Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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There's also a link on the toggle below the post.

Theres a list of colours in the BB colour section. It's a pretty good cheat sheet.
I think by lists she just means for example, does not need coding fancy or so, just a more easy to read format than a sentence layout in places. just breaking the info into structure that's easier to absorb. @StreetViper

Also from a personal point, add a few more line breaks, it il help as the sections seem to run into each other, and super easy way to modify it with little time or effort.

Course i may be wrong, but im sure ALm would tell me when she online :)

+Conspiracy Theories
+Talk Radio

-Cold Weather
-Bad Grammar
Yeah. The majority of guild is there.

Be a fool to go off mining in advanced when the ores so much richer in the casual mines.

Also there's various levels in a RP.
Some might have less advanced worlds, more advanced plots, but some parts might be casual, while others advanced not quite fit in the other. Charceters, words, plots and writing may be at different levels.

High casual is a good summery for one's that are not quite one or the other.
Best of a few worlds.

I'm sorry guys, really I am but I can't keep up like I thought I would be able to. In all honesty it is post length. I was expecting 2-3 paragraphs and most posts are 5-7 and it is a bit intimidating. That's my bad for not researching better before applying although I would ssuggest considering moving out of the casual section. I do wish you all well.

You can post shorter. Not every one does 5-7 paragraph posts, 2-3 is fine if that's your level :) more is nicer, but we Don, t demand it.

I just prefer to post longer, like some prefer shoter. Just the writing style you like.

Post what you feel comfortable with, we have Lee way to help everyone fit in, of that's 2-3, that's fine.


Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" and Maria Olympus

City museum post Dirty Harriet and back to Park View . Tuesday Afternoon . "Daughter of Persephone"

Victoria laid back curling up for a nap, she had been feeling a alittle tired and achey the past few days, must be thr cold weather and all, the doctors had some fancy words why she sometimes was prone to cold, tiredness and needing more rest. Though this time it was a alittle worse than normal but just chalked it down to stress, and feeling cooped up. The momment she tried to get out, you end up with gunfire going on. What kind of joke was life playing that she could not go for a walk and end up escaping gunfire.

Putting her phone on charge she fell asleep quickly, long black hair flowing over the pillow and a peacefully resting for a hour or so curled up on her large queen size bed. It was a nice luxury to have all that space. It was especially vast when you where tiny. Sometimes being small had a few handy advantages, even if it had more disadvantages. Looking out the window, still cold, it really was not the kind of weather that made you want to not leave a warm and snugglely bed. Hopefully the weather would pass quickly so she felt less tired, her medical conditions meant it took more getting over than other people, even with the cure the was not 100%


For Maria, it was fairly quiet and she had waved Victoria off a while ago, tiredness and odd ache was a normal thing for her and even the doctor in her did not see any real problem. Well yet. Longer term, it could be more but for now it was nothing but Cold weather, busy days and stress, no wonder she was napping. Thinking back and checking her messages, she spent a little time looking through the news, a Gossip column... Oh Marlin, Joel, and some red head. That was silly, and rather strange. Oh well, if they did dig too deep or get too close, there where plenty of options to protect her from the vultures. Horny the Rhino... Horny. What kinda person came up with the name Horny? Wait, Joel was the one who sent Marinalia the coffee... Seriously. How complicated and strange was life, was this place a hamlet or somthing?

Though now, Ethen, Marinalia, well she was not sure what was going on yet, so there was definitely a intresting tim s with the fnaily. The girls really did not do things by halves... City political stuff aside. Victoria seemed to have a point, somthing did not add up, somehow in the city. Ot just gave a odd feeling but not sure where it even began.

The news was all over the shooting, museum closed, police. Closed for investigation and minor repairs. Victoria said she had hered a few shots fired that morning. There was no time line but everyone knew these events took time, especially given the circumstances, public buildings and the modern day.

More importantly a ping from her phone, the director had agreed to forward her proposal, especially wince she had sent a few little ones s to city hall and some contacts. She was not exactly without her tricks. The proposal was bound to forwarded to agent, agent to the artist or not. Some where much more managed than others, and had different levels of control and intrest in there work. A proposal, photos, and a small had drawn floor plan with annotations. The upper floors where considered off limits. That was a home, not a venue.

Sent from her personal email, DrMariaOlympia@Gmail.com the email made its way to a certain red headed artist eventually. Not sure how She would get it was fairly open about time scales and set up. Given the chaos, exact schedules might not be ideal. Not knowing of the trouble mixed into the plans or past history, well it would be fun, and help the sisters meet a few folks who in the "right" places. If they where going stay, they might as well have every advantage possible. Connections and freinds where rather handy. Little did she knew the drama gods where in good spirits.


Victoria and Maria where later sat round the fire, this certainly was a far better way to deal with the cold, and a few little hints told her Victoria had a intresting time about things. She never had known before about, this Milo, Paige, scratching a car... Not intended... Of course. Not that she condemned it but well, she was not there. Illegal guns, nare Victoria was definitely safer not dating that particular egg. His life certainly aired on the darker side, not that Victoria was always light. More her life before, during and likely after was definitely not calm or a fairly tales.

Maria had her moments though, nearly engaged to a bormir, her times in a more wild place. As a Dr she had to heal some bad injuries, made a few intresting friends, Mori, Morgan and Marinalia had had a thing for a while later on, arguments, met Horus, Nicholas, that family had some strange names. Iris had been a nice lady. Of course Denny, and a few others had been intresting rather rivals like Joella and so. Adventure abound with Benny, Dira etx. Or had been fun. Though life could be too exciting at times!


@PrinceAlexus Actually a recap would be really nice, just to get an idea of where everyone's at and what's going on ^^

Siobhan and Joel are having a date discussing his rally career in Western shore among other things. Plots, made up drinks and abit of flirty banter.

Paige shot a guy at museum and now it's closed. She reunited with milo who evaded another attempt to kill him. Only he does not yet know the attempted killer he killed. Plots abound... Also put a bullet hole in her firneds painting.

Marinalia and Xia are at the swan songs, after a intresting weekend. Also in attendnce is Reya, Marcus and Ethen.

Victoria was at the museum but escaped fleeing gunfire. , via a side door and caused a computer to just give up the will to exist on leaving with a few well planned back doors to hide who she managed to make her exit.

Picked up by Maria, Marinalia mother, (half sisters mum) and now both back home.

Sully, dusty, on a date to the park outside the city. Got abit cold, and rather romantic in the snow banks.

Aoki was at museum but ended up making a fast exit when Paige turned a art gallery Into a action movie set.

@PrinceAlexusAh okay I see, well I might just wait it out since I have people at home and I'm heading back to school on Monday so we'll see. Thank you!

If you need a recap let us know.
We try to help people re link. :)

Not sure how long skip be. It's a fairly organic process. So you could have time to rejoin :)
@Tenma Tendo

We need to t started talking about a new skip yet as people seem to still be happy and still have a alittle to go yet.

You could join mid way ish, be abit shorter but we can work you in :)
Plots within plots.
Without bringing up the rather awful issue of diffrent sections.

We all have learned abit from our own sections, and taken influences and opinions from that. Lady A, has alot stricter ideas, others air lighter on some issues, and levels of complexity.

What we used to will shape our options.

Honestly for me, CS sheets needs to be flexible, depending how it all slots. Adapt to what works, and yeah some things do peacve but that's how the Guild likes it. Cannot fight the tides, it's far easier to work with and adapt them to your own purpose.
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