Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Heh, now I AM starting to regret not bringing Honor herself in. Cause the woman herself is bad enough - as the late Pavel Young could attest after an improvised pulmonary surgery via 9mm coilgun rounds.

Now Honor backed up by a section of Mark 21 Battle Armour wearing MARINES?! Good thing our Replica foes are slight more intelligent then risking an all out battle right now. 😋

The power of space tea!
I assume they have tea, I mean HMS without the tea... tragedy.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

SpaceCrayons beware

Yup, assuming ET1 is the Langfords Marine role ground specialists.
100 of the Corvus Royal Manticore Marines
Just under 300 of Halo troops and regular humanness soldiers.
Not sure how many Warspite carries but crew is 3.5K so can least say based on Google extrapolation a good 150 to 200 range given the sheer numbers and show. 4 platoons plus a HQ element. Raptor can drop 8 off with kit so not all can go anywhere.

550 ish ground or boarding troops but only thr Langford has specialist anti replicator guns... so just shoot them till they die!

And whatever anyone else has spare.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

This isnt including the special forces like the MOIs super soldiers or the Rangers

We have
And the power ranger team.

Replicators beware!
Main reason I wanted a second is I also had a hankering for some halo, but had literally nothing in the ground detachment department.

I can also see the Kuun-Lan in future being relegated to being a quick response shipyard

Also..il add we have about 4 flavours of Marines, so we could have a interesting ground team :)
Main reason I wanted a second is I also had a hankering for some halo, but had literally nothing in the ground detachment department.

I can also see the Kuun-Lan in future being relegated to being a quick response shipyard

She can also if they learn ernough act as out repair ship, mobile fabrication and strip things to make raw materials for other ship's fabrication facilities. It's less glorious but handy.
@PrinceAlexus you don't need a second ship if you don't want ond

Il probbly stick with 1 to be fair, the ship's I know drf not fit in this one lol. Unless you want the eternal crusader, the Impirum Solenium or the Phalanx lol.

I can run ground and air/soace ops with my Marine and void contingent.
I'm thinking on second ship ideas though the universes I know well would.put me well peobbly not fit in size limit.

Anyone know any cool halo or so ships?

40k I know best and a hospital ship based off a light cruiser would be 4km long ish and have more crew than the whole task force lol. Though dealing with sisters of battle.would be gloriously frustrating for everyone too!

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Maybe the creepy planet wants to get away from you, ever think about that?

Replicator... World engine.... we have problems.

The gravity alone would displace the star systems.
Banned because

Banned for breaking rules of gun safety.
@Sep Then it'll probably end like this.

So....how fast can we get off this creepy planet!
So just for fun I decided to test what AI could do and it was a little Derpy.

AI ain't taking over yet!
Some are better than others and these not the worst!

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