Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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@Almalthia @PrinceAlexus

My CS is ready!

Seems all there to me. Just let a Co GM be happy with it, and feel free to post it up.
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Park View . Late afternoon

Marinalia was laughing and enjoying talking about older kids movies, she had to see if Victoria could "aquire" a few others as she always seemed to. Where she got them was not somthing she asked, and anyway it would likely be too complicated or so. Victoria never chose a easy route.

least they know what thet want to do with one. I'm lost where to begin with one... Have to ask Grampa when I call him.. I'd like to host somthing. Its made for it...

Long as its not all bar fights and dodging Che Jabba. I might be a heiress but
I'm not that kind! Tease!

Laughing partly, she was not one to be a fan of being famous, or in the media. She was well known ernough as a heiress to a industrial company and was glad that the issues that plagued her dad whefe passed somewhat for now. They had a more up to date picture but she had kept a low profile.

5 times... I may... Have a rather... Intresting custom air hostess uniform too... A very skilled lady in London made it. Smiling at the pile and shaking her head at the idea of selling, with a a lite of the cheeky look from the previous comment. And deprive some future Olympus the adventure of finding it? Give it a few months this place be a propper home again.

Marinalia fudged the comment heavily and question and went a fraction shy, though that had the downside that her nature and self meant she only became more cute, espechily with her accent. The question was difficult. Never serious but add wine there had been a few bets, dares and overly affectionate drunk momments. Though now she was starting to think about the implications. She never had thought to deeply about it but now... The de ons compliment caught her a alittle off guard but soon recovered and calmed down abit from a little internal panic. that we are, i can do healthy, it might not be fancy though.

Heading down and leading her to the ball room and switching on the lights so to see it properly, it was a tad old fashioned but in a classic way with mostly lighter walls and ornate white plaster work, Polished wooden floors and gold and painted details a plenty. The main staircase and entry where floored in a marble pattern and everything had been restored to last another 100 years. The conservetory and garden would be lovely and the house would come to life by thr time summer hit with the bedrooms balconies. Breakfast on the balcony or in the garden with a coffee. It was a nice idea.

Joking badly before realising and going abit quiet, thr joke was not exactly well planned. Deciding to distract with food. let's head up, I might eat you if we delay lunch any more... Ummm.. So food yeah.

Cooking, Marlin was fairly quiet and made up a fairly healthy pasta sauce from a few basic ingredients. With a few extras like herbs and some cheese. That would make it a pretty filling extra and some mixed in suprising flavours. Not bad at all for a rush job with what left in the shops.

Heading upstairs with some drinks and food, the private living room was more comfortable with a large TV and x box one set up. With a large pile of DVD and blue rays, Disney, Pixar, a few chick flicks and a large game of thrones box set with multiple seasons spilled over the lower section among the games. Marlin knew where everything was even if it looked a tad messy. Firther back in thr darker bedroom due to snow on the panes and the winter storms gloom, the edge of the large bed was viable, a old fashioned but cute vintage dressing table and mirror set up glittering in the light. It was entirely set up for comfort and home to a rather good collection of blankets and other ways to defy the northern winters.

She was honest, and Xia did ask so well, curiosity did sometimes kill the cat, but it seemed Xia was more shocked than anything. It felt strange yo talk about it but she seemed to trust the carabian woman despite there breif meetings before. you can repair some things but the cracks will always show. fairly quiet, it was not the easiest subject but she held her accent. Though a alittle nerves tinged through ans she played abit with the what left of the pasta, being pretty hungry before having planned lunch at the sports centre. Oh, yeah... Well cooler heads prevailed. Marla and Grampa where very firm in reigning the guys. unsure how to react, she was quiet and her hand was shaking a alittle as the fork tingled against the bowl before putting down on table, her dark grey eyes where somewhat torn between the thoughts of well it would come out and wanting to Bury it forever. You where bound to ask... And i trust you for some reason. There's a few doors I want to remain locked away. Afterwards dad took me out of country for a while. That helped, Jordan, Egypt, Israel and Syria. Dad's... Employment is a alittle unconventional. Legal though.

