Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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A Chance Meeting _ A Colab of Faylrie and Callina.

A Mistress Meets.

A Familiar Protects.

Hunger. But for what?

Callina made her way through the streets a scarf wrapped at her face and dressed to protect self from the endless rain that befallen the 4th ring. Everything was damp, the smell of rot and the constant sense of lingering doom hovering over the ring if you looked at the storm.

It was only madness to stare at the storm. To stare at the storm was to become it and to fall into the storm's embrace. Its embrace was impossible to escape. Callina moved with a purpose, trying not to think that she had to fight it. Defy it, and lead her cult away from it.

There was trade, well if you knew where to look and who to ask, things found their way into the 4th ring. Old things, worn things and recycled things. Everything ended up sinking into the 4th somehow eventually, people, things and more. "No. I wish not" Callina responded starkly to a peddler selling a number of items of Dubious nature.

"Leave this" Callina paused and her senses suddenly gave a hint or an inkling of iron amongst the rot and the damp. Something more. Iron like blood not a weapon or forges hammering. "Leave this place Pedler" She added letting the scarf fall away and the fangs revealed. A woman bearing the scent of blood came into her vision, skin that was exposed seemed to be moving almost, and a skin tone that was very much different to Callina."Interesting" Callina thought she was interesting in some way. Callina was not precisely sure why but she seemed to have…. Potential.

"I hope you're not a rival, it would be a shame as you seem interesting," Callina spoke as she walked up but kept a respectful distance. She eyed the woman carefully and calmly as if it was a casual meeting in a market. Making no effort to hide the fact she was touched by the storm, honesty was refreshing sometimes.

Faine’s tail started to quiver with intense interest. “My, my, Faye. What an interesting guest you’ve attracted.”

Faylrie paused and lowered her bread. Guest? She blinked and looked up. A slender woman with pale skin and white hair stood before her. Clearly she was stormtouched. Had she been talking to her?

The woman didn’t budge. Just stared at her as if expecting a response.

Damnation! She had been talking to her, hadn’t she? What had she accused Faylrie of? Being a rival???

Faine’s eyes almost seemed to twinkle with amusement. He raised his paw as if disinterested and began to groom it with his tongue.

Storm it all! Had she stumbled upon another beggar’s spot? She probably thought Faylrie’s food belonged to her.

Faylrie began packing up her food.

”Sorry. I’ll find another spot.” She muttered, head bowed.

”Or-” Faine started, ”-you could give her a stabby stabby.”

Faylrie shot Faine a look. Now was not the time or place for stabby stabbys. Last thing she needed was to draw more attention to herself. Especially after… after she…

Storms! She thought. I killed three people!

In Faylrie’s mind, Lin didn’t count… but the other three… they had not been on her list…

Her mind began reeling as she began processing everything that had happened. The anger, the beating, the desperation, the calm release, and then… and then the guilt…

Faylrie shut her eyes, blotting out the images of the corpses from her head. She had no other choice. They had seen what she could do.

She forced herself to her feet, all the while wincing at the pain coming from her bruised ribs.

”I’m sorry. Won’t happen again.” She said as she started to leave the alleyway in search of another resting spot.

"The touched are no foe of our own. If they are not our enemy." Callina would be quite odd to judge a touched when she was cursed herself. Her voice switched to a firmer tone, more like the mistress and the matriarch. A statement of fact made law as much as laws existed in this foul place.

Now she was closer the scent of blood grew in her senses with a deeper pull. Callina was a killer, she was trained to kill and to end life. It meant you had to know how people worked and how best to damage them. Her instinct said this woman was hurt, she winced visabley to anyone with the sense to tell.

What to do… she had no reason care, Callina was….broken and rather mentally well…fucked. However this woman had scented her interest and obvious lethal instinct was quite capable if the fact there was more than one bloody scent. "There's a healer 3 signs past the next left. You are. Curious bloody one."

Faylrie stopped in her place. Tensing up at the woman’s words.

