Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

She seemed… He was not even sure what was up, hung over, was she exhausted,either way she was running a few things short of a full deck of cards. Half the town probably was if he was honest, who ended up here? Dawn Haven was by far the weird end of the world. “Aye, Lass. Just wait, The Prince wants a whole show, the Prince gets what he wants. Just watch, clap, and so. Then get on woth your day.” Coswain dropped into a more Lunarian accent, with a less stone-like tone. Telling her to just go with the local flow, nothing more or less, the Prince chose, so the prince gets.

He said it as a matter of way, just go with the flow, let them have their chance and get on with your day. Easy. She did smell a little ripe, but discreet and chose his words with a little more care. “I'm told the bath house is relaxing, after a long journey.” He said with a soft hint, he had not paid it a visit yet and proffered a cold plunge but its close connection with the Auralia temple made him a little more uncomfortable. He would take Persephone, she was much better at religious people than he was. Oddly, it seemed popular with blightborns, some said, a temple… Coswain just rolled with the lunacy that was the modern era.

She grumbled about needing an ale, he resisted the urge to laugh and stayed solid and without acting on the feeling. She must be a little hung over! “Inn be closed. Be open about Lunch after this, the owner is here. Its behind the stage. you'll have to wait.” He kept an eye on the entire crowd, small movements panning and scanning people's reactions and mood. He spotted the small woman in the back, or thought he did, Sya..the feisty little woman, cursed By blight who ran the Inn.

“Dawn Haven is a new town, things are a little rough right now. You'll not find ale or food out. When the market and in reopen.” He said diplomatically, the town is new, the town had no real fancy luxuries yet. The roads were muddy, the buildings under construction, everything was being built up and established. Someone had a bath, Inn and temple's, but the rest was a WIP…even though the Inn was under construction, that tiny woman had big plans it seemed.

How Lunaris would react to this would be… unsure in fact. They were so far away from the Capitol, that influence was scarily thin unless they chose to Project it beyond the closer in territory. He hated himself for admitting but it seemed to work here, somehow this town had yet to burn itself down in blood and battle.

Somehow this place was … surviving and Maybe even prosperous. Prosperous despite the challenges.


Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

“Watch ya self. stead up, the Prince will be here when he is resdy.” Coswain remained static and moved his eyes and slight turn of head as the crowd milled about spotting a woman pushed by the crowd. moving a slow purposeful movement he gave the butt of the staff a sharp crack on a stone and a metal clad fist Into his chest plate to make them take notice.

He could be more active but remained passive and took advantage of the steel helmet and armour that made him an imposing statue of Steel plates, chainmail and hardened leather. The clear tone of command and ornate decoration of rank visible. “Make her some space. Make a hole.” He said naturally with a commanding calmness but also stern undertone. He did not shout, that would be a less effective tone, his voice carried easily.

Looking at a woman with darker hair, dressed in practical clothes and looked like she barely woke up, his “wife” was the same, she never slept well and always had nightmares, often holding her ever since the darkness fell. “Come to the side.. you hurt? Lord Castellan Coswain. Lunaris Royal Guard. Safer this way maam.” The guard remained at the stoic parade but softened his tone to a more personal one, politely diplomatic and introduced himself and made a short economical gesture to an area where people did not want to stray too close to the guard line's wing. it was not as busy as most thronged to the centre and stage.

Yes they had a … reputation but he was not a brute or a monster and chose to help the lady before harm came to her. The sword was definitely a military or less wholesome issue though, it was not fancy but long swords tend to not be carried by the civilian as a personal arm.

He looked about the milling crowd with economical movements barely of head and eyes, it was getting busy and pushing more as it waited and was debating various theories of the gathering. “Prince making an important announcement, should not be too long now.” He said, the person seemed less sure of why.

Coswain kept alert as he watched, hopefully the Prince came before things took any turns for worse. He was a veteran of many crowds and their fickle nature.


