Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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This looks awesome, got room for one more?

Welcome to the fun!
@PrinceAlexus can't complain. Was my post long enough or would people prefer to see the Megazords actually fighting?

Good with me, you must spent forever on BB Code!

<Snipped quote by Forsythe>

I am going to push on on Saturday, I know you've been unwell so I've been willing to give you time but gotta keep going for everyone else.

Hope everyone else, since we were all sick at the same time, is feeling better and ready to go

I'm alive again!

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Sya was upstairs as Hector saw the woman approach and seemed to protectively pull behind a chair, he recognised the action but was not offended by It. “Just arrived this morning… if it ever was one. Sorting out some plans for a repair.” Hector said, his accent was thick Lunarian, it was heavier than the capital accent. “Knife alley, you sure went to nice places, just be careful, we had disappearances on the road past the fort, don't know what, but i'd keep a dagger handy just in case.” He said in a gentle warning, she probably was used to regular humans but blight born with a whole new danger level if anywhere out there, blight Beasts or an Auralian group with a grudge. who knew.

Taking a drink from his dark ale, placing it carefully to not damage his drawing and notes. “It's the Princess Octavia, her husband, they Spent a lot of gold here, asked a lot of people.. you'd have to ask my friend Lord Coswain for exact details but there's a lot of hope placed on that couple. People want to be where the change is. This small place is where history will be made or things will end it seems.” He was for his one eyed and bearded face, thoughtful and tried not to alarm her. Dawn Haven was hard to explain, hard to place and turn into words.

“Try the Market, its up the road. Or I'm told…ask for Sunni.. he meant to live at Inn I think. saw General goods, a smithy and so up there.” He said patching together the limited information they had gathered since their arrival, a name was said a lot, and everyone seemed to be after this Sunni…Even if he was not, he would know who. “If you need anything mending let me know, I can patch most things. Not be pretty but be fixed. I can work on daggers, leather... handles. You name it.”. Hector said, finding this down to earth and direct woman easy to get on with and decided to offer his services if she needed help,

Hector let her be as the woman Sya returned and bounced down hooded as she seemed to normally be around those whom she did not fully trust yet. “Sure, it's in the back, behind the bar.” Sya said keeping a few paces back following her softly making almost no noise as she did. A talent she had been forced to learn. “Me, Sunni helps, I have an entertainer who works evenings, and helps on serving. No one else. I'm one who handles everything from beds to the accounts ledger.” Sya said not hiding anything and deciding that she needed an accurate answer.

The cold did not bother Sya one bit, she could be out here naked in the deepest winter and be fine…not that she would… maybe for kinky activities… who knew… ropes could be fu…. The little woman returned with water, and brought more wood for the fires to heat the water up. She cut her train of thought off as she came back to work, just in case she said anything out loud.

Part way when the topic of caravans came up, Sya would have to work out what they could afford to do, she might have to check with Sunni too depending how much the bill ran to if it was a sensible decision. “I'll run the numbers… Give me a break down, and i'll decide. I need a list, rough volume and what this might cost me.” Sya said firmly, arms crossed and body language showing however much the Eye of Beholder had its… problems she was doing best to run a business as well as was able. Sya was queen of this little domain and she reminded people from time to time, she was Mistress and this was her home.

Sya gave her a wave when she saw her busying over a large book, several plans and a rough schematic drawing from memory. She was engrossed in a project as she worked out wondering how to turn a single home made design into a business. Sya would not be held back, she was going to prove to herself, the wider world and Olivia…Olivia yes that she deserved and earned this. Extra bedrooms, a private living area and one for guests were in her ideas.

Maybe Sya would go to the bath house another day, it sounded nice and today had taught her, pleasure and enjoying herself was not impossible. How would they react to her? She would have to go openly… and would have to show her full self. That worried her more than a little especially because the springs were attached to a temple and temple and blight borns were not good combinations. Hot clean water in her skin sounded so nice though, she was immune to cold but did not mean she could not enjoy the heat too. Food was off the list, maybe a tiny bit, but it did nothing for her now, it was… empty. At first she ate just because that was what she thought she had to, now she had given up that human aspect. You could get drunk… might have to watch how much she sampled of her moonshine.


