Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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ayeee back home

i'll get stuck in this week

Yay. We begin again :)
This is like the comtainment zone for toxicity. Enter at own risk, and always wear a NBC suit lol.

And it seems libertarians are a very specific set of political views. The whole non aggression and small goverment are heavy in there idea. Thry have few comparisons.

There takw on things from a Euro perspective is left... But not our left. Our left leans more to control and saftey nets, a heavier hand in things. There's a stronger influence on society.

This kind of left is a very off hand form, and indevicdualistic but more to centre I think. America entire ratio is skewed to Europe's right. Our left to far left would be posetively extreme and near communism on the scale.
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thrusdsy early afternoon, bedroom suite (Park view) to the Lighthouse . "Daughter of Persephone"


Victoria was definitely riding the impulse as she collected the key for the room and they had to do a bunch of old fashioned stuff to write down the credit card number etc for the transactions, names, banks and so. They even had to ask a older manager just to know how given it had not been done in years.

Yes... Can I get my key, and...

Victoria was not always the most patiant woman at times and tapped her winter boot slightly, answering a dumb joke with a fairly cold reaction. Title jokes she never minded from freinds, just strangers where more difficult. Yeah, well they where going to end up there, and not for a warm place to stay the night saving money. The last one made her pale skin a alittle more normal. Though not the sheer snow like colour. She still was definitely on the extremer pale range.

That to. Maybe hour and abit...

They definitely where taken in the momment and that was a rather intense one that had taken charge.m, before her thoughts where leveled out a intense kiss and a gentle force lift her up with a suprise. Lost utterly in the momment, she merely returned the gesture and gave a look that was pretty clear what she wanted in that single momment. Dark grey eyes glittering in the changing light.

Being carried was... Intresting and did not quite protest heavily bar a few tuts and reade about saving his energy for where it mattered. About as subtle as a oil tanker to the head but they where not exactly a romance novel right now.

hope you have plenty left mr rockstar.

Falling back onto the bed, she threw her jacket and so aside along with boots before finding her balence again. Pushing her long blaxk hair out her face from the landing and dark eyes glittering in the phone light. It was dark and her hair and blended somewhat bar the highlights that hung closer to her face. It definitely not how things planned to go but.. Well go wimhere the widmnd takes it.

Then things escalated... Quickly... (censored) That's all folks!

~ fade to black ~


Ooh... A handy tool indeed...

My 2 cents.

Your fine with enforcing a setting or rough idea like a male Knight, older male charceter, or other small hints to keep direction and tone.

But other than the base points. How they want to shape that idea is up to the player. You can maybe set a charecetistic or so you want, or range of those, fitting setting etc. But after that nope.


A female lady/princess , unmarried, youngish. Grew up mostly within thr Palace.

Now plenty of room. Detailed. Ideal for a set story advanced or 1x1

A female charceter. Younger x older male chacetwcer. Some hidden aspect to past.

More vague. It's just a sketch of thr aim. There's restrictions but there not strict.

Not a set charceter, they just in that case may have to play a role. How and what they bring to it is there own.
In Deer spam 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
A doeful attempt at Stagging a Coup to get to the Antler of the situation.
Weather Effect Status Updates

Important please read before posting

Group 1:
Thomas @Conscripts
Karishma @Rodiak
Siobhan @Almalthia

Cell phone signal down . Landlines remain working

Total power outage / heating outage to University Campus .
Maria Olympus

on way to pet store with Fluffy that evening

Maria paid on credit card and put things away in a overzied handbag, it was definitely a handy thing whennyou where traveling. The woman seemed genuinely to love her job and love animals. Though aomeone to cuddle at night was always a bonus.

It was suprising, Fluffy was pretty wary of strangers, well it helped she was female and Fluffy distrust for some reason that did not change was she distrusted men. People close to her where fine, scenets and family. Strangers though she just needed a firm hand on the lead and a small tug to being her back into line.

Thanks, I'm maybe abit soft in her. True. Im sure she understands what I'm intending before I ask sometimes. She a smart a lady is Fluffy. Stop... Come over here.

Giving her dog a small fuss whom thr large German Shepard seemed a alittle willful but obeyed her implied command and fell in next to her, as her attention was wandering slightly in thr mass of new smells and sounds, overwhelming her a alittle. So she lived alone, and rather Deadicated, that was.. Well what was normal.. She usually was in and out of pet shops as busy or had a dozen things to do recently.

The older woman was relaxed and enjoying a break in the warmth before she had to brave the outdoors and face the walk back to the hotel. Brushing a somewhat gold blonde hair out her eye and cast a slightly annoyed look at the snow. It never would ease up... She returned a small smile to the woman at the shop, she was in for a long shift.

