Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Park View . Late afternoon

Marinalia laughed, her cousin sounded like he deserved abit of teasing. You had to be abit silly not to stock up with warnings of a storm coming like this, it was rather well heralded and proclaimed. Well if he got too hungry, there probbly would be some old frozen food that might not be frozen after a while.

men... Is he gonna go out,m and hunt some squirrels in the park?

Laughing at him going all primitive man making fire and hunting with home made speers as the super market closed and likely out of basics anyway. Things where pretty crazy out there you seriously did not want to be out in this storm though, even Vika would not risk things, and she was more used to it.

Disney movies where always fun, even if they had some strange relationship ideas... One kiss does not make a marriage, and shoes... Cindrella drank too much?

loved em since I was a kid... Lion King! Hukana Makata...

Singing along abit and managing a fair version of the song, she was rather rusty, so very rusty but she remembered ernough to sing along. Though when the king died that always made her she'd a tear as a kid. Xia definitely not as extremelt open and her comments seemed to be constantly up beat. This woman was a freaking battery to keep being like this all the time.

milk goes well with tea... Il take that.

Life definitely... Not boring nay where near you! Yep, Ball room, used to host alot of parties back in times past. Il show you later it's beuterful.

It was pretty impressive with full ceeling paintings and large windows that let in lots of light. The small room could be closed off but opened up it was a huge room, way to huge for them to make use of yet. That would have to change and find some way to have some fun now they had a venue to entertain.

Ball room, yep. Parisian design and just been restored, the house was shuttered and sheeted for a long time. Il show you later!

Explore, definitely. Safari... Abit too cold for lara croft outfit I'm afraid.

Cannot promise anything.

That was a alittle cheeky but, she did have that from a fancy dress party once, and not changed size much, of all the things she had shipped over was eclectic to say the least. Photos, clothes and more. This place was starting to feel more like home, especially her little scnctury upstairs.

The seach of the room was not entirely fruitful but they did find a few old board games, some of the things where strange, dated or so but they found a few funny things, and evidence the place had a colourful past, even a book that must predate there ownership of the house... There was a reason someone kept it at back of a cupboard though. The old days where not quite as wholesome and prudish as they claimed. Relics of the past of then found a way to survive.

ernough to knock up a home made pasta sauce, shops where so crazy I could not get anything too fancy. Tasty though!

Whatever forced us together today... Not sure of that's good or bad...

Giving a honest answer to her wink and comment, that definitely was a 50/50 on which way the line fell. Xia definitely had a somewhat infectious enthusiasm though and that caused a random hug. Xia was working Marlin out her shell abit without noticing, after all the trouble she had called back. But it seemed safe ernough to poke out and see the air right now. Some events definitely did not leave you in a few weeks..

Thr next question took her back and nearly dropped a vase she was putting back after piling up a few board games, some cards and a old fashion magazine from the 40's that her curious. The style back then was... Well plain nice in its own way. Her suprise was more how direct it was worded, well that was not exactly beating about any Bush, plant. Or tree. Deflecting showmwhat, that was a question that she was not sure even how to answer and context what it might imply. It was not quite as simple as it seemed.

umm... That's.. A... Your on pasta duty...

Il answer that one, just when I'm ready. Wanna explore?

Taking her on a quiet tour of the downstairs after dropping the games, the ball room was large and lower levels where more ornate and aimed for show than comfort. A tad old fashioned but it gave a slight hint of lost class and style that modern homes could not quite carry across. Light even with the snow piled up windows and a tall ceeling that was fully painted and with designs inspired from Greek myths and legends.

The conservetroy was colder and Marinalia kept the blanket using as somthing to throw over her shoulders for warmth, mostly a odd potted plant, table, chairs and some garden furniture stacked up in the corner. It was evident thr house was a while off being fully lived in. The rest was pretty basic and a downstairs loo. Store. The front drawing rooms where under used offices.

Heading back upstairs where it was warmer, Marlin kept the tour quick, with a few explanations, but it mostly told its own story. Getting help from Xia to make a quick pasta, mostly small talk though. Making up a quick pasta sauce, onions, some herbs and bits thrown together into a quick but healthy meal.

upstairs, exploring plus its always warm up there. There's a system in the walls... Old.. Well Roman.. fashioned central heating...

Waiting before leading her up a set of stairs off to the side, and onto a landing on the 2"nd floor. Glass lined looking over the entrance hall and it's ever more snowed over glass roof that she was not sure you would want to be under for a prolonged period. The storm was definitely biting and thick flurries fell outside the glass.

