Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Everyone still alive out there?

Yup. Alive. Currently at work with all our main forms dead and down for a day and counting. Fun times for ICT I think..
Banned. For placeholders and being indecisive.
Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Hector Leant back against a chair using the light from the fire to check his drawing and notes carefully, each line carefully drawn and precise instructions for the most capable to fold and shape the metal into a part for repair. It had a crude repair but he imagined its process and every step he would have had to take to manufacture it.

He had not bothered to shed his decorated armour, for one it was warmer right now with the damaged door, he was used to being cold, the life of a soldier was cold and wet and usually you had to fight in it too. A master Warmaith had to adapt and work their own armour, it was a test, you had to trust your skills with your own life. There was no good weather for a soldier. He noted the woman enter, heavy set for sure, a shorter stout dark haired woman and Lunarian by her accent if correct. The warsmith was older, bearded and had one eye, sure he was not the most to look at but he had lived this long. “Greetings of the moon to ya” He said in his thick Lunarian tone and stepped over deliberately making sure he kept hands away from weapons, the woman was shorter and he showed no visible threat. “The little lady who runs the Inn be down in a minute,” The Royal Guard said as he rang a small bell on the bar. It was rough but loud for her to hear.

“Hector, Royal Guard, I am New myself along with my party. Welcome to Dawn Haven. Irs a strange place.” He said explaining maybe without need but tried to show an open hand however gruff he looked. His friend was the senior officer for a reason, but he was not entirely a troll or monster either. He knew why they where distrusted and did not hold it against people especially Adon and Persephone. Those two held ranks that people were very much cautious of. Hector was honest of his description of the town, strange summed it up, the innkeeper his beneath a cloak, Blight walked in streets, Princes, and more. It was not a normal town.

Sya hered a ring clearly from downstairs, she was In corridor and had waited a few minutes just thinking in the corridor after she left Olivia's room. Thinking, just thinking as she felt the more feminine and less practical braid down her back. French instead of the more viking one she normally wore and one that felt… appropriate given how she felt also she had changed in a short time. The act was small but so very meaningful to Sya. It was a looser style and her dark Brown hair looked…well… pretty, it was very much pretty. Olivia was anything but careless in her choices… Sya felt that she had chosen it as a statement, she was more looking like somthing new, somthing diffrent. Change is not always a bad thing tracing her fingers though the looser braids and curls in her hair.

Olivia's last words rang in her head, a claim of ownership, a possessive nature that she would probably have run from, anyone would but Sya was not normal. She had her normality burned away in the fires of the borderlands, been forced to become something different, her life had changed in ways she could scarcely believe. Anyone else would run… Sya kept running back to that, it made her feel… things and she was happy to risk it and worse to feel again, she felt again and had emotions more than her day to day life. She had already died once, she lived a second… She did not know how long such things would last … she might as well just admit it. She enjoyed the idea that someone felt so to be possessive of her, a humble innkeeper, a blightborn mutant no less.

She felt her clothes rub against the marks that vanished down from her neck and more faded one that lay on her hand, the marks that had claimed her and did not find the idea entirely a bad one… Sya had been discarded and considered worthless, now… she was worthy of claim.

No one else could understand how she felt, and that was good. No one else deserved the hardship and loss she had in her short life and second life.

The bell's ring broke her thoughts and caused her to stop over thinking, she had work to do and could think of her companion later. Sya was unsure, she reached to her hood and hid her braids and her eye… or did she risk the ire and danger of others… people did not react well to the woman's appearance. Sya I'm the end decided to pull up her hood and move quietly through the inn, light and quiet as a ghost. The soft glow of her eye glittered below her hood as she made way down the stairs spotting a curvy woman's form by the taller Lunarian. She moved like she owned the place and the 5’1 small woman came behind the bar and reminded herself she was queen of this little place, this was her… her Inn.

“My name is Syraeia, I am the Inn Keeper of the Eye of Beholder.” Sya said formerly and with an even tone of voice. “We had…an incident, we are looking to repair it as soon as possible.” She said smoothly and tackled the Elephant in the room. Or door.

She overhered with her more sensitive hearing the distant conversation, senses had taken a long time to adapt too, shaking her head a little as her world coloured into a yellowy… orange…blues at the very edge of vision… like something is breaking through… something more than what her normal eye saw. “I'm sorry Miss, we are full, the Prince booked the last two rooms we have, alongside two committed to a long term guest. I can offer you a basement to bed down, I can offer hot food, and drinks.” Sya spoke as she looked at the woman who she had to decline due to a shortage of space.

“Would you like to sit down for a hot stew and an ale?” She offered with a pleasant tone and an apology. Sya spoke softly with an easy tone and looked out under her hood, several inches shorter and much more slight than the other woman who was much more heavily built.