”Oh, how fun.” Faine said, ”She knows what you did.”
How? She had only just done the deed.

"Tell the old man the Mistress sent you. If you trust me." Callina flicked out and tossed a small bone carved with a single rune of a dagger and a skull. Callina gave a dark laugh at the end.

Faylrie frowned. Old man? Mistress? What the hell kind of crazy had she just bumped into? She hesitantly picked up the bone so as to not seem rude.

Callina was unsure why she was so generous, no one was but the fact was this woman was a killer, someone she could respect. The healer was…well not a good healer by any other ring but they had no such luxury. No such advantage those upper ringed soft little whelps. Those who walled the 4th away and its people to die for them.

"If you ever get curious, well… the voids path is dangerous but so very satisfying." Callina Voice rose almost to a Purr, she was truely fucked up by any morality of good time but these where not good times. Callina was… by all standards split, broken, a killer, a hedonist, able to kill without remorse yet… there was loyalty and a Ruthless desire to protect her monsters she had gathered under her.

"Much as all try. you might want to lose the blood mark. The greater touched have no mind but that of feral Beasts" The touched came in many forms, so no one could guess how many and some had devolved to little more than the Beasts that stalked out the great storm. They were craven, monstrous by any other standard and had no desire but crazed. They were hunted and driven away but somehow always snuck back like a constant plague and reminder that they were fighting against the impossible and the all consuming.

”Ummm… Thaaanks…”

Faine seemed to chuckle. ”Are you trying to piss off the crazy, Faye?”

Damn it! He was right. That was probably not the best tone to take right now!

Faylrie shook her head. This woman spoke with an air of authority. Who was this person? ”I’m sorry but, should I know who you are?”

"Depends who you ask, or what you ask them." Callina replied in a cryptic tone. She was not local then, but she seemed to pick up on things quickly. Callina decided what to admit and what to not, normally she would have ignored this woman but this woman who seemed to have her own body move and live under her skin… she had killed and seemed to have more about her than the regular touched who sought-after survival.

"Let's just say I have interests locally. And a few loyal followers.
Callina spoke as a figure or two melted in and out of the rain soaked alleys purposefully. "We want to survive this place, Rebels, storm touched, Regina, it seems everyone is out to use us and throw us the scraps. Alone we are mere tools and pawns. " Callina made a sudden switch to be 100% sane and in control, logical and seeing the bigger picture.

Faylrie felt her hair stand on end as she became keenly aware that… this woman… these people… were not to be messed with. She took a hesitant step back.

"Nice Kitty" Callina switched, her sanity was…not sane. Her sanity was a further variable thing.

”Aaaawwww. She gave me a complement. How nice.”

Faylrie wasn’t so sure that was a compliment. Her hand instinctively moved towards her side where she kept her crude dagger hidden.

"Im Callina" She offered a hand with no fear of the strange movements below her flesh. Janus was no stranger to changing, his, hers, a mix of both. Their flesh was in a permanent state of change. Janus was loyal and when they chose a lover, their mental state was… what could be said as Janus. They simply chose who and what to define them as they had no fixed form or spirit.

”Callina.” Faylrie repeated as she committed the name to memory. ”Name’s Ella.” She lied.

Faylrie notably did not take Callina’s hand. Faine seemed to take delight at that. He stared at her with anticipation.

”Stabby stabby?” He asked.

No. This was not someone to go stabbing in any form or fashion.

”Callina, my cat friend seems to think that I shouldn’t trust you.” Faylrie said while nodding towards Faine. ”May I ask what you would say to that?”

Faylrie had to test the waters here. What would this woman do to her if she turned around and ran?

"Hello Ella, just because we ended up in this place does not make us barbarians." Callina commented, the 4th ring was pretty bad but they were not the monsters and so the other rings believed. Her sanity or lack of proven, suddenly talking like it was an upper ring establishment.

