Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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I'll have something up between today and Wednesday. :)

Great :)
Posts to help build the fence.
It was planned, and might still be.. Though they need Manz to move the expanding horizons corpse off the top and do some work before it can be started.

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" and Maria Olympus

City museum post Dirty Harriet and back to Park View . Tuesday Afternoon . "Daughter of Persephone"

Victoria sat back as the weather began to chill as Maria threw a large log onto the fire and curled up in front of it lazily. The whole strange feeling was still there but not so bad now. Just the weather after all, she could survive the cold, it just never was her idea of fun, especially when this seemed to be the answer. A little achey, tired. Just a big or so...

Sitting back, the whole baby polar bear documentary was fun, mummy bear was was looking at the camera man like a rather tempting instant meal. Cute... Until the size of a large bear with a tempting desire to eat you!

Maria wandered back with a warmer blanket and warm mug of coffee to help keep the chill away, she had managed to sort of it some of the issues they had, and despite a few awkward silences things where on a up, even with Victoria knowing Darya was always going to be hard for her to every get past. She knew ernough of her own loss to know exactly that some things could never be replaced. They surprisingly shared a few more things salt than they relised. "I swear your up to somthing Maria... Your eyes are almost glittering" Maria blinked, shaking her head, Victoria was too smart to trick that simpley, her eyes always gave her away to fnaily. Despite the relationship between her father and Maria being new, Victoria was not unknown to the fnaily by a long shot. "Trust me Victoria, OK I am... But Youl see? Just enjoy the ride for once"

With a shake of head and a laugh, she got a diffrent kind of ride earlier in the week. Though she was probbly thinking too much into all the city events however they just did not quite add up or not... They where in limbo. Perhaps a break in her thoughts might find thr answer later. Always paid to keep ahead of the game in security. Sure, but I've found a ride I may want another go on! smiling, she at least could be open about things with Maria and Marlin. It felt like she had very few people she could truelt trust in Sol... Though had to admit she had not entirely helped that one...


Vanishing off Maria a excused herself for abit, and answered a call, least the larger house meant if you wnated a short walk you never had to leave the place. Finding herself downstairs in the ball room admiring the work that had gone into restoring the home pulling her fleece tighter as it always was cooler down here. "Hello... Yes this is Dr Maria, I have time to talk... They apcepted then, you move quick alright... Wensday might suit us better, Mar... OK, fine. Thursday but I have a meeting to attend. Yes that will do fine...Thry better be on time, all of us are busy after lunch... Smart, of course, what else would I expect... Email me the address, and pos...zip code I think you call them... Of course, il email our names for the desk, goodnight. Yes, trust me. Not my first business brunch... Until Thursday it is. "

Ending the call and sighing, the woman seemed to not relise she was quite capable of handling her side, she was planning a wedding. Of you can do that a brunch was like a quick morning's coffee. The place was fairly nice not overly but definitely not substandard and quite well reputation wise. This definitely was a outing for her loubatons and perhaps the Hermes bag it was a splurge, but what was point in earning money to not have a few nice things you could be proud wearing. Plus. Well, impressions counted. Marla loved her bling, she liked to flaunt things abit differently.

Her plans where a foot. Now just to try and see if Marlin would wear the matching necklace, it was too beuterful to sit locked away in a case all its life. Her daughter needed to get her confidence back, littlr things at a time. Sloe but progress...

The playing field was set, now just for the game.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!!!

*nudges the, T2000 automated robotic post enforcer with built in gatling tasers and motion trackers out of the way behind a bookcase*

Its nothing. The pinging sound is just the dishwasher...
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Park View, Xia's and Swan songs music event . Late afternoon Thorsday to Tuesday

Marinalia relaxed and saw Marcus react to the call out and blush a fraction and seemed definitely to be the same one who was the bar for sure. The little nervous reaction matched. Sipping a coffee, she was with Xia and trusted her, slightly ashamed minus Xia she might of not been able to walk in. This place had bad vibes for her. She had to face them though. The therapist was rather good though, and we'll, was right she could bot be afraid of a place forever. "Yep. Sol Village.

Ooh, behind the scenes as to say. Good luck, I prefer it so excellent choice there. my sister is the heavy metal fan.

Never expected to end up at the green bar! "

Because of course Sol city was truly a village they all seemed to have some form of connection, Marcus knew Ethen, she met them, Xia and Marlin had met each other multiple times and this new woman knew Marcus... The whole 6 degrees of separation was more like two... Turning to Xia, Mali yeah it was Magnus who coined that one and it stuck. Not she minded, she always had spoiled her cousin much to Marla,s frowns, though she found it hard not to let him have a ice cream, he had a look that just melted any resistance. Well unless you where Marla, mama polar bear was good at keeping her son in line. "not quite a baby now, but always be my little cousin. Any nicknames you want to share. " teasing Xia abit, Maria had kids young, and Marla older so there was a good gap, though she shook her head whwn Aunt was used... She was not that old, and always embarrassed her cousin back.

