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In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Flying above The Righteous Tern
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn @Lava Alckon Bardulf @FunnyGuy Mister Luum @Tae Brigette @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

Rue nodded. She agreed he was strange and there was indeed something off and could feel it in her gut. Nonetheless, there wasn’t much she could do. ”I agree and sadly, I can’t put my finger on why I feel this way as well. I just… I just do. I guess my gut’s hyperactive due to the arena. I’m more wary than I used to be of others.” Rue considered what else he said, and gleaned over her shoulder at him. ”I’ll protect you, and Bardulf, always.” Starfire whinnied in agreement and she laughed. ”Guess she will too. That makes two.”

When the topic turned to Zeva, she exhaled loudly. ”She’s too young to be involved. If she has a family, I then feel bad. She should be back with them and not with us. I have an eye on them all, really. Poor Bardulf, he didn’t ask to be here either.” Rue flapped her wings to continue her momentum and stared forward.

”That woman’s an oddity. There’s something going on with her and Luum, I can feel it. All secrets come to light eventually, right?”

Rue shook her head. It felt like old times with Bowyn and her flying together and it was something she would cherish forever.


Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate Masquerade
Interactions: @JJ Doe Peter
Mentions: @Helo Leo; @princessCharlotte, @samreaper Kaz, & [JJ Doe] Fritz
owl mask
dress and accessories

Olivia grinned at Peter’s remarks. He was right about the dancing - it looked pitiful. How was that enjoyable? She inhaled with shock as their dance became unpredictable and energetic. Despite this, she laughed and began to feel as though she could truly live and be happy.

That is, until Peter spun around and caught someone’s eye. Once she was turned, she noticed Count Fritz accompanied by Charlotte, a suspicious looking butler, Cassius, and Leo the Lion. Then her gaze wandered to Peter who had let go and broke into a random jig. Eyebrows knitted together, Olivia watched as he and Fritz seemed to communicate telepathically. The confusion and unknown crept in and her stomach churned into a knot. Something was occurring, because he jabbed a finger in Kaz’s direction, and then glanced in her direction.

Bewildered, Olivia glanced around. What was their plan? She withheld a sigh, because right after then Peter drew her in closer. Her heart skipped a few beats and she gulped nervously. ”I, oh, um,” Olivia stammered, ”No… Not really. Our area used to have parties, but it was nothing special. My mother tried teaching me stuff but I wasn’t interested.” She smiled softly, but couldn’t hide the worry floating in her eyes. ”That’s a good place to learn.” She bit her lip and looked him in the eyes. ”What’s going on?”

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate

Mentions: @Rodiak Zarai

Layla glowered as she watched Zarai’s lithe frame disappear into the crowd. She crossed her arms and watched the dancers flowing elegantly. Was it her fault? Was she doomed to be alone? What had she done to upset little red? Had she eaten too loudly? She had a weakness for crab legs. Layla’s mind raced with questions. Though outwardly she looked impassive, a fire burned inside of her. She would not dwell on these thoughts anymore… Her heart began pounding like a drum, as if she were on death row, and it was the last thing she’d hear.

Since she sat alone, she was able to scrutinize the dancers ahead of her. She saw the pathetic butterfly with a butler and another man beside her. Her eye roll could not be suppressed and she looked away before a string of insults could be formed. Her gaze settled on an awkward pair; a red haired girl with an owl mask dancing with a man and a weasel mask. The irony of their costumes caused her to chuckle derisively. Then, her gaze fell on her younger sister dancing with a woman? Her eyebrows rose as she watched with curiosity. Maybe her sister would enjoy herself better than she would at this mindless ball. What would the guards say? The others? She barely noticed the immense butterflies beginning to form inside of her.

With a sigh, Layla stood up and ignored everyone else beside her. While standing, a familiar ringing in her ears caused her to scowl. The ballroom quieted down and she flinched. Ali, who remained nearby but being mindful of her privacy, immediately came to her side.

”What is it? Are you okay?”

”I’m fine.” Layla retorted before she could think. The last thing she wanted was for people to see her right now. Unfortunately, the ballroom was packed so this was not an option.

The pain intensified and she bit her tongue hard - hard enough to cause blood to form. She scowled with fury and annoyance. Here, of all places? Why? Did the Gods truly hate her?

