Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Honestly. Formatting and design are one thing, a nice role play with effort put into presentation shows that yiy made a effort and is a plus point..

Also, advertise right! Depends what your RP is. But you have to think how you sell the idea. Launching requires more than just posting it up, gotta stand out as alot of other people want your players. Also same as above. Make a good impression, you have seconds to grab em, so make sure no major spelling errors etc.

We had to put alot of effort in behind the scenes pre launch, not to scare you just remember, if your ready before, you gonna have alot better chance of a successful launch than playing catch up :)
>>Pastor Jimmy heads diagonal forward two places on b20 axis kicking his long outfits edge that caught the lava edge.

(cannot see the space Id)

>>"ya all... This sizzles... Strange. Did we lose someone? "

@Tenma Tendo

Active for 24 hours :)
@Pilatus Ah, no? I don't think so at least. :o

Give me a minute :)
Dialogue is hard!

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Park View, Xia's and Swan songs music event . Late afternoon Thorsday to Tuesday

Marinalia definitely did not have a normal few days, the time with Xia and stuck at home was certainly a huge change for her. Not that she minded the time she spent with her new freind, and the company. It was nice to have someone to keep her from going insane from being stuck about. Being a pilot, well being grounded by anything was rather frustrating to say the least.

She had resisted the fashion show, despite she had a few intresting items in her wardrobe like the Laura croft and Air hostess, there was also a few rather long and fancy gowns, dresses and formal wear that Xia seemed to like the look of. Good job they did not share a size, or Xia would be trying it on! That mystery and so could wait to be revealed, though Marinalia was sure Xia had a sneaky peak a few times what was lined up in the walk in wardrobe.

She had talked and shared abit about her self to Xia, and her rather intresting family, including her half sister, Maria, Marla, the coming wedding and the more. She left out her godfather and fathers profession as international arms trade, but did not want to scare her off. That was not always a good one to bring up early. Maybe when she trusted her more.

Then it got, well Xia was not well packed and the storm lasted longer than they thought, plus there rush to escape the cold, well Xia only had her swim gear and few little things in her bag. She had a very different build to Xia so her skirts would not fit. She was less gifted in the tush, and more curvey but athletic build. She found a few things, including a hoody and other bits to try and help. Alas there was not many options. She had a few dresses that might but they where not exactly intended for this weather. More summer events.

It was later when things got.. Well more complicated for sure, the ensuite was off the living room and her half asleep whatever am self never remembered she was not alone tonight as Marinalia wandered by, her robe was on the bed post and then well. Xia, she well hiding was not a option so just nipped in the bathroom as normal before heading out. There was no undoing past and not like she was ashamed of her body. Curling back into her warm bed, least she was not naked. Small mercies. She made a offer of thr bed. It was not warm, and the heating was doing its best, Xia was not a native to this weather but it was turned down politely.

Then things got strange for her, one morning she woke up feeling a warm prescenc next to her, a feeling she had not felt in a while. A rather sheepish Marlin ended up finding out her sleeping walking was... Affectionate. A hand had found its wqys hear her heart to... It ended with good natured laughter and tried to keep it light. She was not as against it as she thought she would have been. Damn. This weekend was throwing her head in all manner of directions. Then the cold bit harder, power failed and despite prior agreement, well she seemed to end up there in the morning.. They might as well just share and apcept what happened. She tried to wear a robe or so but just rolled about the first night and soon discarded it, curling asleep as normal. It was hard to change habits especially living alone so much it did not matter what you wore in own home.

Xia was definitely a alittle more... Open than Marlin and the whole sharing thing lead to a little more than just sleeping, they where close, and a small kiss meant as a joke ended up a alittle more and with a alittle encouragement returned her affection. It was about as far as she was willing to go right now and grateful Xia was willing to be acomodating. Everythibg was so strange to Marlin and just hoped Xia would not take her nerves as some kind of total rejection. It was just new teritory. Though the cold winter storm made cuddling close up someone in bed a rather hard to resit idea, whixh as things bit deeper she did indulge.

One evening she had said goodnight to her sister who was working again, and with a slight raised eye brow, Victoria had ernough to tact to know her sister was happy, and seemed content so whoever or whatever caused it was fine by her. She had a rotten start to Sol, she deserved it. Sat brushing her long blonde hair before bed, it was a ritual that had began in childhood, and one she kept whenever she could as it helped her relax. The revaltion threw her off guard and stopped her little ritual nudging Xia to sit down. Cuddling her slightly after throwing a extra log on fire, she began to understand her a alittle more, why and honestly, felt like whatever done to her cousins was deserved 10 fold over.

It was a while after it relised both of them where a alittle more damaged under the surface than the outside world relised. She checked her weather before heading to bed, the airport was still closed to anything bar emergency and high priority flights. The flight school would not be open fora day or two even after they cleared things. Only a few students she would want to trust out with the potential of a relapse and white out flying. She had the experience and certification for risky conditions, they did not. Heading to bed, she joined Xia and in a move even that Suprised her a alittle made first move and wrapped a arm round her supportively.

Much as some had thought. She was not entirely without emotions, or empathy.


Tuesday mornings did roll around eventually to them, and the city was recovering and checking her laptop for updates before a quick shower and seeing Xia working in the kitchen. Alas whwn they lost power the three of them had to eat the ice cream, but that was no loss. Victoria passed by as normal, she was alittle colder but gave a small wave, her mind was on other things right now and had her own issues to deal with. Greeting her with a small hug, she opened up alittle to Xia the past few days. Morning, I'd love some pancakes if your willing. Coffee?

