Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

mixed locations . Thursday . Ending at the Luna sports centre . Victoria at Home late morning . Marinalia out with Xia late morning.

Marinalia was sat by the fire as the weather was definitely turning Colder dangling her feet from under the blanket, warm was definitely better and the fireplace was paying dividends as the heat from the fire warmed the house slowly a alittle more. The thick walls where old fashioned insulation and designed to withstand the harsh conditions of thr northern winters for over a century the house had stood. Victoria was sat playing with her laptop and typing away on a project she was a alittle quiet about, knowing the work she did though that was not suprising at all.

The storm coming had meant they had stocked up on food and so, the firewood was piled up and she did not exactly know how much to judge do they probbly had way too much, or too little but with what it sounded like they might need too much before long espechily of things dragged out over a few days.

Checking her updates she saw that flights would be cancelled if the storm hit, roads could be bad out towards old Sol Airport, snow drifts and so where meant to be a problem. Oh well, least she had Thursday off though the star Gw hours thanks to night flights would be a little effort to adapt to. Looking out the window at a cool clear night, that definitely would be a rather cold front coming, if anything Alaska taught her it was so gns it may be bad, and that definitely was looking like Alaska.

Texting Xia back and forth, it was silly every day stuff but it was nice to just have someone else to talk to. Sending a quick meme of a man with a iron throne of spanners and "Lord of the Alternaters and 7 cilinders"

Smiling at the meme the two sisters laughed and curled up under a blanket watching mean girls on for thr nth time, winter weather be damned they had a fire, plenty of wine and a decent amount of food and bottles water just incase. The warnings might be over kill but she definitely did not want to get cut short, a heavy shop, ice and not wanting to drive unless needed.


Marlin was sat on a bench dying off her hair off after changing out her sleek cobolt blue swimsuit in a cubicle after a rather long shower wearing jeans and a cute t shirt with a penguin design and her silver 3 moons over a planet glittering against the darker design.

Fussing with the hem of her T shirt she made sure it down as she reached up to dry abit off more, the scar should be only a tiny fraction viable at least of it had slipped. A rather visable, slightly jagged mark came into a view a second before she made sure it was hidden.

Drying her long blonde hair slowly, in summer it was easy but in these conditions Marlin definitely wanted to make sure things where dry properly espechily when things where this cold, wind chill. That was a shot cut to a cold if there was any. She had to admit she looked good in a swimsuit and it hugged her athletic figure rather nicely, and the fact other people seemed to notice was rather... Exciting in a sense. Not the creepy level of attention and stares but the quick back glance types.

Talking with Xia as she ran a brush her hair before it went all over the place, despite the fact it was long and straight. It also required some care and atteion to look nice, especially after getting all wet. It was suprising easy and relaxing, the two of them seemed to balence, Xia definitely was rather more confident than Marlin but hers had been rather knocked by recent events.

That was a close one at the end. You owe me a smoothie though.

Told you I was a fish to water, though you had me distracted a few times.

The swim had been fun and they started in the morning as it was due to get bad in the afternoon and lunch was meant to be a blizzard conditions. Definitely not a time that she wanted to be caught out in the snow. The swim had been close rung thing to the end, 1-1 even to the final race and had narrowly pulled ahead of Xia and rather exhunulatly celebrated and have her a hug even kissing her cheek before backing off slightly feeling awkward as they where both in swimwear. Her pace had dropped off on the last race, maybe she met tired or caught self on the rotation and banged her knee?

Marlins lack of height helped in that regard as she managed effortlessly to tuck in, rotate and launch away with a ease of thousands of laps of previous practice coming second nature like walking. Xia had more power but Marlin had managed to claim the last race by making up time on the direction changes.

Pulling on a pair of heavy duty winter boots she picked up in Alaska, thank all that's good and warm she had not decided to leave them behind because of baggage weight. Flight jacket, with a warm wool coat going down to near her knee to keep warm, and scarf, gloves and so. This weather sucked for the time it took but had learned rather quickly how to keep warm in Colder places than Sol, between Russia and Alaska. Marlin was used to it.

Come on, let's see if I cannot snag some extra mango

Cheerfully offering her a hand up after she finished checking her boots where tight, and she had her hand bag, gym bag and a dried off under her ice blue diamond ring. The last thing you needed was it freezing to your finger, least she had remembered to take it off her engagement finger like she had later in the club thanks to the perv.

need a hand?

Oh, family ring. I just pretended to be engaged at the club because of that perv. He creeped me out alot...


A short while later Xia and Marlin where leaving the Luna sports centre seeing thr worsening weather, lunch might have to wait. Stood by the doors Marlin was at a strange cross roads of what to do RP react and hoped the layers and face flush from cold would hide it. It had been fun, definitely and both seemed to get on. What did she even do next? Hug, part as friends, what did you even do in these situations. Marinalia never had a boring life that was for sure.

if we Don,t go now it might be a lock in, only minus the booze...