Persephone was shunted slightly as stood in the crowds, their was a foaming figure, others she not seen, a woman? Who seemed to be bio luminous. The in keeper was changing between annoyed, mischief, amusement, casual body language and more besides in the rapid change. She seemed to be holding her own though, Sya was it.. yeah, Sya she must be fairly able to manage her job at the Inn, even as a blightborn. Trust...no, blightborn where always a risk...but she seemed to be .. not a problem right now.

Spotting a silver haired woman talking to a bio luminous form, almost like a mushroom? Was that a form of mushroom? A living mushroom... what on the moon's glow was that.

The taller woman In a smart Lunariam uniform, her red hair with some greys
in it from age walked over to see a silver haird woman talking with the living mushroom and decided to say hello, she did not trust the blighrborn like any Lunarian... but she would approach and gauge the situation. You always learned, you did not learn without a few risks. "Hello, its all quite abit much, you'd think the band, Royal paladins and coach are coming." She spoke casually and approached, she yawned a little having not slept well, the dreams, visions and things had plagued her for months. Whatever it was the moon had caused them to be far more regular than any time in her life. "If I might say, If you wish to take up a trade, the Prince or Royal staff might help you find a place to set up as well as a grant of gold." She said diplomaticly even as her alarm bells rang from a blightborn. She just did not trust, seeing what feral ones had done... utter monsters. Dawn Haven did need more trades and the Prince had plenty of gold.

OK, I'm off to work but quick thoughts.

What is this charceters goals, what is the direction of travel the RP HAS?

What is the eventual direction and themes you want to open up?

Work out the place you want to end.
Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya again shook her head at the mention of tax man and gave an expression that was akin to someone tasting a warm beer left out in the sun. Not a problem right now, more it froze solid. “They might not be evil… I do like keeping my gold though, a woman likes a nice new dress.” Sya said with a grin like a dragon.

The man seemed to pause for a while and looked at the empty stage, the guards that had not moved or even seemed to blink. They were stoic as marble statues stood in ranks. He was a confusing one, he really confused Sya and however she could not stop but engage with this man. “Cat gold? What word is that? Why a cat?

Jesters joke gold? I know when gold is…off, gold is soft, fake will crack and not bend? Fakes are … dirty. Not clean?. Gold always cleans up like new.”
Sya spoke partly looking away, she was not perfect but she had a common understanding, gold was soft, flexible, same with silver. Maybe it was not as good as his, but she could tell a fake most of the time. She was still learning unlike Sunni.

“The Prince? You .. I have not seen him wear a mask though… he is not like that weird Lord family who wears a full face helmet, permanently i think. He not Earl iron helm the 3rd?” Sya thought of one of the more eccentric Lords who got known for never removing a helmet. Sya took it a little too literally, she had an odd way of thinking and Sya was a little broken. sya was a little confused, she got most of it, half of it… not a full way. She was still learning to handle everything, everything was so much more complicated. ”He seems… he seems genuine. If he was not so, why would he build this town?” Sya said with a curious look, he had given her no reason to change her opinion on the Prince yet. Sya could see no bonus or gain to build a while then for no reason.

“You enjoy vexing everyone, if you do stay at an Inn, at least keep it after I wake up. A kissing booth, I think your silver tongue is better used than French.” Sya said easily. A kissing booth in town would be a rather odd addition to town, and he probably could annoy people more without one. Maybe he should…

“I quite prefer hands, Ten tacles might tickle a little when I want cuddles. Suckers are customers not for me.” Sya said with a laugh and a giggle. She was a little unstable, Blightborn. “Eye have plenty enough to handle. You are armed, handed and feeted.” Sya said with a pun and shamelessly bad joke. definitely shamelessly bad.

“I barely know you, you're quite a bold sir. I'd rather leave it for now, i'm having a good day. The springs were lovely.” She said with less of the puns and more of a sigh thinking of hot springs. “Anyway, I'm sure you love challenges. I cannot make mystery too easy or you be bored and i doubt you like being bored.” Sya said teasingly and with a random shift of emotions. Sya just shrugged and tried to break the topic.

