Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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I would be definitely interested in joining this roleplay, if there is room for one more.

Sure. More than welcome. Grab your boom box and join in.

Any questions feel free to ask, ans if you want we cam sort out discord links.
Jackson "Jack" Maxwell Rodriquez

location = Delta Times

The sunlight reflected off the sea shining against the now reinforced and gleaming and crisp Tropico resort having been battered by the storms of water and life over the decades. Lesser hotels had come and gone but the Tropico remained. Jackson was hardly his father's closest son but seeing what he worked so hard to build crumble or be demolished would not happen on his watch.

"Urgh" Hearing the radio alarm morning weather report of high humidity and thunderstorms. "Never changes" muttering to himself as he got up watching the planes take off from the nearby base and bank away with a morning coffee. While some things he missed, mornings were definitely preferable as a civilian, though he still kept things tidy, made his bed each morning and othet habits like ironing shirts regardless if it be an wedding or trip to store.

Too busy for a work out this morning, he could make up later on having determined to keep in good shape, their was mwant to be a good old fashioned iron and chains gym too, probably should check it out.

Running a hand through his short dark hair, a quick shower later and a change into a crisp and ironed short sleeved white and pale blue narrow pinstripe shirt without tie, grey trousers and a brown leather jacket for the rain when the weather turned. Smart yet comfortable. Finding his black boots and sitting down almost instinctively polishing and bulling them to a shine before he left, Michael Jackson came on the radio as he made tight circles to the rhythm bringing each boot in turn till the rising sun reflected in the leather. It was almost therapeutic in its own way, and also good boots deserved respect and lasted for years if you did.

The Hungry V8 rumbled to life slowly turning over and rolling into the bright sunlight, the 1967 Chevy Impala's long black bonnet stretching out in front replete with bright chrome. A very different kind of therapy as 7 liters of American built big block V8 opened up onto the main road towards downtown and the Newspaper. The boot could probably hold a body or two, not that he had plans to ever do that, it certainly held plenty of beer before though.

Getting into downtown early morning was pretty easy, as long as you left before the many commuting masses in suits and boots from the suburbs. With time to kill before the newspaper offices really opened you never arrived before they had at least one coffee, from experience they never liked working without one. "Thanks, keep it" getting a copy of the Gab and sitting down on a bench glancing over his sunglasses, trashy but usually always on the money or close enough it was worth paying attention regardless how rag like it was. The rumour on fake art sales was worth knowing and Sena Knight was far from the first time he had heard that name mentioned before , usually related to some kind of antics.

Figuring the cerberus in human form… aka Janice on reception before she had a coffee was now sufficiently human he grabbed his briefcase stuffing the gab in his pocket and walking across the road into the large and hive like levels of activity that the Delta Times be pushing door open confidently striding to the desk. "Good Morning, i have some copy id like published in week day editions job section , advert, and how to order a back issue from 1948 please." Hopefully someone was in, much as he enjoyed taking the Impala out, Downtown and it's ever foreboding city hall of taxes and paper based hell was an area the less time spent the better. He also saw the Police station and its infamous" the deep" that from personal experience was far from as bad as local legend, but worse. Insidious, damp, no violence or such things. The soul destroying sensory deprivation, cold, unable to get dry…

Suppressing a shudder in memory he waited in the lobby for someone, there was a fax but it was easier to sort out in person.
Isabella Daphne Belle

location = University

Isabella was definitely not a morning person as humidity was already starting to rise again in Delta City and yet to have breakfast… feeling sticky and a cool shower soon felt more normal after a rather hot night.

Having moved from the Northern US it was a rather shock to the system, especially as the first night or two there was a big storm that suppressed the humidity for a while. Then it hit like a freight train. Her class still teased about reaction to seeing a Gator for the first time wandering about. Someone just grabbed it, cursed the Scaly Swamp Rat and threw it back over the fence. It was all kinds of surreal.

Wandering over the kitchen having found a comfy oversized t-shirt and dumping several spoons of sugar into her coffee savouring the sweet dark liquid. "Ouch" Catching self on something, being 5,10 was annoying at times especially when shopping or finding apartments with a bath you can fully stretch out in, finding one of those was a dream.

