Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Hey, I have been a roleplayer for a long time. I have a long past of letting other roleplayers down by leaving roleplays abruptly. A lot of it was my life at the time. Now, I always feel like I don't know what to do when I roleplay with someone for a very long time. I'm worried I have not accumulated enough long term experience to understand how to make a good roleplay.

Talk witb them, work out ideas, write down what you come up with or save a message with your ideas list. Just because it's not usable now does not mean it may not come in down the line.

Planning and preparation can go a along way to helping you keep track of a longer RP. Also keep track of your changes and items. Gives you less to worry about.

And experience, just learn from your mistakes. Youl soon find out what works and does not. Planning and prep makes life alot easier though. Keeps momments of panic down. :)
Neato, I'll get to work!

Great. Welcome to the sol city adventure:)
Alright, cool. I'll try to get started now. Anything I should know about the current situation?

Go back about 1-2 pages. IC youl find a full description of the event and so.

Hoon and Lilith are on a date seeming later on in the day.
Marlin and Athena (Npc) are wandering about the good festival around lunch. Near Charles greasy and deliciously delactable wings station. There also in food contest.
Joel and sio are headed for Japanese food.
Victoria and her friend are sat near Charles area.
Aljenadro and Shannon + body guards are discussing nefariarous plots.
Tao and Paige are at sport centre are engaging in a adventure in the basement of Luna sports.
Kill box is also entering food festival running the Japanese food stand.
There's also the Pallette Panzer, supper stuka, a gordan Ramsey esque chef about judging the compation from Germany.

I believe I've caught everything. :)
So just to be clear, I am ok to put Jeremy in the character tab and start posting?

You where given a green light about 10 days ago.
Just must have missed a tag. Feel free to join the food festival and festivities :)

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event

Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.

Marinalia sighed as she took a moment away, sipping her rather sweet over sugary concoction and taking a few minutes sat on a Pile of boxes with Athena who was touching up her makeup in a mirror rested on a larger pike of stacked up freebie mugs, plushy strange amphomorphic planes that were cute but creepy in own way.

She was grumbling to herself somewhat. Her resentful side took over when she saw those two somewhat. Probably a lot. She hates Losing. Marinalia had passed a pilot's license for the first time as a teanager still, swimming, Fencing, horse riding... Everything she accomplished at some level. Of the 4 fencing was a tad rusty and shaking it off horse riding though. "urgh. Something just gets my goat... Fine yes. I hate losing. Especially to that particular redhead. Just be careful, her family meant to be some big shot in medical or law, cannot remember exactly what. I was a tad drunk that night at gala. What food did the old man like again? Asian is ...you seen out there?. What was local for you. Got any ideas?" Athena looked up packing the mirror away, she could be professional and also keep pride in her appearance. Flirty it not, she was fully qualified on most of the Deadalus helicopters. "Think I got her goat more, your qualifying on the biggest turbo prop in the fleet, what she does, artist right?. Who got a professional career not a gig economy. You won already. Big shot? Flirting ain't illegal. Not in America anyway. Don,t worry Valkyrie. Local was San Francisco. Until the rents went stupid.

Fine...old man likes Japanese at times, sometimes koreen, never Thai. Apollo pillow talked... We dated but it did not work out and stayed friends."
chatting casually, yep. Athena rarely went further than flirting despite seeming so. Things did not always add up to how they seemed on the surface layer. "Yeah but urgh. Yeah artist. I like her work though. I cannot disparage that too much.

Canada's still bloody cold though. Just be careful Athena. San Fran. England. Capricq. Anyone work local here? Most of the pilot arm are from somewhere else"
leaving on a questing the two called out they were on the food run to feed the seeming 5 thousand. Working with the general public was plain stressful. "Be back in an abit, we on scavenging duty. We need more of those plushy ... Planes... Thomas the tank engine creeped me abit ok. Got it. No Thai, Japanese, Wings, got the list."

Heading out, chatting having hooked her arm in Marlins in the busy crowds and the Asian Brunette threw a smile over to the Rebellion tent while Marlin was making a wave off hand sign and too high gesture, and several other minimised aviation hand signs ending in refuel. The kiss was enough to probably rile those two up for the event, or least Marlin thought. Things between them where a tad interesting. "Wave off, runways busy. And I was just overhead, it was close loss...yes lost but overhead equal at mid point perfectly. Not a quarter of a mile. Id of needed to behind him on like 2-3 gates for that distence and I was matching till final straight.