The ballroom began to tilt, and she stumbled as she tried to move away. Ali’s arm around her steadied her, which only infuriated her and caused her stomach to clench. Did he have to? In public? Layla gritted her teeth and through her hazy vision, noticed the ballroom backdoors. She strode towards it and heard a loud noise distantly. Who was breathing so obnoxiously? The questions remained unanswered. Layla didn’t notice, but she knocked someone out of her way, but couldn’t tell who it had been. A few heads now turned their way, and Layla distantly could hear people muttering like annoying little insects.

With a scowl she made it to the outdoors where she hurled herself out of sight and collapsed onto the ground. Behind her, Ali and a few of her other guards, followed.


Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate Masquerade
Interactions: @JJ Doe Peter
Mentions: @Helo Leo; @Rodiak Nahir @JJ Doe Riona
owl mask
dress and accessories

Olivia watched starstruck as Peter tracked down Leo. A ripple of laughter bubbled inside and she covered her mouth to conceal it. The idea of messing with Leo was one of the best ideas yet. The way he frowned upon peasants always rubbed her the wrong way. She genuinely did not understand how someone could be so blind to the suffering of the non noble or wealthy.

Next, Peter escaped the fray and offered to dance. His wink caused her cheeks to blush and was grateful the mask obscured her face. ”Why, I’d be flattered. What a gentleman. ” Olivia teased as she bit her lip to quit laughing. Then, she watched as he bumped into two women, one in orange and the other in pink. Olivia’s eyes widened once she realized the darker skin lady was one of the Shehzadi. Of fucking course. Oh no Peter! What did you do?” Quickly, he recovered, and then pulled her back into a dance. Unsure of what to say, Olivia was silent until he spoke and then struggled to contain her laughter once more. She buried her head against his shoulder to stifle it. She could hear the unrest and once she reopened her eyes and removed her head, glanced around. That’s when she noticed the female knight, Stratya, on the hunt.

Olivia gently grasped Peter’s hand and slipped through the crowd stealthily. It took only a few seconds, but she weaved through the crowd effortlessly, ducking and dodging at the right moments and remained silent. In th back of her mind, she hoped that had impressed him as well. Once she finished moving, she saw they were farther away and now mixed into the crowd. Liv scanned the area and noticed nothing, so she sighed with relief then embraced him gently. They were closer together now which only caused her to blush more fiercely.

”Best to blend in.” Olivia told him as she struggled to hold back a shy smile. ”And ruder to interrupt a dance, no?” She moved with the music and giggled. ”The fun’s not over yet though, I suppose.” Olivia wondered where Charlotte was, but had trouble locating her in the thick crowd of people. She didn't dare use magic and risk detection. She had spotted Queen Alibeth and Prince Wulfric while she moved through the crowd which only nauseated, yet excited

"So, Rogue, do you know how to dance as well?"
Zarai & Layla

Time: Evening
Location: Calbert's Estate

Zarai would never forget the shine of her hair. Even here in the dim light of the chandeliers, she could see the cascade of black shine brighter than any gem she’d seen before. She squealed into the fan and rubbed her cheeks. So beautiful! How could a living person be so perfect? Ignoring the judgmental looks that were shot her way, Zarai cleared her throat and gathered herself before picking up her skirts and strutting toward Shehzadi Layla.

“It is a beautiful night, made only more beautiful by your presence.” Zarai used her fan to hide the lower portion of her face, just for good measure. “You look absolutely stunning, my lady.” She lowered her fan briefly to curtsy low. Low enough to show off the shimmer powder she’d used on her chest.

Layla couldn’t help but stare at her. The way the dress hugged her body and the mane of red hair around her face. Her breath caught, and it wasn’t until she was coming closer, did she remember to breathe. A haughty smirk accompanied her expression as she eyed her up and down. This was real, right? It was quiet around her. The obnoxious vampiric guests weren’t audible to her. It was as if her heart was in her stomach.

”Hey little red.” Layla greeted Zarai with amusement. She watched her curtsy. Her gaze followed her and took in the sight. Then, she turned away at the last second and waited for her to straighten up. ”Nice costume. It seems someone genius thought of it, no?” She teased and curtsied herself in Alidasht fashion, far more politely than she had greeted anyone else, and then lingered for a second. She straightened up after a moment and smirked down at her. ”It would be unfair for us to keep our outfits to ourselves. We are the best looking of course,”

Zarai’s smile widened at the new nickname Layla had so graciously bestowed upon her. If she had a tail, she’d be wagging it happily right now. “The genius is the one who thought of this.” She motioned to Layla’s whole person. The dress was a work of art by itself, but with Layla in it, it was a masterpiece. Would Layla stand for her if Zarai offered to paint her?