Callina did not miss her movement knowing her own crude forged dagger, nothing vs the ornate and enhanced weapons of the Regina but a simple cast off bar of iron, bent round and one end forged into a basic blade. Keeping the blade hidden, the cult had some items hidden but none were used without direct command. Crude means working perfectly well.

"Your cat is a smart one bloody one." Callina spoke almost like she enjoying this little interaction. "You should always be wary of who you trust, have I told you everything? Of course not. I am no fool." Callina switched back to being fully lucid in her cursed way of being. "But you don't need to draw your blade, it's unwise to draw when you don't know your foe. Never fight fair, it's just asking to die."

"Trust me. You'd be a fool. You look no fool. However, This day I mean no harm, I am fed up and it's a shame to kill interesting people. You meet so few." Callina raised her hand, of course she felt safe. The two cult members behind her she knew would protect her, Janus loitered to her right as he at present naturally found fit. The other was one of her faction and loyalists from the purge of the traditionalists. Callina could trust both to guard her back and not stab it.

Faylrie cursed under her breath, she hadn’t realized that her hand was reaching for her dagger. She lowered her hand but tightened her grip on her staff. Her true weapon. Despite the reassurances, Faylrie couldn’t be too careful. Afterall Callina could be lying.

She took another step back, all the while watching the woman and her killers to see if they made any sudden moves.

”Why do you keep calling me bloody one?” She asked.

”Didn’t I tell you?” Faine said. ”She knows, Faye”

Faylrie knew that much. What she didn’t know was how.

"Smart one you" Callina laughed as she backed up at Janus and companions ' approach. Sharing a rather inappropriate kiss with Janus, Callina was a deviant to say the least. Laughing as she turned away from her sometimes lover, sometimes not, right hand… person.

Forestalling any movement with a hand wave, did not react and merely remained at her side. If you had support, why operate alone? Callina flashed her fangs lacking the sharp tip with a tongue slowly. "Vamprye. The storm blessed me with its gifts as a teenager. I can smell blood, recently spilled. it's a compliment on your skill." Callina gave her an honest answer, her sense for blood was instinctual and curse was fused into her very bones, senses and soul.

People like this woman exist?!?!?! Damn!

Damn! She thought. Damn damn damn!

Faylrie always had heard that being stormtouched was supposed to be a curse. But this woman seemed to have gotten something out of it.

Callina held her pale palms open freely. "You are interesting. I do not harm those who intrigue me. You will not have harm from me and mine. Go freely Ella." Callina spoke with a Purr to her voice with a threat in her voice and a little bit of inundo creeping in.

”Are you just going to stand there, Faye, or do you want the nice lady to eat you?” Faine asked.

Faylrie took a hesitant step back, and then another. The woman didn’t move. Faylrie turned and ran.

Faine didn’t follow at first. He simply sat there watching Callina with intense interest. His tail wavering all the while. Then after a few seconds, he got up and walked away.

Callina laughed as the woman turned to leave at a pace, the sanity and moral compass was rather different to the norm. The part about protecting their interests and surviving was no lie though. That was her truest and most clear goal.

The cat left after, she gave it a raised eyebrow but took it at face value. There were stranger things that had happened.

Eat? Eat…or eat. Callina went in for all 3. It all depending on her mood, right now she had business to attend as she and her two followers vanished into the gloom, expertly though the maze of the 4th. She could run down this Ella, quite easily but that would be boring to harm such an interesting person.

A mistress rose.

The Cult of Shadows.

A Initiation.

"A matriarch shall rise" Callina plunged her dagger into the older man's heart, fangs latching on his neck sending blood spurting over her skin and dribbling down her chest as she drank deep dealing the last beats pulse though her mouth of his soon to be dead heart.

Elsewhere the old guard died as Janus looked on, his currently well his anyway watched with no emotions. They had won. Years of work, treason and plot. They ruled now. "Did you have to kill him practically naked?"Janus deadpanned as he guarded her while she fed.