Though you confirmed there serious. That gossip blog was right, he must have a thing for red heads after all. Or tiny blue dresses."
giving her friends arm a fair tug to stop her before continuing her second part passing by towards the Asian section close by in the food fairs American section. Quarter mile. Sure, the air race was a loss but it was a close ending, finishing overhead and low then climbing higher and slower on the return route as fuel was getting tighter not having planned for a second run. "What's the real deal Marlin... I know you well enough to know, you kept glancing at the junk food area earlier" Marinalia was a little vexing them to take flak off her sister. The more they looked at her the less they could notice Victoria. She was still at a delicate phase and did not need the stress or argument. "Fine. It's real and also to keep her away from Victoria. She,s... Still not fully out in the clear. Your smart. Things came out too soon for anyone's good." A rather big oh reached her mind and clicked. Why could those two not do simple? Victoria and Marlin were trouble magnets with a T. "Oh... Crap. Yeah. There's easier ways you know. Is there a goddess of trouble because there you?. No offense your plans make less sense than Inky playing Scrabble. Your family are a little nutty let's be honest."

@Tyler Night@Allycat
Meandering their way through the busy American section spotting Victoria leaning over talking semi seriously with cheesy chips, and chicken wings. She might pay for it later but they looked delectable and deliciously devilish tempting.

Waving over, they queued up and pulled out a list of things to aquire for the hungry pack of staff. Helping the kids was fun, and something she found came easily but it was tiring after a while. You needed a break. Dressed in the smart deadalus uniforms, hats on for show and gold detailing glittering off uniforms arms, badges and Marinalia gold and ice blue diamond necklace in a now hard to find legally African variety. Athena glanced over hoping nothing happened to Victoria because they were pretty crazy normal, yet alone riled up. Waiting her turn the English accented blonde pilot reeled off there list. "ah, hello, Some of the guys at work reckon you do best wings ever made, so 5 sets of wings, 3 hot, 1 volcanic and 1 nuclear blast number 5 with extra ... Pepper and onions please, 3 sides of chips with onion rings, 3 without and 1 Tex mex carnosaur with extra meat please... Packed like crazy at the tent. Volunteered for the food run, Old man's easier to work with on a full stomach." Athena wondered how the people ate some of those but if they wanted there stomach linings atomised it was there party. The pretty Asian American Brunette batted her eyelashes abit, she was flirting more of fun than anything. They did look rather nice in full uniforms "oh, you forgot the 3 diet cokes, Valkyrie one root beer if you have it and a bottle of ... Vinto...whatever that is of you got it please oh Mr chef. Sorry forgot the ...what did they say. Sizzling sauce set with dragons of the delta? I . Sure there just trying to wind us up? If not for drug testing I'd say there on something.

Don't give me that look Marlin, if your cutie from the Caribbean you're so obviously smitten with, you'd not notice if it was day or night. Besides, I'm after different teams to you so no competition."
Marlin rolled her eyes a little, Athena was Athena but she liked her, never a boring day working with her or in the same state. Her last comments causing a slightly embarrassed but happy smile."Those too please, you got card? Your good smells amazing...your making me hungry standing here.

Hey, what, ok, yes I like her. Quite a bit. Alot. I'm not that bad. I noticed a lot... I admit the beech was a tad distracting."
it was all good natured. Athena had not even batted an eyelash at her dating Xia, more just interorg ted how they ended up together...somewhat redacted on the more personal details. The photo of her and Xia on the beech was reprinted in a nice frame on her desk at work. It was simple but said everything she had felt next to a group family photo.

Mentions X 4 added to the sections they pertain.

Welcome to the guild.

Please file through the terminal to your RP stations and terminals :)

Il let Pilatus take a look first as they have more experience with the theme.

All looks to be there segment wise, including the 1-5 scale, though personality seems a little lighter than the rest. Backstory is very solid though.

If Pilatus Or alm happy, I am.
@PrinceAlexusSorry, accidentally posted the CS in the CS tab already. Please forgive me.

Mistakes happen, don't worry we can review it there.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

You Americans!? Watch yourself there fella/missy. No American here

.@Pilatus Yes, I noticed we’re at peace.

Apologies then. I'm from UK, and when post times a alittle odd there often American more than not given the sites demographic and user base.

We always welcome new members, any questions, just ask, pm, tag or so and more than willing to help out.

Ooc has all the overviews of areas if you want to get a idea of the city and its land marks including previous chapter links if that's how you get inspired.


@The Wyrm

The city is on the coast so any of the services are fine, I know you Americans have like 7. Bar space shuttle door gunner :)
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