Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>
If you think there's a maximum possible amount of crazy to America, boy do I have some news for you!

True... Kanye considered even running for president... :(

Edited you in :)
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Luna Sports . Later Monday morning

Marinalia finished up and climbed out the pool as her waterproof fit bit watch tracked the distences she had swam over the time, 5.2km was a fair distance and longer than she normaly did on a week day but her drive to exercise had been pretty strong and sadly was not getting the other kind at the momment so the pool would do fine.

Checking the stats her time per km was starting to get better again and now she had more time to swim thanks to her change of job, had averaged a good increase in distences covered over the week. Her emotions felt quite abit more stable now and the pool was a good theropy for her, the simple act of constant perfect strokes and diving turns kept her mind focused and let it rest abit. Somthing was helping how she felt and bqlencing her abit more. However it was achieved did not matter much, but her therapist would be happy to see progress and posetive changes, though not as much as Marinalia. Slowly she was putting Bob behind her, the possee and even feeling more calm about Joel. She did like him and would of wanted to try and make somthing of it but it seemed Siobhan had got her at disadvantage and apecpeted mostly it was a lost cause,only mote trouble to chase.

Sat on the side she stretched out her toes enjoying the feeling of the water and remembering happier times when she was a potential national hopeful. She still loved it, Just in a diffrent way of expressing her feelings. Heading out she stretched her legs, they where aching a a little from the intense workout but it was a good ache and one she had not felt in a while.

Heading back to changing room and going for a quick shower to get the chlorine out and make her hair feel less disgusting, it was one of the few things she disliked how her hair felt if she did not shower off. Of course that was how a romance had started when she was 18 with Victor her swim partner at time.... Oh broken locks and miskaken signs Thankyou. Everyone wondered why they where so in tune. The answer was secretly a a little more close.

Drying off her hair sat in the changing room running a brush though the long blonde straight hair down her back espechily when wet so it did not end up all tangled up and fairly tidy. It was mostly dry by the time she finished but that took a little time and buttoned back up the fitted blouse and jacket. Back in her neat uniform with a neat fitted skirt, bpuse and jacket with her gold wings. The airline had a reputation for old fashioned service and the uniform was that, a a little older, but customers seemed to love it and she had to admit with her figure it was pretty attractive.

Heading out with flight jacket on but not zipped for warmth, its wings and patches obvious, but she ews proud of what she did and never hid that part of her life. The weather was colder and her slightly damp hair was making her feel a a little cold, as her post swim self felt a a little more cooler than before.

Too early to want to go home, it was still morning and Victoria would likely be out till the afternoon with hospital and errands, maybe some social moments. Nare, she would go to the smoothie bar, it would perk her up after a pre dawn start for because of her lesson and the 5.2km swim on top. She definitely was not a morning person and had launched at the zombie story. The whole club peice made her cringe abit inside knowing they had been a catalyst however unintended.

Remembering, she had finaly found the wprds she needed. She was pretty neutral about things and the swim had given her time to think things over in a relative peace without the worlds distractions. Might as well be civil even if you could not persue what you had wanted. Her thinking had changed quite abit over past month or so. If Joel had not blocked her number.

Hey Joel. Hope you had a good trip to Japan. Friday was a abit of a disaster to say the least. Hope you and lady friend got out OK. Those bouncers where a bunch of gorilla's.

Thankyou for a candy it was delicious , and pikachu who is adorable. I could of brought one, but it would never mean as much as a gift. I always valued them far more than anything bought due to my childhood, and it stuck with me.


Marlin... Now flight instructer. I'm back flying more than before! Love it! :) look to the sky!

Hitting sent and wary of him seeming with someone else leaving off the x and a attaching a pic of a cute pikachu tucked into the seat belt of her land rover like a rather big kid. She was serious, but also had a soft side too.

Typing out a quick reply to a email too, the woman she had helped, well that was easy, Victoria had the number and quickly replied saying she believed Ashton would be happy she passed it on, even upset of she did not. After being a victim she did not want to see other in symuch a state or hurt so, so she had a almost moral duty to help the drunk woman. Especially whit the creepers about. It did not bear thinking about what they would have done. It was lucky that the three woman had got that situation under control before anything bad could happen.

