Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Seems a fun idea, il bite and see what happens.

Never tried before, so never know :)
why modern warfare so big

Bloating. There's lots of HD stuff and all but no one has any reason keep things small now unlike old games. Technically and the ability to download has blown the limits of game sizes wide open.
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Tuesday - Luna Sports Centre - Sol City

Taco Tuesday

Victoria, Milo she felt bad for, he loses his phone, Reel stick and then drama runs into the situation like the kool aid man slamming through a wall and demolishing half the building in the process. Why was her life so full of drama... Why? Why did drama have to follow a simple drive...

"Thankyou kindly Milo, I try my best. Enjoy your date. It's a lovely day for a barbecue." Being polite, Vika? She was Victoria earlier, now Vika? Was that just him being overly formal or a small friendly gesture?

Milo had one thing right. Hurt her family especially she was not exactly a nice person to have on the wrong side of. Years of computer skills, advanced technology experience and her former hacking background that while... Unused. She kept up to date with the latest attack methods in order to defend against them. You had to understand the weakness before you could patch it. "The fairer sex is anything but harmless when scorned." Adding with a icey glint to her dark grey eyes and small smile. The light glittering off her diamond ring that had so now famously certainly put the cats among the pigeons.

Once Milo had left, Victoria turned to face Ethan and paused for a minute or two dealing with a sudden queasy feeling and breathing slowly and closing her eyes to centre self and let it pass. Thankfully it passed and she has not eaten much in the past few hours.

Facing Ethan, his politeness that seemed rather not to impress Milo, all he needed was to shout get off my lawn like... Bruce Willas, no, Liam Neilson? She had been too busy to completely keep up on films of late. "You never said how you found me.

I don't demand to know where someone is 24/7. Stalking really is not a turn on for many people. So you can hurt him, me or use information to my disadvantage. Leave him out of our problems.

Not exactly recall chaining you in a basement and having my way with you like a smutty novel... Already have mermaids who sit on chairs. I'll see if we have guests arrived yet."

Climbing into her car carefully and leaving handbag in front footwell, a quick check confirmed that Keyla was there or on way, she did not need dragged into this when her own issues where pressing. Urgh, so neutral ground, his ground? Mount Atlas near the old hunting lodge ruins, beach... Somewhere not busy, really not wanting press to get hands on everything. His ground would mean she is vulnerable and her trust right now based on how he seems to find her was... Careful to say the least.

Oh Ryan... "OK, hope you found your answers. You never know what can happen tomorrow :) you too, stay safe Ryan. I met Ethan... This is gonna be a fun day.
Hitting send and dropping the folding hard top as she looked over her shoulder seeing Ethan having backed away to let her off the drive. Race bike vs Bentley, that would have been one sided. "Your place, I might redecorate my dash if I drive up Atlas ridge right now. I assume you only have one property here right now oh Prince Charming?" not much point hiding her condition from the father of the child, much as not wanting to, somewhere with a bathroom and a sofa could be nice.

Replacing her sunglasses and backing out as the engine rumbled gently over the cracked pavement and through a pothole she barely felt with a gentle bump before checking he still was behind her. Pushing on the gas heading back through the pothole before driving off. His building was well known from the media, not the exact floor or so but the building was publicly known and hardly a secret.

Turning down a side road to avoid a lorry and forklift that was unloading or loading pallets from one of the small warehouse come factories in the area she passed a blue BMW Coupe fairly closely though some double parking that seems familiar. Nare... Could not be. That would be just too much of a coincidence right?

Slowing to pass the car and pulling away with a louder growl as the engine welcomed using more of the power, she was not a bad driver, what exactly was Ethan on about? No major scratches or dents, accidents driving since she turned 20.


Pulling up at Ethans building, Victoria parked up glancing over waiting for him to let her know where the parking was, street or let her into the underground area. Glancing around in her dark sunglasses trying to make sense of things, the sound still playing and hard top down. The Raven haired Brunette was definitely a little less inconspicuous in the dark purple grand tourer sports car. OK the sound system was being too accurate today on shuffle.

Mentions and Member berries
Ethan - the spy who doesn't love me. @Almalthia
Milo - mayor of Metal and RP melee weapon champion.@RoccanIronclad
Ryan - the Iron Chef. @Infinite Cosmos
Paige - little miss death star.@Pilatus
Manami - Tri Wizard beat down champion and creep slayer@Otterpop


Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Tuesday - Sol City Hospital - Hephaestus Manor -

Taco Tuesday - Keyla Chaos

Marinalia had been under quite a bit of pressure to get things right so this working out was a great relief. The fact she was tired, too little sleep, rather a little concealer make up and had pulled together a miracle. It was tiring though she did not want to admit failing. Luckily any awkward moments had been pretty much worked though on that rather... Eye opening time spent stuck together during the blizzard.

Tired as she was, nothing, a coffee in morning and nap or so in the afternoon could not fix, or so she wanted to make her body believe anyway. Its opinions differed and did not agree with her mind's drive onwards. The sofa was rather comfortable, thankfully her female relatives had kept the male side from making it wall to wall leather, chrome and whatever else might have happened. "Il get an early night Xia, I'm good for now. Plus company is excellent. He can get used to me. He jealous?" Marlin was a bad liar, least to people who knew her especially intimately. Jealous of the fact Xia seemed so to slot into place with someone, and visa versa? It was a valid theory, though one that could wait for a more awake response.