The noise behind caught the couple's attention as they were lost in old memories including their first kiss and the first time they met, in a temple no less of Selene. They were caught into a harsh storm and forced to work together and that mission had led to many more. Command had decided that they made a good team, fraternisation was not an issue back then when they had no ranks of any seniority.

The two turned quickly as Coswain put himself between slightly taller and heavily built… Priest? He looked like one in his robes, but he had never seen one who was this jacked, built like a Paladin and even taller than him. This one was not happy too… He did not reach for his blade but dropped his hand to his side protectively of his partner on instinct but disarmed when he saw the man. ”My. Wi. Partner wanted to Visit in thanks for her survival. We cleaned it up a little as it was vacant, we only just arrived today ourselves. Lord Castelian Coswain, Royal Guard under the Lord Marshal. My role here is rather unsure, Reality vs Capitol..” Coswain said formally introducing himself unsure what to make of the muscular man taller even than him. He respected him enough to give the man an honest answer though. The Priest did not seem to offer a hand though.

Persephone turned and she had to look up even though she was 5'10, and up again. The stern priest seemed not in a good mood and nodded her head, she was the more religious of the pair. ”I nearly died getting here, to get aid for a border fort, Selene reunited us for some reason. I wanted to thank her for blessing.” She paused, How could she explain her rank, well at this stage she was here for the duration. They would workout. ”I am Persephone Laconia, Throne Agent, I was investigating reports of a blight attack from the borders. We are probably stuck till spring. Are we going to have a permanent priest of the Moon here? That was the simple version, she did not say there was heavy losses, corruption or the fact that one Fort had lost over a dozen men to an unknown foe among other details. That and Lunaris was worried Aurlia might be using Blight as a cover to wage covert actions against the borders…

My. Wi. Partner… caused the man’s frows to furrow slightly on the slight stutter and correction. He found it odd that the man was being so close to someone and he must not know what he could call her publicly. With that thought, his face eased up, and he listened to the man speak. “I doubt there is much for such a high-ranking soldier and his partner to do in Dawnhaven,” he chimed in. They only arrived today? He wondered who else had only arrived today.

I appreciate your assistance in tidying up the temple of Seluna,” Desya let out a faint smile. Something that was barely a noticeable difference from the constant neutrality on his lip. His eyes wandered quickly over to the woman when she began to talk.

..Seluna reunited us for some reason… Those words hit home a little too close to him right now as well. Seluna had odd doings but they were always for a reason. It caused the thought about Kira to wander in his mind, how she was a blight-born, and how different she looked. A sickening thought. “It is a pleasure to meet you Lord Coswain and Lady Persephone,” he cleared his throat a little with the back of his hand coming up and covering his mouth. Once he was done, his hand fell away, “Seluna is blessed to have either of your presence in the temple and yes, I am the permanenet moon priest of the Dawnhaven moon temple until further notice,” The man spoke with certainty and finality.

Coswain fumble was not every priest shared the same views, most did not worry about marriages and official documents, He did not lie, Lunaris never had the same worries about being super official like the Auralians tended to fall into. ”Aye, I served in Queens security among others, now I'm building houses, Princess orders, but it's honest work, I never met Princess Octavia before this.” Coswain said, a quiet role that had not really done much but kept the worst problems from cropping up and removed them, she was loved and favoured by people so much intervention was rarely ever needed. ”Dawn Haven needs a Priest, You look like you can handle self sparring? We plan to find a spot by the lake, myself, Seph, My squire and warsmith. We are not the most welcome here. I shall not lie.” He said politely as this man seemed to at least be semi welcoming, Also a little friendly challenge in his voice.

