Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Intresting idea.
Nataza Beata Stepanova.

The Unkown Temple

Her zen mode worked quietly and mostly unnoticed as everyone else was equally engrossed into the temple and who could blame them. The very first sign of native developed civilization on the continent, it was before this deemed a place no human life had set foot until the first polar exploration ventured into the unknown with risks of death, starvation, isolation and more price for being the first upon a Virgin continent to human kind.

An excited call soon shook her attention shouting for John and a woman who seemed to possess more energy than an energiser bunny with an inbuilt nuclear reactor. Seriously she could probably feel the energy coming off the woman. "Hello, welcome to level one Lady Croft.."

Scientists could be an eccentric bunch Natasza had to admit, and was one of those. John was definitely not his real name but it was easier and man seemed equally easy to work with, understanding having been Nat, Tasha, and Taz before by one particularly eccentric professor who was maybe not all quite there. John all in very limited exposure seemed an easy going man. Sometimes she wished was more outgoing and got to know the people more while waiting at the station but her own nature was not good at that.

Notebook in hand, rifle on shoulder and an ancient temple only would need some tight shorts and tank top for tomb raider look. While it might look intimidating, her slightly awkward nature around strangers was less imposing alongside the nerdy patches on gear. It was a rather less confrontational appearance for the silvery white haired Dr. "Natasza Stepanova, resident language geek" introducing herself but trying not to interrupt Issac social situations where not her strongest point, but she managed well enough and had muddled this far though and it all.

"I feel like I walked into a novel or video game, sorry to interrupt… just so… " Natasza was honest about her feelings. This place was unreal and beyond anything anyone had ever expected. This place had a certain impossibility about it and how it should by all counts and rational answers remain on paper or in code.

Glancing quickly Natasza hoped she had not already set a bad example with a new team.


Feel free to interact, or have travelled with or met before in past.

If it helps anyone.

Adventure time!
Nataza Beata Stepanova.

The Unkown Temple

D -14 to D -5

Natasza only just caught her flight having to take a roundabout route. The new Temple in what was long considered a dead continent to human life and uninhabited was no longer the case. A stone temple of unknown age and origin drew every eye possible and any academic with more than a Masters seemed to be applying to join the expedition at the US run polar outpost.

Watching London vanish beneath as she caught the special flight provided by UK Military to Falklands then linking up with an convoy of ship's loaded heavily with station supplies and some of scientists on a research vessel , HMS Shackleton joining to study under sea regions, An modern Russian behemoth of an icebreaker the Pavlov, and fuel tanker for station. The direct flights were harder to get so Natasza was on a slow boat there taking the old fashioned route.

Their little convoy made a steady pace arriving 9 days later at the busy Artic station. It did give her a chance to brush up on her scrabble game with a French Geologist and an fun evening with their own mini Titanic themed grand ball of sorts aboard on the trip dancing into the night that you never get flying direct. She was not a people person but the atmosphere was infectious that evening and embraced it somewhat against her norm.

D -2

Settling into life on the busy station waiting for her chance into the structure so was studying some photos sent back from outside , they did not do the discovery justice though and was very much like a kid in a lego store waiting for a chance to see it firsthand. However the dramatic news had meant the media , though pretending to speak limited English and talking in deliberately accented Polish had put them off bothering her as she struggled to not laugh while doing it.

"Oh please… seriously? That quick? We barely know anything bar it exists yet."

Replying to an email rumour that said they had someone from one of the big tv channels doing a documentary already. Rumours were rife around the station. Pulling her ushanka hat and hood up for protection as despite global warming the area was not most hospitable, heading from her lodging to a dining area and a screening of Aliens… scientists really did have a sense of humour despite popular belief otherwise.

Keeping to herself somewhat with a glass of wine, Natasza was enjoying the quiet movies and smaller events. Not so much forced socialising as on other expeditions though from seeing a few held hands and whispering the base would probably end up with a few extra residents from biological reproduction experiments. If you put enough healthy adults in a place with no real place to go… well it happened.

