Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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How shall I nudge? We lost a lot of people :(
Thankfully got to keep a handful of very good though.

Tagging people can help. Just a update or a little hello, we still here.
Maybe jog Thete memory a tiny bit.

Maybe, we already have charecters and so made.

Its never a easy choice :(
Find a new Co GM to help you?

The game foundation is good it just needs a nudge to wake things up.
Broken Seals
>Aaron looks up to see Luciel panicking. He pulls out a flask of whiskey and passes it to Luciel. "Drink. No use in getting scared."
>He then proceeds to continue scavenging.
(Spend the DT)

>Jamie darts forward to B8, and stands in wait for Dan's verdict. If he fails, she should be agile enough to shut it down herself.

>Xander waits for Scrooge. He decides that he might as well scavenge in the dirt in the meanwhile. As he does, he also gets a sense that whatever awaits them here, deep in the mines, can take advantage of their fear. He frowns, determined to shake off some of that feeling.
@Majoras End@Scarescrow@PrinceAlexus We can each spend a DT in order to stop the boss from getting Dread buffs. It currently has two - and I believe Xander has 1 DT right now. So could we get rid of one, please?

If everyone agrees I'm in.
Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Victoria looked to Ashton, yeah she was drunk, probbly be not a good idea walking straight away as her balence and agility was not best on a normal day. The vodka and so had all managed to hit on one go and gone from zero to drunk in about a few minutes.

Somehow understanding Ashton, maybe being hammered meant slightly crazy things made perfect sense. Though why did someone under age end up here. Everyone knew it was laden with booze. She was all dressed up so she knew she was attending right. Her mind then did a loop and ended up thinking about purple elephants. Wow that was some strong vodka.

I'm sure she be fine... I'm a bad luck charm it seems anyway.

Who invites someone underage to obviously drinking event? He was a abit... Diffrent? ... Drunk not para...parla..paraletick

Thinking out loud and acidiantly saying it. Ashton seemed to have noticed she was a tad over the limit and pushed a glass of water over. Well she know if that was vodka, that much would knock out a grown man probbly.

Resisting for a second she gave in and left the half finished champagne glass to her side.

Fline... Il take it easier... Il back off Spirits.

Things may be a little awkward in morning with Mali...

Giving in. Her Distinctly grey eyes noticing the emotions, she was a mix, flashing between hard ice giving nothing away, hurt, regret, annoyance and more, seeming not to make there mind up quite how she felt about the evening.

Behind her someone approached looking older with cold grey eyes matching Victoria's almost exactly though also placed a gentle hand on shoulder and she seemed to tell who it was by instinct, giving a nod and a general gesture of I fucked up tonight.

Looking over her father noticed Ashton, scarred lanky... Guy... Maybe not.. Maybe... Somthing femine yet... Her size and figure.

vika, you sort it out. You always find a way. Anyway. Always room at home.

You alright? Enjoying it? Want me to take things from here? I think my daughter has had quite abit already.

Looking to Ashton, he had a look of less concern, more care and general duty of it than worry. But he also had a small glint of a man who had seen the darkness, stared back at it and seen some dark plqces and events. He never could hide what he had done, some things and some things you saw just always carried with you.

@Silver Fox
Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia watched the elevator and sio vanish into the upper levels of the city hall, it was mostly just snugs or prep and assembly zones for materials, foods and drinks to be stacked, racked and stocked ahead of being moved out thr main floor. Marla had planned everything to a tee, a level of precision timing with a little help from Milo who had been used to working with exact and precise secdules in his service and employment.

Everything she managed to hold in collapsed and various emotional impact just flopped and hit her all in a single go. Watching them leave and giving a hurt glance to it as they vanished into the crowds. Placing a hand on her shoulder, Maria knew she probbly had messed up, the details where fuzzy but that was the last thing she wanted to hear or needed to hear right now. That stuff could be dealt with later.

Headon back over the family table, the two and Mike made a slightly concerned corner, Maria doing her best to nudge her daughter back to find out information, and also help herbif possible.

At the bar, Victoria saw him and Alison arrive and head over. Ashton was there to, and seemed to be rather confident in she'd by events, people came and went, her sister left to talk to Sio and Joel perhaps... Or perhaps was just pissed off at her. Everything was a confusing mess at that point.

Giving a thumbs up to Ashton, she had dome nothing wrong, things where pretty confusing at this point. Swaying and leaning a hand on the bar for balence. The large amount of booze she had drunk all hit at once and Victoria was hardly the largest person.

Thanks... Right now I'm not sure exactly what is going on... Oh... And maybe a eeeee bit drunk..vodka work well!

Your a nice... G... Person...

Ashton did genuinely confuse her perception, she thought male but her face was scarred but there was a certain female shape and nature to it... Hmm... Pushing it aside it might be abit rude to blurt out you male or female.