”It seemed it needed a little care” Persephone said surprisingly kindly for someone who was in her trade, the Kings Eyes were not always nice, but they did the job for the betterment of the realm. She did respect the temples though. At being called lady Coswain she did smile, it might be nice to make that formal one, they just never got round to it. Never seemed to have time. ”Thank you, I will certainly return for the pool once I am more recovered.” She did show some signs of her hard ride leaning her weight against her partner.

”Still might make you go to a healer, Any News of the road you come across that will help us?” Lord Coswain deflected, he did not say so but his eyes told a tale all of their own. He had seen far too much, his faith was respectful but he had seen too many horrors people could do in the names of everything from Religion to greed. Royal Guards tended to be the ones sent to handle the worst problems.

A distasteful sourness filled his mouth when he heard the man speak of what he did for his job — Queen’s Guard. It was humorous in a disturbing way. “You are building houses?” The man laughed at that question with a lingering disgust in his tone. He could not believe what he was hearing. Did this so-called guard run from the capital to hideaway in Dawnhaven?

You must be a failure at your job and hiding away,” The priest was displeased to hear about the man being a Queen’s guard. “Where were you when our beloved Queen practically fell down dead before a night's end? If you were her guard, you should have been protecting her, but Queen Antoinette has sadly passed,” His tone was salty, and almost spat those words out with poison. The man clearly did not care for this man by the name of Coswain.

Desya rolled his eyes when listening to how Lord Coswain, Lady Persephone, and their little party were not welcomed in Dawnhaven. He wanted to inform them that they were not welcomed in the temple, yet he held his tongue. “I do not participate in sparring with others, Lord Coswain, I apologize, but I cannot join you or your group for sparring,” The man quietly mentioned. He had only sparred with the monks, priests, and other believers of the temple of Seluna. Most of his interactions were with someone of faith.

He was distancing himself from Lord Coswain for many reasons, and the biggest reason was that the Queen’s death was an inside job. The King was trying his hardest to lower the voices of the people and inform everyone that she had been very sick for a very long time. Everyone had seen the Queen on a daily helping the people without sickness. Without being moved with will or issue. He knew that his loyalty was to the goddess Seluna before it was to the King or his pawns. Everything seemed to not add up since he was visited by the Queen prior to her death. Days before to ask forgiveness for sins and to protect her children. She was not ill. She was not weak.

Desya’s eyes stayed sharp while he looked at the two love birds in front of him, “I do apologize though I have to get back to work,” He informed the duo while stepping away. “Carriages do not unload themselves,” he informed them before making his way back to the front of the temple and not waiting for a response.

Coswains mood soon turned from calm to dangerously hot… He Could take alot but some lines where too far the Officers honour. ”You mean, when they had us sent away, quietly replaced, and sent to border missions… which happen to have the highest loss rates. Blight borders 10 miles away… nice safe… They could not kill us directly, so they left it to others.

Orders of the Princess, she does not want guards at all.. She asked us to help this place, so we help. If I was a coward, well. I would have betrayed them for an easy posting at capital would I not! Turned mercenary perhaps…. No. I refused to betray her. Or my men. We pulled every trick, but King.. is more powerful. He had too many creatures in the high offices and right places.”
He spat The words out, the Queen's guard and any loyal to her had slowly been replaced, sent on missions away from capital, reduced or found themselves given new duties. The claim They abandoned her was a punch to the gut.

color=6ecff6]”What do you think we can do… Do we need a civil war too? Auralia would run past the borders like they were not a barrier. Forts… Have you seen Valors Edge? Whatever out their has it dangerously depleted strength and an early winter. its not great at other more distant forts and bastians.”[/color] He asked pointedly, he was frustrated and angry as any other, unable to do anything about it as they got caught in and Lost the games in the Palace intrigues. He liked many loves the Queen but he also saw that if they did what some thought half the kingdom or more could be destroyed by Auralia and others without trying hard

”Calm Adon.. Not worth it. ” Persephone said calmly but saw as he made his way to leave. The large priest was about as flexible as his muscles. The political situation in the Capital was bad as described, and had been especially when the sun went dark.
”we all Mourn the Queen deeply, As my partner tell you no lie, we are one crisis breaking from major problems, please just listen to us, and try to help keep people calm and sensible. We gave you the honest to Moon truth about the situation.” They left moving0 towards the lake and looked for an old log.