“Dawn Haven only really has one Inn so far, no one else wanted to take over the Inn. It's hard to attract people to this place.” Sya explained as she gestured to the whole town, she had a monopole… monopoly. That was it on trade here, some sold food, ale…but no one had the full services and so of the Eye yet.

Sya grabbed a rag and wiped down the dark wood with its red veins that had noticed was dirty, the potion it was soaked in had done an amazing job to cut through the mess as she was rewarded by gleaming timber of the hardwood top. Yes, the eye was not most luxurious but it was clean and fairly well kept for a border town Inn, Sya had seen far worse places that looked more akin to barely civilised bandit lairs.

“il take ale Sya” Hector said with his rougher tones, it was… hard to get used to everything about this town, the whole town was strange and they were gathering intelligence on their environment and where unwilling to act without making a complicated situation worse.

"Coming right up. I'll put that on Lord Coswains tab, Dark?” Sya said cheerfully and nipped back to grab a clean tankard from the large stone sink and tapped about to find the correct barrel for the dark ale and poured a strong smelling dark ale into a solid wooden tankard. The Prince was paying for their accommodation but their party seemed happy to pay for their food and ales. “Dark aye lass. Not like that weak watered stuff. Adon can foot the bill. Might have to send them some food up if Persephone is not up to it.” Hector said easily and leant against the bar easily and let himself relax but not too much… This town was not yet classified as friendly territory in his mind.

"I never serve it watered, youd be ran out of town where i cam efrom for that." Sya said trying to make... small talk what Sunni called it.


Multi Post

Sya had managed the Lunch shift, her door was still broken but she had quickly and with practice managed to hang up the venison and strip off the meat that was available, it had been a weak animal but any meat was better than none. The muscle was weak, stringy stuff and very little fat on the animal's body. But there was some meat and some was better than none. She had learned that on the edge of the world to take advantage of anything that the world gave you. “This can.. Urgh, I'm wasting half a carcass, but its.. bad” Sya said as she tossed the unusable parts into a communal tip, the cold never really bothered her, it never had since her rebirth. She cleaned her hands off in a communal tap, it was not fancy and a little crudely built but the town was only months old.

The rest of the meat could be sorted tomorrow, that Venison really needed to be butchered, Ivor had taken what he could but the dark, the borders, the blight, Game of any quality was a rare and valued commodity.

Looking about the town Sya saw people moving about with no real desire to engage them and headed back to the inn, she had a list of things to do.

“Olivia, Im fine, all handled. Ivor. I can at least partly understand.” She spoke from the other woman's arms and felt her body pressed against her own, skin sharing warmth and a level of emotional contentedness that was like diving into a hot bath, clean, warm and pure. “Im fine… not hurttttt” She said with a rather exaggerated pitch as her fingers checked she was intact, though that place was not on a normal medical check. She purred at the actions and just curled herself deeper into her partner's warmth, emotional and physical.

She did catch an noise outside but was not going to investigate anything less than screams, destruction or the sound of a fire, It seemed to pass by, maybe it was that Pilades, he did like to perch on things much as she grumbled about him not being the one to pay for roof repairs.

Turning her head to the window she saw movement still clearly from afar but was distracted again by more interesting, more close events… “I'm not going anywhere. Least not for abit, you waited for me huh.” She said quietly with a soft tone and a smile that reached her eye and showed clearly. Reaching out she felt her way down the woman's side and found her hand and threaded their fingers together and held it loosely with a thumb making circles into the pale skin of her hand.

Sya had waved to the document lying on the desk written in Sya's own hand being a little less polished but one that she tried to do neatly and cleanly as possible, neat column of numbers written in black and red, and an end total signed with a flourish. She had accounted for everything including her coach men work, breakfasts and more. Sya was entirely detailed when it came to such things. “Check it when you feel, No rush for a answer” She said and it even was finished with a wax seal like the inns sign, Sya was too happy to have her own little seal however humble to not use it, and giggled a little like she was much younger and far less travelled. A glimmer of her old self breaking through into her life.

Sya was too distracted to think of much else, a slow kiss had grown more engaged and energetic and Olivia had had her well and truly useless to the world. She had begun to learn her sensitive spots and very much seemed refusing to stop her efforts. Sya would happily submit to Olvia and her explorations.

They had talked too though.. they were not that much lust blind, Sya had been telling a tale of her homeland and how an Aurelian lord had fallen off his horse leaving after the local potent spirit, Sya was working on adapting a barrel remembering the old drink and how to make a simple still they called them to produce it. Shine of Selene and she planned to make some. She wanted at least one small part of her homeland to remain, so much had died or fallen, least she could maintain a little piece of her history and her people. Sya had opened up a little and explained some of their traditions and how she had a hell of a hangover as a teanager after the harvest celebrations.