Ummm so, it was fun. And your nice. Ummm.. Wanna go out for a few drinks one night or so, maybe not club Aether... I may be banned. Or just grab lunch or so?

Stay safe Xia, I have a log fire back home. If you lose power or so, we have room at the Inn. Hesphestus Manor, park view. Just near the band stand exit. With the metal gates.

Her brain crashing abit. She was seriously unsure how to proceed and kinda just had a glitch as she could not seem to act or smdo somthing but also not leave. She was happy, and the win had certainly boosted her confidence but also she had no baseline to ever call upon right about now. OK she gave her adress, now she was gonna think all Manor of things, park view was not exactly southside.

Oh, marlins life never was easy.


Victoria had a busy few days and gave a grunt as Intenet have a glitch, the deal with Arkady, her father and the supplier would be done in about a week at the most, deptning how long it took to get it to the port. Hopefully they could have it loaded and gone before any of the anti Russians would cause trouble. They hardly where the most popular country.

The storm was definitely coming as she watched from a window and they had that day to go for a shopping run and loaded the Discovery pretty heavily with food, water and so, just incase. It probbly was over reaction but Victoria was one to respect the snow. She had seen what the winter storms could do Moscow.

Dropping Ethen a message, they had a date planned for Thursday, she had a date with Ethen planned... That definitely was different and had not had a propper chance since Milo a good month ago now or more. There definitely was a... Intrest between them, not love, not a attraction quite, but definitely somthong.

Driving to work got a alittle iffy on wensday, her mini was not suited for the conditions, of this got worse she definitely would not make it in on Thursday though. The big tyres of the 4x4 managed it, her little wheels less so. Throwing another log on the fire she watched the flames and remembered things. Milo. What had happened to him, Smith, projects fire. She was sure he was working on somthing before the broke up, bar the illegal guns anyway... That was just.. A alittle. Least the family business was in Legal weaponry.

Sending him a message wensday night watching the flames lick up the side of a log and it turn black, then red cracks of heat brining at its centre, poking to to reveal a red hot core as dumped on a large chunk of oak that made a sizzling and sounds of movement from the suddon heat.

Hello Milo, its Victoria.

Umm well its been a crazy few weeks. But I'm happy and I'm more like my self now. My true self. Im a alittle different and glad I had a chance. Il not fully recover ever but I can manage mostly without a stick now though. New job, just the me that was forced under the surface and I'm back to my raven blaxk hair.

We got a new home. I've got a car now, seems il be staying in Sol a while. I hope you find someone nice. That workshop needs a woman's touch...

Oh. Did you ever finish that project you kept hiding with a long blade, I was just curious what it was and the thought bugging me last night?


Attaching a picture of her fairly happy with a glass of wine, long raven black hair mingling with its dramatic highlights and sat in what looked like a larger slightly parisian room, a large fire place and windows at the back behind her with trees mostly blocking any view of other homes or structures. It was a older picture, but hopefully it would show she had done the change for the right reason.

Sighing, yes it definitely had been the right idea though she doubted milo would even read the message. Oh well, some things where not meant to ever be. Plus she was kind of glad in a sense, the schemes he was caught up in seemed d a alittle dangerous even for someone who had been to the middle before. Least your threats Thete where decent ernough to fly flags, wear colours or uniforms.


With the date the looming, she saw the weather was less than ideal, it was not too far to the lighthouse pub but still it would be a cold walk. Though having regained that little underrated luxury of life being unaided walkong and crunching in the snow was fun. She could dress up warm. Driving was definitely out the question even of Victoria had a 6x6 truck.

Heading up stairs to get changed she managed to find a cute top that was cut i a quite abit more daring and showed off some flawless rather pale skin though she would have to maybe skip on the bra if none worked. with trousers, a warm jacket and her coat, boots and winter gear she had brought over as staying from home. It was from her last time in Moscow but it still fot just fine and was not dated, but it was warm. The brands whet in a Russain script though the latch swen onto arm had the UK and Russain flags divided on a diagonal and thr Polar star logo on the other of a compass. That aside it was the warmest stuff she had the boots would grip on just about anything. Snow or no snow she was having her date! As a half Russian her pride would not let somthong like snow stop her, snow and ice despite being frail at time was somthing she at least knew.

Makenup....well the weather was bound to wreck it so she kept things more simple.

Messaging Ethen quickly before she made her final choices, definitely would be one to check they both where on the same page before they did anything.

Hi, me again :) goddess of madness messaging!

You still on for our date? Given how things seem to be getting rather snowy. I can make it to the light house, but wondering if plan changed. Your bodyguard seems rather paranoid about things, this weather included.

Let me know. If it gets too bad, my home has fires, food and I'm sure we can find a way to pass the time ;)

Let me know, Vika. X x

Ps. If cells service fails. I attached my land line.

Hotting send. She knew that at least one way or other they would have a date, find somewhere to go or at least be able to find a solution. Snow be damned Victoria was not gonna let snow beat her to some fun.