She was not happy about facts but they told no lies as they left, the Politics, the fact even the Royal Army, Royal Guard, Levies and more…they were committed to just holding the kingdom Together. An external invasion would doom them all. A major migration of blight creatures and born could be a major threat, internal pressures, rebellions… the Kingdom had so many potential risks that it would not take much for the whole thing to fail. No one wanted to admit it but they were in a precarious situation. ”Seph, maybe we're better here. It's bad, but it's gonna get a lot more tense at the capital…we have water, some game, timber… we can make something of this. He said with somewhat resignation but Frank honesty.

”The kids are smart, we left a back up plan. I made sure.” Persephone said as her thoughts went back to the capital, she already had told them what to do incase of various situations. It was not Paranoia when you knew what Reality was.

Slowly moving forward and away from the pair of lovebirds, he listened to the guard speak, Coxswain explain, but he did not believe a word of it. How interesting… the king sending all his guard away around the same time the Queen mysteriously dies. I thought so… everyone thought it was an inside job. The man couldn’t help his negative and displacing thoughts occur from both a royal guard and a throne guard. The echoes of his steps came to a stop, and without looking at the figures behind him, Desya spoke with indifference, “I am only a priest. I have no ability to state an opinion if a civil war should happen or not though…” His words came to a gentle voice. One that was eerily soothing. “I believe that our mother will cast judgment upon thy people who betrayed such a blessed soul in our kingdom. The ones that turned their backs will burn,” Desya’s voice thundered through the hall because of how it was set up. Projecting into the more open places and sounding of foundation and finalization.

The man truly had no direct opinion about the overthrowing of the throne or the king. What opinion would that be from a priest? He believed that their mother, Goddess Seluna, would determine each person’s fate after death. Who would be blessed by her calm cooling light and who would be forsaken for their nasty behavior on the living planet beneath their feet, he continued to walk. Going and helping the rest unload the carriage.

Watching they saw the Temple's Carts and supplies being unloaded, heavy on supply it seemed very much a permanent commitment. They did not lie in the Temple, they had been judged harshly but that was life. They had made their point hopefully. Lunaris was not in a good place, one crisis they could handle, a Unpopular king, Blightborn, the endless night, Auralia, standard internal pressures, loss of farm lands and such. A few they could handle but they faced all of them in a single time period.

”We never lied in a Temple. We may pay for it.” Lord Coswain said as they watched the moon glitter off the lake, no one realised how bad it had got in the Lunaris Capital, damn priests much as he respected them they had no idea how bad the situation outside their walls was. They were often some of the first to ask for help when the shit hit the fan. ”Exile could be worse i guess. You got caught up in this.” He spoke softly and thoughtfully.

”Selene will decide. Just do what we can.” Persephone said with an equally calm tone as they sat and watched a bat fly though the sky. They had loved the endless dark, however they ate still was a miracle. ”If I wanted to run I'd have done it years ago Adon. We both knew which sides we took.” Persephone said as they held hands and tried to work things out, they would make plans…

@The Savant

Everyone doing well?

Update, rather hooked om honor harrington serris does he always get her ship blasted apart every time, Fearless is on its second dorm and its been well and truly smashed again!
Banned for using the most predictable ban reason for the ban above.