Il drive, works closed and you probbly want some clothes that fit. Plus we can see if your cousins devolved into a neanderthal.
pouring a pair of steaming hot mugs of coffee and wondering what to do, it had been pretty nice, but Marlin was feeling cooped up and watched one of the trails of aircraft in a gap in clouds sadly. Flying it seemed had taken to her soul, being grounded just felt wrong. no real plans but Ummm be nice to spend with you. If your not had too much that is stuck here. she remembered what she said, but no one with any sense would invite a person who... Into there home. Never?

Talking abit and making a quick list of things to pick up on the way back home, a unspoken little thing occurred. She kinda enjoyed the silly thing that forced them to share and become more comfortable. She liked her own space and time too but it was nice to in away to have someone... Even if it had no real description. Shaking the thought aside, and waiting for Xia she tossed her a better coat to borrow as she was not exactly clad for weather, of Marlin could face up to her fears and begin to open up, Xia could face the cold. i already warmed up the discovery, she was a alittle grumpy this morning. Rolling slowly out the gates, Marlin set the 4x4 modes and ranges down when she found the roads a little techerous still and kept things slower than normal concentrating on the road heavily and driving round the odd car over pavements and odd grass verge to avoid those that had been abandoned and slowed over waiting for there owners to return. Ummm much as, I kinda enjoyed this long weekend... Feel free to pop over. I kinda. Well it was nice. not quite having the words, she would miss Xia in a way, it was so surreal and miles from her normal life, but we'll. This past week, we'll she was happy once she got over the r suprise of being happy...

Making OK time, she arrived at the building Xia said was hers, and cut the engine after finding a place to park up nearby, the heater was on max and even had borrowed a extra coat off Marinalia but she still was cold. That had to be a woeld record. She headed up wanting to see how her cousin had survived now power had been restored. Thr building was abit similar in size to one she lived in old harbour. Her cousin had survived, well the apartment looked a mess, and had been living off tinned food or take out. Shaking her head at mess, she finaly met her cousin, who seemed to be a tad Suprised to see Xia with the smaller longer haired, and europeen blonde. Hey. Umm so you managed alright... Yeah, we did OK, roads are passable.

Pilot, no, I just met Xia at the Luna Sports... Looks like I'm buying after all... You where right, somehow take out was still working!
answering a few basic questions from her cousin until Xia came out and managed to change into somthing that would fit her properly. Marinalia was unsure what to make of her cousin and it seemed the same to him. The blonde woman with her dark slate grey eyes, and clear foreign accent was a different person to whom was expected.

Leaving a few minutes after Xia had set things straight, she played with her phone and sent her mum a message, they could meet after she had met Victoria and have chance to talk though there issues. It had been rather strange, especially which her cousin around, and she stayed closer to Xia when she returned. It was her home and family, so kept quiet while she was reacting to her cousins explanation of things, thr mess the place was in and so.


Leaving she was almost relived, her family was definitely passionate in the blood... Diffrent ways and personalities, they shared a few atrabutes. I just want to get out the house, if you want. There's some music event. Not sure where exactly, il have to follow the GPS. holding her hand a second, well Marlin was glad for the company, Xia had a way that seemed to counteract her slight rut she had ended up in.

Heading out and sticking to the main roads, slowly and carefully she angled one of her heaters to Xia, even then she still had found a blanket too... She really did hate the cold.. What they would have done if maelin had not offered? you are like a tropical House plant! I even angled a extra heater. And heated seats. It cannot be warmer without being on fire. laughing slightly, her expression dropped abit when she relised where she was and parked up in a very snowy car park crunching slowly in 4 wheel drive low range on the snow. A heavy machine must have shunted it all over to one side quickly to open it up or compacted what's left into a dirty, slightly icey but solid layer. Swan songs... She was here now, and as her family said. She had to face her ears eventually. The jerk where not there. The jerks where not there. Repeating that mentally gripping the steering wheel tightly before they headed inside, locking the white 4x4 that blended well with the snowy city.

Heading inside with Xia, a slightly shakey hand found its way slightly into Xias, after all past weekend she was not afraid to do that in public. Much more might take a alittle nudging out. Her comfort levels in private and public differed a alittle. Entmntering and seeing a woman sat quietly in corner among a few other patrons, a Taller carabian woman and the shorter English blonde, well they blended in well ernough, especially when everyone was more concerned about making sure you closed the door!

The woman in corner seemed to be minding her own business and in there own woeld like many other patroms just enjoying the music, and chance to get out the house after the winter storms. The only thing that might stand out was she looked very much similar just younger to the strange English lady with the German shepard from Thursday, mother and daughter not falling very far from the tree at all.

Walking over, ordering a coffee, Marinalia looked at stage and suppressed the urge to run, the memories came back but also forced them away with happier thoughts determined to prevent them deciding how she lived her future thanks to the therapists helps. She had sent her police therapist a rather large box of chocolates, wine and flowers gift set in gratitude. It was fairly basic but had a fair amount of sentiment behind it.

@King Tai


>>Pastor Jimmy heads diagonal forward two places on b20 axis kicking his long outfits edge that caught the lava edge.

(cannot see the space Id)

>>"ya all... This sizzles... Strange. Did we lose someone? "

@Lady Amalthea

Now that is a achievement. :)

Completing, and 3 years. That's guild myth.

Welcome new citizens!

We have a discord. 24 HR invite, just tag me if you need a new one :) its optional, but fun, and our back up channel should guild ever suffer a glitch.


ok, il stick on a few darkstone and help the newbies :)
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