Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Most Recent Posts

And wow.

Some people here I think need to take some time away from the computer, make a cup of tea and relise this is not a life and death argument.

Relax, no hobby is worth getting mega stressed over.
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

If you are, then you are not whom I refer to.

<Snipped quote by Superboy>

Maybe if it's not in a real tabletop setting, people lose interest. We dont have miniatures to paint or armies to throw at each other.

Honestly. I think the nature of thr game does not help some of the time.

Its hard to keep going with the grim dark and the fact played straight thr universe is not exactly Sunday morning cartoons. It takes a careful GM, and a well planned out idea with some lighter sides to make that work.

Guard seems to do better as there more human, and open for interactions. Marines tend to be alot harder if your playing straight. No one ever tries custodes as there kinda insanely powerful, but also extremely inhuman.

Sisters of battle, inquisition and others that allow more flexibility seem to be popular as they Don t have as many restrictions on there ideas.

Honestly, I think to make it work you need a degree of flexibility to allow players to make things there own. And allow a alittle flex as to fluff and so. Not insane, but not strict to the letter of the codex.
@duskshine749 happy with the placement of Fear on Broken Seals?
@CollectorofMyst will you be making a new guy after these guys hit the end of their level then?
@PrinceAlexus happy with the placement for Pastor Jimmy and Jimbow Dread?
@duthguy Happy with the placement of Dan on Overload?

I'm OK with pastor.

Not sure on dread, it might be easier to wait to join a new mission to save you running 3. Unless others want to join etc.
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Light house, That's all folks, weekend to Tuesday morning . "Daughter of Persephone"


Victoria slept rather well that night next to Ethen, they had champagne and well things happened, alot of rather pleasurable and fun things. A rather happily Suprised and somewhat achey Victoria woke up and could not find much to wear, ethen had the sheet so was forced to just go and grab her hand bag, some pain killers, clothes and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower after giving him a cheeky smile, well he made it so, he can be teased abit. Marinalia would be rather... Well she would notice her returning rather happy and in what she wore yestaday. She was not gonna reveal she was one teasing him walking naked to a shower, and left the door a alittle ajar.

They shared a quick breakfast which with the pain killer dulled the slight aches, though it was not entirely innocent. She relised well, the heat of momment gave a niggling thought but she rubbed her upper arm yeah, it would be fine. Definitely. They talked a alittle about it and we'll, it was a heated momment, they would be fine. It was not like she did this very often at all. A short drive back to her house once the snow cleared a extended goodbye by the gates later, the drive back had been abit hairy but Ethen seemed a fair driver with the 4x4 even if thry skidded abit.

After that pashionate goodbye with promises of more, and a rather long kiss a rather happy Victoria headed inside the gates, and made quixky inside, shushing a rather laughing and eye brow raised Marinalia who she pacified with a Later, I just want some fresh clothes and charge my phone. it was rather ineffective, but she ignored the comments and went straight upstairs, locking her door and finding something more comfortable, some ugh boots, a warm hood and other clothes.


That weekend was a strange one, she felt pretty cooped up as the storms seemed to come and go, luckily they kept power and there was plenty of firewood to keep them, and stocked up on food. Xia seemed a intresting person though Victoria was the slightly colder sister, slower to open up and with a darker sense of humour. She noticed her sister and Xia, well they seemed to get on well, Marlin was often slower trust though. One to ask about later. Though the team asking abit her rather... Fun night taking shelter did not seem to end.

That weekend, least they kept power as she still had a deadline on her side project, spending her enforced quiet weekend to sort out the details and so. The winter weather would cause a few delays at the ports. Codes, security and bank transfers. The fact half the city was screwed up did not help though thr basic infrastructure was often backed up and supported by alternative systems. Marinalia did nudge her out to take breaks and so knowing her habit of working to making her self worse.

Marlin did not ask too many questions and relaxed back happily in her plush leather office chair as the enter key kit up green and completed. A confirmation message, and the cargo was on its merry way to Russia. rather quietly given the situation so they had to bounce it about abit to keep it away from media or activist types. The small cut would help keep the sisters lifestyle, well nice and she had seen a rather nice pair of boots in centre Point... All was fine long as no asked too many questions. It was all legal, just not what you could call a every day side line.


That Tuesday a rather bad morning person Victoria woke up, popped a paracetamol and wandered into the ensuite for a extended drown in the shower to shake her groggy start before wandering down dressed and somewhat more human with tidy hair and light make up.