The woman seemed nice ernough, at least she was genuine and fairly friendly. That went a good way in this city in her book.

we got out early thanks to a lawyer so did not see Ashton. However my sister messaged her and she seems alright as can be despite everything, she a tough cookie.

I'm glad you got home safe, I was very vulnerable one night.and someone helped me. Id rather help than see someone hurt or exploited. I met Xia in passing before. You Don, t owe me anything.

Vika said it should be OK so il enclose her number. I'm sure a Ashton will be glad to know your safe.

Hope you have a good day.


Sending the email. Yeah she would likely be glad to make a new cm contact knowing Ashton from her nature and description. The Jazz night definitely had definitely changed her, maybe a fraction for the better once the scars began to lessen.

Walking back cheerfully to grab a smoothie, long blonde hair bouncing abit as she walked and it was more dry and lighter she headed to grab a smoothie to boost her energy and give a a little perk up while she decided where to go next. Her hand bag in the crook of her arm, and a small gym bag in a rather unapologetic pale pink hanging off her shoulder throwing off the elagent woman look slightly.

Banana buzz please, extra mango if you can.

Smiling and flirting slightly with the guy behind, he was definitely younger than she was but hey, if it got her extra mango it entirely harmless and she was single so even if it ended up somewhere it was not a problem. The odds where it never went anywhere.m, just abit of fun. Thr place was definitely not cheap, expensive to be true but it had a nice atmosphere and everything was clean, the WiFi fast and free.

Paying with a swipe of her card a a little tinkling laugh, she headed back out to sit down and things where abit packed so sat down next to a taller blonde, who looked a tad intense and like she should reconise the woman, strange she definitely was familiar. Like Victoria almost described her...

Maybe she should remember but she had seen so many faces that club night. With a softer British accent with a well spoken nature, her cool grey eyes noted the woman was definitely not quite normal. She definitely had been having a intense work out from the slightly tired look. Unless a early morning worker.

Sorry about this, place is abit busy for a Monday morning.

These are great after a long swim, almost better than coffee...

Going quietly back to her drink, she merely relaxed abit and nudged her uniform skirt down because it did not done so we with the only seats at the bar height. crossing her well toned legs partly not wanting to be indecent getting down again later on. Pulling her leather jacket abit tighter as someone left letting in a breze from the colder outdoors. This had nothing on Alaska though, now that was way too cold!

Excuse me. You just look like we may have met before.

Polite, she sipped her smoothie with a glittering ice blue ring on a opisite engagement finger again, it did help reduce the jet count acting like she had a fiance though. As her family had taught her, survive however it takes, dirty tricks and all.

Thinking things over. Sol city was definitely a a time she would remember, and hopefully tell her children of maybe one day.


US Court: "Detroit Students Have No Right to Access to Literacy"

Access to Literacy is not a Constitutional Right Judge in Detroit rules

Just going to drop these in here. I'm not even sure what to think about my city at this point.

Detroits been dying for a long time, i thought id seen the peak US crazy level but aparently not.
Yeah that looks fine.

As the RP I run is more varried on charceters and self expression we tend to stick with the basics in a list and let people design it to how they feel best works for the charceter.

But as for your purpose. Simple, works, that's fine. Fancy is not always needed. Simple and easy to read is.
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Monday Morning . Coffee Pot . "Daughter of Persephone"

@Silver Fox

Victoria got settled in her corner as someone brought over her breakfast and the hot chocolate to perk her up after a longish time at hospital, tests, blood tests and exercises where a little intense at times and a rest before deciding what to do later was a welcome stop. The cafe was fairly busy, but found a fairly quiet spot to watch the people and just relax in general. Checking her phone as she laughed smiled at the meme in the messenger app noticing a message from Ashton that seemed to have been delayed,, or maybe just missed in her whole busy sunday with General Arkady and his two sons whom Victoria had know since she was about 15.

responding to her question, she was ok, just a alittle drama in the end, compared to things before it was a pretty low key thing and smaller problem. being told you'd be stuck with a walking stick, at 14 of all ages, was far rougher. luckily the cure had worked though and she despite being abit less steady, was at least alot better than her old self.