Distracted part away as she saw her laptop on side, Horny the Rhino... Laughing out loud, Horny the male a rhino... The species should be safe if he lived up to his moniker. The Run dominated two stories in the papers website, arrests made, well that definitely was concerning and a buy out.. Senfing it to Cardinal that big buy outs going on in a time of strife, all the small bits of informations might eventually build a picture. If they could understand it, ith they may have a easier time fighting thr cyber threats.

@RoccanIronclad@Almalthia@King Tai

Thursday Thorsday

Thursday All Day . Team event . Please be clear in post / Header what your time and location is . Severe snow and cold below zero conditions . MAJOR snow storm hitting city . Look out for GM updates regarding the condtions

"Do you want to build a snow man?" Frozen, 2013

Snow . yes its snowing . social media away!

BLIZZARD TIME! The one you been waiting for :)

Ok, so this skip may run a bit differently and we have sorted you into teams of a kind, what you do is up to you, they may be characters you know, strangers or even a rival. All this was randomly allocated by a computer program, and as said before funniest team name means a bonus in IC coming your way.

Look out for GM notices on changes, you may lose heat, power or many other things could go out, its gonna be fun though so enjoy the random roller coaster ride that's coming. Make the most of what comes your way, there's always lemonade to be made. Cell service may come or go and everything can change in the blink of a eye.

Roads are inaccessible to all but larger 4X4 and trucks etc. This means a dedicated off road option aka a Jeep etc. Cars are snowed in even if you got 4X4 modes. If you want to get about, its time to get creative, walk or find someone who has something that can.

Milo and Joel will be mobile, so maybe if you have the right contacts or know someone who has, you might be able to get some wheels to help you.

Public transport will also be effected, this is a major storm so the city will be hit pretty hard, so snuggle up, find somewhere warm and maybe make some snow angels and have a hot chocolate after! Flights, Airports and seaplanes are heavily effected. Rivers are icey but not frozen over however.

As always, any questions you are welcome to ask, be it Discord, PM or OOC. Look out for GM tags and be clear what time zone, and location you are in your posts, we don't want a paradox summoning a Trex or a band of knights trying to slay it.

"May the odds ever be in your favor"


SOL source of News since 1895



The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for Sol City and the surrounding counties in effect for next 48 hours. Residents are warned to take shelter and stay off roadways as a layer of ice and snow rapidly descends on the area. Accumulated snow totals are expected to be measured in feet and along with several inches of ice as a rapidly moving front moves across Sol from the Pacific. Expect to find snow on the ground Thursday morning with conditions worsening as the storm moves in and buffets against the eastern mountains around noon.

Sol Power and Electric expect outages to occur throughout the storm and crews will be working around the clock alongside Public Works who will be moving snow and treating the roads throughout the night. SPE has published a list of emergency contact numbers and preparation instructions that can be found on their website.

SCPD advises residents to act responsibly during the course of the storm and to save 911 calls for life-threatening emergencies only as resources will be stretched to maximum capacity during the course of the storm. For more detailed and up to date reports, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.



Metal Night Brawlers Facing Prosecution

Having completed their three-day preliminary investigation into the events that occured at Club Aether last Friday night, the District Attorney’s office released a scathing press release Wednesday outlining their plans to bring charges against instigators and club security alike. “The Office of the District Attorney will pursue charges against those that showed blatant disregard for the safety and security of Sol’s club-goers and prosecute them to the full extent of the law.” The press release read. “Events like these, in supposedly safe areas within our city, only promote an air of degeneracy and unwelcomeness to newcomers and lifelong citizens of Sol and will not be tolerated.”

The District Attorney’s Office declined any further comment on the press release though sources within SCPD have reported that arrest warrants have been issued and SCPD will be out in force to serve the DA’s orders to any who do not willingly turn themselves in. When asked about the Mayor’s stance on aggressive private security within the City, Star Messenger’s sources reported that the Mayor was “deeply concerned” and would be “working closely” with DA to bring to light any and all past transgressions that could be used against the perpetrators and those that willfully followed without reporting the incidents to the authorities.



Rhino Calf Name chosen!. Gender confirmed!

Pokey the Rhino who gave birth to a rare calf in captivity at the city zoo recently has finaly named by public lottery and chosen from thousands of names submitted. The winners prize includes a private tour of the zoo including the opertunity to feed and interact some of the animals normaly off limits with a guest or guests.

Experts unwilling to disturb the bond between mother and Calf at such a tender time have now also confirmed the calf is male after extensive observations. This will be a strong boost the North American program to preserve this amazing animal from poachers and extinction.

The spokesperson announced the name last night at a press conference. "So, while we had a amazing range of names, the one that won was Horny the Rhino, and in surprise news, the Calf has been now confirmed to be male.... We have contacted the winner. And hope they enjoy the unique experience to get close to some of the most amazing and unique animals on the planet"

In a closing statement, the zoo director was recorded as saying. "We are humbled by the level of interest. We have had thousands upon thousands of names and though there can be only one winner, the interest in the plight of an endangered and precious animal is heart warming and greatly valued"

Truly an event to warm even the coldest of Northern winters.