Adding that bit at the end, she did not want to think he was some kind of drug dealer or so. Well to some he was worse, especially after the vitriol the press was spewing from there toxic rags for a short time. They had short.. Ish memories. Finding herself Suprised by the kiss on the cheek and a slightly shakey hand Holding xias, well it was already in unknown waters so hey, you had to sail keep sailing to find somewhere else to Dock. well, your pretty cute yourself, and Ummm not ruling it out. Just new waters for me. I've had a few knocks recently. Umm you could say similar... Just less angry, and more feeling like someone cursed me. This definitely had her unsure of where and what she wanted... But we'll it was not so... Bad... So maybe just go slow and see... If your comparing firsts. Well I liked my swim partner mutually ... And things where dancing about and all... Got close. I kinda forgot to lock a door changing out my swimsuit late after training. Let's just say... We found a few ways to celebrate winning not publicly apceptble. laughing at the story broke her nerves abit, well she was a different person once Marlin opened up to someone. That was a alittle, well alot naughty. They kept that one quiet to keep swimming together and no one seemed to ask why they had such a natural team work.

well, I'm sure things will work out if it's meant to be. it was the only answer she could think of, Xia already knew she trusted her by sheer fact she told the story, with a small shiver and covering her scarred stomach with t shirt and a blanket watching a another intense flurry hit home. A rather... Confused Marlin ended up nearly resting her head and long blonde hair on her shoulder before relising. Xia had managed to disarm her outer defences somewhat and calm down her inner turmoil. They where not exactly lacking after recent events including the possee of piss wits and criminals, a break up of sorts and so...

Only if your sure. Though I never betray a friend. We all have bad family... unsure what to use, well secrets, her family was a alittle odd, and unorthodox. Long as Xia did not mind a few people who where... Charceters. as of family... Well mines a alittle odd. My dad n mum are getting married after a complicated past, Marla had her moments, and my dad's... Well he made up for his mistakes with me. with relaxed look, they definitely where not leaving for a while as the snow fell thicker outside and was about half way up the first panes of the patio doors. Least that had not gone badly... umm. I think you be needing a bed tonight. This storms not exactly going away.

Raising a mug of rum upgraded hot chocolate to keep the cold away, or was making her a alittle... Well open about things too... With a slightly cute nervous ending. So to unconventional friendships... And maybe more? If the fates agree?

@King Tai

24 Hour Time Skip Warning

Temporal jump to Tuesdays Museday . FREE Skip . Please state what time and location you are in

Please be clear as to your location and time of day. Storm aftermath.

Any questions please let us know.

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!
24 Hour Time Skip Warning

Temporal jump to Tuesdays Museday . FREE Skip . Please state what time and location you are in

Please be clear as to your location and time of day. Storm aftermath.

Any questions please let us know.

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!
I'm currently working on a (female) character; you guys still have room?

We have room at the Inn. Welcome to Sol City.

I think our gender balence is fairly even right now. We not even ne a exact count for abit.

Any questions just ask, we a helpful lot :)

We are just about to launch a new time skip around Thursday, so your joining at a a ideal time.

Once your finished. Please tag GM /Co GM and long as 2 approve it, post it over to CS, and join the party :)
@PrinceAlexus If Majora doesn't want Scrooge's stuff to go straight to Lucielle, you can always take the horse to Jamie?

Also, Mae;

>Aaron gets a strange feeling in him - as though someone he knows just died. Or rather, someone he could have known. He shakes his head and refocuses on the mission.

>Jamie stops short. All of a sudden, her heart is filled with a dull ache... she doesn't know why, but she whispers a small goodbye to a boy she never knew. She steels herself to carry on.

Yeah. Il decide once scrooge goose is cooled or not :)
It seems. Especially if scrooge might be swapped out old pastor Jimmy's law man brother needs to join overload.
im stayin bois. probably gonna retire the goose tho.

Noo... Who then will the pastor imply to use for wings to stick on a pig in a cannon. Ans the make pigs fly so ships can happen....

im sticking about, not sure what to do with dread n the preacher though

Not used it much at all. But it's got its place, people have fun and enjoy there one liners, quick RP and everyone has to start somewhere and seems good as any. It's fun, fast, and rapidly changing.


Main place I go, its got plenty of options and the odds of mathematical scale, wider groups and so mean thr odds of finding a RP off the ground are higher. There tons of different ideas and lots of variety always coming up.

Well higher casual, my grammar is not up to advanced.

Though it's sad how many RP fail before there poteital relised.


Hyper detailed, grammar focused... Well abit much for me. I like more flexibility though. Maybe abit too exacting for now. Very good, in depth and well crafted universes though. Character sheets carry more detail than some entire role plays.


Fun just look out for the... Rather strange folk there too! Also more smut out there than anywhere else combined!

Good folk, bad folk... Some extremly strange folk.


Got a reputation for being abit. Toxic and a alittle less welcoming of new players. Not exactly a easy place to start out and seems to be a rather small community inside a comunity. Very different writing style and focus on details, exacting aspects like energy counts, armour peircing or not, types of damage and so. Its more technical than role play it seems?


Very diffrent, not had any real experience.

Table top

Not much experience but only game I've played been very fun.
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