I had a daughter to take care of at your age, enjoy it life while your free and can do anything. Though you should find a nice guy! mine was was tall dark and handsome, he just abit more grey than when we first met. Got there... About 27 years later!

My family always had a weakness for handsome men in uniform, my sister married a marine. I'm enageged to a ships captain...

Good luck. It might be a long night. Its more like the North Pole than north America out there. You might want to get the coffee on.

Pulling on a thick scarf, glove and a vintage fur that which was a strange combination for a woman who loved her dog, to some anyway. Dressed as best she could for the weather anyway. If she waited for it to clear it could be all night. Fkuffy gave the woman a playful goodbye before she cottened onto Maria without a verbal command and turned to trot after her, though she could not help but nibble on a bone lieing a second before being chastised by her mistress with a small tap to the ear and shake of head that was understood.

Still a alittle strange on the boots, but with warm paws, Fluffy was treading the ground a alittle as if a fraction still unsure if these where good and r bad, but airing on good as her paws where warmer.

Her comments where abit strange but she was happy, and some subjects just came so easily right now. The whole in love and glowing bride thing was... Well not entirely true. But she was alot happier than life had been before. Pregnancy glow in her medical and personal opinion was a myth spread by crazy people though!

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thrusdsy early afternoon, bedroom suite (Park view) to the Lighthouse . "Daughter of Persephone"


Victoria blinked as the darkness Suprised her at first but soon adapted and looked round watching people react complain, swear or so. It was a alittle fun in the end with all the suprises. It was a strange day, date and entire thing indeed. Teasing him somewhat, he deserved a alittle bit. It was all in good fun though.

yhrnni can be young and pretty ernough for both of us.

His second remarks caught her off guard somewhat and was not sure which direction to take things, favors owed to people, media and more. His condition where strange... And she was alittle unsure to to take it. Debts to unknown people for unkwn reasons where exactly a welcoming or reliable idea. They seemed abit... Dangerous. Rather not ideal, but maybe moderated.

maybe, I changed alot recently.

Yeah, that had been a... Change definitely. Being able to walk unaided made a large change and people just thought she was abit small, frail or so and not completely helpless. There was no way to hide her lack of height or extremely light build.

within reason. Favours I Don,t know whom you owe to or never asked for are a little suspect at times. Thankyou though... I do apericate the discretion. Il keep a open mind. I can t answer for my sister.

If it's within my skills, I'm sure I can lend you a hand, or your mysterious friend.

Thats promising, there may be rewards for that.

Adding with a small teasing smile and a slight mischievous glitter to her dark grey eyes. She was not entirely without logic but a desire to live a alittle and have some fun was rather tempting. She was Suprised a alittle BT the next part but the teasing was definitely working and getting a rather strong response. Letting him play with her hair abit, long Raven black with thr highlights standing out more against the darkness. Slightly shiny her hair was a intense black with odd reflection of reds, yellows and oranges but pure singular matt and lifeless it was not. Her accent was somewhat mixed and taking back its natural Russain tinge to English, a quirk that had confused the odd person before.

Playfully sitting on his lap and giving a full kiss, no one could quite tell what they where up to thanks to the darkness and the light of thr candles and fire was not strong ernough to make the room bright. The two of them did somewhat manage to trigger influences deep down that here definitely not inocent. Victoria was not sure where this new confidence or slight lean to her dark side came from but it was there and not hiding. It was always present, just now peaking out.

you will just have to see you can Ethen.

They rent rooms here... And its pretty cold outside... Driving might be dangerous

With a growing Russain twinge to change her accent making it sound more foreign and intriguing, she was not entirely reckless, but it was more she only had once chance to live, one chance to be free and enjoy the momment. She had plenty of time to be a responsible adult, and whatever life brought. Grabbing her coat, scarf and gloves after sliding off his lap Victoria pulled his hand slightly walking over the desk. Smiling to a lady and man at the desk, she requested a room off a fraction smirking receptionist who seemed lost wothout a pc. Realising her booked name would have to match the credit card and realising which one she had.... Well find out eventually anyway

one double room... It's abit harsh outside... Lady Victoria Darya Romus... Yes. That's correct... No I'm not joking.

Sighing. It was a strange one for sure and most people thought it was a curiosity at best that she was a titled lady, legally anyway. There was no grand estates or so, the family had lost in a good century ago. No one could take the name. It could not be legally sold... They might of if they could.

Waiting for them to find a key, well this was definitely not normal Victoria but we'll, they both where pretty open about what they wanted from there intentions.


One down. @LunarMist il have yours done in a few hours once I charge my phone.

Replies be tommrow :)

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