Santos Holdings eyeing properties on The Run

In light of their recent and aggressive acquisitions in Sol City, a spokesperson for Elvin Santos Holdings, Inc. confirmed today that they will soon be closing deals on multiple properties within The Run and Light Lane with plans to continue further investments in Sol City. “Light Lane and the Run constitute an exciting part of Sol’s nightlife and have for many years…” The spokesperson said. “We believe with our experience and extensive knowledge of managing successful properties in Sol that we can take the area to new a level of appeal to Sol’s newcomers.”

When asked about the recent events at Club Aether the spokesperson declined to mention specifics and told Star Messenger that it was an unfortunate circumstance, but one that would not hinder their efforts in acquiring other businesses and properties in the area. “The Run has had an impressive record of safety and order for many years and we want to build upon that while also being welcoming and naturally being more profitable.” The spokesperson continued. “In the end our goal would be for the Run and Light Lane to be as appealing to tourists as an Angels game or the Grand Prix and not just a secret kept hidden underground.”

Managed by Sol City native, President and CEO, Elvin C. Santos, ESH, Inc. is one of Sol’s most dominant commercial property management companies, located in the downtown MODUS Tower, Santos began his property management career around Central Point and Southside making his biggest successes with industrial investments centered around the construction of the Matthews Bridge.

Here’s what’s going to happen:

Instead of everyone breaking off into their own chosen pairings/groups to ride out the storm, we decided to use a randomizer to “assign” everyone into groups and just watch the chaos/fun that follows as characters that normally may not have even met are put in a contained space for a day.

So, now that we have your attention here are the groups, composed of currently active players:

Group 1:
Thomas @Conscripts
Karishma @Rodiak
Siobhan @Almalthia

Group 2:
Marlin @PrinceAlexus
Alex @Alex_The_Great
Xia @King Tai

Group 3:
Vika @PrinceAlexus
Ethan @Almalthia

Group 4:
Reya @Majoras End
Marcus @Zaxter996
Sully @CaptainSully

Group 5:
Ashton @Silver Fox
Ash @LostBrotherGrimm
Capella @Tenma Tendo

Group 6:
Paige @Pilatus
Dustynn @MissCapnCrunch
Aoki @Rodiak

So, where are Joel (@Pilatus) and Milo (@RoccanIronclad)? Good question. We have plans for those two as well. Since Joel and Milo are the only characters that have dedicated off-road type vehicles they are going to be your only links with the outside while you’re snowed in. If the characters find themselves needing anything desperately (or just for fun), they’ll have to work with one another or by phone through their connections on another team to get Joel or Milo to bring it to them. So, it will be a bit like a mini-game inside the game for a bit. The point is we want to avoid people breaking into cliques (I don’t think we really have that problem) and get some fun interactions going that we might not have if we’d just kept on with the same format. It is up to you to plot where/how your group winds up together!

We plan to throw a few more curveballs at the groups as the weather worsens so we’ll be watching carefully how everyone gets along to determine what we’re going to inflict (or reward).

As a fun little side-note, before we get going on this skip, we’re going to have a little contest:

Come up with a name for your group! The funniest name wins and we will edit them in here as we get them. The GM staff will decide who the winners are and reward them accordingly during the course of the skip. You have until the skip starts to come up with a name.
Thursday Thorsday

Thursday All Day . Team event . Please be clear in post / Header what your time and location is . Severe snow and cold below zero conditions . MAJOR snow storm hitting city . Look out for GM updates regarding the condtions

"Do you want to build a snow man?" Frozen, 2013

Snow . yes its snowing . social media away!

BLIZZARD TIME! The one you been waiting for :)

Ok, so this skip may run a bit differently and we have sorted you into teams of a kind, what you do is up to you, they may be characters you know, strangers or even a rival. All this was randomly allocated by a computer program, and as said before funniest team name means a bonus in IC coming your way.

Look out for GM notices on changes, you may lose heat, power or many other things could go out, its gonna be fun though so enjoy the random roller coaster ride that's coming. Make the most of what comes your way, there's always lemonade to be made. Cell service may come or go and everything can change in the blink of a eye.

Roads are inaccessible to all but larger 4X4 and trucks etc. This means a dedicated off road option aka a Jeep etc. Cars are snowed in even if you got 4X4 modes. If you want to get about, its time to get creative, walk or find someone who has something that can.

Milo and Joel will be mobile, so maybe if you have the right contacts or know someone who has, you might be able to get some wheels to help you.

Public transport will also be effected, this is a major storm so the city will be hit pretty hard, so snuggle up, find somewhere warm and maybe make some snow angels and have a hot chocolate after! Flights, Airports and seaplanes are heavily effected. Rivers are icey but not frozen over however.

