Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Welcome. You shall find those about whom share it. Just have a browse and a seach of the forums :)
Anyone seen mortal engines?

Good. Bad?

Flaming dumpster fire or a diamond in the rough?

Good luck finding what your after, be it serious, smut or silly :)
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Pit to Club Eather and Run District . Tuesday Evening . Sol city mixed locations .

TUESDAY evening


Marinalia was feeling cheerful, she had a beuterful girlfriend and a fun night hopefully, well she definitely would mind a repeat of there earlier evening even if she had to leave early the following morning to go home to change. Ice cream, and we'll a alittle fun after. She needed a few happy things in life.

Sure the club drama was making her , well it was plain strange. She had no idea what to do about that, Victoria might join her later for icre cream, Victoria had started getting a few odd moments. Her breakfast choice that morning was creative to say the least.

Turning to Sully, she quickly typed a message part whole talking, it was not challenge to multi task as a pilot and a woman!

Smiling and hitting send as she waited. Well Sully, she had a appointment far more to her liking than some of the other options tonight. She did not mean offence, but if it was a choice between kariokiee, and her girlfriend... Girlfriend won! "Sorry Sully, seems I have a date to make, so can you let my sister know and so what you decided. Half sister, my surnames not lannister, so 95% Acuracy have to do.

Between you, or my Girlfriend, I'm a alittle biased. Have fun, and good luck.

Have a good evening, Vika, see you there if your coming! You know the address. "
Heading out, Marinalia ignored the oversized security, she had lived up to her side of the bargain, no kiss, but jeez, her half sister. It was not game of thrones.

Finaly making the exit, past the barriers and so, it was easy to hail a ride and make thr shortosh trip to Xia's apartment. On the journey back she was cheerfully singing along to the radio, tuned to some station locally, wait yes she had hered it when someone else was flying her bird and tuned the radio off her favourite. This Dawson was a fun one though and made a silly call to station asking for a song. Her clear british accent, was well, it stood out in the American city. "Heyyooo anyone can play Tatu... I fancy if after impromptu kariokee" laughing, well despite it all, it had been fun, she had to admit the detour to Eather had been a adventure. Her call would lielly be ignored, but hey, worth and try and she was tipsy, had a phone and a cute accent.

Heading up, she had a free e so was careful on the stairs and dropped next to her on the sofa, kicked off her long boots and stretched her legs out to be more comfortable greeting her with a slightly tipsy kiss. A alittle gigley, she was resting her legs over Xia's and had a puppy dog look about ice cream. "Hello Cutie, ice cream was almost as tempting as you... Almost.

Oh, hey, I'm Marinalia, Xia's girlfriend, or Marlin of its easier. "
Meeting Caelo again, was a alittle diffrent and so. His previous comments sti had her on guard abit as she leaned against Xia with bowl of ice cream with marshemmlows. He made her a alittle unsure, was he the same one, Xia would be the better judge, his Girlfriend seemed, polite ernough, for a first meeting. Carlo, for all his being abit of jerk at times, did have good taste, she was attractive though if inside or out was unknown. "so, enjoy the film? Personally I'm a Disney girl.

Kind of ended up impromptu Tatu katiokee, Club eather manager is... Curious. The security though seem like someone rounded up a wrestling roster. "

That would definitely be a odd night, it already odd, so why fight it at this point. Drama, oddities and strange, days seemed to be the sisters best friend, lover and family all rolled in one! Just roll with rhe punchs and keep going. Sol city sadly had a few too many of those.

Thinking back, well, a few where there fault, but Blood was alot thicker than water and thr family where pretty shameless in that fact. Trouble or not, well the sisters where sisters and had the others back.

Marinalia had a few cocktails and so though and had the tendency to be affectionate under the influence, even with present company, well she was feeling abit silly and giggly from the adrenaline of katiokee still present, alcohol and sugar.


Victoria glanced over and recognised Joseph, he looked... Well how did he get a kitten for one, and was the guy always colpasing on to a bar as much as they caused trouble or had trouble in one? Calling over to the bar, well she had to help the one who helped her that night. She never had a chance to repay him. "Hey... Can vou get my friend some food... On me.

Vis, is strangely familiar. "
her Russain accent clear, well she had started with the it this evening, and would be strange if she dropped it now. Thr edge that forced it was gone, still needing a alittle to balence her thoughts. She felt safe making her own way home or so though. Marinalia would not have left her otherwise. Though he might be rather Suprised at the events that impacted her, Victoria had a wild few weeks.

It only was a quick ride home of too late. Too late being Marinalia having her fun... Not that she could deny her sister a good relationship after everytuong... And her own actions to help that drama...


Back in England, alot of preparations where abound. Maria was busy, Vesarian had some time off and was caught into the preparations by his fiance! Maria was happy though, Marla was expecting, Victoria, Marinalia and Xia, it was a rather strange time for the Romus Family.

Maxamillion was back in his office, leaning back he had a strange collection of things... Racing, models of ships they had built and many more things he collected over a long life. A collection of photos, well he had great grandchildren coming it seemed.

He was still a old fashioned guy, however high tech and wnated to hand write his reply, on headed pages, thick paper and embossed, well it was a old fashioned luxury he could easily afford. The photo was nice, he remembered that day and attached a simple post it note to have it framed when possible.

Enclosing a small item, it was nothing major and a copy of a picture. The car would be considered a death trap by Joels standars, him as a younger man in a leather jacket and a flat cap of all things to race in leaning against a black and white Bentley sports, aggressive exhaust lining thr engine bay like a fighter plane and no roll cage of any kind. Just a low windscreen of thin metal and glass.

Both shared a passion though it was Joel who had the opertunity he never had, well that and he had more important things like his wife's first pregnancy, children and more to take him from the steering wheel to the desk behind the pitlane.

@Pilatus@MST3K 4ever@King Tai@Rabidporcupine@MissCapnCrunch@CaptainSully


I understand. You had a active thing to resolve forst or least know a reaction to before you could switch to a bystander.

No worries crafter of the worlds richest hobo!

I waved over, but not much else more I could do as was having to react to Sullies improtu, Tatu reformed act lol.

Snow girl is more Raven girl though!
@The Muse

Yes. Links active for 24 hours.

Hope Xia has plenty of ice cream :)

When I'm home.

Work do tonight.

Post this weekend folks :)
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