Time: Morning
Location: Church of Sorian
Interactions: @princess Anastasia ☁ @Rodiak Nahir ☁ @Lava Alckon Farim
Mentions: @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk and Ijen ☁ @Helo Leo
☁ Hair
☁ Necklace
☁ Outfit & Shoes
Kira watched Prince Wulfric join the crew, and stand protectively near the pew. Kira watched him with a pleasant smile on her face. As still as a lake with no ripples, Kira listened to him. “Miss,” He finally addressed her after greeting the others. “I understand the desire to mingle with such prestigious personages as ourselves. However, I am certain you can appreciate the need for caution and for proper protocol when someone as unknown as yourself approaches royalty.”
The reaction I was hoping for, Wulfric. She bowed politely and dipped her head apologetically. She didn’t even meet his gaze, as though she were a dog that had run away and was being scolded. ”My sincerest apologies, Prince Wulfric. It is an honor to be here with all of you prestigious personage. I humbly request your forgiveness, and do hope you enjoy the ceremony. I found it exciting to see your greatness up close. I’ve heard so much about each of you.” Kira paused between her words to ensure they sunk in and were weighed.
With the conversation over, Kira turned to the Shehzadi Nahir, and listened to her politely as well. The diplomatic approach to her firm words amused her. "Why don’t you sit behind us? Ah, the pew is full. Two rows down sounds good does it not? Ece here will join you," Kira glanced at Ece and smiled with all the enthusiasm in the world. "We can talk after the service, which I think will start soon."
Kira nodded in agreement, and watched as the Shehzade did not comment – another diplomat yet this one did not speak up. The princess, however, was sweet as expected, and Kira resisted the urge to smirk. Oh princess Anastasia, I did not expect anything less from you…
”That would be lovely. Thank you, Shehzadi.” Kira moved to find a clear pew and sat behind two chatty individuals. Considering their attire and dialect as Kira listened, she knew they were foreign. Her attention turned back to Ece and a sweet honey-lined smile split across her face.
”Ah, you must be her Lady in Waiting? What an honor that must be.” Kira commented and folded her hands together. ”Oh, but fret not, I don’t intend to talk your ear off the whole time. I do hope you enjoy the ceremony in my company,”
As the procession began, Kira watched with outward enthusiasm and curiosity. Church was not something she cared for, nor did she believe in deities. Their childhood had been too painful for her to consider them being real. The knights, flower girls, the dancers and the entire entourage of this ridiculous spectacle was insane.
Nonetheless, Kira listened to the long line of foolish gods this nation believed in. How long did it take this man to rehearse this knowledge? She wondered what the penalty would be if the man had messed up. The congregation spoke too quickly for her to follow along and she glanced toward Ece to see if the woman caught it all. When music started, Kira jumped; she hadn’t expected it. Loud, unexpected noises always set her on edge, and this was no exception.
The amount of time and effort this had taken to coordinate baffled her. She clapped along with everyone else as though it had been the most spectacular thing on the planet, and inspected the reactions. This king– he did not care to glance at anyone–nor did he seem worthy of the grandeur. While she understood acting as though everyone were beneath him, she did not understand how a king could care so little for his subjects. From her little time in Sorian he was not a favorable king. Why did everyone entertain this spectacle? She remained stoic throughout the procession.
Her gaze did travel to the front row and she watched them silently, though from an outward view, it was as though she was watching the king. In her peripheral vision, she noticed a man dressed… and literally all… pink? Kira blinked and side-glanced toward the man and wondered what other weird shit this kingdom had in store for them. The event was almost as painful as--...
Her mind quickly pushed the thought out of her mind. It brought forward her goals, though, and her focus became laser sharp. She listened to and observed everything.