"The old pervert did not see the dagger, besides I'd not ruin my rare nice clothes" Callina gave him a savage grin as she stood up dressed in mostly blood with fangs still dripping sated and now the Matriarch watching the crowd kneel before her. "He tasted sour anyway" Wiping the blood from her chin that dripped down.

Mistress we serve. Rang out in a disjointed, somewhat irregular but meaningful reply as she pushed the body from the chair placing it at her feet and resting her legs slowly and symbolically over his cooling corpse. "To survive we must expand. We must change. We must look inward. The storm is not stopping. We must find new lands. The truth is clear. We must survive."

Callina had her Victory.

Over the past few years little had changed but a lot had. The world changed slowly, the 4th ring was always damp, always doomed and always the dregs.

There was only one way to go. Inwards.

Callina walked through the cult's underground home, safer than being above ground. The old stone was not pretty nore was it refined and airy like the inner districts but it was home. A home for many who had no other place to call such. She was one of them, in a chamber youths trained in various arts, in another a couple. Or several as it turned out engaged in one of the only free pleasures the 4th had. But people could still do that, now matter the lack of this, that, or almost every luxury the inbred spire dwellers. That was one thing they could not take or restrict and ration.

The stone and earth sheltering their home least kept the temperature cool. But down here it never got really cold. This perhaps before the storm was one a place of beauty and luxury. Its walls had long faded and artwork was a shadow of its former form. Grand columns were now buttressed and bolstered in whatever stone work could be recycled.

But it was their home. They would make the best of it.

…Later on…

"Was it a success?" She enquired of one of her trusted hands who she had set to oversee the work. The trainee was sent to slay a debtor who had played one too many people against each other. Now the Void had come to collect.

"Yes Mistress" the man spoke for both of them, a man and a woman whose skin has almost a scaly shine. The storm touched many here. "A Beast's claw. Or that's what they will see" The woman spoke. It was better that way. Few cared about a death, a relative might, or a lover. The Cult had nor existed this far by being just some murderous thugs, unthinking and careless.

"Come, we shall initiate you. You have now passed your test" Callina stretched her hand out and lifted the younger woman's chin. "First we will clean you and then you will be risen" Callina spoke formally as she gestured to the woman to rise. "You have faced pain, now the reward is pleasure."

Fate was unstoppable.
So would their survival.

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Happy, Cheeky and Flirty.

Talie was tipsy for sure. Not drunk but she was buzzed after the vodka and strong cocktails she had been drinking. Honestly she had not let loose in a while and wanted to live a little. Reya offered to buy food which made her evening better already as she did have that alcohol driven hunger beginning to form. "Noo. Just way too much sugar and caffeine for me." Talie laughed at the weed comment. Honestly she had not had the best experience with weed so she was not a fan.

"I'll see how the date goes before I plan anything!!" Talie cheerfully as Reya batted back her flirtatious playing. Her spicy Latino side wanted to have fun and female friends were something she hoped to have again. "I just have to rely on Teddy bears and Victoria Secret for company, much as cuddles and cuddles with benefits are much more satisfying. " Talie did not miss a beat and let her spicy side out. They seemed to not be offended and Talie would not pretend to be someone she was not. "Is it always the quiet ones though? A little rope play perhaps?" Talie mock seriously asked, OK maybe she let too much spicy out but she had been drinking and put an arm round Reya so they did not get separated in the crowd.

"thankyou!" Talie replied, soon joining them, waffles with cream, chocolate, maple syrup and for some odd reason and somehow managed to get marshmallows added as a topping. Though like Stella she did have water and was not getting flat-out drunk.

She did not want to end up having to use Reya so she could walk straight like Stella seemed to be doing. Somehow despite heels she was managing just fine. She was drinking better than walking here.

Even holding something, drinking in high heels and so she managed to not get any waffle on Reya as she gave her a short hug in thanks. Talie was feeling somewhat expressive tonight.

