Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Ps sorry if still a Wip.

I missed the NF on the bottem, not finished?

OK, so I fixed tour img tags for you first off if you just copy this version, just copy a picture URL in of this one not work between the tags. Url will only make a link, and yours was not working sadly.

Everything is there but can we have a bit more detail in thr bio, and a maybe a extra like or dislike and things better :) just to give us a better idea about them.

Also if you want, pick a actresses to play the part, it's a alittle fun and optinal but helps us understand your charceter better.

Any questions let us know, we willing to help, once it's edited just get two of us to confirm it and welcomw to Sol City :)

Our current even is fun, we have a big snow storm, so lots of opertunties, chances you may lose power, end up meeting a friend, or sheltering locked into a bar ;) people are everywhere from abandoned buildings having watched too many horror movies and in manors in front of a cozy fire with tea!

Feel free to tag or PM us as required.


Winner Winner Chickin Dinner

Let's pick a winner!

So we have a winner after hard choice!

Its #betterlatethanpregnant

So congratulations. Your prize shall be revealed this skip :)

And hopefully not the gender of the baby!

Congratulations, and enjoy the skip!

Paige @Pilatus
Dustynn @MissCapnCrunch
Aoki @Rodiak
very handy tool All Father.
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thrusdsy early afternoon, bedroom suite (Park view) to the Lighthouse . "Daughter of Persephone"

Victoria smiled at the text and found her heavy winter coat with hood, winter boots, scarf and gloves, there was a small break in the snow and she intended to makw it before the snow came back with a vengeance where they where.

Zipping up a warm coat she wore in Russia, with a diagonal split flag or Russia and UK on one arm, and Polar star on the other, in mostly blended in monochrome patches and a snow flake below the polar star logo. Underneath she had warm jeans, and a slightly daring top that cut lower and exposed abit more of her pale skin, minis the bra but she could get away with it, and anyway this looked far more suitable for a date. And it was definitely a date. Maybe abit daring but it showed she was taking it as a date.

Cold date.. But that's why she had a coat and a light layer for inside.

Her family back in a Russian would tease her forever if she was stopped by a clear gap in snow, and worried about getting tiny bit of cold. The gap would be fine and should be able to make it.

Heading out, she gave a quick message to say to she on her way before nipping quickly past Xia and Marlin, with a quick wave.

Il walk it, see you soon hon.. Not say no to a lift home.

Im half Russain. I'd never leave fearing snow down!


Heading out, the show was OK at first and she enjoyed the feeling to fresh snow Beneath her boots, walking in the now and being free. There was a reason she declined the lift. This was somthing that was harder, now she had a alittle more freedom, why not use it. Victoria was not quite as fit as she needed to be but made it, slightly less steady to the end bit forced herself to do it, she could do it. Just took dome effort.

The snow did however return quicker than expected and with her scarf pulled up and hood down, a somewhat cold Victoria made it into the light house, a warm fire burning logs, a quaint little pub and rather nice place in general. Log beams and copper items abound, thick walls with old fashioned windows and lots of old pictures and paintings of Sol city in the past. Pulling off a thick coat and putting it on the back of chair glad of the seat near the fire, and her warm gloves and scarf, winter boots where not so glamorous but she could feel her toes, and that would not be so in heals.

only a alittle bit cold ... It's worse than Moscow...

The goddess of madness has made it Ethen , but will her date resist her charms. Though?

Leaning over giving him a kiss with a little wobble and getting closer than planned though a cheeky smile remained, she sat back down and and stretched her feet out closer to the fire to warm them back up properly. They kept her warm, just nice to be warmer. Ordering a double vodka and coke to help warm up, she wondered what would happen, but ignored it and decided to just have fun and make the most of it.

you look good, I'd almost say you looked like a rock star.