Bumping into a more awake Mario who already had a coffee advantage on her watching a Disney movie. [i]we gonna see Maria? It's... Strnage for me... [i] it was abit for her, she knew Maria but with the wedding coming up the normal felt abit... Strange. Up to you Vika, not sure what mum has planned. It's strange for all of us. things definitely had got complicated with in laws, step relations, weddings. The family was going through a rather rapid pace of change the younger generation where a alittle Suprised of, a wedding and a pregnancy where definitely not a normal few months.

Deciding she needed some fresh air. And with the main routes clear, Victoria had a odd feeling about somthing before pulling the coat, and winter gear she worse on her rather extended date. Texting Ethen a good morning and returning a joke he had started the previous night back at him, it was silly but fun. The snow was still on ground as she walked out into the cooler ground floor and opened up the garage. It was all main ish roads to museum, and long as she kept it careful the drive should be safe. Marlin might kill her then kill her ghost of she borrowed the discovery.

Slipping abit but managing to make it, Victoria found herself at the museum, after events, the music night sounded good but both sisters did not like idea of the venue. So she chose misuem, if Victoria was OK with it they already had planned to meet up for coffee and cake.

Wandering the long halls of Dhino Sol, a glittering caught her eye before she found the Easter gems, ornate blades and crowns of Kings and Lords long past. Even the delicate and rare gold work of Afghanistan, Persia and the exotic places of the world. After being cooped up all day, this defenitely was needed.


Maria Olympus

Storm day to cruising the city

Maria spent a rather pent up few days. Sure thr hotel was nice but it was that... A hotel not a home. Fluffy was better. And the tips she got at the pet store helped her bring her slightly willful freind under control and a alittle more dislapined.

She did get chance to talk to her daughters a alittle and when the Internet was allowing, the lag was bearable though. She had grown up before broadband was a thing.

Once the storm broke, she knew it would not be easy for the Sisters, Victoria had lost her true mother when she was young, and Marinalia was unsure about how the wedding would effect the whole dynamic. Things where definitely needed a chance to talk to her fine ladies she called family and have time to settle some doubts.

Heading out the hotel all dressed up for the storm, and Fluffy in a suitable transport, the heavy Bentley she hired turned out to be a 4 wheel traction and the massive engine chewed up the roads easily. A few near miss on side roads kept her from getting too cocky. Stopping off for some shopping and alittle morning seach for gifts totake home with her. Getting a text off Victoria as she sat grabbing a White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles. it was rather sweet, but thought she would try the concoction her oldest daughter seemed so fond of. That woman had a sweet tooth the size of a ice berg...

A message from Victoria soon distracted the golden blonde english lady as she sat in a slightly crowded Sol bucks. Thr museum was not far... If she wanted to, definitely would like to join her.

Minor mentions
@LunarMist@King Tai

He's only concerned about one.

Lol. When ye ask for list. Ye get a a list.
@PrinceAlexus What I mean to say is where is the warrant list for us to take a gander?

Oh. We Don, t have one... It's just implied.

But we do have the hostile fan girls on it, thanks to bottle and starting things off. Attack on Ashton etc.
Victoria and Marlin are off it thanks to Ehten and some unconfirmed actions to prevent them being identified. Victoria owes Ethen for that.

A few of thr security team likely who charged into the cops etc and hurt them.
And misc persons who might have been up to no good that night.

We tend to keep things loose as detailed details cause arguments etc.
@PrinceAlexus how are we accessing the SCPD website?

Power is restored. same with cell service. just abit shakey with drop outs and delays etc. working majority of the time fine, just a alittle slower and more problem prone :)
Tuesday Museday

Tuesday Morning . Free Phase / Optional events open . Please be clear in post as to location . Weather is still cold . can be icey underfoot and storm aftereffects . Power / Cell Service Mostly restored .

"yes.. a half naked woman screaming like a cat and eating pizza in a box is art.. i know..." Rando 2018, On modern art

Storms over... but the clean up has begun ... yes you have to shovel the drive

But if you wanted to get out the bikini and the BBQ you may be early!

So to the aftermath, you'rE all alive and managed not to drink your own piss? good though Bob from HR who bugged you last week probably looked tasty. paths be icey, snow be about but its cleared up and city services are mostly restored with heavy delays at the local ports and airports. So wanna go to Hawaii to use that Bikini? You may have to wait!