She had looked out to spot the Sheriff, Reya was wrong in wanting to use as a teddy bear but a dance would be lovely. Talie liked to dance and was pretty good at it. It was a part of her upbringing she was truly happy about. If she missed him they could arrange later and she could still enjoy the impromptu girls night with Stella and Reya.

Letting Reya lead the way. "Yes, find a spot, get comfey and Enjoy. Catch, I got some Motrin if you need it plus some other bits." Talie tossed her a bottle of water . Reya had stood back and probably needed one. Spicey was good but it was important to know when to look after people. She had dropped her flirty tone but kept the spicy glint to her eyes and made it clear she was feeling playful.

Talie intended to find a nice place to sit down and find a place to eat her delicious looking waffle treat. She had a bounce back and a cheerful energy tonight, it was very much Talie letting loose and was genuinely happy.

@Zora@The Muse@LovelyComplex

Callina Draft

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Happy, aprehensive

Talie had an easy going smile, in fact she seemed to have made two friends, Reya and Stella who both seemed fun women, perhaps things were turning round for Talie?

Reyas answer was pretty down to earth and easy, comfortable pants, that was hard to get wrong. Leggings would do, she had some nice ones that went with a cute t-shirt and could jazz it up abit with some nice shoes and accessories. Her response was a nod and a smile, Talie had no Cowboy boots, hat, or that kinda thing and probably did not have time to buy them before her date she won.

"Girls night" Talie agreed with a smile, questions could wait and the fact there was a rock concert potentially gave her good vibes. Being 7 to 8 inches taller in heels than the other two women she did have to adjust slightly to talk comfortably. Her height did make finding things like dresses fun, especially when she did not want them to be shorter!

Stella had gained some water from apparently nowhere, but that probably was a good thing as she on further talking was a tad drunk and being a little tipsy, but still responsible enough to want to make sure Stella was safe.

Her vodka arrived handing over a tip, the bartender had kept them well supplied tonight. "Za piękne panie!" Giving a cheesy toast as she Downed the double vodka in one. To Beautiful ladies, They should be lucky we chose to date them." Talie translated her toast and tried to build a confident mood, they might as well make the most of it and if something happened that was good, all to the better.

Talie stood up carefully as she had already made one mistake wearing heels tonight, she had already checked the straps and tested her balance before walking after the two other women in direction of the stage.

Leaving the two friends to have their moment handing over a bracelet, the two seemed to have been friends a long time and it probably meant something. The pair seemed nice though and did not pick up any warnings from her back of mind.

"Rock on then!" Talie laughed as she joined them, waffles… maybe it was the alcohol but waffles did sound rather nice and she definitely did not eat enough today. "Waffles sound great too, with maple syrup and chocolate." Talies' mind gave a big yes to the idea and spoke rather enthusiastically.

"it's clearer this way, i see Waffles and fried chicken and the stage." Talie saw a better route through crowd, it was a little awkward at first but she soon got used to the fact both women made it to just above Talies shoulder right now. She was long used to being the tall one though. Rock music and waffles sounded excellent.

"So Lovely Ladies, Let's find music, food and Reya, someone to cuddle and keep her warm more than a teddy bear." Teasing Reya abit with a smile and mirth in her voice. Her new friend seemed to be having fun and hoped she had not over stepped it. A little light teasing, there were lots of handsome and pretty people depending on your preference, plenty of choice if she wanted they could help her get a date. "Or other toys" Talie added softly with a wink and let them choose where to go.


Reya and Stella. The lovely ladies.

@LovelyComplex@The Muse

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Surprised, Nervous, Happy. What do you wear to a horse riding date?

Talie did not seriously and truly expect to win if she was honest, when she had bid she expected to be soon out bid and quickly beaten to the date. The Horse ride and everything sounded rather lovely and fun. What did you even wear? She did not even own cowboy boots etc?

No. Fate was not going to let her go so easily and her bid had won. Glancing over to Reya and Stella Nervously but with a smile. She had done the bid impulsively, the Sheriff was polite, seemed kind and did not look bad at all. Talie had not really dated in a while and it seemed a chance to start again, Talie had to admit she was a little lonely, working on her own alot, home was lonely and her family bar her brother hated her for leaving the family business.