Im doing fine Ashton :) . nothing painkillers and a lazy Saturday could not fix. our lawyer had things in hand, got us out, dealt with the cops and hot us home in time for takeout breakfast. sorry for late reply, we met a old family friend and his sons i knew in Moscow.

hope your alright and got treatment by a hospital! that looked a fairly serious injury. thanks for helping, but we can protect ourselves when we need to.


Hitting send Victoria turned back to her hot choclate and morning savior of perking up, hopefully the week was slightly calmer than the weekend though and work had been alright with taking a day off, with the extra hours she had done the previous it was not a hard request. looking round she noticed wheel chair man from the club, wait.. THomas, that was it. the one who had opened with your into computers, not best memory but she remembered it. The man he was with, there was definitely a different dynamic at play there as she thought about it, twirling a ginger round where her raven black hair met vivid highlight, it still took some getting used to she was no longer white haired, and she would recover further. for years she had to get used to it, now... wait, Professor, he he seemed to act like a teacher not a student before.

they where not fair away, so she tapped his shoulder as he backed up into his seat having moved the chairs about to be able to eat, just going with her natural accent of English and its distinctive smaller soft towards Russian. adding with a slight smile to the end, you had to try and make something good of things.

Hello. hope you managed to sort things out after that rather dramatic evening. cannot recommend the SOl City PD accommodation though. little bit basic, and the staff are rather stern. a decent lawyer works well in getting a early checkout though.

So, how did you tell my job? you left me curious last we met and i had way too much time to mull it over thanks to the groupies. it certainly was a strange opener, and i may of been a a little spiky but my curiosity gave you a second chance.

oh, and nice suit... not many wear bright orange to a metal bar.

Giving a small smile, she was curious how he could tell even though at the time it was a a little annoying as she was more than her job and being female espechily in such a male dominated job. she prefered to Victoria first and then her chosen role, not the other way around. Though being the only female on her cyber security team did mean she rarely had to make tea. the other women where nice though on the tech side and Blackshield did not mind within reason on clothing long as it was not silly, they where a strange lot, all of em but most people who where in top of fields had a few quirks.

She had looked into working for the university but the salary from her current job was alot better, not entirely selfishly her medical insurance was not always cheap and wnated to try and stand on her own two feet rather than rely fully on her family. Maria and Vesarian where getting on.. well like the young couple in love whey where 23 years ago, and may end up related more than by her half sister but that was maybe. Her dad was happy for first time in a while and she could never begrudge that after all the sacrifices he had made for Victoria, slept by her bedside in hospital when she fell ill and plowed so much of what he had into finding the first treatment into halting her illness.

Life was becoming slightly more normal at least, Ethen still had her abit torn on how to react, he intrigued her but his groupies had landed her in jail for a night too.. He definitely was one to be careful with, but her dark side was attracted and saw a a little fun to be had. you only got a chance to be young and live once and from Marlins aunt comments, she had not been entirely tame, neither had Maria, Marlins mother been the entirely prim and propper lady all the time.

@Conscripts@Silver Fox@Almalthia
Hey everyone I'm so sorry for my disappearance, my unit is in the midst of a large scale training in prep of a deployment and my free time is pretty much gone. I don't really have the free time to give to a RP of this level anymore and I am so sorry it took this long to tell you guys this. I'm going to have to pull my hat from this one, again I am so sorry

Not a problem. If you ever feel like time opens up again and you have time. More than welcome back.

Thanks for letting us know.

Walls of text :)
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

I'm sorry, I sort of don't understand what you're saying.

OOC = applications, questions and updates etc.

Cs = Finished sheets and passed.

This is because you do not have to ask for deletions, and also then CS is the standard, and theme oft the RP, not just any old stuff gives. Now you Don, t have too get x posts deleted when you start up.

Makes it easier for applications to know standards for the RP and get examples of what kind of charceters your writing with.

The thing is most people here work on basis of finals only in CS to save have to ask for x deletion requests and failed bids.

Then it's alot easier as OOC is wip and submission, the CS is solely aoecpeted and you can see a record of those apcepted, and those writing them can see charceter and things that work. Ooc also tends to be for general chat and questions so it first perfectly well often with applications.

If you want people to do somthong, state it clearly in your OOC how you want someone to do the process.
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