Time: Morning
Location: Sun elf village bathouse
Interactions: -
Ambiance: Amphitrite bathouse

The reflection of a pale skinned young woman could be seen on the undisturbed surface of the water. Her long hair was gathered on top of her head, a white streak ran through it, breaking the darkness of her precious locks. Her expression was sour, while she studied every inch of her reflection under the lights of the bathhouse lanterns. A pattern of scales started at the nape of her neck and trailed down her spine, they glistened in the dimmed lights. Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized her womanly shape, fearing that too would one day lose its luster. There was no one inside with her, she had insisted that there would not be a soul to see her. It wasn't a matter of modesty, but rather vanity. The white strand of hair was a thorn in her eye, and she couldn't stand to look at it. Frustration took hold of her and she grabbed a wooden bath brush from the marble floor to throw at her reflection, breaking the surface.
The remains of the dye she'd used to blacken her hair swirled around the water. With a heavy sigh she lowered herself onto the floor, kneeling next to a small stone slab. It was used as a makeshift table to hold an assortment of bottles and jars. The contents remained a mystery, the glass was dark and none of them were labeled. A mortar and pestle stood ready to be used. Nur started the arduous process of creating a special dye to hide her grey streak. She had been searching for months on end, only to come up empty handed. It was like no one had ever heard of this before. An aging succubus whose powers were slipping away.
The sound of stone grinding on stone stopped after she finished her work. The result was a thick dark paste, which smelled surprisingly much more pleasant than it looked. Nur edged closer to edge of the pool so she could see what she was doing. She pulled out the pin holding her hair together and let it trail down her shoulders and back. Her hands separated the strands and she stared at the grey hairs anxiously. Was it spreading?, or maybe she was imagining it. Wanting to deny the truth Nur began to smear on the dye with vigor, covering parts of her hair that didn't need it. It stained her hands and shoulders, smearing her alabaster skin with streaks of black.
Footsteps were approaching, she could tell by the pace who was coming. There was a knock on the heavy doors, and some quiet whispering among the two men standing outside. Someone entered, his steps echoing through the room. He approached the woman, but kept a respectful distance. The man watched, appreciating his view. He bit his lip, trying to contain the train of thought his mind was taking him in. Nur glanced over her shoulder, barely acknowledging his presence. Her expression remained indifferent and she resumed what she was doing, scooping up some water from the pool with a pitcher. She started to wash her hands, letting the water drip down into the basin she'd positioned in front of her.
The man tugged at the neckline of the shirt he was wearing, and wiped some perspiration of his forehead. He cleared his throat in an attempt to speak.
He was swiftly cut off by Nur's displeased voice. The woman turned to face him, holding the pitcher in her arms. She looked like one of the many statues of the aquatic spirits and goddesses looming over the bathhouse visitors from their marble pedestals.
"Haldir, didn't I tell no one was allowed to get in?" Haldir sighed, displeasing her had become the bane of his existence. Nur had reduced him to a mere shred of his former self. Now anything he did, everything he thought about was in some way connected to this woman. He remained quiet, there was little he could say. It was a comical sight, to see a dark elf of his stature, fearsome and clad in a full set of armor act as if he'd disappointed his general.
Nur swayed over to his side. Haldir held in his breath when she looked into his black eyes. He forced out his next sentence, spewing out the words in quick succession.
"My lady, the amora awaits..." He hoped this news would ease her displeasure some. He couldn't stand her being angry with him, it felt like a constant ache in his heart. Like he could lose the thing most precious to him at any moment.
"We should make haste..." Haldir added carefully.
Nur merely raised her brow, and slightly pursed her lips. She extended her hand toward him. He took it gently into his own, kneeling down to hold it against his lips. He felt a ripple of desire pass through him, until it was violently interrupted by a steady stream of water down his neck. Nur poured the entire contents of the pitcher right onto his head. He quietly gasped. His wet hair covered his eyes, and he didn't anticipate the slight push Nur gave him. He lost his balance and fell down onto his backside. She dropped the pitcher next to him, the clay cracked when it hit the marble.
"It's a good thing I tell you what to do, not the other way around."
The succubus retrieved her clothes from the water bearer and exited through the doors, leaving behind a wet and anguished Haldir.