Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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@The Muse

Welcome citizen of Sol City

Please post in CS tab and join the party.

Least us know of you need help!
@MST3K 4ever

I like this one.
I'm happy with it.
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Pit to Club Eather and Run District . Tuesday Evening . Sol city mixed locations .

TUESDAY evening


Victoria was waiting for Leo to reply when she saw someone she recognised and gave a wave to the person who had helped her a long time ago. Well the club night and the hoody felt a long time ago now. It was rather the journey the sisters had over the past few months. A very strange one it seemed but it was going to get stranger over the next few months and beyond. Her life really was going to get turned around a few dozen times.

Joseph, well it seemed he acquired a kitten along the way, though did not look quite like his circumstances had changed as much as hers. A few things remained the same though snow girl, or Elsa had now gained Raven black, Blue fading purple highlights, a little more colour in her skin. "Hey, I've changed a alittle bit since a bad night. Still not forgotten I owe you a favour.

Princess Elsa changed abit... "
cheerfully calling over, Victoria could not drop the Russian tinge, well she had started it now, and felt a fraction more stable than leaving against a wall abit. Still leaning on the stick, she really hated feeling weak but least she was better than before to. A small blessing.

Marinalia saw the woman sat by the bar, a alittle out the way not wanting much attention maybe? Giving a passing wave, she seemed to have taken a intrest in Thete little peformence, and we'll, yes it was not sure how it ended however after the nerves, trouble and so had settled... Well they would laugh about it either way.

She did look pretty, though that raised a odd point, but she also was comfortablely taken so less awkward. Marinalia and awkward situations where friends and practically lovers at this point.

Though from her bag, she saw a text from Paige of all people. She has not quite expected a quick reply but hey, Paige seemed to be in need, hopefully it was a pleasure flight. But with her past reputation, that really was unlikely. Tapping a quick reply. Catalina, that's easy ernough. The island is barely used and visited , plenty of spots to land, il sort out a radio etc for pick up. Cell signal and others can be dodgy out there.

Can do. Let me know nearer when I can.


Marinala was Suprised, the island was a old air station, pretty empty and emergency runway, of Paige wnated to go Thete, sure. Strange as it was, well who was she reallt to judge anyone for strange. Plus with her father. Family. Joel was probbly right at times, half the family where a little strange but they where family and family stuck together regardless. Troublesome as it had caused, well the family stuck together completely.

She did not reconise Joseph much, well maybe. That night was a tad hazwy thanks to Bob. Thankfully he was behind bars. Had Paige been behind it... She was tempted to ask then other things distracted her mind. She did not wnay to really linger on that evening.

Let's see what tea is brewed :)
I should have a CS up in the next 24-48.

Quick question...the CS? Do I post it here? I know that I saw a tab for the CS, but do I post it there once I've been approved or prior to approval? (Does this make sense?)

CS posted here in OOC.

Tag us all, long as two approve it your a citzen of Sol city :) simple, yet works perfectly well for us.
We never liked the byzantine hidden tricks or stuff some people use.
@MST3K 4ever

Yeah, we nearly at the end of this chapter, 2-3 skips left approx however there is a third planned for a few weeks after this one closes for repairs, refit and general GM plotting, planning n evil lair construction lol.

Your still welcome to join now,

Join now, find your feet and have fun.

Any questions. Just ask, we a helpful bunch.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Pit to Club Eather and Run District . Tuesday Evening . Sol city mixed locations .

TUESDAY evening


Marinalia and Victoria where both looking at each other nervously but also somewhat giving each other a little glint in there eyes of mischief. They relised it was a pefornemece of some kind, he was going to try and embarrass them... His choice of song or decision wwould decide if they walked out never to return though. Not that thry both saw the grin and decided he needed it turning around though.

Leo helped them make ot though the crowd, Victoria was tiny and well, at the momment she had been back on her cane more as a safety messure than reliance. She yet trusted herself fully. Marinalia had a arm round her sister and nudged a few people out the way with a prompt tap of a low heal. Sully seemed to take his ability to force though like a magical skill they did not have. Ernough time to quickly agree they wnated to try and have a alittle fun and hopefully turn the joke round, even if they still got banned, fuck it. Have fun doing it. The last time that earned them a ban it was far less fun.

Both cast a glance back at the bar, and the people there. The two women one recognised, one not. The blonde was kinda nervous maybe... Or just quiet. The pink hair bar lady, really wnated out of painting?

Both held back as he worked up the crowd waiting in the wings and left there coats on the side, Victoria, s dress glittering away would leat look showy, and Marinalia, was well, she looked good tonight. Xia might wonder what woman was on stage, or relise how much Xia had helped Marlin recover her self confidence.

"Come on, do you trust me... Utterly. Remember that night in London, Morgan's birthday?" Victoria gave her a small nod as they left there coats off to the side they where for later. The place was not that cold. They would have to ask for video if he was not hating them! " I remember hearing you two though that wall... Jeez. Oh yeah. Why you have to ask... I remember that one. You lead Mali. She used to play Tatu so dman much... I know the words without prompts. " Giving a small smile and not breaking accent, it had got them into a mess, well it would get them into a fun spot too...maybe. "London. Let's knock his socks off... " Marinalia gave a glance that betrayed alittle of her old self, more fun, cheeky and the side of her Xia was slowly eeking out of her.