As always, any questions you are welcome to ask, be it Discord, PM or OOC. Look out for GM tags and be clear what time zone, and location you are in your posts, we don't want a paradox summoning a Trex or a band of knights trying to slay it.

"May the odds ever be in your favor"


SOL source of News since 1895



The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for Sol City and the surrounding counties in effect for next 48 hours. Residents are warned to take shelter and stay off roadways as a layer of ice and snow rapidly descends on the area. Accumulated snow totals are expected to be measured in feet and along with several inches of ice as a rapidly moving front moves across Sol from the Pacific. Expect to find snow on the ground Thursday morning with conditions worsening as the storm moves in and buffets against the eastern mountains around noon.

Sol Power and Electric expect outages to occur throughout the storm and crews will be working around the clock alongside Public Works who will be moving snow and treating the roads throughout the night. SPE has published a list of emergency contact numbers and preparation instructions that can be found on their website.

SCPD advises residents to act responsibly during the course of the storm and to save 911 calls for life-threatening emergencies only as resources will be stretched to maximum capacity during the course of the storm. For more detailed and up to date reports, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.



Metal Night Brawlers Facing Prosecution

Having completed their three-day preliminary investigation into the events that occured at Club Aether last Friday night, the District Attorney’s office released a scathing press release Wednesday outlining their plans to bring charges against instigators and club security alike. “The Office of the District Attorney will pursue charges against those that showed blatant disregard for the safety and security of Sol’s club-goers and prosecute them to the full extent of the law.” The press release read. “Events like these, in supposedly safe areas within our city, only promote an air of degeneracy and unwelcomeness to newcomers and lifelong citizens of Sol and will not be tolerated.”

The District Attorney’s Office declined any further comment on the press release though sources within SCPD have reported that arrest warrants have been issued and SCPD will be out in force to serve the DA’s orders to any who do not willingly turn themselves in. When asked about the Mayor’s stance on aggressive private security within the City, Star Messenger’s sources reported that the Mayor was “deeply concerned” and would be “working closely” with DA to bring to light any and all past transgressions that could be used against the perpetrators and those that willfully followed without reporting the incidents to the authorities.



Rhino Calf Name chosen!. Gender confirmed!

Pokey the Rhino who gave birth to a rare calf in captivity at the city zoo recently has finaly named by public lottery and chosen from thousands of names submitted. The winners prize includes a private tour of the zoo including the opertunity to feed and interact some of the animals normaly off limits with a guest or guests.

Experts unwilling to disturb the bond between mother and Calf at such a tender time have now also confirmed the calf is male after extensive observations. This will be a strong boost the North American program to preserve this amazing animal from poachers and extinction.

The spokesperson announced the name last night at a press conference. "So, while we had a amazing range of names, the one that won was Horny the Rhino, and in surprise news, the Calf has been now confirmed to be male.... We have contacted the winner. And hope they enjoy the unique experience to get close to some of the most amazing and unique animals on the planet"

In a closing statement, the zoo director was recorded as saying. "We are humbled by the level of interest. We have had thousands upon thousands of names and though there can be only one winner, the interest in the plight of an endangered and precious animal is heart warming and greatly valued"

Truly an event to warm even the coldest of Northern winters.



Santos Holdings eyeing properties on The Run

In light of their recent and aggressive acquisitions in Sol City, a spokesperson for Elvin Santos Holdings, Inc. confirmed today that they will soon be closing deals on multiple properties within The Run and Light Lane with plans to continue further investments in Sol City. “Light Lane and the Run constitute an exciting part of Sol’s nightlife and have for many years…” The spokesperson said. “We believe with our experience and extensive knowledge of managing successful properties in Sol that we can take the area to new a level of appeal to Sol’s newcomers.”

When asked about the recent events at Club Aether the spokesperson declined to mention specifics and told Star Messenger that it was an unfortunate circumstance, but one that would not hinder their efforts in acquiring other businesses and properties in the area. “The Run has had an impressive record of safety and order for many years and we want to build upon that while also being welcoming and naturally being more profitable.” The spokesperson continued. “In the end our goal would be for the Run and Light Lane to be as appealing to tourists as an Angels game or the Grand Prix and not just a secret kept hidden underground.”

Managed by Sol City native, President and CEO, Elvin C. Santos, ESH, Inc. is one of Sol’s most dominant commercial property management companies, located in the downtown MODUS Tower, Santos began his property management career around Central Point and Southside making his biggest successes with industrial investments centered around the construction of the Matthews Bridge.

Team names :)

So for Victoria and Ethen we have... (not as funny but it fitted them to a tee :) )

Team - Darklust

For Marlin, Xia and Alex we have the groups choice of

Team - TeaRumBake


The feline abhumans are back again."

i thought they where a myth
Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

mixed locations . Monday Lunch . Victoria at Home . Marinalia out and about

Marinalia smiled slightly as she left but also was a alittle flushed and Suprised at the whole implications of her confidence building. That certainly was rather forward, perhaps, see how swimming felt before she would ever even think anywhere near that kind of thing. It was true her confidence had taken a few hard knocks while living in Sol city, been assaulted and nearly drugged, spectacrly sank a relationship. Well it was not bring but boring might be a nicer idea, just a normal dance or somthing?