Marlin fidgeted slightly with her ring, playing as it glittered in the light unsure what to do with her hand, not feeling quite ready to hold her hand, but not wanting to seem like she was embarrassed by it. This all was alot more than she had expected and her public self and private where in two different places. Though it was nice knowing she had someone she could rely on. Xia just had that kinda vibe about her. No way of explaining it, it just felt... Right. Slightly Suprised by her question she did not notice the woman talk to Marcus as her inner selves debated out what to do and how to act. Hopefully not too obvious but her slate grey eyes where not hiding it very well. "oh... Sing... I was taught at school, but never done much more that katiokee for years. I prefered riding and switched early on, I loved cross country though. Could vanish for hours at the weekends riding in the woods and grounds. " with a smile. She loved horse riding, it kinda had flowed into her love of flying, just a horse became a helicopter and then a plane. Her school had taught a rather different ethos, extras classes included finances, business, and many other practical skills for life, excluding its strange love of dance and fencing.. But that was a great stress relase. "I really should pick it back up now I'm somewhere more permanently. "

Hoping Xia was not thinking about making her sing, or even asking. Going onto that stage might be a step too far for her. Entering the place had been bad ernough. A alittle nudge of her foot closer was a small way of her letting a alittle show without feeling too obvious, a alittle more discreet than holding her hand. Maybe somewhere else, but this place contained darker memories. Wanting a happy, well day, that topic could be answered later I'd it came to it.

"Thanks for, you know." She did not add to much, nore like the idea of Victoria owing a debt. Of course they had talked, but she appreciated his... Slightly alterior, but helpful motives ensuring they stayed out of note... The papers seemed to be going hard on that incident so maybe it was a good idea someone had made sure there presence went less noticed.

Adding a quiet explanation only Xia could hear, she deserved to know, and did not like hiding it as she probbly guessed already. "He,s Thursday night... Friday morning guy.. Victoria does not want the spotlight but seems to like him. Helped get us, well that's for less public places." she saw Victoria arrive in friday morning, rather too happy for someone stuck in a power cut, and her whole slightly different walk seemed to tell a rather... Not just sheltering story. Plus the whole long goodbye by the car, well it was obvious they found other ways to keep warm...

Seeing Marcus approach the woman. She just have a discreet nod and turned back to her coffee playing with a biscuit like nothing ever happened, once he found his confidence he would be a charmer alright. Musician, to could not hurt his chances. Well she was kinda taken now but hey, could not hurt to nudge someone in the right direction.

The woman was dressed nicely, maybe a little under for the cold but the blue dress, warm jumper and boots where bang on trend. Pretty cute style. A blonde haired guy seemed to be hanging around the bar too, obviously the event was more popular than she had expected, the weather did not seem to be keeping people in as much, and many seems to be enjoying there often free day off thanks to the weather forcing many places to close or roads being unsafe to drive. They seemed a alittle lost though.

Her train of thought was distracted slightly by a band striking up a good light rock cover with a fraction that had abit of blues to it. Least the music seemed to be good tonight. Sliding and rapping her finger to the beat, ordering refill on her coffee. Sliding a foot close to Xia's, very slowly over the time, she gave a slightly nervous smile. The shell was losing out ever so slowly to the inner self, just coming out in a rather calculated way to try and remain unnoticed, hoping the band would have there attentions well kept where she wanted it.

@King Tai@Zaxter996@Almalthia@Tenma Tendo@Majoras End

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Cool cool but I have to say...many people could take that statement way out of context lmao!!

Lol... True. The wording is a alittle suspect.

I'm not evil... It's just a giant granite throne decorated with skills and glowing potions

*Hides somthing behind a curtain lol*
@King Tai

Your on my to do list tommrow :)
>>pastor Jimmy casts heal on anyone who hurt if needed and praises the Lord for a miracle distracting the brave adventures from there pains and giving new determination.

>>(or sheild of light on people closest to new rooms including self as we know these places ain't safe if full)

Haven't forgotten. I'm going to post tomorrow. I was mostly watching American Football and hung out with family while just checking mostly on notifications throughout the weekend here.

Always worth the wait :)
Life before RP.
Glad you had a good weekend.
I disagree.

But mostly because I struggle with grammar and exact super details adavamvmced requires. Plus the more serious nature.

I prefer a alittle lighter hearted, and am a little loose on my grammar. Heorver I do also write some pretty long, detailed posts with decent amounts of backstory and so.

So... It's a mix. I have casual and advanced elaments in my writing. But not one fully.
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