her and she knew she didn’t have the energy or ability to fight them all off. It would have to be quick. She scowled and took a deep breath as she began compelling them to not move. ”Never mind, I don’t care.”

Before they could react, Artemis let out a loud and powerful sonic scream that echoed. The Dark Elves yelled out in shock, dropping their weapons which she quickly collected. She watched as their ears began bleeding, and a few of them slumped over unconscious. She didn’t stop until all the Dark Elves were unable to respond. Next, she grabbed the sword one of them had dropped. With daggers in her eyes, she quickly executed all of them through the heart. She then dragged each of their dead bodies to a nearby stream where she left them. Some forest creature could snack on them. Fatigued, and worn out, Artemis headed back to the healing center where she was quickly taken care of again.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Near the coast
Interaction: @princess Malachi | @13org Myra | @helo Valok | @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Belladonna studied everyone as they spoke, then finally nodded to Valok in reaction to his words. It seemed genuine enough. She stared thoughtfully at Mathis and Myra. As everyone stopped walking, she moved ahead of everyone and raised her hand and turned to face them. “I have some questions as well if you all don’t mind.” She didn't wait for a response. Belle turned to Mathis and Myra, her gaze becoming neutral. Her eyes were narrowed. The creature seemed innocent enough, but she wasn't certain about the demihuman. ”I need more information on you two. I would like to know who are Darius, Artemis and Skar and where do their allegiances lie? Tell me as well how you two know each other. Also, what is that magic staff? Where did you get it and what does it do?”

Belladonna knew she was asking a lot of questions but she refused to move without answers. She had plenty more where that came from. Her head was the on the line, as well as her friends and allies. She remained relaxed in her expression and body language, but was clearly not budging from her spot.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Afternoon
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade - @Tae Elsea - @Alivefalling - Ezeri
Mention n/a

Cora noticed Cade’s aversion to looking at her and let out a sigh. She was going to have to talk to them both about what had happened. She remained silent as Elsea and he exchanged words. It was likely it had been an illusion he'd seen. Cade suggested they leave. After Elsea reassured him, she had also agreed on leaving, motioning for Corvina to go ahead. Corvina reluctantly went ahead, remaining silent. The whole blood offering thing Elsea had been spewing had made no sense and sent Corvina's head for a spin. Some thinking on the manner helped her recall that Elsea was from a different time and had bizarre beliefs.

Before they could truly get going, a strange creature bumped into Cade while in flight. A red woman with horns came bounding after. Cora did not even listen to what she had to say, immediately lighting her hands on fire and backing away. She was sure it was some sort of demon potentially so she whispered to the others to watch out. Her gaze didn’t move from the woman, or her companions.


Time: Afternoon
Location: Near the coast
Interaction: @princess Malachi | @13org Myra | @helo Valok | @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Belladonna had been waved off by Malachi to not answer. Given that she had taken her ears off in front of everyone at the ball, he at least knew she was a human relying on him. She wasn't sure what the rest knew. Myra's answer seemed innocent, but she did not know any of the names she was bringing up. Belladonna found that suspicious, wondering who they were. It could be a trick and bringing up names none of them knew proved nothing. It also seemed like she could be helping to solidify Mathis's case, who hadn't said much, seeming even more suspicious. She planned on asking questions as soon as Malachi was done talking to them.

Valok had spoken first, had the most threatening answer potentially, yet seemed the most honest out of the three. She was less suspicious of him than the others, but she was still on edge. Her head was at stake here for money and she wasn't comfortable traveling with him. Malachi addressed him and surprised her. He had given a cold impression so she had expected him to just kick them all to the curb. She was sympathetic towards his story, but refrained from speaking. She nodded in agreement and glared at everyone before he noticed. When Malachi looked at her, her face would be neutral again. She hid her smirk and waited for her opportunity to speak.

Time: Afternoon - > Evening
Location: Healing Center > Pretty Flower
Interaction: Asher and Flower; Vereon.

Artemis spent some time reminiscing and explaining what had happened to her friends. She also took some time to recover, eat, and drink. Then she hugged them and thanked them before getting on her way. She had been told Risa was at the Pretty Flower so she decided to make her way there. She had to stealth through alleyways and trees to make sure no one saw her as her reputation was not the best in the River Kingdom and she also would stand out without having any wings.

Finally, she made it to the Pretty Flower and found it was quite lively inside. Vereon was working the bar with a woman and a large orc was telling stories to a bunch of fairies who had gathered around. She scoped the room as eyes laid on her and voices began to quiet into whispers, but Risa was nowhere.

She looked at Vereon and asked, "Where's Risa? I heard she was here and Risa told me apparently you have extra clothes for me?"

"She went looking for ye at the healing center. Come with me and I'll fetch ya some clothing. Hope no one saw yar fishy tooshy out there!" Vereon replied and led her up the stairs in the back. Artemis snickered and didn’t respond. She was grateful for the clothing and the hood he’d provided her. In fact, the clothes hid her legs as well. She was beaming.

Once changed, she decided to go back out and try to catch Risa outside or at the healing center. She was awfully worried about her.
Hi everyone. I'm really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, however I am cancelling the RPG. Things changed and I don't have the time for it anymore. I do apologize. In the future I may try again.

- Potter
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Hi everyone! Please make sure to post your CS here first. This way, if there's anything that needs to be edited, we can fix it here first. Thanks!

Also - daily bump. We are still looking for more characters! :)
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