Walking round the mall she picked up some more make up Victoria wanted and a bunch of other small stuff that was far easier to pick up from a larger Mall like the chemist, shops, a few small bits for the house and some food. It was possible to get everything in other places but this was plain easier and quicker. Her legs defenitely did not want a few more miles looking around the city to pick things up at the boutiques and other smaller chemist's etc.

Texting her sister quickly, they already had the bits they needed for tea tonight and a bunch of other stuff now, some wine for tonight and abit for cooking up with. It was a work night so no drinking for Marlin but she could still cook with it and make a amazing pasta sauce.

Xia... What could she say. Hi... Least open things maybe. She seemed rather intresting.

Hey Xia.

Its Marlin Olympus, im working early week but should be free Thursday, if your not scared to lose ;) I've got a day off as I've got a night flight lesson coming up.

Ps. Big delay between 9th and 12th. If your driving its gridlock. Probbly few hours. Diversion via the North bound inner ring road.

Marlin x

Sending off her text and saving the number she headed out of the Mall and reached her land rover Discovery quickly dropping her shopping off easily thanks to the handy split tailgate that other brands lacks. One of reasons she loved land rover. A range rover might be nice one day but the 4x4 modes where meant to be abit weaker and a high end discovery overlapped alot.

On her way home she saw signs for Atlas Park on a billboard and directions, that could be no ce for a walk, have to Google it. Deciding to redirect home, maybe a walk out there another day once she knew more about it and so, plus her legs where definitely needing a sit down, fot as she was intense swimming did take a alittle out of you. The route back would be easy. The city drivers where assholes.

Victoria sat back in the living room and leant back on a modern sofa with a mug of coffee and a soft blanket to keep warm from the cool weather. She knew how to keep warm though and had a rather strong dislike to being cold when you where so small and lightly built.

Typing away she managed to contact Cardinal and discuss there latest developments and thoughts, there definitely was somthong strange going on in this city. Somthing strange, somthing did not add up and somthing was not right. Talk soon turned to every day life and more, they had a high degree of trust and well, former lovers knew alot about each other, and how to hurt each other. Trust and peace was better. They never where quite serious, somehow the two did not quite play against each other right.

A incoming phone call, semi secured line and so... General Arkady was diffrent, a rather intresting call for sure... A rather profitable one too for a small amount of work. Now that definitely tempted Victoria, Helping her dad, a family friend and making money to boot. With a alittle work, the shipment could be headed to Russia rather quickly and quietly. The stuff was legal, not restricted heavily just a alittle sensetive to the public eye, definitely somthing to handle with descrestion. Russia was not exactly popular right now so acquisitions of any kind could be a alittle more difficult and reauire a more careful hand. If anything being stuck in hospital for half a year taught, it was patience. First things first was a to makesure she had all the details right before proceeding.

Money was nice, plus she kinda had fell into her dad's side of things a little. If everyone treated you like the bad guy, you might as well live up to it and be Morgan le fey and be fancy doing it. She always drew to the darker sides.

Checking her phone. Well Ethen was busy and had to run off, Don, t wait too long though... She rather was intrested in finding a alittle more. Maybe swing by the university tommrow after work and see what ideas where coming out the university. Students definitely brought alot of new perspectives, and she could return favor in advice and experience. Even if barely older. She had been rather busy.

Life never was boring for a Romus.

@King Tai@Almalthia

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Luna Sports . Later Monday morning

Marinalia liked the idea of the southern areas but being blonde and fair skinned meant she would need a sun hat, cream and more besides just to walk out the door and pick up some milk. Though being able to go to work with the top down in a soft top, enjoy a glass of wine watching the sunset, maybe a cocktail on the beech. It had its advantages but she probbly would burn just buying milk!

Politely smiling her way through the stuff she did not understand and just tried to bodge the bits together, some alcoholic drink, mango, mango was easy to understand, mango was nice. Caribian curry was a alittle different, she had Indian, and a few others, Nepalise and such. Never Caribian though if she a as ever back in London she could easily rectify that one.

Natural Blonde. Caribian sun and me might disagree a little.
I'm used to it, this is my first permanent job, you kinda get used to doing as Romans do.

Least I understand the fruit.

Shrugging and sipping her smoothie that was starting to get close to the end enjoying the fruity energy and her muscles where starting to regain there old selves after the swim. She kept in shape, not that Marinalia did not push herself at times to. Her normal swim was shorter and more regular, just keeping fot more than any aim to be a athlete or build extensive muscle.

given Sol, I may need good luck!