“It’d be a crime against the gods not to show off your beauty, Your Highness.” But sinning came just as easy as breathing to Zarai, and all she wanted to do now was take her away.

She gestured to the door and offered her arm to Zarai; once she accepted, she headed to the door. However, she paused as she noticed an older regal couple that looked as if they might cause one of them to trip and glared daggers at them through her mask. The couple blinked with surprise, then abruptly moved out of their way. Layla smirked and led Zarai into the Damien Estate. If someone makes me fall, I will ruin their fucking life.

Zarai scoffed at the couple, recognizing them instantly. Lord and Lady Kartz, members of nobility from Poerto Vira. Lady Kartz had been her governess for three years. The woman had her mother’s blessings when it came to discipline. Zarai’s calves had never been redder during those years.

As they walked by, Zarai gracefully kicked Lady Kartz’s knee, making the woman stumble forward and into another masked couple in front of them. Her giggles almost drowned out the whore that came out of that woman’s mouth.

Layla looked around the grand hall with bemusement. Her gaze scanned very intricate detail, down to the polished floor. This will have to do I guess. She turned as the crowd began watching both of them. With Layla’s darker complexion compared to Zarai’s paler one, it was unmistakable she was one of the Shehzadi. With a sigh, she ignored the onlookers and turned instead to gaze at her partner. ”I think it’s obvious we’re the best dressed,” Layla whispered to Zarai as she scanned the room for the food table.

Her gaze slipped over some of the other guests; there was a man dressed as a wolf, a …raven it appeared, a butterfly girl and a lion. Amusement spread over her like wildfire as she realized just who the butterfly girl may have been. As long as the ridiculous duo didn't bother her, overcome near her and her date, she would leave them be. Her gaze moved away from the guests and onto a corner of the room where the food table appeared. Were those…crab legs?

Layla grinned and nudged Zarai gently as she gestured to it. ”Hungry? I bet you’re working up an appetite looking like a five course meal.” Her voice was teasing as she turned away with a haughty smirk. ”We can sit away from all these clumsy looking people and eat in peace. It doesn’t look crowded yet. And judge them from afar.” Layla chortled to herself as she glanced over some of the guests' appearances.

“I am hungry…” Zarai hummed, returning the haughty smirk. “But I’ll be sure to leave enough room for a dessert.” Her eyes ravished the beauty of the woman next to her with hungry eyes for a second before she remembered who exactly she was staring at. No matter how often she blinked, Layla was still there in all her glory. And no less attached to her by the arm.

Zarai led the way, glaring through her mask at anyone who dared to stand in their way. If only Fritz could see her right now parading around the ball with a shehzadi in her arm. Would he be impressed? She looked around briefly, almost in hopes of spotting his raven hair.

Layla chortled and nodded in agreement. Saving room for dessert would be wise. Whenever she caught Zarai staring, Layla would smirk. They were receiving plenty of stares, and for good reason. While they strode through the room, she also glared at anyone and noticed people parted out of their way which caused her great amusement.

“Did you see the woman at the entrance? The one with the peacock feathers? What a mess. It looks like the poor bird was shot down right on top of her.” Zarai said once they arrived at the food tables. “Thank goodness she is wearing a mask, or she’d be shamed for such a crime against fashion.”

Once they reached the table, laughter bubbled out of Layla’s mouth. ”I did see! The poor thing. That poor peacock deserved better. I wonder if we should invite her over out of pity?” She sat down and pulled out the seat for Zarai and studied her gently. Her hair looked beautiful and silky, and the red mane complimented her beautifully.

With her heart racing, Layla glanced around and noticed her sister, but didn’t acknowledge her. Instead, she turned back to Zarai and snapped her fingers as waiters rushed over to serve them. ”My dear Rai, what would you like?”

You. Zarai cleared her throat, pushed those thoughts away, and ordered a few crab legs instead of the whole plate she’d wished to have. It’d probably put Layla off if she witnessed Zarai devouring a whole plate of crab legs, so for now, that would have to wait. Maybe she could sneak off and grab a few extra ones.