"Ummm. What do you wear? Horse riding? Or even how?" Talie admitted to Stella and Reya sipping her cocktail. They seemed nice, Stella was a pretty shorter darker haired woman and Reya was well Reya. They had bonded over failed rescues, funnel cake, pretty rocks and such. It was as random as it could possibly be. "I never expected, oh well, I might as well have fun. He is handsome though." Talie admitted with a giggle and would deny mentioning Trace Adkins, country boys and that song if anyone ever asked… That song was too catchy. Yes, that was her excuse and she would be sticking to it. Thankfully the light and her tanned skin meant the blush was minimal and Latina mother gave Talie a warmer skin tone.

"Maybe we can find you a date the old fashioned way. You are attractive and well dressed." Talie spoke cheerfully thanks to the cocktails. They were attractive ladies and nicely dressed. She was sure Reya and Stella could find a date if they so chose to. Spotting Tommy he did look less comfortable to be on the stage, he had never really looked comfortable. If they preferred men or women was not really a problem, as long as they were consensual Talie really did not care.

"want another ladies? What happens next?" Talie asked, glancing over at the bar man who had called her rock boss. It was definitely a new version and had made her laugh. She had come alone and ended up sitting with the two drinking cocktails and bidding. It had been a rather fun evening. Talie was unsure about the whole event, it had all been a roller coaster from the Teddy bear, to the stall to the auction and so on. It had been a rather busy day.

She was rather new to town to let the locals take the lead on how things were meant to work. Time to just go with the flow.


@The Muse
Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Funnel cake
Too many to count

Talie spotted dark hair and saw a familiar face in the crowd, one of a rare few seeing Jewel take to stage and declare the event's opening and Manny vanished away. Though she had a strange thought that something was up, no idea why just something…

But what could she do, Reya… what would she like and what would she enjoy? She loved funnel cake and sweet things, ice cream and such. Fruity. Yes, fruity. Talie ordered a fruity cocktail and topped up her own drink before she walked over. "Anything fruity, sweet and colourful, plus a tip up on my long island" Talie spoke confidently, handing them a decent tip. Keeping people who gossiped happy was a good thing.

"Thanks, keep the change" she spoke to a somewhat flirting bartender, she really did not mind, it was all part of the territory. Tips, flirting, all that jazz and so. "Il make sure you get good drinks rock boss" the Bartender spoke, he recognised her from the local paper, her name was… he did not want to mangle it but remembered she was heading up the local rock docs team. He was not sure what they did but must be important enough to send a doctor.

"That's a new one," Talie laughed as she walked over to Reya, balancing the two drinks with heels clicking on the ground before the stage. However Chaos would intervene, Chaos always found a way to have fun with her life.

The stage was set and people were milling about and gathering for the auction as a whole. The tables were set up, little lights and such were all twinkling in the growing darkness. It was all very cute and had a certain small town style about it. The growing cooler air was nice after the long hot day and the long island would give her a happy buzz.

Walking over carefully Talie noticed movement on the stage but did not pay too much attention to it. That would pay her trouble later bouncing along to a song in her head. "Hey watch" Talie felt herself tripping slightly before someone else stopped her fall before anything severe could happen to her or the drinks. "Kurva" swearing as she managed to work out her situation. Taking a slow breath Talie looked around to see a taller man, was there something in the water making the men all big, tall and rather handsome? "Tomasz…" Talie thought aloud as he jumped down off the stage.. He seemed more interesting than just Thomas or Tommy deserved. Plus the Polish rolled off her tongue in a nice way. Something was odd, people tend to not jump off stages. She probably should pay attention.

"Sorry, Thank You for saving me. I'm Talie, and I am more coordinated normally." She introduced herself apologising, he was taller, dark haired. She was in heels and felt short next to him. Seeing Reya who was now talking to another woman. They seemed to know each other, would she be interrupting but she already had two cocktails. Her ankle was also voicing its displeasure if Talie did not sit down for a few minutes. Just her luck!