The smaller private living room with a open pair of doors that lead to a bedroom, queen's sized bed and a walk in wardrobe and be suite.and a rather snow covered balcony, comfortable sofas rou d a coffee table and small fire place. It was her personal corner and had alot more items like photos of family, friends, a picture of her flying the said race vs Joel and more scattered about. A small desk had a aviation theme and a few little models of what she flew sat about with a short light robe she threw under a cushion to quickly tidy up.

The balcony in the darker winter light was snowed in heavily and you'd probbly struggle to even push open the French doors.

Sat eating her pasta, it was more cozy and bit more "normal" up here than downstairs. The surroundings where also comforting for her. It was her little safe spot away from the world. Playing with her fork against the bowl, abit nervous, but deciding to be honest. Sliding up the t shirt hem a inch or two. the scar was visible and in the light, a alittle more obviously not a medical one. She did not make it obvious to many people, her family, close friends, and lovers found it obviousy... But world. No.

my little sanctuary... It's warmer and abit more comfortable.

Its personal. But il answer you. I was 18, went out down shops just to grab some stuff. Was abit late but area was meant to be safe. You know done it a 100 times.

So i get mugged... Gak turns bad. Soon I'm finding myself in hospital. My Aunt who happened to follow me as I forgot my bank cards saved my life. She a Trauma surgeon.

So... I woke up... In pain, hooked. Up to a million things. Blood ttansfusens the works. I was gonna join natinal program, the injury left me out of it for a long time, and told me. Well I lost my shot at what I love. So... I kinda Don, t feel comfortable with questions as reminds me of my old dream I never got a chance at. I'm telling you because... I trust you for some reason I cannot fathom!

So... Umm... Silly as it sounds I just Don,t feel so confident showing in public. Especially after been asked me super awkwardly if I had a botched C section... Strange as it all sounds....

Olympic gold is forever... And no one could say I not earn it. I missed my chance at it... All thanks to one asshole... Whom il add is still locked up and got years left...

Sighing, the story was suprising difficult however strange it sounded. It reminded her of a rather deep loss, and despite only bring thr potential, it was a loss of the opertunity... The what if was worse than a fixed loss. Pausing a second at times, and blinking a wet eye away before wit became overly notable. Oh. Xia asked somthong or let her ask?

It always sounded odd. She was successful pilot and rated to fly high power aircraft and more.. Yet still hung up over losing her shot at well... Forever. Winning at Olympics is a name in history, a name you earned...

personal. Maybe not quite.

Well,.. What you thinking... Freinds, some lost stray you wanted to help. Somthing else? Or perhaps more?

Im not tricking you. I'm just curious. You seem to be layered... And maybe more meaning to some things than meet the shell spicey egg.

Switching more to thoughtful, her accent had lost some crisp edge and softened somewhat. Slower and softer, though slightly still carrying a troubled edge from her story that took time to bleed off. Not sure what might happen, or what answer... But least it might end the slight confusion she had about some of the previous comments and whatever happened... Happened.

@King Tai

Maria Olympus

on way to pet store with Fluffy that evening

Maria gave a relaxed as the woman seems freindly but also knew what she was doing and got what she needed pretty quickly and easily, thankfully she was a experienced travaler and was way to prepared and extremely planned for all Manner of documents, isurence and more besides. She had isurence, certificates, hospitals that took her company directly and her various pet and medication documents. Maria had helped her dad many times to fly international and had a pretty good amount of air miles built up.

As she brought over what she needed Maria pulled out a purse out her hand bag and flicked through finding her personal credit cards for the right one among a corpate one, bank cards, discount cards and her pass card she left in hand bag. Oh... Boots, coat. That might be useful if this kept up.

Thankyou miss. Not cheap but she worth it.

Fairly clam, she waited as the woman working did her bit, anything remotely medical meant a ton of paperwork. Giving Fluffy a alittle fuss as she stood waiting, a rather well behaved dog just needed a strong hand to reign in her distrust of males and protective nature. Shaking her head at her dog, she needed one at times but just never took to a coat, but boots where alot easier.

your really not a coat fan are you... Come on... No. Stay.

I swear she get bad habits off my fiance... Boots, and mabe some treats. I tried coats but she just never took to one... It's pretty obvious she was uncomfortable.

Swiping her card for the purchases on a credit card, it was alot easier than carrying alot of cash and she traveled so much at one point she still had cards compatable across alot of regions.

can you help me? She fairly calm, just is not used to much bar a lead or harness. Someone who knows sthem better may help. Just go to easy, she not always the ebey when meeting new people.