D 0 (Dig day)

Packing the last of her kit for the 3rd time, SKS checked and readied for the 2nd fully oiled and cleaned, extra clips all tossed in the backpack. Leaving live ammo unattended was a bad idea. Everything had to be done in a certain order, the books and other reference stuff could be left behind. Ushanka secured, everything closed and zipped. It was a 10 minute walk to catch a short helicopter flight to the site of the temple. It was good to let you get a view overhead and that could be rather useful and important to understand the nature of people who created the Temple. Terrain for such sites was chosen extremely carefully.

Dressed in her practical gear, very glad for her new winter boots and sunglasses as the Polar sun shone low and brightly glaring at your eyes reflecting off all the lighter colours. It was not a fancy outfit nore particularly colourful but it was warm and would keep you safe from the various hazards on a dig site or odd errant tool or chip.

Ducking low and getting out the rotor wash of the helicopter with sks slung over shoulder and her backpack tightly strapped she could finally see the Temple for the first time and the advanced workmanship that covered the structure making some small talk but more drawn to the window.

The inside was very much almost like a Indiana Jones movie, deliberate unknown carving work and complicated forms, characters showed whoever made this placed great value upon this building. It was like Howard Carter opening his tomb only way Colder, an entirely unknown new thing. Placing her hat in backpack for now and sorting her short hair, walking the room and documenting to get some idea of what was there and general arrangement for a few hours to start with. The designs ran collectively across multiple walls and took a lot of work but one eventually stood out in particular as patterns began to slowly emerge and form. "Anyone got a dig kit? There's an interesting glyph set zere but iv needs cleaning?"

Her native accent coming pronounced in excitement, every culture often laid things out in certain understanding of symmetry. This was larger and often in a place regarded as important. In line with the main altar of sorts and sitting on what seemed to align with other carvings in supportive forms and architecture. Much as she could do some excavation, times like this required a pro. "Vi do not want to damage it, and much seems to centre on zis glyph set."
Scraping at dirt carefully with her glove it did not give much, requiring a little more persuasion to reveal the main body of carving.

The team was as varied as expected, more tuition fees round room to buy a mansion from all parts of the globe. Natasza had yet to get to know anyone that extensively yet and mostly knew everyone at least by professional basis.

Humming along to 40-1 Natasza waited studying her notes and rough initial drawings confirming her theory that whatever this was may be interesting. Definitely patterns and reason or deliberate intention to then but what they meant would take far longer to understand their meanings.

Im re reading over an post, ive not mentioned people too much but my charceter tends to be slow to trust and not most peopley, more happy with a long dead person's carving at first.

Ahw the person on teams who never used the camera on mute 95% of timr.

Probbly be up lateron.

She will open up though.

Wait... Aiciant aliens meme guy RP Brother.

This sounds fun already!
Putting my addition to the adventure.

Done my best to proof read it and check via google docs, some may sneak though.

Combined Post

Isabella noticed the glances from the newly arrived woman with a raised eyebrow and so what a challenge to her in ways only the female of the species could communicate. Just because she was dressed nicely and enjoyed it. Turning to watch the game, the action was starting to pick up. The crowd grew more animated as play became more interesting and turned to look blonde hair swaying with the movement.

The crack was loud and clear but before she could even turn, then everything went to chaos... Hearing someone falling she turned her head missing the cause , then body balancing on heels and keeping her drink steady as the thud of people or person hitting the floor but someone caught one of the sisters firmly. Her attention caught on the scene of drama and danger, did not notice the ball. "You hurt?" Asking the question everyone had on their minds. Also fully understanding how much a dance lift gone wrong could go.

Jackson was more alert than the tall blonde who turned away as he joined the gasp, the man was pretty solid and would probbly be ok bar s few bruises, the woman however was at the point of maximum leverage, momentum and it was too late to stop it. The floor was concrete and she had the disadvantage of being at wronf end of lever based physics. Luckily she was caught by her compatriot who absorbed the impact with a hefty Back step. "Its certainly not boring up here. " the Event was nothing you could call forgettable, everyone seemed ok, the man was already up and being looked after by the women."Seriously everyone good?, pretty sure I saw a first round aid point close by coming up if need a medic"

He was however also witness to the ball that had not forgotten them but had been lost in the chaos still maintain enough energy as it headed assisted by Gravity towards her." Fuc.." Gold eyes flashed in alarm as it hit her above shoulder at base of neck. Instinctively shielding her face spilling the drink as it fell with her pale blue jacket partly now a more fruity orange along with one of the posters players posters now somewhat more tanned. "Ouch.. What was that?"