Adding her bit quietly, she leaned in abit to talk so they could have there privacy. Guessing how they both probbly did not want to be quite caught together yet. That would just be a bunch of trouble. Smiling and thanking a waitor who brought her a drink. It was pretty quick, the service here was rather good. Her ice grey eyes almost sparkled slightly as she was enjoying herself for first time in a few weeks.


So, bar night club riots. How you found the city? It was nice to meet you but rather not use what they call a "mattress". I can think of better places than a jail cell to use one.

I'm curious, of all the women that night, why Me? Not in bad way, just a curious thought.

Talking and some rather loaded flirting between the two of them. They both knew what they where like to some degree, and both wanted to have fun, kick loose and enjoy a date. Whatever happened was anyone's guess, who knew.

Live for the day. And worry about tommorow when it comes.


Let us know if you want the house of Lords put back, or you want to give them a change of scenery :)

Any help just ask!
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thrusdsy Lunch . Home at Noon, bedroom suite (Park view) . "Daughter of Persephone"

Victoria was lieing on her bed checking out on her laptop to arrange a visit to thr University campus and maybe even talk to a few students, she had leaned alot on her travels and so, maybe there was a opertunity to help out, especially maybe the female students in such a normaly male dominated sector. At least her day would be different and would be intresting to see what she missed out on her path, and the difference between the self taught and education systems paths.

Sending a email she hoped they would like the idea and would let her, especially with the fact she worked for a local, well not always popular but they where known for there security levels and abilities to defend there systems. She had done a rather wide mix of things and hoped at least it might help one person.

Nothing her phone vibrate on the bedside table ans gave a quick glance out the patio doors to a rather snowed in balcony and a rather white scene outside. The snow was making it harder ans harder to see things on the tables and piling up of the deeply set back windows. Old House, thick walls, the windows where set back for warmth, and that was most welcome now. The message was Milo... Well that was diffrent, he made Vice feel almost... Guilty, but a various wide array of feelings. At least he was polite. The sword stick was downright amazing, was she really not that person? Maybe, was it too diffrent that she was black haired?

Thankyou, truely, but im glad I Don,t quite stand out so much, this is my natural colour. Well bar the highlights. I just sped up the process abit as I'm impatoant. Some of the attention was not always as posetive as yours.

Its beuterful, your truely talented at what you do. Thankyou even thinking to make such a thing. I'm sure Youl work out what's best to do with it.

And. Not around in one way, but always in my memories, and your kindness not forgotten. Your a good egg Milo, Your yolk is good.

Ps. Whoever gets you be a lucky woman.


Victoria was not sure how even to think about what he made, it was amazing and she thought it was a probbly rank up there with gestures of intent if there ever was one at the time. That would not happen, what do you do when it was made for you at a time, but you are not that you. And things change yet its not something that suit someone else.... Leave it to Milo to decide what to do wit it.

She had to markvek slightly at the idea of how somthing so beuterful could turn to deadly, it was a rather apt thing whwn you thought about some animals and it balenced what would be a pretty inappropriate thought. Milos message left her, somewhat confused but not in a bad way, it definitely was good to reconsider things sometimes and takw some time to think.

Lieing back and resting, she kne her sister had returned but wanted some time to relax out the way. They each had a private bathroom, living room and bedroom set up. The living room was abit smaller and so, but cozy and she had room to have photos about, mermentos and little bits that now she was here for a while had been worth bringing over.


Puddled Ashes official present their first album "SOS,someone" with classic hits such as "Firefighter from heaven", "Where are we? (A Capella version)", "I swear I know what I'm doing (he doesn't)". And a bonus 10 minute Toasty drum solo.

Or - yes, Puddled Ashes is our official name.

Team 5 sorted.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Luna Sports to Park View . Late afternoon to Lunch

Marinalia had a abit more bounce to her as she left the sports centre and seemed in a rather pleasent mood as her winter boots gave her confidence on the snow and ice, the thick wool coat, flight jacket, glove. Scarf meant she was rather well equiped to face the cold.