Banned because the fortune cookie told me to.
In 3 Word Story 4 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
To turn pink

Royal Guard of Lunaris

Dawn Haven

Lunaris Temple

“I want to head to the Temple… I have a feeling” Persephone said, forcing herself up and finding new energy. She has been warming up and the meal was basic, but it was a hot meal. The Innkeeper was a passable cook, at least it was hot and filling which was better than many things she had eaten I'm her life. Travelling on the road and other duties, you took hot food where you could get it.

Coswain sighed, he knew his partner was headstrong, he loved her for it but it so made his life harder too. What was the expression Some said, happy wife…happy life.. well apart from not being legally married but who was super upset about that, Lunaris was not so stuck in overly traditional ways. “Fine, but no dipping in the pool for a few days. You ridden moon knows how far” She pouted but agreed as he pulled her up off the bed and wrapped his heavy cloak about her shoulders ad it was dryer, Donning just his heavy leather and steel layers, steel guards in his arms and leaving the heavy chest plate. They did not know much but it was a somewhat organised town.

He slid his bastard sword and belt on, he was still a soldier and not unprepared along with the name engraved dagger, it was a tool of a 1000 uses. Wrapping a arm around Persephone they headed out, he felt her against his side and smiled, maybe they could make some good of a shit situation they were In.

“We are not expecting a battle…just a walk” she laughed but grabbed her own blade, Lunarians rarely where without some blade, tool or so. You never knew when you needed it. “Thank you, I just have a feeling…and they never lead me wrong so far.” Her . Dreams, messages… we'll whatever it was since the endless night her ability had scared her at first, she had seen things…. Things that she was not sure were present, past or future. The only thing she knew was they were much stronger since the caused times.

“just going to temple, Seph has a feeling.” He said and Hector just nodded from his drawings and technical specs he was writing down. “I believe you, should have these ready for Raven maybe tomorrow Adon” He waved them as they bid to the Innkeeper who seemed busy with a woman, thickly built, shorter but solid.

The temple was cool, quiet as he followed Persephone in, Daphne let them have their privacy and headed to market with some of his gold to see if any last minute discount items. She bid them farewell and said she be back at the Inn by evening. “place feels…right…but too…” Coswain said as reached out feeling rough local stone and timber, this Temple was very much built from what was available which felt…right. It was no fancy temple like the capital and felt better for it, more honest. He waited as his partner knelt and revolently found a fresh candle to light the small moon shrine and put fresh water in an offering bowl. Daphne was… she did a good job but missed a few things.

Her partner was less of a follower of Selene than she was but she did not hold that against him. He had seen too much, been in too many battles and so to be really able to believe as she did. He respected it and that was about what Lunaris all but asked of people. “It needs a priest, you can tell its … it's like a puzzle missing a piece. Place is cared for…but.” She said quietly in reply as they looked out over the lake list by the moon in the endless dark.

“It's peaceful, you could get used to this” She said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Coxswain had spent too long in the capital and what real peace was.

“Same, The moon goddess trapped us here, and I'm not too upset about it.” She spoke with belief, something had guided them here to be in the same place, it had to be for a reason. “Love you,” They shared a short kiss in thanks for being reunited again, it had been too long and it seemed there was little need here right now for a Lord Castelian, a partner yes.

The sound of horses, men and heavy iron shod wheels grew closer but they were not too alarmed by it, merchants and so were probably pretty normal. If it came to it, most merchant security was more interested in gold than fighting. 99% it does not come to that anyway. It did seem to be getting closer though…”love you always, seems Familiar.” They smiled at an old memory, keeping each other warm when stuck out on the road.

He just sat with Persephone as they talked quietly about what all could mean and what might happen in the next coming months. What would they do? Looking after temple would not be hard work and it was rewarding in its own way. Until someone proper came along. It was first time in a long time they both could relax, the current era had them tackling everything from criminals exploiting to blightborn attacks, bandits, minor rebellions and more.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Sya Twitched as the woman spoke a little, her implication that her little Inn was not to her standards. Sure it was a little rough and rudimentary, the things were not the biggest or best they could be. This was a new town, a border town and one on the edge of the dead line as some called the border. Blight line, cursed woods…so many names. But this place was not the capital if she wanted fancy paintings and city living… Dawn Haven was not the place. She had used spices and things…it was however that they were far from a fresh supply of the highest quality goods even with Sunni aid and contacts. Dawn Haven was still being built. Sya had…plans to double the Inn and even start to engage in production of refined alcohol.