“And a double whiskey on the rocks.” Nothing like some liquid courage to help with the lack of Alidashtian herbs. After she was done, she watched Layla as she ordered. The glistening of the dress reflected off her rich skin. It almost looked like she was sparkling herself under the candlelight. How could someone look so perfect without even trying?

Layla grinned at her response - crab legs were an excellent choice. She ordered crab legs as well, along with shrimp and marinara sauce. She also ordered hibiscus iced tea along with vodka and cranberry. She watched as the waiter moved away and glanced at Zarai. Her ginger hair was beautiful, sleek and shiny. Her petite frame next to her taller one was amusing to her as well.

Zarai couldn’t stop staring at Layla. Perfect in every way. The way she spoke, the way she moved, and even the way she ordered people around was so captivating. As soon as Layla looked back at her, Zarai flashed a wide grin. “Would you like to dance? After this, I mean, not like right now. Unless you’d want to, but then the food would get cold. So after?” So smooth, Zarai.

”Of course.” Layla grinned and leaned over to her. She eyed the dancefloor pitifully and glanced at her with the utmost confidence and haughtiness. ”Dancing is my specialty.” She moved over and brushed a piece of red hair out of her eyes. ”We’ll put these pathetic people to shame.”

Gods be forsaken for creating such a beautiful woman. Fuck them for making her so irresistibly and intimidatingly confident. The hair on the back of her hair stood when she felt her skin grace against her own, and a tingle made her back straighten up. Zarai couldn’t think being so close to Layla, and fuck was it annoying. She wanted to ask her things! Her favorite color, her favorite foods, her favorite positions– Zarai pinched herself discreetly and smiled at Layla.

“Yes! They’ll be green with envy when they see us strutting and spinning like majestic birds!” Really, she should just do what her mother said. Calladita te ves mas bonita.

“So, will you and your siblings stay here all season?” Zarai finally managed to ask after going in circles in her mind. “

Layla could not help but admire Zarai. Her ginger hair was gorgeous against her red dress and framed her beautifully. It was a wonder how she agreed to be with someone like her. Someone as icy and cold as her. Someone as perfect as her deserved the world, the universe, and Layla promised herself she would provide that.

”Most definitely.” She grinned and nodded to Zarai. ”We are here for the season, those of us who remain anyway.” She watched the dancers briefly then turned to see what appeared to be her sister mingling through the crowd. With a smirk she turned back to Zarai as the waiter arrived with their food. She smiled and began piling up her food as she glanced at her. “Ready to eat, Mi amour?”

Zarai wanted to inquire about the dinner she’d heard about. Had food and plates really been thrown as she had heard some of the maids whisper? Had Shehzadi Mayet really hit on Count Vikena and thrown that machete when she was rejected? Zarai wiggled in her seat, trying to form those questions, but as soon as the smell of food hit her nose, everything washed away from her mind.

“Yes!” She grinned at Layla, not bothering to hide the blush of her cheeks at the pet name.

Was this real? Had she really captured the attention of THE Shehzadi Layla? Or was this just a ploy? Her chest tugged harshly, and her smile wavered as she loaded her plate with crab legs. Could this just be for her own amusement? What princess would want to be around some loose woman? Did Layla only see her as that? Did everyone?

Zarai tried to seek comfort in the ample supply of delicious mouth-watering crab legs, but no matter how much butter she poured, the queasiness of doubt continued to bubble in her stomach.

Layla smirked at the blush that appeared on Zarai’s cheeks at the mention of the pet name. She wanted to say more, but the aroma of food wafted over her. She began eating hungrily and her gaze wandered over to the dance floor. She watched as people danced and raised her eyebrows. Their traditions were peculiar; she wondered who had invented their dance moves. Then, remembering Edin ran this crappy country, laughed into her crab legs.

It was then she noticed how quiet Zarai had become and glanced over at her. ”Mi amour?” Layla inquired and tried her best to not let her frown become visible. Lest her guards knew, the better. ”Something amiss, Mi Amour?” They may not have been close yet, however Layla could tell something was wrong. ”Is the food not satisfactory?”

Had Zarai begun to wonder if she could find a better partner? Was she eating too noisily? Hafiz had always chastised her about the way she ate…..

Zarai was quick with a reassuring smile and a shake of her head, “Well, I suppose the food is a tad too salty for my tastes, but that’s Caesonian cuisine for you.” Her eyes wandered to the side of Layla, her smile wavering again for a split second.

