Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Banned because you only have one status

Banned. Sentient microwaves are a danger and could create skynet... writing smutty Toaster X kettle romance RP.
life gets busy, it happens!
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

eyyy thanks.. certainly been fun to write em so far, hopefully i can keep it up without being frustrating for the folks writing the professional under stress types once they get to interacting face to face

A challenge to write around and include but one I'm sure we can rise to and have much fun with.

Plus they make one hell of a wild card factor.
In 3 Word Story 4 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
Yellow elephant singing
Replicators gonna love to try and plan around Orks...

Necrons hate them because even 60 million year old empire is still finding that they come up with new and confusing ways to adapt to even after thinking thrybhave perfected their tactics over a time longer than anybothet race.

you really have captured the magic of Orks i must say
I'm still trying to fine tune things and get my... groove.
Banned because deal with it.

Banned no reason for the ban

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Sya was rather comfortable, relaxed and felt entirely content as she lay next to Olivia, things had taken rather the turn and they had forgotten reservations and inhibitions. She felt sore in all the right ways and a deep feeling of satisfaction.

Reaching out to her companion? Lover? Friend? She was not sure how to define her and honestly was not bothered to. It was a rather happy feeling knowing she was there entirely willingly and blushing as she remembered all the places… we'll… Sya reached out to remind herself that the situation was real and could not believe what Had happened except for the rather physical evidence to the fact it had happened. Tracing her hands out, the light touch of a featherlight fingers feeling Olivia lying next to her following the silhouette of her in the faint candle light.

Words were not something she needed to describe her feelings unwilling to move and break the moment that they had so very much shared. Sya had been as much an willing participant has been, feeling a little proud for that part. Sya had explored her task with her characteristic determination and subtle confidence, a lack of experience was not a problem for achieving success it seems.

Sya arched her neck mewing softly from the kisses to her sensitive neck entirely unbothered by the chance there were very likely some marks left behind. The slightly possessive idea gave her more warm feelings than fear. Giving Olivia more to reach and allowing self to be entirely at the other woman's mercy. A shiver that was both fearful and alluring at the thought.

Sya own hunger was not as much a problem with the ease she could feed passively vs a wider pool, it was an ability she had been forced to practise by her time loose without home or help, taking enough to feed but not draw notice and alarm. Perhaps why her own ability had not evolved as some, or she just had no ability to accept it truly until recently… “Olivia” She said revolently as felt the other woman press into her hair that was bound to be a mess. Tracing one hand up Sya found Olivia's hair and ran her fingers through letting them flow through it and soothe her distress. She just had . A feeling.

Sya looked over to Olivia deeply and just closed her eye to sleep for a short time, letting the warmth and comfort of contract with another person's support soothe her. No words, just trust and a need to rest.

Sya moved slowly and did not want to disturb her lover but she needed to eventually find her clothes and cloak she had discarded In the room. They had been a little distracted.

The effort to pull that short distance Away was harder than she could think it would have been, sitting up she felt her be pulled back down and shared another slower and more meaningful kiss with the woman next to her. “I have to check on the bar. I do not mind some company tonight though, Warmth is more than just physical need." Sya said with a hint that receded her eye, shameless but she well, she knew what she missed out on now. Looking at the red glow that had started this whole thing when they looked at each other. “I do not regret a single thing” Sya said with a tone soft as she touched and tracing hands had been.

Pulling away cost her several more kisses and a slow intimate embrace which Sya paid happily before Olivia was willing to let her go, the possessive side might scare some people but Sya was well. Into that it seemed. She really had to get dressed or She might go for extra…

Well it would be silly to be embarrassed when they had already. Well done what they had done. Sitting on the bed first she braided her hair into something quick but tidy, a hair stick she found later. However something made her choose a prettier style and one that was a little more free and Looser than a strictly working one adding a small dried Flower from the vase into her brown hair.

Before Sya left she moved the candle so the light was defused for Olivia, less direct and more comfortable. Leaning down she picked up the woman's pale Hand copying the gesture of kissing it, and also for good measure her too tempting lips. “Olivia, .. thank you, you made me feel… Well feel again.” Sya said softly. Her actions to not don her cloak to show trust only a few saw from her openly.

Leaving the room….was hard. So hard but she managed it and closed the door softly on Olivias room. She would sort the price roughly downstairs once she had checked on the bar and double check exact details later when her time allowed her to go to her Office.

Bouncing down stairs she came to behind the bar with a cheerful tone, unsure and uncaring if the hood hid her marks of passion down her neck and below her clothes… Olivia had been a little fiesty. Oh and the mark on her hand… That one too…

“Hello Sunni, I hope he is taking good care of you miss” The hooded Sya appeared behind Sunni with a remarkable degree of stealth and a tone that had more than a little mischief to it, unlike her norm moving through the Inn almost entirely noticed.

Do you need to take a break? You sound a little tired I can take over the bar and you can entertain your guest? Maybe make a nice 2 person selection?” Sya had missed the first bit and assumed they knew each other and honestly she was too distracted and too just got multiple . well…happy times to be entirely grounded in normal Sya mode.

@The Savant

Posted. I was not sure how much I could make for engaging 3 fighters aircraft.

But I also made the old ship have a old ship momment too, and the crew have their own superstitions like old ships have.
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