“I Don,t wanna….” Sya said as she heard the distant chime of a clock sounding out with a bell in the marketplace. She would have to head down and work on the evening shift. She was too comfortable and had spent her time talking quietly and enjoying the soft bed, Sunni had spent rather a lot on this bed and it was very much worth the investment. “I have to work, hungry people…” Sya said with a groan, she would work but it did not mean she had not found a rather pleasant way to pass the time. “Inn keeping is hard work” Sya said, she was proud but yeah, some days she did want to just curled up and hide, Sya was … Accepted but the woman knew that the non blightborn who made up bulk of her trade did so because Sya was one of the civilised ones and one of the ones who has gone out of her way to smooth the road.

“Help me?” Sya Said with a hope, no one had helped her braid her hair in a long long time and well. She wanted to be reminded of better times. “Please” She said with a fragile hope in her voice.

She had dropped the letter off quickly while running an errand before her time with Olivia. Handing it to a servant she vanished off quickly as to spend more time with her lover than letters.

Adonis Coswain was a man who worried as he handed Persephone a glass of water and kept her warm in their bed, having shoved two together, leaving Hector and Daphne to work it out, not ideal but they had done and worked out worse situations. “Slowly Seph, slow…” He said with a deep tone and let her take a little more water, he knew basic care enough to tend to her now.

“Rest your voice, Hector is on it. Il look after you.” He said soothingly and pushed her dark red hair out a eye and nudged it behind her ear. she had insisted on writing it down and Hector had already started working out the best way to assist Valor's Edge Garrison. They might not be able to do much but one plan was to use a Raven and instruct them how to repair their water well, clean water was life, the caves could shelter them more than the damaged towers. Maybe keep could be kept open. Luckily they had sent drawings of the old war Smith was looking over and notes.

“Adon, Monsters out there. Picked off… Its Worse than we belived.” She said with a deep worry, something was amiss about Valors Edge, missing patrols and more… the place had lost more men than normal even for an outlying post. The most senior was a Squire Captain.

“We will face them, we Always do Seph” He said, Royal Guard was the one meant to keep the monsters out of the kingdom but there was little he could do for now. First was to secure a point of fortification and to make sure they had a battered but a Keep nonetheless available.


“Does anyone maintain the Temple ” Daphne had wandered and headed out to explore, her compatriots were busy and she had found after a time a Lunarian temple, its pool was clean and cold as it always should be but it looked … dirty. She had found an old brush and cleaned it out, removed dirt from the pool but no priest seemed to be assigned to this place. It would have to do, Selene would understand, Lunaris was not a place where they could keep perfectly to formal religion. They just tried their best with what they had.

Pushing the leaf litter away and setting one of the icons straight, it looked better as she knelt and enjoyed the quiet. The cool water on her arms and the view of the moon from the roof window at least reminded her of the Capital region that was her home and where she had trained for long years before this. “I hope you appreciate it, I am no priest so I cannot bless this place, I can make it ready though.” She spoke and admired the view. It was a simple but honest place… it was a Temple yes. It suited.

Looking over the Lake she saw a dark body of water, some islands and so in the middle, it was not yet frozen but looked like it would be a truly bracing and energising leap into it when the ice formed.

Daphne was leaning against the temple as she had closed its doors, she would check onnit in a few days. Though not the most religious, she had gone to the Island several times, the experience helped her remember what was important and that she was hoping to achieve. Maybe clarity was a reward for a humble faith.

“gah. Always that part.” Hector said, looking over the drawings. He saw what they may need but it was how did you explain it… he found some paper in the market and some charcoal pens and began to mock up what they needed to repair it to hold till new parts could be sent.

“Meals will be served, I Am working upstairs, please ring the bell. I will be down in a few minutes” Working was a stretch but she had left a bell and a note on the bar. Sya could not be everywhere even if work was a little… inaccurate.

@The Muse

Its just a lil frigate

oh yeah, mmy brain went 40k frigate scales for a second lol...
In 3 Word Story 4 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
of power metal

oh, that's you lurking the dark lol
I managed to get time in to get part 1 done.

You'll just need to wait for the mother of invention.

you might need to be borrowing some blood axes or macines it seems!
Boarding parties!
My health is fine, but I've got a full time job, dog and a chronically ill fiancé I care for so sometimes stuff gets away from me 😅

Aye, life has to come first :)
Least you get plenty or time to think walking thr dog!
Weekends here (yay) once I've got everything I need to do done today (including a lil more sleep first and I'm booked in at the pool later) I'll get the Kuun Lan and MOI done.

I'll give it a couple of more days for @Forsythe to feel better and anyone else who hasn't tackled the current batch of Replicators before I do a GM post

We are thr beacons of health lol
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