Making abit of small talk as she waited for help and put some of her packages in her hand bag, always was worth having a larger handbag than normal when traveling. Credit cards sometimes where a alittle delayed. Especially when the city was... Not exactly running quickly.

I'm in the city to see my daughter, and to be step daughter in law.

Though getting agreement from those two and my sister on bridesmaids colours will be a nightmare. You got anyone special back home?

Hopefully you not got too long, I'm not sure Youl be able to get home in a few hours even of you had a tank.

Fluffy was fairly well behaved though was a alittle apprehensive of strangers waiting for Maria to give her a nod and a OK before the German shepard lifted a paw slowly to help the woman put the boot on. Though with a alittle aprenesion and somewhat testing a prodding the ground as it felt strange at first.

Maria was abit excited... Well alot excited about things but mixed with nerves about how her daughter would react. How Victoria would and how to face the fact she lost her own mother when she was young. It was alot to deal with. Ontop of arranging thr wedding, guests, even with a planner, her sister, fiqnce trying to help... Maybe they should just elope and host a party later.


Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thrusdsy early afternoon, bedroom suite (Park view) to the Lighthouse . "Daughter of Persephone"

Victoria made a quick glance to her phone when it buzzed before waking in fully and saw Milos message, stood under the shelter she tapped out a very quick reply. This was somthong she had to reply to before she could think straight, not want it sitting on her mind.

oh... Sorry this is so awkward... Now I feel crappy about messaging at start. . I guess we both did not exactly deal with that evening very well, nore the aftermath. Life just had different plans for us, and things where not meant to be.

Il have to let you know. . I'm not sure of my schedule coming up as work gonna be abit crazy after the storm, especially with thr back log. Thankyou... Its, well I did not expect so. Your work is so beautiful. Il never be entirely free of one... Some things are to severe to ever fully heal. Just bad days now. Not all days. I'm happy with that.

Mind if I passed your info onto some one. They would love to have somthing like that made... It met her at rehab. She used be a fencing instructor before she had a bad injury. Sorry... I know it a tangent... But it just came to me.

Stay safe, this storms pretty nasty. Worsr than Moscow... And that's saying somthing.

It was pretty difficult to reply to but honest, Gah, what done was done she had been unable to change it, make things diffrent or so.

Once she sat down and have a smile as he helped her out rather heavy duty coat but it was meant for winters at sea, or deep in Russia. Her dad knew of a few good manufacturers and the decals where company or the split flag had been made up for her to tell it apart from the others. Most winters it was abit much but this was as a rather bad in, and the warmth was extremly extremely welcome.

Sipping her drink, she was lucky she did not have to drive so could drink and needed it to warm back up anyway. She smiled as her eyes glittered slightly in the fire light, though dark grey did make a strange surface to reflect light. Playing slightly with her long black hair out of a few small nerves. Go for it Victoria, just do it... Not get anywhere without trying. Things got pretty direct, though least they knew where they stood.

I try... Shame about the weather, It was too cold for my cute dress.

Smiling, she was feeling more confident and looked at the menu, it would be nice to have somthong warm and abit comforting. She could have abit of small work out at rehab, not quite up to fully but things where improving slowly anyway. Cursing as the power went out and things did not pitch black but did go dark as staff ran about handing out candles, and so while they tried to work out what on earth to do. Taking advantage of the darkness she held his hands, which where quite abit smaller and cooler than his thanks to the weather outside despite her winter gloves.

and you well, you intrested me. You only get to live once after all.... Looks like lunch is not on the menu.

Keep up. I earn my own wage anyway. I'm not some leech of that's what you thinking. I can keep up, though my life is mine and Im gonna live it now I have a chance at being well... Me again. For a good few years. Well things outside my control held be back.

I know who are, all I ask is I'd rather stay out the media as much as sensibley possible, honestly. The fame does not intrest me. Prior experience gives me a sour taste of them. well... If that's a problem. I guess we both cannot say we tried to lie or pretend we are people we are not. Though the other way, I'd not sell you out... I Don, t like em. So il not help them. I'm not here for money. I make more than ernough for me to be happy, comfortable and content.

Cheesey was it sounds. I was intrested before I knew, I did not walk up to a rock star, just a cute guy at a bar I liked look of.