Power and Cell service is mostly restored. systems are still in recovery though from the extreme weather.

Importantly, please consider how you filled in the gap between the two, and if it effects your group or not. All the more interesting when things start to inter relate and mix up a abit.

NOW, skip-wise this one is free but we have some little optional events on. Feel free to attend or take your own path.

Old Sol Museum
Free Exhibition Hours run from 9am-12pm & 3pm-5pm. Enjoy!

Ideal when the crowds get to you, walk amongst the new fashion exhibition and maybe find some inspiration for a great vintage look. For the family old dippers, a replica of the famous dinosaurs from London's legendary natural history museum dominates the main hall and many others in the classic DinoSol exhibit.

Now hosting the grand Middle Eastern and greater Asian jewel exhibition, with some of the finest examples of the jewelers arts from ancient Persia to modern cutting edge design.

Also a must see, the Old Masters' Tour. Examples of some of the finest of Europe's works from Davinci, Canaletto, and more.

Swan Songs
Open all day for music lovers. Open Mic, Live music or just chill and enjoy some nice music while the city runs around like headless chickens!

A special day put on by Swan Songs for those with a musical soul, free buffet, snacks and guaranteed to have the best music in the city!


Please be clear where and when you are in your post / Heading etc as per the norm

Any questions, comments, or ideas please just ask us via Discord, PM, OOC or Post Owls and Ravens. (Ravens may incur a delay due to white walker issues)


SOL source of News since 1895


Sol City recovers from Snow Storm Sarah

After the most powerful storm of the Winter, Sol City is beginning to recover from heavy snow and ice accumulations.

Officials are reporting that power has been restored in most areas by the City Power and Utilities teams, cell service remains shakey but network providers assure residents that service will be back to normal quickly. Emergency services advise that residents and visitors alike take care on the roads and drive to the conditions.

SCDOT reports main roads as passable but secondaries and rural routes are still being cleared. Please keep advised to weather before traveling and allow extra time for your journey.

More information and updates available on:


Or follow "Sol City Official Live" on twitter for updates straight to your phone.




As promised, under the personal direction of the District Attorney, SCPD has been out in force since the conclusion of Winter Storm Sarah rounding up those charged with escalating violence at the Club Aether brawl. Star Messenger has learned that in addition to arresting the Head of Security of Club Aether, that several close followers of Sol City’s Siren’s band are also among those being arraigned in City Court. In addition, A leaked cell-phone video from the night of the incident has made its way around the internet in recent days showing the altercation and the aftermath in vivid detail, prompting more cries for justice from those injured.

The video, purportedly taken by a club-goer has only recently surfaced as the party responsible for capturing the violence on film feared retribution from the Club as well as others that were caught on camera. SCPD continues to ask for your help in rounding up those being charged. A complete list of those under warrant can be found on SCPD’s website and anyone with information wishing to come forward should use SCPD’s secure tip-line. The Chief of Police assures that anyone who comes forward will be confidential and protected.


Gossip and who's HOT!

A special Interview from Rita!

Hello Sol Spills readers. Boy does this reporter have a treat for you!!! I was able to book that fab race car driver that you've all been buzzing about!!! Mr Joel Nicolosi. He's tall dark and handsome and after my interview possibly more mysterious!!! I'll let you decide...

Rita: What drew you to racing?

Joel: I don't know, it was my dad i guess. He always loved cars and I grew up learning from him. It's just something about it. Whether it's a quarter-mile or a full-on race. I feel alive, it's hard to describe, but if you could feel every cell in your body, like if they were all just electrified by your soul… That's what it's like. That's what draws me.

Rita: Why so much later in life?

Joel: Geez, you make me feel really old. I'm just 33! No, but seriously where I'm at now was never really ‘the plan’, so to speak. I knew I could make a decent living fixing and tuning when I was a kid. All the old hands are retiring or dying out and there's just not a lot of interest in it from, I guess, ‘young people’ this day in age. I know that sounds like an old person talking, but no one wants to get their hands dirty. Racing just came as an afterthought that took off. I got pretty lucky in that regard.

Rita: I'm told you built the entire car that you raced, is that true?

