Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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I do mobile posts, but use Google docs and other things to help turn them into better standard of the English language.
Where 'Corvus' - and by extension, Manticore missile doctrine - could slot in is area denial. Though you'll be timing your volleys via stopwatch, you could, at least theoretically (if your gunnery crews get it right) stand off and swat anything leaving Coruscant's orbit.

In theory

You may get chance to test that!
You probbly could find some more strange and intresting tactics in allied fleet combos.
BSG ships also have spines built like a brick shithouse because of the strain their FTL puts on them. Langford could core sample her a couple of times and the lady might keep flying. But it's not the directed weapons that everyone else needs to worry about. That would be getting nukes beamed aboard.

Or, if it's the mark IXs, getting them beamed to your postal code xD

Yeah, That and you going crazy and working out how to make a black hole in a box or so!
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

It also depends on the type of fight, this is why we'll have to work together as a fleet. MOI could skull the Warspite from across the system, but if they're close range slugging it out MOI isn't going home again


<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

It also depends on the type of fight, this is why we'll have to work together as a fleet. MOI could skull the Warspite from across the system, but if they're close range slugging it out MOI isn't going home again

True, Why my ship is playing the we will talk softly but don't forget we still have a 1400m warship. De Rio did not take her 6'2 brick outhouse of marine officer for no reason to be one of her seconds.
Size != Yield. Way I see it, top three are Langford > Normandy > Warspite, tho if Trypticon is ever repaiers, well... :D

Not sure. It'd hard to gauge at times. Langford definitely had the most advanced tech and some very heavy direct energy weapons.
Posted x3

-Tarkin is present! I forgot to put this on, but he's here.

- Three Badass Freelancer agents are aboard!

- Gank wants to build things.

He is questing how some of us got to command ranks lol
Nukes...yes... blow up planet . I mean maybe.... can we... injust wanna build things.

Yeah, Warspite is by far the oldest ship in the fleet, like 50 years old or so.
And advanced scans probbly show her hull has been nuked a fair few times.

40k ships would never of fitted I'm due to size, but the comments at servitors and fact ship has forgotten a few decks over its multi century lifetime Ben good. My plan would of required a cruiser likely...and that's 5km long.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

In the game of this type I joined many years ago, which I based this off, I was the Battlestar Columbia and @mattmanganon will remember he kinda... took charge and didn't take no for an answer.

I'm trying not to. Now if it was a air to air defense. Its an area tou can take charge with a battlestar and direct others.

But not best for taking charge of say building satalites.

Work with the themes and what your good at.
@PrinceAlexus I dunno mate, according to the principle of "He who has the greatest yield has the right to demand the yield of others", a battlestar is pretry high up the pecking order, so feel free to take over the scene :D

Aye, well I did ask some direct questions, maybe I should give it some more swagger on later posts. Depends how ot works out.
Posted was pretty easy to write, just had tonedit like like 20 times as I such at dialogue and did not want to take over th3 secene.

Also. I will embrace My slightly shabby and worn ship and irs little details like the phones all over. :)
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