Smiling as the candle began to pick up and the waitress did a great job at being deaf, blind and gave Victoria a quick smile before vanishing again. Maybe she she had been too honest, but he asked direct questions and he got direct answers. Did ne expect a groupie who would fawn over him and obey his every whim? That definitely would not work, might be better off with one of the bimbos from the club who attacked them. She tried to keep her accent from veering into Russian but it did abit and wondered if it was a rather quick date over already.

dates by candle light and a log fire. Somehow I'm not hating this...

Though I can keep up in other ways... If you can anyway...

Giving a rather cheeky smile at that, well they both wanted the same thing or they did not, no point hiding who she was. Just cause more heart ache down the road. Victoria was 50/50 on if they work or not... Least he came to the date alone, and drove self. So he least had some sense of not being some coddled man baby like the billionaires of jazz night.

They both seemed to defy half thr normal first date rules. No real what do you do, who are you, cats etc... He just opened up with a challenge..

Least if nothing else ever, it was definitely a intresting story to tell. You only got one chance, might as well take it.

Maria Olympus

on way to pet store with Fluffy that evening

Maria thought she would have a quiet day in the city sorting out some things for the family, the snow was hammering outside her hotel and it was a total white out. Fluffy a rather large German shepard had curled up a dog bed they had supplied when she gave a extra deposit to allow her to being her pet with her to Sol. The girl got loney and pined after her so this time she took her furry companion with her on the trip.

She had a few things to sort out in the city before she met her daughter, and Victoria who kind of would be her stepdaughter and that was pretty nerve-wracking. There was a glittering diamond on her engagement finger thanks to Vesarian and her getting back together. It was a quick engagement but thry had already been growing close doe a few years prior and things had taken a more romantic turn in the last few months. The race day sealed it and they ended up dancing together the whole night happily. Sharing a daughter. Well years ago she would have hated him but now... Now they where enageged again and well, had a grown up pair of daughters to explain wedding stuff to!

Life was not entirely easy for Maria when it came to checking her luggage finding she brought the empty bottle. Fluffy needed that medicine, it was a pretty small thing but was helping her deal with a prior illness and a gap would not be good for her fur baby. She loved her dog too much. It was a blizzard but she definitely needed that for her girl. She was little clingy, espechily when Fluffy was in strange places.

you need some more stuff. I forgot it girl... Stay, il be back... Oh.. Come on then. We better be quick it's cold out and you ain't a husky.


Heading out she pulled on some winter boots, a dark longer designer wool coat over a cashmere jumper and a warm fur hat picked up at a vintage boutique in Covent garden. Long gold blonde hair, straight and a pair of eyes that some said almost where gold in the right light. She was older but still attractive and her career and DR made sure she had a few nice things. The weather was way to bad to ever drink be, even if she could get the rental out the garage... It was a rather nice Bentley, powerful, fast and abit of fun. Rather useless in this weather though.

Rushing through the snow she checked on her iPhone in lobby before making a quick dash to a open pet store who was close ernough but the cold was biting and it took some effort to keep Fluffy from playing in the snow and getting cold... A quick few sharp commands to keep her from being too protective. Not everyone was hostile but Fluffy had a small issue around men and being a good sized German sheapard was not exactly a lap dog and could pack a good bite. Seeing her bite doesn't en on things was ernough warning.

Opening the door and closing it quickly before leaning down and brushing the snow off fluffy, she was a slightly silly girl at times and drived though a small snow drift. With a soft English accent and laughing at her dog, who have her a shake and wetted her in response. She did not relise quite how much she talked to her dog, but somehow Maria got a idea those eyes understood at least her intentions. She was clever like all her breed but was not sure if this was anything diffrent ormr just a normal quirk.

Maria's rather large Germanshapard followed on a shorter but strong lead behind her with little challenge. Maria was boss, with a dog her size it was important. Spotting the young woman she put her hat on the counter and looked over with almost gold eyes and a look of a woman who had aged rather well and looked good for her age despite having a 27 year old daughter. Admitly she was abit foolish and got pregnant before she was 20... Thhen he left her. That was a hell one to explain to dad.

your a silly lady. Come on. Let's get you your medicine. And Don, t give me that look. Youl thank me later. Yes you will.

Hi miss, I need somthing and I'm rather desperate . I'm from England and grabbed the wrong bottle. Fluffy here needs to complete her set treatment, or she gonna get ill again. . Please, do you have any?

Large dog dosage, she not a small lady this one. I'm OK with dosages and measurements, I'm a Dr, I Don, t mind if it's measured dosage or larger bottle.

Please, everywhere else seemed closed, or never answered the phone.