Layla scrutinized her and then decided not to push it. If Zarai wanted to speak her mind, then she would. She set her hands and wiped them off with a napkin. Then, she reached over and took her spare hand, not caring if it was dirty. ”I can bitch out the chief should you want me too.” Her voice was teasing, but earnest. ”And if you want to dance, then we shall dance.” She released her hand and then went back to eating, albeit self consciously, and making sure to be extra polite.

“While it might be fun to complain to the chef, I would not like to keep you from enjoying the rest of the ball. Besides, the butter makes up for it!” Zarai rubbed her thumb over the spot Layla had held her hand. She did not wish to be a bother to the Shehzadi, nor a burden. In a quick flash, Zarai finished the rest of her crab legs with the graces of a starved child, shoving the meat into her already bulging cheeks, and stood from her seat. With one gulp, she downed her whiskey and turned to Layla.

“Your Royal Highness, sharing a meal with you was lovely.” Zari curtsied in a hurried way, her eyes down, worried she would see the displeasure on Layla’s face. “I hope you can forgive my hasty departure, and I hope you will dance with me in the future– but I think I might be needed elsewhere.” Without giving Layla much time to respond, Zarai hurried away from the tables, hands fumbling to pull out something from one of her hidden pockets.


Time: Evening
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @JJ Doe Peter
owl mask
dress and accessories

Olivia’s skin tingled when Peter touched her chin. She slowly turned to face him. Their gazes caught each other’s, and Olivia wondered why her heart skipped a beat. His voice soothed her like an ocean breeze whisking sand away. She took several deep breaths and nodded. He was right. If she didn’t relax then her magic was no good. The noise in her mind briefly paused too.

”You are right.” She took another deep breath. The chatter around the ballroom heightened once more and the ruthless nobles around them continued their verbal assault on the peasants near them. Her cheeks flushed with anger. Her eyebrows rose as he spoke and she cocked her head to the left. What was he going to do now? When he began to lead her, she followed him willingly. The curiosity rose and drowned out the noise behind her once more.

Then her gaze lit up. She watched as he stealthily removed and added nobles of their treasures. The nobles were never the wiser. Olivia laughed with shock and covered her mouth with shock and awe. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. In her time of thievery she had not been that stealthy. Maye, just maybe… Liv’s thoughts trailed off as she continued watching. Olivia glanced around and noticed nobody noticed, not even the Devil himself and his cronies. How was he doing this? She needed to find out. Her skill could use some polishing.

Maybe, just maybe....
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Flying above The Righteous Tern
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn @Lava Alckon Bardulf @FunnyGuy Mister Luum @Tae Brigette @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

The Great Sea

Rue glanced over her shoulder and a soft smile graced her lips. To see Starfire enjoying Bowyn’s company, and to give him the taste of the sky meant more to Rue than anything. Her pegasus had been happy to oblige and stretch her wings. Though Starfire had not complained about the ship verbally, she had stomped her feet and huffed. The last time the poor thing had been on a ship was on her way to Daka Island. Thus, to help all of them escape, Rue had come up with the idea of flying over the ship which had eased all of their worries for the moment. Starfire didn’t often talk about her past, but Rue knew from the scars and attitude that this was not an easy journey for her either.

While it was not the same as her flying, it was still a relief. It was as much freedom and privacy as they could afford right now. Trying to speak with Bowyn amongst the others had been challenging and Rue had been quieter as a result. Rue flew gracefully in front of them and watched the sea. It was enjoyable to fly over the ocean although she missed her snowy forests at home.

As Bowyn spoke, Rue slowed down but continued flying so Star could continue to follow her. ”Yuu are most welcome! We are both happy to escape. Trust me, Star is not fond of ships either.” She replied sweetly. Then, she fell silent and considered his words. ”He did well; although he seemed shaken by it. Due to his outburst I am thinking he was traumatized by bears in his human world. I hope next time we face a creature he doesn’t melt down and expose his power. We are lucky so far that it was not a dark elf who saw him.” She briefly closed her eyes and enjoyed the breeze and salty air on her face.

Then, she reopened them and added, ”We’re a band of misfits but I hope we can learn to trust each other. I do not know how I feel about the elves yet.” She then turned to smile over her shoulder at them both, enjoying the view of both her loved ones and turned back to face forward.