Joel: Heh, that car has been rebuilt at least three times, but yeah, I built most of it myself. The major components sanctioned by the FIA are uniform across the board for all cars, like the brakes, the transmission, the roll-cage and so on. You can't just buy those parts online or on the street. It's expensive and that's where you need sponsorships to get in the game. The steering wheel in that car costs more than the Jeep I drove here for this interview.

Rita: Do you plan on closing up shop and racing full time?

Joel: I wouldn't say I'm closing up shop, but since I signed with the team, I'm going to be around a lot less. I still have a couple projects going, but they're only things that I want to work on. I'm fortunate now that I can work as a hobby rather than a necessity.

Rita: So if you're not closing up shop are you still working on a project? If so what is it and who for if, you don't mind me asking?

Joel: I have my own GT-R that I brought back from Japan similar to the one I raced against in the Grand Prix and a late model Corvette that belongs to a friend in the shop right now. I'm actually running out of space.

Rita: Juggling a forte of yours? With the shop and racing are you going to find time for yourself?

Joel: If I'm doing what I want to be doing, then it's all time for myself.

Rita: Is the manager from the race going to be your team manager?

Joel: No, the team already has all that set up so I pretty much just have to show up and drive which is nice. Lou and my dad just kinda filled a needed function as far as managing our little ‘team’. We all kinda managed it though, in a way, everyone did their part and we could all usually get along long enough to make things happen. I wouldn't call it a ‘family business’, but that's what it felt like sometimes. I will miss working with all those guys.

Rita: Anyone special in your life, as a significant other?

Joel: I got a few irons in that fire, but I don't kiss and tell either.

He's just yummy isn't he? I wonder who those irons are? Well this reporter was curious and did some digging. Spoilers readers!!! He's been seen with Marinalia Olympus a flight instructor out at our airport, Sol International. A cool blonde with a British accent. But he's also been seen much more recently and frequently with Siobhan Murphy. A firey redhead that happens to be one of my favorites in the art world. She is very active in charities that deal with Sexual Assault Victims and Suicide Prevention since the age of eighteen. Personally I'm pulling for the redhead. Good luck ladies and may the odds be ever in your favor.



Sol City Local Artist center stage

Old Sol Museum is proud to announce that they will be hosting a famous artist, Siobhan Murphy, and her new collection “Scenes of Sol”. Miss Murphy has been a in Prague studying abroad and starting her career. This will be her first gallery in the United States and pieces will be auctioned off for the benefit of Sexual Assault Victims and Suicide Prevention. You can contact Miss Murphy’s Agent Alexandra Wright at 917-765-4285 to inquire about bidding.

Miss Murphy and her Agent will be present at the exhibit and tickets will be sold at the following locations: City Hall, Solaris Universatas, Sol Museum, and Haven Square Mall. Discount ticket prices are available for Arts and Museum Patrons, Students, Military, and Senior Citizens.

Tickets will come with different levels: Standard, Elite, and VIP. Standard tickets will include a meal and a single drink selection; drinks at regular caterers pricing after first. Standard tickets are priced at 20 dollars per ticket. Elite tickets include a meal and drink selection; half off drink prices after the second order, as well as access to full gallery including extra pieces that accompany the collection. Elite tickets are priced at 80 dollars per ticket. VIP tickets include a cocktail party for a pre-screening of the collection and extra pieces, meal and complimentary drinks throughout the evening. VIP tickets are priced at 200 per ticket.

Please contact the Old Sol Museum for further details on tickets.



SOL CITY is cold and clear while the storms effects are not fully passed. Please take care if going out and undertake special care on the roads. Snow build up may vary so please drive with caution.

For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.

@Conscripts@Rodiak@Almalthia@PrinceAlexus@Alex_The_Great@King Tai@PrinceAlexus@Almalthia@Majoras End@Zaxter996@CaptainSully@Silver Fox@LostBrotherGrimm@Tenma Tendo@Pilatus@MissCapnCrunch@Rodiak@Pilatus@RoccanIronclad@LunarMist

Tuesday Museday

Tuesday Morning . Free Phase / Optional events open . Please be clear in post as to location . Weather is still cold . can be icey underfoot and storm aftereffects . Power / Cell Service Mostly restored .

"yes.. a half naked woman screaming like a cat and eating pizza in a box is art.. i know..." Rando 2018, On modern art

Storms over... but the clean up has begun ... yes you have to shovel the drive

But if you wanted to get out the bikini and the BBQ you may be early!