Reyas friend looks rather well put together, like Reya did. She had no trouble imagining they both had interesting times when the boys stopped being idiots. Well…less of idiots.

There was no choice really, she could always go back and talk to someone else if it was awkward. "Reya, umm sorry, I brought you a drink to make up for … well the disaster". Talie spoke slightly embarrassed remembering, spotting her with a shorter woman with rather nice waves of dark hair dressed again more casually than Talie… She really misread the evening. "I really overdid it didn't, i" she spoke as she clicked a few metres in heels, a royal blue date dress and her good cream coat.

"Mind if I sit somewhere, my ankle does not appreciate me right now unless I'm interrupting something. I can find somewhere else." Talie spoke hopefully. Talie was flustered, she planned to be nice, give a drink. Well it was a failure.

The auctions would be interesting though. Talie was about as smooth as sandpaper right now, she really should have got used to wearing the shoes before leaving the house. That was her habit…and oh.she thought she was better than her habit.

@Zora@LovelyComplex@The Muse

Manny Auction Post


Manny Downed the last of his beer as heard the call to the stage. Talie was over dressed he noted passing his co worker, she did look rather nice in royal blue though. Not that he would date a coworker, he would be blind to not notice she was attractive and the unmentioned but subtle Latina influences to her appearances. That tan was not just outdoors for sure. "Right, my date with destiny, dancing with nobody huh" Manny teased Talie. He saw her outfit and he saw she was not exactly dressed down.

"Just because I can clean up nicely. Worry about your date." Talie bat back to Manny, his cuban inspired casual was probably more fitting in coloured trousers, crisp white shirt suited the man. "Stay still." Talie adjusted his hat and collar before stepping back and giving her handiwork a confirming check. "Go, don,t move it." Talie gave him a nudge to the stage and sent him on his way.

"Yes Boss" Manny joked, technically she was his boss by seniority but with Two people in a small town it did not exactly matter. There was work to be done regardless and it only really meant Talie had to sign off paperwork. It was great he had a way to avoid the worst of the job and he could enjoy the fieldwork which was his favourite part of the job hitting the back woods on his trail bike. He had spent a while customising it, rebuilding it to his specifications. His dad was a welder and had taught him auto mechanics as a way of bonding. He could strip, rebuild and get most things with a combustion engine least running in a pinch.

Making his way past the crowds he soon found his way to the stage, he resisted the urge to move his hat, deciding to trust Talie and her adjustment.

"I'm here for my close up," Manny joked to a person behind the stage guiding people with the confident air of a man with no fear. He had no reason to be scared of an auction. Spotting two other men behind the stage, the Sheriff and he did not recognise the other, a taller man with dark hair.

"It seems I am not alone gentlemen" Manny spoke to them, he was honestly surprised to see the Sheriff here, maybe he could set something up with his own drama abilities. "Nice to see you outside of lunch, you know that's like her 5th coffee usually." He spoke to Tommy, maybe he could reduce her habit as honestly he was surprised someone could drink that much coffee and not be bouncing off the walls like a Toddler. He thought to swap her coffee for decaf but he liked to live and that was a fast way to end up buried in an abandoned mine. They had so many maps of old mines, mine shafts and old infrastructure.

"Manuel, Manuel de Santos, I work at the Geology station, thankfully mine is not that pink Ford." He shook his head, that truck was so Pink he swore she called Mattel to make a full size pickup truck. She even had pink fluffy dice and such accessories. "Man who makes the least, pays for a beer for rest?" Manny offered a little good natured competition that never hurt.

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Festival grounds
Thoughtful, over dressed and curious.


The rather large bear sat on Talies armchair happily and prominently, she was rather flustered getting it however the bear was rather cute, very soft and could imagine it would be very welcome when winter came to Sanctuary as it would get cold. She grew up in the northern US and was used to winters being long, dark were blankets and good clothing was rather important.