Gratias tibi (Thankyou) I like mine with extra mango, and a lighter lunch. I try to keep in shape, though I may have had it tailored a alittle... Your not easy to miss yourself, and had a rather pretty black and white dress I remember.

Going a alittle pink at the comments, it was diffrent but diffrent was not always bad, I mean how much worse could it go than the jazz night or getting arrested? She did know how attractive she looked in uniform, and twirled a few long blonde hairs round her finger to not fidgit, well it was but controlled. Laughing slightly at the comment, her accent was pure English almost still despite alot of traveling and living abroad. Some people where just a sucker for the soft English accent, a pretty face and a little flaunting her natural advantages. Harmless flirting after all. Just a bit of fun.

a alittle bit is harmless fun. It's kinda confidence building. If they want to... Who's to say no.

I might need more sunscreen than fuel!

Goodbye Paige, good shooting. I think is the right answer. I Don, t have a grudge against you. Sisters. Not twins.

Giving her a small wave as she left, Paige seemed alright and she was nothing like the woman described by Victoria. Somewhat cold and... Scary but not some evil force out to cause harm to anyone who comes here way. What did she plan to do? Maybe do some shopping, how did you end the whole convosatuon, it was not a date, they knew each other abit. Damn social minefields where there's no guideline.

She could do date, do friends. Despite her whole nature, she was a very loyal person to those who where kind in return, loyalty and trust had been a big thing growing up.

Probbly some shopping, need a few bits from the mall and so. I'd like a quiet walk out somewhere but alas. Life is so.

Umm.. So see you later on. Call me if you like. I'm pretty new to the city still, nice to be able to just sit, talk. Enjoy a smoothie you know.

Keep in touch!

Smiling and sliding off her chair tossing a the cup in the recycling bin nearby and zipping her jacket up for the Cold, the warm soft sheep wool lined leather was amazing in these conditions. The jacket she loved, it was a gift years ago and had remained a old freind ever since.

Putting a hand on her shoulder, and tilting up slightly she gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek before grabbing her gym bag and walking out a little bit pink. Definitely would be fun to see what kind of things came from the little challenge. They could decide a day another time. Phone numbers where already swapped, Xia was genuinely nice, posetive, and we'll. She dressed up rather nicely when she wanted to, definitely attractive... Did I just think that.

A little... Lot scary but also, well. Live a alittle.

Heading out to her car and climbing on seeing a message from Victoria, Joe and a few others. Most could wait, family and Joel. They where... Not quite what they where but it was still good to be able to talk to someone. His viewpoint was a refreshing contrast to others around her.

You where right. This time I feel like I'm doing somthing worthwhile. I'm meant to be a pilot.

OK.. I'm a sucker for cute plush.

Remember that suit... You looked sharp that nigbt. Good luck, knew you would join Team Air eventually. :)

Ps.. Glad we can atleast talk. Your a good egg.


Hotting send, and messaging Victoria she would stop by the mall becmfore heading home, Marinalia used the horn a few times to make traffic move abit more that cut her off. Damn drivers, you merge firther down, not right at the end when your hitting thr lines. Where did they learn to drive?

Reaching the mall at lunch time, yeah probbly should of eaten at the gym but oh well, grabbing a chockate bar out her handbag to keep her going. A few teanagers about seemed to stare a alittle but they where harmless and doom vanished when they relised, awkward. Much! The uniform did draw a alittle attention as it always did, Deadalus did excde abit of old style glamour and more golden age of air travel than the pack em. Stack em and fly em Airlines that seemed to have almost taken totally over.

Haven Square was like any mall at end of day, least this one was clean and tidy, shops where not bad either, especially the small boutique row, Victoria would love them.

Thinking back she found the card in her hand bag... Paige... A marshal. A quick Google later told her they had nothing to do with the old West, cowboys or cattle rustling. Paige was a fugitive hunter, and one from a smaller branch. Bob she was told had been caught by a Marshal unit in Sol City. Victoria had talked of alot cops about, task forces and that friend of hers seemed to think that somthing was up in the city.


No wait. That might just make a small bit of sense. Somthing was up but maybe not there ideas. There definitely was a change in the city though. That's all she could confirm. Was Paige involved... Maybe. There where alot of Marshals though, and Bob was a seriously wanted man so everyone be on his case. They odds where pretty small but not impossible...

Later that afternoon a man dropped off a package for a Mr Nicolisi at the depot, he was out at the time and this was recorded delivery only..oh well not his job to question anything. Not paid ernough.

The box was large and padded well, someone wanted there cargo to be safe, UK stamps and everything. Inside was a rather valuable item, maybe not always in money but in meaning. The steering wheel from Aryton Senna 1990 championship winning race, a signed plaque marked with all the paperwork and photos qof the day on question.. A hand written letter lay on top on thick legal paper, with logo embossed of OHI and written in a neat cursive hand.

Thrown in the box, a few smaller more knick macks of less note including a scale model of the winning car alongside a engraved lighter with the final straight scene on it, the dates and race times..