Returning, Xia was slightly asleep or quite a bit asleep now and thought her way of waking up the sleeping Caribbean Cutie was a pleasant one. Lunch was rather light but given everything a light one seemed best. We'll if they wanted to keep their figures anyway, both had worked rather hard to keep in shape. "So much better than my old sofa. Frozen two one night though. I admit it. I like singing along." the sofa was a double upholstered sword, the desire to curl up for a nap was growing. Her enjoyment of a simple Crisp sandwich and some Disney was however not to last.


Marlin had got past the whole previous nerve destroying phase though it was far from forgotten and still had her vulnerable moments when she struggled. The pressure of arranging everything and so just conspired to complete the perfect storm. "Il pop it over, tell Carlo to go by Park avenue, left at band stand. Roadworks. You deserved it for heading thousands of miles, without even blinking to help. See you Soon keyla."

Xias response quickly snapped Marlin from her other thoughts. "I know Xia... Yet then I'm scared it's not good enough. my luck has been... Shaky. Il get your phone tomorrow love." Getting up and heading to sort out the guest room hiding a yawn, she had things to do first. Marlin did not hide her emotions well from those close, especially in current condition with her guard worn down. The damage was mending, Just needed more time to fully heal.


Marinalia returned a while later after sorting out the guest room as best possible a short time. It looked pretty homely and Oreo's... They were pretty universal right? Just because rushed, she could not be hospitable. "Thanks love" Leaning over Marlin closed her eyes and blinked but then then ended up curling up like a kitten next to Xia for a short nap. Finally giving in temporarily to her rather much overdoing things.


Startled hearing the gate buzzer, before blinking awake again and incoherently commenting and tidying her hair up a little. "Come on up, i'll let you in, you can park on the drive, il open the main gate." Hitting a button to open the main gates and closing the intercom, before heading down stairs, not quite as tired as before but still obviously having pushed things abit hard, for too long opening the front door to the Manor into the glass roofed triple floor atrium. "Mrs Alexander, welcome to Hephaestus Manor, you have our best guest room on the 3rd floor, let me know if you need anything." Formal greeting aside, her upbringing meant she had to things correctly, or least much as she remembered as technically she would be lady of the house, they also had a "lady" of the house too, but hey, confusion. "Keyla, thank you for coming, just thank you. Carlo Welcome, thanks for helping, we might have some beer left over, definitely got a few Rebellions in the fridge and some white wine. You're not on hug status yet though. " Hugging Keyla with a European kiss on cheek happily Marlin was rather glad to see her, much as a little anxious, she really needed the help right now, Marlins holding everything together was more fragile than she wanted to admit to anyone over the past few days of mentally and physically overdoing it.''Come on up, much more comfortable on the first floor. Xia awake, just weaker and easily tired.``

Waving them on up she gestured up the curving marble stairs and headed on up to the more comfortable upper levels and less ornate and overly formalistic design. Carlo could take it or leave it, she was doing best to be fair to him.

Pausing a second to have a quiet word with Carlo, she knew from Xia and his own Mentions he was less restricted in his means and methods. "Find that bastard and cash money, car, whatever. I saw her walking like she 80... She hurt, deep... Down. Put down on a nice apartment with your girl, I just want mine to be safe to live her life. Could end up your sister in law one day, help each other?

Coming on up with us? Or you want me to open gates? Free beer? "
Hiding her other part of conversation, she would rather keep any arrangement quiet, though her rather protective streak of the woman upstairs was rather not hiding any time soon. Her father definitely was ruthless, she was not in his league but she had her moments. Especially if someone hurt her girl.

@King Tai

Original is always based on somthing, they always have a few elwments that people took from some other place, or another.

It's a original alamaigmation of ideas that people have assembled, tweaked, modified into a new form..

Granted we see alot of the same type like hero academy, and others but those equally are popular and what people like. Otherwise we not see such a glut of them.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>
Been meaning to watch Witcher. I started watching it over my sister's shoulder back when it first came out and it caught my interest. From what I saw, that series seems to do pretty well with fictional racism and I've been looking to capture that in my own plot for some time now.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>
You paint? That's really cool. Do you have any of your projects lying around to show (whether finished or not)?

A bit, or alot of it at times depending on episodes. It's a tad confusing but with it once you unravel the logic. If you know the game or books it might be a alittle easier logic wise.

It's definitely worth it, even if you get no ideas, you get a good TV serris anyway. :)

I have quite a few though cannot upload photos to guild, so sharing the pictures be alittle more tricky.

I've been painting stuff on and off for over 5 years so not too bad at it! Rather relaxing, especially as it's something that's a good distraction from current times too.

Witcher, true blood, once upon a time, last kingdom, all have been helping me get through the Lockdown so far. I really wnat the next season of witcher to come round!

Hobbys too, well ones you can do inside lol

Though my supply of things to paint is runnong a little short.

Elwments and little things, not heavily based but a few little things like having a sweet tooth or such il crossover into the RP world.

Small stuff sure, not always the big stuff.

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