Heading up, they have Leo a smile that belied there little plan, both would try to have some fun. Stepping up, Marinalia gave a small wave to the crowd and tried to ignore the wolf whistles and cried comments. It really was a strange crowd here. The rather attractive Blonde and her Raven haired sister with contrasting skin like porcilin or Alabastor.

Victoria was a alittle more quiet, though as Ethan knew, tame was not what the Romus Sisters where, at least in private. Victoria present condition made that clear. Opening up Marinalia gave the a crowd a small smile before opening up with a softer English singing voice, though it carried thanks to the mic. "All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head"

Victoria then threw in her little suprise, performing her part in a very close original Russain version of the song. Well it certainly suprised people abit. She was not sure how well they took it but was having fun throwing everyone for a loop. She put quite abit in ot, remembering a few fun times in Moscow a few years prior. People forgot there was a original version! A little off key, but for all the stupidity once she lost herself in the song, well she rather was having fun. Both forgot the press there, who did notice said sisters where not exactly keeping the low profile they wnated.

Mid way the two had managed to get a small sing along, least the most drunk people joined in and helped nudge them on abit, Marinala especially was nervous, Paige was right she was a ball of nerves at times but had her moments. Victoria was less confident but also had it at the same time. Crowds just where not her thing.

The finale was planned, well they failed a alittle to keep a sing along going, the crowd needed more booze or they lacked the ability to quite work the crowd completely like others. Not perfect but thry both would definitely had a good laugh after whatever happened. OK... So ending. Timing the song, Victoria knew it alot better than her so gave a small nudge at right timing, the lean in made a small cheer expecting the videos kiss, bit alas. Sisters... Leo got them on stage, not getting a lesbian snog fest for extra press.

Breaking and turning to leave, they merely gave the crowd a little jab at Leo, he did earn it. Nothing major, ernough to makw them feel better for the stunt anyway. He probbly would easily turn it into his advantage anyway. "Sorry Boys, and maybe Girls... Leo here forgot to invite My girlfriend, and her boyfriend had ernough ideas! so you know the rest anyway!

Night ladies and gentlemen! Maybe our host would enjoy a turn!

Oh and love you cutey "
both blowing a kiss to the crowd before vanishing back to find there coats, the bar was warm... But not that warm! Especially Victoria whose dress was not exactly ideal for winter alone. Adding the end on jokiky, they Marinalia post Xia was a different person, and she had to laugh at the wolf whistles. She was not about to shout her name but hey, it gave the crowd a distraction to escape before they demanded a second.

Both where smiling and rather enjoyed it, for all the stupidity, problems, or was least a adventure and the whole nerves had died down after a slower start and soon they had just decided that of the last time they did here, go out with a bang. Reaching Leo they did not know what to expect, just merely looked after each other and both dawned on the pefornothry just pulled off needing to lean back against the wall abit. That really was not normal for them and the nerves that had been hidden finally hit again. They did not like crowds, Victoria especially, however much they could appear the opposite. "So, ve did as you vanted, my freind loved the original, I now it off by heart practically. I think zey did not know that one. Excuse me... " leaning heavier on her stick calming as nerves went by, breathing slowly to centre self. She did not bother masking anything and merely just embraced her Russain side tonight. "Tatu... You really know how to pick em. Relax Vika, one at a time. One at a time Victoria.

Made up your choice? Just.. Think that was ernough for Vika, crowds... Not a friend. A ambulance would not be good for any of us. "
Victoria tried to hide it. And did it quite well, though that crowd of drinks was somthing else. Being smaller, and less steady she always had a healthy view of crowds, drunk ones even more. She merely apecepted a calming influence from Marinalia who was internally face palming that waht Rita might makw of them, bar some endangerment or so. Victoria fired off a quick message to Ethan too, just incase.

Hey Ethan.

Before you get...worried. And if see our night out in some tawdy gossip mongers hands. Its a long story for a Lunch.
Not touched a drop since you suspected. Mali would never let me even if I T wnated to try!
Just a few moxktails, no caffine either. There's no risk, bar me needing a long lie on tommrow!

Have fun, we fine. All 3 of us! Just having some fun. You said I had to face my fear of press at some point.
Vika XX

Marinalia sent Xia a quick message, but she was more distracted by both herself and her sister to react as much.

Hey cutie.

Umm... No quiet night... Barred from Aether, ended up doing Tatu karioke duet with Vika, kinda fun! Might be back in...

Night crazy as always! Most fun I've had in a while!

Your English Muffin :)
Mali x

Smiling, she hit send quickly while Leo was distracted by the crowd, hey least the boos where fairly minimal, the cheers took a alittle to build though. They where hardly the charisma that Ethan could bring to the stage somehow. They did there best though and wondered that the bar had thought of there peformence a alittle..

@liferusher@CaptainSully@MissCapnCrunch@Zaxter996@Almalthia@King Tai


Oh we do have a discord. I forgot the add. It's mostly our back up ans also let's people have a alternative platform to put forward ideas etx :)


All info is always in RP of not discord person.

OK. Just friends ;)
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