@Pilatus@King Tai

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Luna Sports . Later Monday morning

Marinalia laughed slightly and then internally cringed as she joked about murder next to a cop, and a rather intense one with a glare. Little miss deathstar Vika named her was rather the amp name. Yeah though a good lawyer could get you away with pretty much anything and everything. Just ask the we three asshole whose 4th muskuteer was sat in a cell hopefully dropping soap or so.

She was a kinder personality than her sister but even Marinalia had no real mercy for him, well none. When she wanted to be put her boot firmly in balls, multiple times until he would never be able to use his lower organs.

Not that kinda girl!

I prefer to watch them relise there life is over as they spend the best years in a cell with bubba and big Mike.

She had seen one person go to jail for a long time after the mugging, attempted murder had mostly stuck and weapons offences. Thanks to a very pissed off grandfather with a very good lawyer. They where doing the next 30+ years at her majesties pleasure. Though she still carried the scars she wished she had not gained.

Barbados was intresting, and rather sunny and warm. Definitely alot more chances for a tan than thr South of England, that was one part of world she had not been, Europe, America and Alaska. Not South or Tropical. Italy was definitely more fun and the people where alot more handsome and fashions better than other places she works. The food also was unbeatable.

Never been south. Furthest was Italy near Naples. Iloved waking up to sound of the sea.

Peace... I'm not sure the universe likes me... Not sure what I ever did to it.
Why I never went for jets. There like flying but it's all disconnected. Not... "Real".

Smiling and relaxing a a little with the accent beginning to warm up more and lose its edge that picked up before, the mention of flying somthing she loved warmed easily and softened. Xia gave a... Right vibe. Nothing was flagging, and pauge despite being careful what she said, seemed alot different than her description.

oh my... You make me remember tying to keep up with my uncles... Both Marines. Royal vaieity.. That was a intense workout. Was aching for what felt like days.

It keeps me in shape, office Uniform is not exactly forgiving.

Laughing slightly, thr fitted uniform did require you to keep in shape somewhat to pull it off, but in gernal Marinalia enjoyed the slightly vintage look vs some of the more modern airlines. Though captains hat she hated despite every right to wear one. Mike and Milo. Oh yeah that was extremely difficult one to keep up with the two of them, despite being retired they still kept a rather good level of fitness and training.

With a small laugh and a more relaxed before the storm, Marinalia was rather not used to being hit on my the female gender, which was suprising given her looks and figure. Marlin normaly was confident with that kinda thing but this threw her into a a little loop. Her aunt was slightly more experimental and had her... Adventures before she settled down, met Milo and well despite the challenges the two where almost soul mates... They fall for each other hook line and sinker when they rather quickly vanished off and where not seen till morning disheveled and so. Few years later, a Son and so. Her softer accent jumped slightly at the thought once she relised and calmed it down, given her previous record, well it could not hurt to try... Once, she seemed rather nice which was not helping thr no argument.

Confident. Of course. This is gonna sound silly, I fell in love with swimming, and never stopped.

Defenitely, sure. ... It's a. I can find time later week, maybe weekend. Loser buys lunch or smoothies? It would be fun to have someone to swim with.

Not quite realising what she said, her mind just filled in blanks and joined all the dots, a little strange but it was not saying no which was more scary than it walling it off. After all her troubles in Sol, this could not be any worse...

Banna Buzz, 5.2km swim, I needed a perk up before I carried on my day, and a chance to rest a little.

A smile and a foreign accent earned me extra mango... I like mango.

Remembering Paige who seems abit more quiet and intrested in Xia and her caribian nature, well it was ture you not meet people from the sunny southern parts everyday. Paige definitely was a... Intresting person, scary and very intense but she was rather intresting. A blank wall, a intense glare, a rather powerful aura.. She seemed rattled by nothing and like... She reminded Marinalia abit of her military uncles nature. They have away little, except what they wanted.

Marlin blankes utterly at the drunk refrence, she hated the refrence but Basic white girl" and wine was her thing, unlike Victoria and her love of Vodka, well that was natural from how they grew up and Ivan.

Paige was from Florida, OK, that was definitely intresting, her accent was clearly not a local, but to put a name to a face was diffrent, to put a location exactly. Southern culture had it quirks, it helped to know to not stop on a cultural minefield.

Long as it has alcohol, grapes and comes in a glass bottle. I'm easier to please. After well, safer than spirits.

Paige, Xia, strange as it sounds. If you ever need a pilot, we'll let me know. I'd say it's work, but I feel strange not flying for a while...

@Pilatus@King Tai
Hey there. Never done slice of life before but I am interested to give it a go. Room for more?

Theres room at the inn.

I never did once, and now I love it so never know if you Don t give it a try.

Any questions, we friendly so just asks in OOC or pm and Youl definitely get help. Just ask us!

CS requirements in CS nth post. City details, locations etc all in the OOC.

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