Singing along to the sound of rock music sounded from her stereo as she was busying about her home. Thankfully the detached placement meant she could bother no one. Talie laid out a shorter royal blue dress deciding that she would dress well for the evening Market and make a good impression. Maybe it was overkill but she had no idea what the night market was like and decided to dress well.

A quick shower to freshen up after working the afternoon as it had been rather hot once everyone gathered closely especially around the funnel cake stand. The funnel cake was definitely worth it, so very worth it. Whatever Martha had done was magical and she had left a rather good tip even if it was free. Hopefully she remembered the next time funnel cake was on offer.

The night did get cooler so Talie had planned for it, deciding to take the short walk into town so she could have a drink and also walk off some of the too much cake she had eaten. That cake was plain a drug. The town was blessed by that funnel cake. Talie had only driven as her Truck had air con and the fact she needed to haul stuff to the booth and back. Manny's car was ridiculous and refused to haul more than a soft pillow while his truck was booked in for repairs from deferred maintenance.

Her thoughts turned to Tommy as she saw the bear, she really had to name it, it really had been impulsive to kiss his cheek but it seemed right at the time. Now she had an unsure thought about the implications and what people would think. However there was no way to turn back time and it was not like anything bad happened or wrong. No one was hurt and no one had done anything illegal.

"Manny, if you send me any more rom com memes il have to get you back!" Talie messaged spotting the ping from her phone, her Partner was teasing her about the teddy bear again. He was a good guy but he loved drama more than a bored housewife! "You need a date... be less interested in my life." Talie replied, it was a regular reply of hers to deflect him. The overly confident man needed someone to sate his drama needs.

Outfit chosen slipping on her silver heels and coat, it might get cooler later on having got ready. She hoped she got a few dances or so tonight having put the effort into dressing up, make-up and even found her iron pyrite earrings, a gift for graduation from college. The Small but touching gift from a friend was a sentimental one. Though unlike younger Talie who did not learn her handbag had a pair of flats folded up if needed. Younger Talie would have been spared rather a lot of pain if she did that.

Walking over Talie followed the noise and sound of people with the bright lights of the Ferris Wheel and the rides in the distance. Hoping to bump into some people she knew. Reya was interesting, going from knocking over, to being dragged over to share funnel cake in a matter of minutes. If she met Reya she would definitely buy her a drink or so to make makeup, even if she took it well Tallie felt responsible. They had talked and got to know each other abit and collected her Geodes from the office as it was easier than carrying them about. The woman was rather easy to get on with.

The siblings would probably be playing and that was never gonna be dull, if they put energy to perform as they did fight it would be a very good show. Em she was not sure if the pint sized woman had taken an instant dislike to Talie, petite maybe was the word! Given she had Heels on making her nearly 5'10, she could probably see her coming a mile away!

Getting closer the noise grew and the crowds began to get thicker and pavements busier. It seemed the night market was as, or perhaps more popular than in the day. Whatever a night market was! Markets with alcohol?

Definitely alcohol seeing that people were definitely looser and the atmosphere was rather jovial. Looking around Talie definitely had over done it a tad, but she felt confident and comfortable. Thinking of alcohol… Talie looked around to find a booth. "Long Island iced Tea please, with a little extra lemon" Talie ordered with a smile. Tipping the bartender and taking her drink leaning against a sign Talie wondered sometimes if she did the right thing. She could have taken a steady job back home, there had been a few potential partners back home and taken the easy way out. She did not regret her choice but being a virtual stranger In such an established town was not easy. She just hoped she had started to make some friends here.

Seeing the sign she was leaning against. Well it seemed the universe had a sense of humour to say the least. Date auction, dancing. Talie was not sure what she thought of the first but the second did appeal to her. It had been too long since she had a chance to, maybe see if there was a group or so in town. Have some fun and maybe make a friend.

Mostly just in passing.

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