So to the aftermath, you'rE all alive and managed not to drink your own piss? good though Bob from HR who bugged you last week probably looked tasty. paths be icey, snow be about but its cleared up and city services are mostly restored with heavy delays at the local ports and airports. So wanna go to Hawaii to use that Bikini? You may have to wait!

Power and Cell service is mostly restored. systems are still in recovery though from the extreme weather.

Importantly, please consider how you filled in the gap between the two, and if it effects your group or not. All the more interesting when things start to inter relate and mix up a abit.

NOW, skip-wise this one is free but we have some little optional events on. Feel free to attend or take your own path.

Old Sol Museum
Free Exhibition Hours run from 9am-12pm & 3pm-5pm. Enjoy!

Ideal when the crowds get to you, walk amongst the new fashion exhibition and maybe find some inspiration for a great vintage look. For the family old dippers, a replica of the famous dinosaurs from London's legendary natural history museum dominates the main hall and many others in the classic DinoSol exhibit.

Now hosting the grand Middle Eastern and greater Asian jewel exhibition, with some of the finest examples of the jewelers arts from ancient Persia to modern cutting edge design.

Also a must see, the Old Masters' Tour. Examples of some of the finest of Europe's works from Davinci, Canaletto, and more.

Swan Songs
Open all day for music lovers. Open Mic, Live music or just chill and enjoy some nice music while the city runs around like headless chickens!

A special day put on by Swan Songs for those with a musical soul, free buffet, snacks and guaranteed to have the best music in the city!


Please be clear where and when you are in your post / Heading etc as per the norm

Any questions, comments, or ideas please just ask us via Discord, PM, OOC or Post Owls and Ravens. (Ravens may incur a delay due to white walker issues)


SOL source of News since 1895


Sol City recovers from Snow Storm Sarah

After the most powerful storm of the Winter, Sol City is beginning to recover from heavy snow and ice accumulations.

Officials are reporting that power has been restored in most areas by the City Power and Utilities teams, cell service remains shakey but network providers assure residents that service will be back to normal quickly. Emergency services advise that residents and visitors alike take care on the roads and drive to the conditions.

SCDOT reports main roads as passable but secondaries and rural routes are still being cleared. Please keep advised to weather before traveling and allow extra time for your journey.

More information and updates available on:


Or follow "Sol City Official Live" on twitter for updates straight to your phone.




As promised, under the personal direction of the District Attorney, SCPD has been out in force since the conclusion of Winter Storm Sarah rounding up those charged with escalating violence at the Club Aether brawl. Star Messenger has learned that in addition to arresting the Head of Security of Club Aether, that several close followers of Sol City’s Siren’s band are also among those being arraigned in City Court. In addition, A leaked cell-phone video from the night of the incident has made its way around the internet in recent days showing the altercation and the aftermath in vivid detail, prompting more cries for justice from those injured.

The video, purportedly taken by a club-goer has only recently surfaced as the party responsible for capturing the violence on film feared retribution from the Club as well as others that were caught on camera. SCPD continues to ask for your help in rounding up those being charged. A complete list of those under warrant can be found on SCPD’s website and anyone with information wishing to come forward should use SCPD’s secure tip-line. The Chief of Police assures that anyone who comes forward will be confidential and protected.


Gossip and who's HOT!

A special Interview from Rita!

Hello Sol Spills readers. Boy does this reporter have a treat for you!!! I was able to book that fab race car driver that you've all been buzzing about!!! Mr Joel Nicolosi. He's tall dark and handsome and after my interview possibly more mysterious!!! I'll let you decide...

Rita: What drew you to racing?

Joel: I don't know, it was my dad i guess. He always loved cars and I grew up learning from him. It's just something about it. Whether it's a quarter-mile or a full-on race. I feel alive, it's hard to describe, but if you could feel every cell in your body, like if they were all just electrified by your soul… That's what it's like. That's what draws me.

Rita: Why so much later in life?

Joel: Geez, you make me feel really old. I'm just 33! No, but seriously where I'm at now was never really ‘the plan’, so to speak. I knew I could make a decent living fixing and tuning when I was a kid. All the old hands are retiring or dying out and there's just not a lot of interest in it from, I guess, ‘young people’ this day in age. I know that sounds like an old person talking, but no one wants to get their hands dirty. Racing just came as an afterthought that took off. I got pretty lucky in that regard.