Noting the other two, she turned her head to them, Kriss and Alison, the two where a strange pair. Not quite a couple, not quite freinds and more. There was somthing between em though.. Her drunk mind was singing in a corner about them kissing in a tree, and other voices trying to tell the drunk ones to be sensible.

Alison was not old ernough to drink, she did not look under 18... Oh wait it was 21 here, back in Europe it was very different.

oh I thought you where.. 18... Wait its 21 out here...

Etho Kris. And I'm not that drunlk yet. Only abit ipsy. Hey... I'm Russian... Well half.

Thr drunk part of her mind talking over and deciding to nudge a few wires into the wrong places, she noticed Alison was... Apprehensive to say the least. Somthing about her reactions was strange. Drunk as she was, she could tell.

Several random thoughts popped across her mind from work, to how many eggs you needed in a cake and what she, d want to do with one of the six pack clad waiters, the drunk part going a a little crazy and mashing buttons like in that film.... Inside... Inside out! That was it.

Seeing them leave she waved over and saw them head off. It was most strange what was going on... Was she OK?

you guys alright?

See you?

She was confused, and went to move over and follow but her head spun and placed a hand back on the bar. Turning to Ashton looking over.

oh.. I think I'm... Drunk... They alright? Alison looked... Wrong?

At the party, Marla was wandering by with Milo on her arm, happily with her arm looped round his, they had been married for a good while, they had met a few years after the accident had cost her leg. It had advanced over time, when she forst met it was far cruder and less agile, often relying on support of someone's help. Now she was almost fully independent bar having to always carry spare batteries for the automated systems.

Pale blonde hair with ice blue highlights, a ornate necklace in form of a gold chain with a ice blue shaped diamond, reflecting and cut to seem close to a fleur-de-lis. Milo had had it hand made, it had been their first anaversery gift. A bracelet of gold and platinum, had neatly engraved her anaversery, wedding and child's birthday. Her leg was metal socket built up covering her u thigh with nural points leading to a viable robotic leg, knee and foot though the alit in her dress. Metal toes did not quiet hide well with heals but she had long given up hiding it.

Seeing the woman on distress, she placed a empty champagne glass down on table and looked over with ice blue eyes. Not quite reconisingusing the insignia Kris was wearing from her angle, she saw however the woman was a tad pale. With a accent switching effortlessly in a doctor mode, part Stern part understanding.

Hello, you alright miss? Dr, Prof Marla Olympus.

Want us to find you first aid? I'm a medical doctor back home, trauma injury specialist.

Allergy? Or just need a taxi home after a few too many? Medic should have some anti histamine. Its a pretty mild but should make the reaction more mild and less acute. Majority of cases you Don, t need to resort to the stronger stuff.

Looking concetned, she did not see the medical bag, as Milo gave the man a nod and kept a step back as his wife did herthing. Sure she was a ice queen at time, but the was Dan good at her job and could and had earned a lot respect from the years workers even if they regarded her as thr Queen of the North. His jacket was back there and his arm with a few scars he had picked up was viable, he hated long sleaves on shirts, that and ties.. He only wore one when forced.

@Almalthia@Pilatus@Mattchstick@Silver Fox

Pastor shall end turn,

ive gained my free XP, someone else can enjoy it.
"Ave a look round, il shall consult the tome on a freezing sermon"

>>Dread moves up to D2

"so, straight or turn,, these ere camp could be bad news"
Let's see...

Paired short powered swords, pistol , rifle, combat knife, plus a more specialist pistol like compact plasma weapon. Med kit, and etc.

Rare, powerful family sword, pistol, rifle, combat knife. Med kit, ammo etx.

Lqrge super human with powered axe, pistol up sized, rifle up sized, twin human scale short swords as knives.

Access to heavier armour use heavy double headed axe one handed, optinal range in extra heavier weapons.

That was me covering all bases, I did have a generous IC weaponry allowance..

Though due to layouts, all could carry there amounts within reason, even the top one. Hips, outside leg. Boot, back etc. Add home armoury, though this expanded to 4-5 min extra options at least, including anti tank, and more. But they took up slots and needed swap outs etc.
Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia watched the entire situation turn and crash around her in a mess that would rival a particularly large shit hitting her 2000 +horse power rotary engines. Seeing the look and general body language it was obvious. Everything was gone to hell in a hand basket.

There was not much else she could do, wow how could she mess that situation up more tying to undo some of thr damage. Wishing almost thr ground swallowing her up or just being able to call a beam me up Scotty. Damn, great. In one day she had gone from crying to probbly crying at the end to. Damn this foraging city.

There was basically nothing to say to Joel, it was obvious seeing his eyes what he was thinking. Her grey eyes just broke and the icey layer of armour failed to materialise. Not bothering to hide it, she couldn't. At this point even if she tried. Everything was broken. And her eyes, she never seemed to be able to hide the truth from them.