Time: Evening
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @JJ Doe Peter
owl mask
dress and accessories

Now that they were in the ballroom, Olivia paused and glanced around. The carnage she’d left prior was gone. Her gaze scanned the ceiling and marveled at how quickly they had fixed up the mansion. She didn’t think she would be surprised though; this peacock would sooner die than admit any faults or cracks. She nudged Peter and pointed at the ceiling with a giggle. ”Good as new,” she whispered and covered her mouth with her hand. Olivia pretended as if she had told him a funny joke as innocently as possible. They were, after all, in the lion’s den.

As she took in the surrounding people, she began to inspect the crowd. People are everywhere, and as she searched for Charlotte, she had difficulty spotting her. With the crowd spilling in she knew she could not risk using magic, especially with a nosebleed. She gripped Peter's hand tightly once her gaze caught hold of Count Dickface. Olivia abruptly looked away and glanced at Peter worriedly. ”Do you think he’ll recognize me?”she whispered as she moved out of the way of stuffy nobles and scoffed at them.

Bite your tongue. You’re noble. Act like one…. Liv pulled Peter and her out of the way of a bigger group passing them and glanced at him. Her mask obscured her face well despite the anxiety written across it.

Time: Afternoon > Evening
Location: Damien Estate

Interactions: [@]Rodiak] Zarai
Mentions: @Tae Kalli @princess Charlotte, @FunnyGuy Lorenzo

The beach escapade had been cut short. Despite the passion she had for the sun’s rays, there was only so much of it she could withstand. The wandering eyes caused her to smirk haughtily while she strode along it, paying no mind to these bumbling vampires. The trip was not without hazard; a few stumbles at the beach had caused her temper to flare. Since she did not desire for the world to see her tripping, it caused her trip to end abruptly. In her palanquin, she drew the covers shut on each side and rested her head back against the walls. Kalliope’s voice r nag throughout her mind and the sight of the bastard red whore caused her stomach to churn. The guards remained silent since they knew she did not want conversation and were not fans of the viper’s bite. It would have been nicer if it was quiet; the lame music echoed in her mind and the sound of laughter and screams irritated her aching head. She sighed and began trying to meditate to push it out of her mind. If she could just…..

When Layla returned to her room, she fell back onto the bed with a loud sigh. The beach scene ran through her mind repeatedly and she struggled to push it out of her mind. Farim’s words to her caused her to roll her eyes and wonder what the fuck he was talking about. The trip had been worth it, she told herself. Charlotte looked scared of her. This thought caused her to chortle until her stomach ached; what a fool. How did she achieve so many friends? The laughter at her expression continued, until she remembered the Duke’s humiliation, and the laughter slowly died. Fury rushed through her once more and she sat up with a groan. How was he allowed to live, to breathe, and be allowed near other nobility? Surely this was some sick prank upon them. Who trusted this bumbling, good-for-nothing jester of a duke to be left in charge of a city? How did Kalliope, the King’s whore, remember her fall at the ball? Layla scowled deeply and wished nothing but harm to the little whore. She shook her head and decided they would have their karma soon enough. She wrinkled her nose and clenched her fists, grabbed a silk robe and change of clothes, then abruptly moved to the bathroom.

With hot water she both despised and loved, Layla scrubbed her skin until the thought of the Duke’s mustache on her legs was gone. Her mind clear now, she smiled softly. The masquerade was tonight; a chance to mingle and watch from afar. Tonight would be different from the beach. While she finished her shower, she sang quietly, knowing she would not be heard by her guards. She slipped the robe on and glanced at her masquerade outfit with a grin. Her heart rose inside her throat and she abruptly pushed it away. It would not do her well to linger on these thoughts; not when she had to prepare.

Over the next few hours, Layla prepped for the event and was finally ready. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and grinned. There would only be one soul who matched her beauty, her grace, and her ensemble. With a grin, Layla kissed Zilal’s head and stroked him gently. ”I can’t bring you, my love, but I will return tonight.” He flicked his tail and curled back up, though she knew it brought him sadness not to go with her again. ”I’d bring you, but I can't stand hearing people complain about you. You’re much better than these people. You know that.” He flicked his tail again and she smirked at him, and then left her room. On her way out, she ushered her guards to bring her palanquin, because there was no way she’d walk to the Damien estate in these heels. Of course, it brought her joy to make such an entrance, and she’d be damned if anyone ruined this chance.

Once she arrived, Layla ignored everyone until her gaze found her.
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