“Your giving me a headache, keeping up. Im still.. lewrning anf getting used to be vaguely respectable memeber of society.” Sya said, closing her eye, trying to keep up and trying to catch up. He spoke like a wave and catching water in her hands.

“Well a sundial would be a bad investment. Besides, we could have those little mechanical moving things that dance or fight dragons on it. Or you chasing a cat and landing in a horse troth. Be fun.” Sya just said, a bell tower and clock would be handy, not everyone could use the differences in moon movement to tell the time and have the ability to see minute differences in the greys and blacks.

“Well I'm losing money, they are blocking the entry, and I cannot sell ale. I could have spent longer in the spring.” Sya said matter of fact, delays meant longer and might eat into the Lunch run. She liked the Prince but he was a little late and it might be more than a little by time they did all the fancy flourishes if they decided so. “I respect him but… you kinda worry less when you end up Emberkin. Things seem... different when you not even sure how your alive. ” Sya shrugged and looked about. where was her boss of sorts… Sunni left her a very much clear hand though in most things. He was late as the Prince!

“There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red,
Who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead!

And the braggart did swagger and brandish his blade,
As he told of bold battles and gold he had made!”
Sya sang softly to herself, an old song as she waited, from a place called…White Run? Yeah, that was an old bard's song that seemed to get everywhere alongside another about a witcher and coins whatever that was… The bard was a annoying man who talked too much and got caught sleeping with Lord's daughter before he had to run out of town faster than the horses could chase him.

Banned for banning someone and censorship..
Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya shook her head, she walked into that one hook line and sinker. “Dead…you say… I'm sure the tax man will have an answer for me that makes me pay, and maybe inheritance tax too. They might make me pay twice…” Sya said with some darker humour, ever since she died to be blunt, dark humour seemed to be really funny.

Her tone switched more serious but the evident enjoyment much as she hated to admit it… This annoying man gave her a challenge. “People distrust me for being alive, I cannot run a loose purse too, so I have to be too proud. It's the only way they even trust me in this town. They jidge me for just existing.” Sya was expected and would be judged harshly, she would not and could not be seen to be, people would judge harshly. “He taught me how to spot a fake anyway, too many fools tried to sell him iron as castle forged steel.” Sya said with a slightly misty tone remembering the days she sat by the forge on a cold day, working on helping him wrap handles and other minor tasks.

“All i know is my experience, if you academics ask the sage, Please stay well clear, I'm not sure one eye would suit you, maybe gills so you don't have to pause for breath.” Sya started in a softer wistful tone but her more humours tones cut in though she was genuine in her concern he would venture beyond the borders. She did not want to swe pwiple die, much as she was messed up she would warn and try to ensure no one went near those panda, they where cursed to her mind, it was dark... whispering anf it wnates you to become a monster.

“Oh how dull, though it might all be a lie, maybe it was all good till the tentacle came out or perhaps the claws… tails,? snake tail? Could have been rather cuddly…” Sya said with a teasing tone, her rebirth had left her a little…broken, was she fully sane…unlikely. Fully moral…no… broken…yes. Alive however also yes. Sya was a mess, but she carried on one day at a time. Her voice and expression made it clear she was taking a little back and well he mentioned it to the impulsive and somewhat damaged woman.

“Some boxes are best left shut my vexing gentleman, lest others get dirty.” Sya said with a dark chuckle and a glint to her eye, she did not make it to Dawn Haven by being weak or without a ruthless streak, though that soon was replaced by her normal blues glow and softer expressive nature to her large eye. “Some things are best in the past, people are not ready to know those things. I'd rather have a fresh start.” Sya's voice was more border accented and she let the harsher tones out, more of a hybrid than any formal language.

“Hey, did you see a cat, hmm maybe we do need a town clock and some bells… Prince might not know what time it is. That would be a akwakrd way to start.” Sya said, tripping back to a softer tone, she hopped between like it was not even noticed. Her mind switched and she followed it, but she was curious at the delay, good…bad…or just time got away and he could not find his good dress sword and well performance mattered. The Royals put on a show on levels she did not understand.

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