Glad her thoughts where private, Xia definitely was a good swimmer a d gave a rather good challenge to Marlin, old Marlin would have won hands down but that when she was a near profeshinal athlete level and her fitness was due to having time to dedicate on a more refulqr basis to swim, train and being a little younger did help. The injury had caused trouble and that had taken time to retrain her body to its old level. A slight blush came to mind when she relised Xia looked as good as she swam, slightly shocked that thought had swam by and sipped her mango heavy smoothie. The taller atheltic trainer was well, definitely practicing what she preached.

Having time to talk as they left, Marlin was a alittle busy making sure that the public transport was just about running before she left. Apologising to Xia Marinalia crunched on the snow with a slight childlike glee finding patches of fresh snow to get a propper crisp crunch...

Sorry, checking what buses still running, thanks to the snow and all.

Your pretty good yourself, I'd of beaten you more safely when I was 18...now it's 50/50.

My grandma, its a little tradition. They always go to a pair of sisters in the family. Hey. I'd hate to pepper spray you....

Smiling as she drank a smoothie, it was good and Xia definitely knew how to get a rather lot of Mango, definitely a win win in her book today. It sounded silly but mango really helped her recover after a rather intense work out. Smiling and teasing Xia abit, the old slightly more bubbly and playful Marlin crept out and sniffed the air sensing it wa safeish.

your obviously not a winter person miss Xia...

Hoped you say yes, your a good egg. I have had my full of crazy! A quiet bar, good drink and good company is just fine. You have to try Lemon chello then, and maybe some French Choclate liqueurs... Sounds lovely. I miss those. The American kind just ain't the same as real thing.

Yep, well your a good egg, this city has too many bad eggs spoiling the box.

Her preference to egg puns was well known to her freinds, a trait that seems to carry from her mother and a alittle joke book, well they stuck. A nice quiet night out with few expectations and drinks with a few people she trusted at the most sounded a very good idea. She had been arrested, broken hearted and drugged alrwsdy at big events. Marinalia knew her luck was not exactly great in Sol. Ren had been rather nice to her and they got on so well but he seemed to have vanished, they genuinely had fun at times. That was sad, he was a nice friend, even if he definitely seemed to not be on the market and batting for the opposite team so to speak.

Smiling and giving her a hug before beginning to walk over hearing her anaswe the phone and argue at someone before she Crich of snow under her boots was louder and began to walk to a bus stop to catch one of a growing rarer buses back to park view, cabs where not running in these conditions, and any that where wanted a fortune.

Then Xia came up ans seems her place lost power and while she had a few bad experiences, turning her away to a cold night with no power just did not feel right. They had plenty of food, a warm fire and so. She could always take the spare room on third, it even had a small ensuite.

you alri...

Yeah, of course. I meant it Xia. Cousin, well he can chill a while... Ha. Got plenty of room, fuel and food. Having a 4x4 was a life saver. Its... A little, just Don,t judge me please, my family is... Fairly well to do. We owned the home for decades. It was safer... And well we already had to pay for it. Why not live in it...

Come on, il try and find us a bus. Walking would not be fun.


Chatting with Xia casually as the two women climbed aboard the bus packed with people trying to get home, to work, or anywhere else in the snowed in city, Marinalia was nervous about the fact her family home was not exactly a small place and had a ballroom... How do you even explain that.

It was easy to talk with her though, the two where somewhat contrasted in many ways though Xia did have a reassuring confidence that did alway her own somewhat battered inner self from her Sol city adventure, no scars or so, but some you could not see on your skin.

The bus was busy, and gave a little embarried smile as a kid sat on end of row meaning she had to budge up abit. The bus service was take what you could get, and Marlin could not refuse a kid who asked her a few questions about England noticing her rather obvious accent which she took in good spirits.

This one's our stop. Its not too far to home.