Putting over a note from the vet she used bring the stuff in without too many questions, a prescription for a treatment that probbly was not gonna come too cheap over the counter like this. She was concerned about her pet so rambled a alittle like most did.

Maria was still pretty welcoming and gave Fluffy a quick fluff as she stood by her, sniffing round the strange smells and looking over slightly rival like at some of thr others, naturally falling into a guarding behaviour of her mistress. Her cheeks began to go back to normal as she had flushed from the cold where the scarf and hat had not protected her. Providing her Id to match the medical document and Dr prefix, she was not sure how controlled or not, and so went overboard to get the medication.


This entire sub forum is pretty much dead, and has been for some time, there's not been much activity here for a while. You could PM sowmoeme etc and maybe try and use the idea outside expending horizons though.

Its currently slated for a replacement at some point. But to all intents your better off looking in other parts of the Guild for your RP fix until I think the star wars idea launches.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Luna Sports to Park View . Late afternoon to Lunch

Marinalia was in a fairly good mood as they headed home and the quick talk by the gym, a night it un a quiet bar, with good drinks, the bars in London had a excellent range, Alaska was lacking and the lemoncehllo in Italy was unbeatable. The snow was beginning to fall harder so she did not dawdle, Xia was definitely more open with her reaction some than some people. Definitely would be a fun person to be friends with it seemed, had been pretty fun so far. Maybe she should swim with her more regularly.

yep. With this weather some time in the sun sounds fun though.

Well see you for drinks spicey egg. If there so kind, rude to say no...

Leaving with a smile, she saw her return pretty quikly, hug her and seemed genuinely happy to have somewhere warm to stay, especially with the winter coming. Returning the hug, she still felt a I'm tiny bit awkward but Xia did make her feel more comfortable than other people. Trusting her was easier than others it seemed. It was difficult to trust after every thing but Xia seemed to be... A good, well spicy egg. Her openness was rather... Open. Blushing a fraction, she was not exactly a nun but Xia was a whole new level of open.

Well I try my best. If your a friend, I try to be a good one.

Ummm.. Your welcome.... That's a unique way to put it... Guess your OK if it not clear before nightfall at least.

Smiling and heading off they made it home fairly easily, Marlin made a quick slight of thought to discuss her "holiday with her fiance" and pretended she only just got back. Laughing when the bus had passed she walked quickly as Xia less adapted winter boots would allow. With a alittle help from Marlin on the worst of the ice. Deciding it was better to get inside quickly as possible she kept the outside tour to a bare minimum and fact gates are locked automatically and how to get out when she needs to.

Smiling she joined in her video waving a second mug in corner of video and a English accented comment about the fact they had a full fridge and plenty of snacks. Laughing with Xia it was fun to with friends again.

cheers, and we won,t be going hungry!

Sipping a cup of tea, Xia seemed to enjoy her cousins misfortune and got the idea that he earned that one. The run added kick was definitely noted and helped warm you up even though it had the side effect of making her feel a little more giddy. Spirts always hit her system quickly.

bit forward. You watch Disney this morning?

Laughing, Disney had everything so fast a romncom would blush, kiss a princess, get married Tomorrow and live happily ever after. Life was alot more complicated. That reminded her of a little old thought but she shoved it aside along with the smell of hot tyres, exhaust fumes and vibrations of cars racing by a few metres away. Snapping back to the present Marinalia smiled at the compliment, though she could not claim the home or the decor was her own design.

To me its home, and make yourself at home, its a big place, and needs some life in it. Your... "rum tush" is welcome to stay here warm and comfortable.

A games room? Umm... They had a ballroom, a conservetory at the back and a few store rooms... Bedrooms, and even 3 living rooms, a office and so... Maybe... They had only moved in a few weeks and this house had alot ox cupboards and stuff dating back from when her grand mother or before lived here. Maybe there be games.. The old drawing room might have somthing!

Leading Xia to a smaller room off the side mug in hand. , it had some old style sofas with wood frames and matching coffee tables and cabinets all in a older French style. A rather old liquor cabinet was even stocked... They thought of everything but as she found her uncle had his own tastes and was mostly whiskey. The same emphasis on pale light colours with a set of paintings of England where on the walls. it was a tad old fashioned but quaint.

As she had sat up though her t shirt rode up a tad showing a slightly jagged and rather aggressive across her lower stomach, the darker skin tone was distinct against her pale skin varying slightly around it. Not noticing her t shirt fell down over it as she walked, the flesh was indented a fraction around it. A memory, both her body, and mind would not forget as long as she lived.

we have a ball room downstairs? Anything we have might bee here. They out alot of stuff when they renovated here, we only moved in a few weeks ago and not yet had chance to explore every little corner.