Rita: I'm told you built the entire car that you raced, is that true?

Joel: Heh, that car has been rebuilt at least three times, but yeah, I built most of it myself. The major components sanctioned by the FIA are uniform across the board for all cars, like the brakes, the transmission, the roll-cage and so on. You can't just buy those parts online or on the street. It's expensive and that's where you need sponsorships to get in the game. The steering wheel in that car costs more than the Jeep I drove here for this interview.

Rita: Do you plan on closing up shop and racing full time?

Joel: I wouldn't say I'm closing up shop, but since I signed with the team, I'm going to be around a lot less. I still have a couple projects going, but they're only things that I want to work on. I'm fortunate now that I can work as a hobby rather than a necessity.

Rita: So if you're not closing up shop are you still working on a project? If so what is it and who for if, you don't mind me asking?

Joel: I have my own GT-R that I brought back from Japan similar to the one I raced against in the Grand Prix and a late model Corvette that belongs to a friend in the shop right now. I'm actually running out of space.

Rita: Juggling a forte of yours? With the shop and racing are you going to find time for yourself?

Joel: If I'm doing what I want to be doing, then it's all time for myself.

Rita: Is the manager from the race going to be your team manager?

Joel: No, the team already has all that set up so I pretty much just have to show up and drive which is nice. Lou and my dad just kinda filled a needed function as far as managing our little ‘team’. We all kinda managed it though, in a way, everyone did their part and we could all usually get along long enough to make things happen. I wouldn't call it a ‘family business’, but that's what it felt like sometimes. I will miss working with all those guys.

Rita: Anyone special in your life, as a significant other?

Joel: I got a few irons in that fire, but I don't kiss and tell either.

He's just yummy isn't he? I wonder who those irons are? Well this reporter was curious and did some digging. Spoilers readers!!! He's been seen with Marinalia Olympus a flight instructor out at our airport, Sol International. A cool blonde with a British accent. But he's also been seen much more recently and frequently with Siobhan Murphy. A firey redhead that happens to be one of my favorites in the art world. She is very active in charities that deal with Sexual Assault Victims and Suicide Prevention since the age of eighteen. Personally I'm pulling for the redhead. Good luck ladies and may the odds be ever in your favor.



Sol City Local Artist center stage

Old Sol Museum is proud to announce that they will be hosting a famous artist, Siobhan Murphy, and her new collection “Scenes of Sol”. Miss Murphy has been a in Prague studying abroad and starting her career. This will be her first gallery in the United States and pieces will be auctioned off for the benefit of Sexual Assault Victims and Suicide Prevention. You can contact Miss Murphy’s Agent Alexandra Wright at 917-765-4285 to inquire about bidding.

Miss Murphy and her Agent will be present at the exhibit and tickets will be sold at the following locations: City Hall, Solaris Universatas, Sol Museum, and Haven Square Mall. Discount ticket prices are available for Arts and Museum Patrons, Students, Military, and Senior Citizens.

Tickets will come with different levels: Standard, Elite, and VIP. Standard tickets will include a meal and a single drink selection; drinks at regular caterers pricing after first. Standard tickets are priced at 20 dollars per ticket. Elite tickets include a meal and drink selection; half off drink prices after the second order, as well as access to full gallery including extra pieces that accompany the collection. Elite tickets are priced at 80 dollars per ticket. VIP tickets include a cocktail party for a pre-screening of the collection and extra pieces, meal and complimentary drinks throughout the evening. VIP tickets are priced at 200 per ticket.

Please contact the Old Sol Museum for further details on tickets.



SOL CITY is cold and clear while the storms effects are not fully passed. Please take care if going out and undertake special care on the roads. Snow build up may vary so please drive with caution.

For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.
For everyone seemingly in agreement that it's bad, I don't see a lot of tackling of the question "why?"

Why do so many people conflate quality with quantity? As someone running an RP in the advanced section that seemingly has not incurred this problem to remotely the same degree as the cited examples, do I just have really wonderful players or is there something that provokes this (and by extension, can be done to avoid it)?

Theres more skill in telling a story with fewer words and achieving the same goal. Lengh and post size is not the only factor of qaulity. Telling a story In 300 words we'll and effectively, is better than 1000 words with 400 of lore dump and another 100 of padding.

Lore dumping for hundreds of words, eh. Telling it as part of a well woven story, linking charecters and past organicly. That's qaulity.

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