Walking down a slightly sloped pavement and reached out a hand helping Xia from slipping as she seemed a alittle less prepared for the winter and got her back onto steady ground before letting go, falling over in this would hurt rather badly. The street ews lined with larger homes opposite the park all set back from the road, many with gates walls and high hedges for privacy. The old houses here where calm enclaves from the busy city. Passing a smaller cottage type one, well that was strange, construction materials about and all, snowed under a thick layer of white. Oh well, there land, do as you like.

Reaching a large set of steel gates that stood outside a parisian style large townhouse, a pair of garages and a thick layer of undisturbed snow on the drive. The cars had already been moved to one of the garages just incase. Opening the gate on a electronic lock she gave a small twirl in the fresh snow gesturing round.

welcome to Hesphestus Manor, or just home.

Adding with a smile, she lead Xia down the drive, past snow covered two story garages, the roof was mostly white with a few patches of tiles and the chimney was half free of snow from the residual heat of the fire.

Opening the front door and closing the heavy entente, little did anyone know it was wood but reinforced with metal just as a paranoid back up. The magnetic lock bolts in a alarm. Would mean you would need a battering ram to open it. One of the reasons her family insisted the two women take the place over. Multiple flood lights and cameras where aimed onto the drive way, sides of house and more beside. The place was definitely safe.

The three story entenece was light and open, cool but it always would be, the heavily sloped glass high above was partly snowed over and a down the tiled lower level, a large round table with fake flowers filled space in a trying to be elagent way. Leading her up a large curving staircase to a less ornate and more comfortable area of the house with large sofas. Views of a private garden out a large set of windows and a general theme of paler colours and mix of antiques and modern items all about. A mix of kitchen, living area, dining room and so, all in one large open plan area with glass doors onto a balcony overlooking the entrance hall closed to keep the room warmer.

The ball room and conservatory where viable as the headed up closed off as kept house warmer and the garden behind the house was a image of pure white. More ornate than the family floors, the wood panels and plasterwork etc was detailed with gold leef, painted designs and art works. The ballroom currently closed away had a large painted ceeling that had been merticouliely restored when they renovated and brought to its former glory. The marble of staircase gleamed but clever stone work meant grips had been carved discreetly into the steps.

Throwing off her extra layers and swapping to some ugg boots in a pair of jeans and her cute t shirt from earlier, the house was cool but my no means cold as she threw a few extra logs on the hot embers of the fire and gave it a poke a few minutes later it was licking high battling the cold winter of Sol city. It would keep things comfortable at least as it crackled and logs popped slightly as the flames first hit the wood.

Returning with a pair of mugs of tea, Marlin sat on a sofa pulling a soft blanket over her lap hiding where the t shirt rode up a fraction past her scar and explained where things where letting her have some time to make her self more used to her souroundings. A warm mug of tea should help with the cold, and a dash of some supermarket rum added to give it abit more of a warming kick after the storm raging outside.

so, that the house, Victoria is rather sensetive about her office, so leave it be. My suite is on right, 3rd floor. Of you need me and we stuck here overnight. My sisters on left. We have a spare up stairs with a small ensuite. It's not the biggest. But it's warm and it's perfectly formed.

Let me know if you want anything, you are a guest after all, and I'd be a lacking hostess if I did not treat you well.

I hope I can atleast make use of my families good fortune for good cause anyway. So... Cheers. Its not best rum but she is ukd warm you up.

I'm. Starting to relise why my grandmother loved this place..

Gently chinking a slightly stronger mug of tea, though it definitely was working at warming her back up the Ugh the cold had made her pwler skin slightly pink. Thankfully it was a good way to mask her nerves at how confused her reaction to things had been the past few days.

Adding on the end with a slightly sad tone, Marinalia shared a name, and never remembered meeting her, but everyone seemed to think Marlin took after her. Hopefully she was proud of what they where doing, her ring glittering on Marlins opposite engagement finger, rarely ever coming off.

@King Tai

@LostBrotherGrimm@Silver FoxPuddled Ashes makes sense, but Toasty and Company is silly, so I'm also down for either xD

Get some dwarves and liberate a mountian of a dragon :)
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