"Got it down, thanks professor Jones." putting the phone down with a satisfying clunk. Big, hefty and probably pretty old, the one in this apartment had a nice weight to it. Finishing her coffee watching the rather dramatic local TV coverage, rain later with high humidity, though she might be back in time to catch favourite show. Reaching the bedroom in the small apartment, fairly communal, had its own pool etc in the block and was popular with students sitting in the middle class area, not too expensive but nicer than the cheapest part of town.

Deciding to go a bit retro but fairly modern patterns in bright red, white with black details, 50's polka dot dress, with matching bright geometric earrings and necklace. The hot weather, humidity and more were too much right now to ever consider layers. First week in Delta she had to take it slow as heat was getting to her, she did not exactly want to visit the hospital in the first week.

While a bit quirky the tighter fit suited her slim figure, long legs and bright bold colours contrasted against her natural platinum blonde hair, plus suited the vibrant energy of the city. Something about the city just made you want to dress up, enjoy life and embrace the adventure.

Her low heels clicked along the tiles as Isabella walked through the lobby with her ever reliable leather messenger bag and hand bag, one proposal to hand in, PHD was as much paperwork and proposal as it was research and real computer stuff. "

Finding her little Suzuki Samurai exactly where she left it, an few clicks had the roof down, bags in the foot well and radio on playing as DJ announced a new Madonna song and advertising crazy gator or something close radio slot that according to questions was local legend for its brand of crazy, honesty and plain lunacy.

Reaching the university science faculty was not too hard… so long as you avoid the wrong merge and nearly end up heading down towards the industrial east rather than your planned destination. That would be kinda helpful. Her professor though Isabella was not sure if he embraced it for the joke or seriously in tweed, with leather patches on elbows, bow tie and even a waist coat on top… how he was still alive in this heat was some kind of magic. "Thank You miss Belle, as you're also assisting this year too, sit down and we can discuss how it works, sweet tea?" gesturing to a pot on the side, his hat and an battered diary lay on side wrapped in brown paper, pages spilling out along with oddly, an bullwhip alongside a long curved sword and a rough woodern cup...

"lI'll have a cup Please Professor , my letter was less detailed than i'd like, so be grateful." The office was lined with books of all kinds, papers scattered in piles and a board of half sketched out tasks. All in all it felt very much familiar to her Master's professors at MIT.

Entering the study area after a few questions and a hint about chess, well it certainly was on the money and she owed someone a coffee next time, it was usually PHD and such territory so he would be easy to find up here. Waiting for a pause in the game, chess she had played a few times but the two were playing far beyond her understanding so took out her book on ABC Programming language, a part finished code note book and waited as the game unfolded balancing perfectly on the slightly wobbly chair. It took a while as she managed to get one chapter done and make notes for an upcoming submission, scribbling down in a looping cursive.

"Hey Mark, how is the PHD proposal going? Chang bad as Jones on formating?." He was doing some computer related PHD, the exact title was some rather complicated academic mess as always. "Henry Koning? Im Isabella Belle, one of the PHD students, Computer Science. Professor Jones sent me over, not sure why, just well Professor's… mentioned a proposed somthing" Leaving the obvious question about the eccentricity of anyone with tenure. "I swear the older they get, the more cryptic they get like wizards. He gave me half the facts and sent me on my way."

Introducing herself, some people assumed the tall former dancer was a wide variety of things at times, it was funny at times. She still had joined the dance society for a little fun though and some exercise. Being a rare female student in the department, blending in was not exactly possible, so why bother hiding. Confusing professors with instructions that made as much sense as a morning cartoon. "Professor has sense of humour? He not set me up has he?"


Cleared to go.

88mph time!

Good to go.
Just need one more.


Link sent.

Im currently getting beaten badly ny my friend at simpliest game ever Depsite being able to play complex zombie survival games...

However if you not got a discord invite, il set one up later for you if no one beats me to it.

An eye... Aye... From me.
Good to go. Welcome back!

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