From afar Maria had planned to thank Joel, the evening has never gone as planned, with the drama Thete, busy events and maxamillion tied up with another group of business people. Marla was not the person to do it and Mike and Milo might be liable to hit him if they saw the state There neice seemed to be In. No, it was her job and Marlin was her daughter so she would have to be the one to exercise damage control after this volley of missiles hit home.

Ironically the frigate live fire exercise was playing in video. She could tell defeet from her sheer body language.

Then Sia opened with her peice. It was long and she did not know what to make of it. Jeez, the was laying it on thick, and maybe it was true but right now her head was in too much of a confused state to make heads or tales of the entity, seeking out sections to make sense of and counter, areas to avoid and things to push against.

Well Siobhan, or would you prefer Miss Murphy?

OK.. Maybe badly made but I tried to undo a wrong caused.

Where Do I even begin?

The new t part things started getting complex, Victoria had been a little selective with the facts about that night maybe or maybe other people read events differently when she had found her that Wensday. Who knew what was what, things had to too emotionally driven at this point to make any sense of it.

Milo, look. My sister never told me everything, between alcohol and this... I Don, t think it be a very good idea. Just leave her be... Il get her to leave you be. Try and make best of this train wrecked evening?

to the worst part...

I left because.. I could explain how I was feeling but I'd need half the event, now.. And I'm not going to undo the damage, so seems we hit a dead end. Unless we wanted to stretch this into round 3.. Everything I'd even cared about is practically a plane crash. I ain't gonna change anyone's minds now.

Everything had sobered her reaction somewhat, despite a inner urge creeping in to tear her limb from limb and use her skull as a pen pot, it would make no use and anyway, it looked like Hr might disagree with using human skulls as desk tidies. Spoil sports that they where. She had lost this one, there was not point fighting it out over and over again.

no.. I've had a knife in my gut that ended my former sports career.. So il avoid that metaphor and implication.

Feeling her scar twitch at her mentioning knife and instinctively placing a hand on her stomach as a result, it was a reflex reaction at this point. It never had quite been a thing she got over. Why mention it. She never knew but imher brain was just running on serris of confused sections that where not exactly cooperating.

Maria walking over entered the lions den seeing the situation but wanting to pass her compliments onto Joel, she could also pull Marinalia out of a hole that was obviously too deep and she could see her daughter discomfort from her posture alone. Some instincts where hard wired to the very soul. Very much Marlins older twin In a sense bar gold eyes. Her mother held a diplomatic face that have little either way, despite her running dozens of diffrent calculations of what she entering.

oh... I do apologise if I'm interrupting. I'm Maria. Marla older sister. A long overdue message, tonight's been a blur...

Joel, I just wanted to express the families congratulations about the race, Max is tied up with business people who cannot takw a night off, and we'll. Given circumstances.. Just one person seemed more appropriate, and my brother in law is too hot headed for his own good at times.

Now that's done, il excuse my self and leave you to your business. Mali? Wanna join us?

I'm fine Mike, Don, t worry ya self. My brother is a decent guy.

Its my job to worry about you lot Maria!

Making the start of a turn away, she shouted over slightly to her brother. Mike had kept a eye on her quietly given the situation, a matching mikitary tattoo to Milo viable but a cross hairs incorporated into the design, reflecting his former progression as a sniper. He had a well trained eye sight and could see the obvious seer tension and Marinalias situation. Staying calmz he hung back with a beer and watched. Sure he could knock the guy into next week if he made a move against the family women, but it was not worth the sheer faff and long learn bar fights where only worth it in extreme events.

He had kept in shape and regularly ran and swam a decent distence, nothing like his peak but ernough to keep fit. When Marinalia was in England it had been fun to have a swimming buddy. No one else could seem to keep up.

Raising a beer and relaxing somewhat at thr conformation. He had wanted to keep a eye on Maria, and Marlin. He knew how bad things could escalate in a hurry and how easily harm could be brought. It kinda was his job, when he retired he had ended up retraining slightly and now was part of the group who over saw on site security at the Navy project. His former role serving in Marines had meant he could smooth some of the uptight security types who visited etc and find more shared ground.

Sighing internally as scene ahead. Life was never simple when you added women, alcohol and emotionsninyo a mix.


>>pastor Jimmy sweats from thr heat

"Damnation, this is Damnation, its hot in here., ya all... Phew....ya a, let's move quickly"

>>casts heal, 3 times, on self and others to negate damage, regular heal.

>>move to B3

>>Jim Bob "Dread" spins his relolver in his hand and then steps forward to A12

"Now. We got some hunting ta do. This here darkstone ain't gonna be easy to find"
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