Feeling her now wet jacket sticking, Isabella dropped it onto an empty spot before anything else could get stained by the sweet, fruity cocktail. Her T-shirt was a little damp and annoying but thankfully only a little more snug and not stuck to her skin thankfully. "That was a good one too.." Still. Left holding a piece of pineapple.

"I'm fine… just a little sticky." stretching her neck as she was sure she heard someone named their band after a serial killer… seriously? Little odd. Feeling like no loss to join in and open up a little. "I'm a local PHD student in Artificial intelligence and computers… I hope to join the NASA deep space research programme one day." Isabella was more than a pretty face and cute skirt but everyone had more than one aspect to them. The jacket could be cleaned later, Isabella just wanted to enjoy her day. It was good pineapple, at least nibbling on the reminder. Would they believe her, their loss.

"Yours miss, i believe who catches keeps at this level." Picking the ball that hit the floor after the amazonian blonde lost her drink, handing it to her politely. It was an unorthodox one but a nice memento for her. "I recently inherited the Tropico Hotel rather suddenly from my late father. Though before that I was 9 years in the end as Blue Beret Staff Sgt in the Air Force, mostly Asia and Italy." Nothing could quite teach you how to take on the responsibility for people's livelihoods that kept the wolf from the door. It was a heavy responsibility to get used to at first."Glad i only ended up shooting targets" While there were moments, for most part things were a bit quieter round the world.

"Thankyou, might as well get something out of it." The baseball was rather dense, had quite some heft but just about fit in her handbag. No wonder it Surprised her. "Ouch, anyone got some ice?" moving her neck experimentally realising it hit harder than first seemed and needed alittle preventive fix to not hurt later.


Isabella Daphne Belle

location = Baseball Stadium Golden ticket Box

Isabella was a little out of her comfort zone. For one she was about as good at Spanish as could handle gators. If they spoke robot for sure, computer languages were easy in comparison with fixed unbending rules and no problematic human complexities. Two she liked music but talking about it, now dance yes, musically talented... No, never. The ears of animals 100 miles away would fear her musically.

Swaying to the music watching the Delta City team, well she thought it was taking the lead. The close up of exactly what sports blessed human anatomy could be rather distracting. Especially in tight uniforms. Easy on the eyes...

Least she was comfortable, glad she chose not to wear the dress she could have planned, feeling the wind pick up a little on exposed legs was blissful in the southern humidity. Why did she move to this sweltering state where the humidity was higher than tbe homeless man saying moon Nazis where among them. "I only speak robot and English. Multiple languages of robot admitly." Noticing her glance at the a unsure burst of foreign languages and not being only one lost in the situation.

The change to music was obvious however it also took her into n different territory. "Irregular but good, it certainly was compelling and rather memorable" . Their whole band matched that description really, they all where a mismatched lot but they were successful nonetheless. Commenting on the music.

The chaos was... Impossible to turn away as one of the women was picked up by an larger man and made rather the spectacle. Rather the dramatic drama but what else did a band with rebellion in their name do? Did she play?

"Not unless you want to replace all this lovely glass... Move to it, not play it. Better for everyone's ears." Her musical ability was almost the exact opposite of her dancing and coding skills... Their existence was mythical and as less documented than reliable proof of bigfoot or the loch ness monster.

Drinking her fruity cocktail nibbling on pineapple slice contently. It was a strange party, not knowing anyone here made it quite strange. A little awkward but life was for living and embracing it. "So, Cheers?" Trying to fit in, to be honest she was a little socially off balance. Give her nerds, overly amorous dance partners or so... This however... Was tricky. Not mind a twirl with a few here in fact…

The blonde woman had joined the group, dressed casually but nicely with a easy relaxed style giving a polite wave, bar being part of their group it seemed she had yet to give away clues and did not far as she recalled to be a band memeber. Honesty she was a little bit jealous how well she pulled off casual. Isabella always was abit more on the showy or dressy side. Casual was not so natural.


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