Theres a x box one on my private living room tv though. The main bedrooms are set up as suites. Only two of us so plenty of spare rooms.

Depends what you call games?

Opening a old cabinet, she found some old magazines from the 50's, a partial set of plates, and a few little knick backs someone had piled away when they closed up the house decades ago and intermittent use over the past 30-40 or so years. One made her laugh when she found someone had hid a old compromising novel behine vase, "seductive sirens and the well masted sailors island conquest". The art was equally as subtle. A few board games where hidden away, all rather old and probbly from the 60's, some cards. A poker set that must have been even older and some other miscellaneous stuff like a some love beeds and so from the era. Answering the end question with a slight curiosity, games room was a pretty wide idea from finding a games console or so, or other people it was abit more... EL James then entrainment.

I do not want to know who owned that book!

Old houses always have a few secrets and corners.

Laughing, she pretended to be a mummy wandering out from a corner, the rum definitely hit her quicker than other drinks. But she was happy, and that was somthing that had been lacking at times. Closing one of the shutters that was on the window to keep it warmer as snow had piled up a several inches on the recessed side window. It definitely was getting worse outside and relised Victoria might end up stuck where she had her date, if it went well though that might not be a hardship entirely...

Looking as she did finding a broken games console from the 90's and someone who had hidden a bra... Up to somthing at one of the parties perhaps that had been hosted?

Ummm, what you want to eat, I know we skipped the lunch at gym?

And I Don, t want to sound crazy, but I'm glad you lost power, this place can be a alittle loney, safe and comforting but little loney. Big house, little person. Definitely needs some guests and so like the olden times.

With a slight nervous look admitting that her seeming perfect home had a few downsides too, life was abit strange when not used to being in one place, and freinds? A few back in England had stayed since she was a kid, many others not. Joel at least was... Freindly. He was a good egg, Ren dropped off planet, she would of been happy with him, maybe even fallen for him. There where others she met on the way. If only the sisters could lead a quieter life for once... Marinalia would definitely have to spend some time going over her past month or two, it was a emotional roller coaster.

Quickly shaking out her slightly thoughtful look a second Marinalia found herself quickly back to the present, and gave Xia a quick hug randomly, not wanting to seem. Crazy, though it was pretty obvious she was facing many of the same problems people living in a newish place faced after a while.

curious about anything else?

Do you want to know more?

And getting pretty wild out, you might be a good luck charm.

OK that was a rather bad Geeky joke from stardhip troopers but however much outward Aperence , she still had a alittle nerd inside. "Kylo" Ren had proved that, but chewie? Pilot yes, but a wookie? Gah, he was a good freind, they never did get round to crappy movies and pizza.

A quick check of her phone had told her that the city system reported cell down, power outages and some more intense snow, showing Xia the list while they still seemed less effected for now anyway. A quick flash by of her screen showed her in a photo with a taller man with slightly greying hair, who had matching eyes and a look of been, Thete done that, a woman who was a fraction shorter than her but looked like her near twin with about 20 years between and striking almost gold eyes, completing the group, Victoria when she still had white hair. A photo taken on race day.

@King Tai


That's definitely more easy to get a understanding.

I gotta get some sleep and rather tired , so il let @Almalthia @Pilatus

Give it a check over.
Weather Effect Status Updates

Important please read before posting

Group 1:
Thomas @Conscripts
Karishma @Rodiak
Siobhan @Almalthia

Cell phone signal down completely. Land lines only.

Group 2:
Marlin @PrinceAlexus
Alex @Alex_The_Great
Xia @King Tai

No effects.

Group 3:
Vika @PrinceAlexus
Ethan @Almalthia

power outage to lighthouse bar.

Group 4:
Reya @Majoras End
Marcus @Zaxter996
Sully @CaptainSully

power outage to Club Aether and Run as a whole.

Group 5:
Ashton @Silver Fox
Ash @LostBrotherGrimm
Capella @Tenma Tendo

Snow intensifies outside with reduced viability and icey conditions underfoot.

Group 6:
Paige @Pilatus
Dustynn @MissCapnCrunch
Aoki @Rodiak

No effects

Transport Group
Joel @Pilatus
Milo @RoccanIronclad

General weather warnings due to weather conditions
yep, we thought you where gone, glad we where wrong :)

NF is a name of a band!

oops.. seems all 3 Gm's have been confused by that one lol
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