“Greetings Becky" she said cheerfully, replying as she ran though her words, Sya kept listening but handed an ale to the knight who headed back to his drawings. She noted his order on a book under the country and tallied I against Lord Coswains account.

“Just call me Sya. It's easier” She said as the woman had a harder time with her borderlands name, she was not Lunarian, not Auralian…both…but not…. Her people just had a pact with Auralia at times. “it's not pretty, but it stays at a fairly level temperature and it's dry.” Sya said honestly about the basement, it was utilitarian But has been built properly and was at least dry and would not dip below freezing. “One moment. I'll be back with bedding” Sya put her name into the book and set up a margin to get any expenses or credits recorded.

Sya vanished quickly and quietly up the stairs to the second floor grabbing A spare set, it was not the best, but it would have to do for the purposes today. The Inn was maxed out, she had 7 guests in 4 rooms though one might be invited or come to her bedroom instead sometimes. Finding a blanket, it was a little…well…less good but the set would have to do.

She returned in a few minutes with a bundle of bedding and a dish with a candle and a spare. “Sorry Miss Hill, I am already full upstairs so this is the best I can put together. No bed but there are a sturdy few boards and old crates that can keep you off the ground.” She gestured at the bedding. It was not the best but it was mostly clean, warm and did not have holes In.

Its warm, and you will sleep a lot better than in the snow.” She said, Sya had slept In far worse places with far less but did not voice that and nudged her hood to maintain her Blight born traits from being too obvious. Sya knew Lunarians…were actively hostile to her kind in their lands. "It can do till, better.. other options open up."

Sya remembered what she said earlier about baking, she was not going to take this woman on her word about contacts or her skills. “I tend to cook, I try my best, we have some spices, but imports are difficult and expensive and most luxury caravans prefer Bigger cities.” She spoke honestly and looked at the woman, judging her body language and It seemed… Well not outright hostile… She could work with neutrality. If a bit suspicious. She also challenged the woman a little to insult her cooking, it might not be the best, but Sya tried and honestly worked hard to run the Inn, however humble.

“You can try in the morning if that's OK with you. No promises, for all I know you can burn a salad. practical test.” Sya was a little blunt but honest. She had no idea of this woman's skills, the only way would be a test. I'm the real practical world of the kitchen.

Sya spoke softer and more carefully chose her words. “This town is… your find that Emberkin…Blightborn live here freely, you do not need to like them, But the Prince will punish trouble regardless of who. This place is not like anywhere else, its only fair to know before you find out by ending up with his displeasure.” Sya said she had not believed the claims that blight born walked openly in Dawn Haven till she saw with own eye.

“Dawn Haven might be a challenge to adjust, I will not lie to you.” Sya said everything honestly but had chosen her wording extremely carefully. She hoped Becky knew what she was going to be walking into, Dawn Haven was a place that some would not last long in.



Think of normal things.

Me.aee a random historical thing come up...

Oh...if we made a narrow pointed frigate with heavily reinforced bow section, sent it on a steep and rapid drive to planet, to penetrate the layers of corusant, then detonate a nuclear payload to cause the multilayered city to have a massive void and trigger wide spread destruction and layer instability over a wide area of the planet's endless city scape...

Oh and set a mukti level swrris of fires all through out the corodant under city, weakening and causing large scale damage to the infrastructure in the area by both fire, shock wave and blast...

And use the a large scale shaped charge built into the bow to help aid penetrative off thr counter crust like a storm shadow cruise missile....

You nerd...

Yes...I am....
The Vesuvious class atomic he'll burner...
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