Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
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Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
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Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
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Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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Died laughing maybe :)


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Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya shook her head. “I like the name personally, it's quite fun and named after a creature of a book myth. Some book called Dungonournus Draconus, the 4th. Il check, it will probably be basic , no balcony. But I moved Lord and Lady when I could so it should be free..” The eye of the Beholder was a perfect name for me. Sya had not yet had major trouble but she was no idiot, she did not want to tempt fate though. “I am respectful and try to be kind first, I am always armed and more than one. I am no fool.”

Sya had only taken over the inn two months ago, building hidden exits, sublevels … there was room for such things but how would one even begin… ”You talk of things, I am trying to just start things, prepare for winter, such things cost a lot of coin and covert work is slow.” Sya said while not bad ideas they would cost a lot of money and money needed to be made first. “You can be too right. Much as I like coins, I will have to check. I will not take your money and not give you a bed.” Sya ran an honest trade, She had to be an Emberkin, they did not trust her to start with…

“As I said, this is our hope. And you'd be surprised. People might realise we are useful when winter comes… cold does not harm us. I am not bothered by cold, snow or the Dark.” Said with a little hope, survival would be a matter for all of them, they would need all their skills to face the coming storms.

Sya did not know of such lands, she knew of lands, borderlands, Auralia but she was far less travelled, or all she knew it was lies, he was a good talker. Sya had spent more time on survival than study. “I am a borderlands blacksmith's daughter not a scholar, I'll take your word.” Sya said with a little pride still, she was proud to be herself, even if she was the last of them.

“I'm a little strange, dying does that. Done it once, did not stick. Guess they don't want me.” Sya said with some rather dark humour and a shrug, she was messed up, find a normal mentally healthy blightborn, Sya would cuddle a dire wolf.

“I must not be that boring or you wander off by now or join the forest at the stage.” Sya said with more confidence than she had at the start of the day.

His answer seemed to fit. It made sense, Blight born especially those new where fighting such powerful Urges and changes, going feral was not unheard. She had to fight to retain herself and her mind. That was a trial In itself. “A kissing booth, you are not boring even if you do your best to annoy me. You seemed to have survived your… Ordeal by kiss.” Sya said honestly and a little more comfortably, he she could manage, annoying yes… but manageable now she knew the man's…well nature. She gave her version of a raised eyebrow but is also humorous too. Ordeal by kissing booth was a saga of a legendary fighter for sure..

He made her want to face eye but he was mentally challenging even though it was vexing. Today had been a work out of challenges and quite enjoyable in its own way. “You have to fight it, especially In tainted lands, it tries to whisper to you almost, corrupt you. It's more than a physical … poison. The ones who lived their. I'm not going looking for.

I will not judge you, I have had to do what I have to survive, not nice things. one person keeps a secret rather well.“
Sya said but did not elaborate, people should not know, that was probably for the best. They were too dead to talk, and she was not talking. She should not have said that But this man had a silver tongue, how many others could claim They had a clean past in this town, or anywhere? She had only done what thousands of others had. Survived.

She waited, when would the Prince be here?


Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island BNB

Her phone buzzed, normally Kat would have left it but the fact it buzzed when she was on quiet mode said it was probably important or someone who mattered. “Excuse me a second” As she reached into her handbag and opened her phone to see a message. “You probably wanna see this Kat before it breaks on the island. Just hit Twitter, island time means it can be seen in the morning or after that Azul day you called me about. Lilly. X” Kat followed the link and yes… Plans had changed and from the little she saw was not entirely surprised and quickly skim read it before returning her phone.

The Island seemed composed of two main families, each with their own aims and one was showing potential weakness after seeming like years in prominence of the two. The other would naturally move when they found a chance to gain standing… It was all very much like a back plot to a cheese romance that bridges the families that are natural enemies. That was the very surface understanding anyway.

In London overlooking an overcast sky of grey in an office block looking akin to many others in the city the decision had been made, agreed and sent. Local information was saying things tense and unsure, changes of leadership and two families who were potentially feuding for control of the islands.

The decision was made and it had been a long meeting, many arguments were made. “As for…Dr…Dr Kowalewska. Let her know we have all support available, I do not at all expect to need it. Milo, Mike, make sure local Embassy contacts are good, and confirm who we need to talk to if anything goes bad. Double check it ASAP.” She said closing the meeting and nodded to the two men who she had called in when the topics of safety and risk assessments came up. They considered it over the top but no one wanted to be caught out and said they were negligent, never assume. Always verify.

“Got it, Amelia. day…maybe 2. I have to call a contact in Mexico to confirm who is local for Poland exactly.” He said with an easy confident term and nodded along writing quick notes into a notebook. They were over thinking and over planning but plan for the worst… expect the best. “Put me on double time for Over and I reckon day rather than 2” Mike said and he backed it up with a reputation for getting work done.

“Just sort it out, let me know if you need anything.” Amelia said before they got going and talked her into something else.

“Looks like my job got Interesting…” Kat said under her breath as she closed the clasp on her handbag and left on the counter. She had found it an independent little goth shop and was advertised as “corporate Goth”. Kat had got it there and then and that shop was a favourite haunt of hers in London.

“If you sell drinks I might not say no” Kat did not want to have to think about how the pull out would affect her situation right now. Also how much money in contracts had probably been closed.

Kats mental distraction caused her to look over at the taller man, commenting on her great battle with the rock. She lost to a rock, there was no way to look good. “As I said, I'll take it easy for a day or two and skip my run, I grew up on a farm.” Kat said casually, she was used to minor and seeing minor injury and just having to shrug it off and carry on, Farms never stopped for you, just made you have to work 3 times as hard to catch up.

He seemed to perk up when he heard about the environmental aspect of her role though maybe seeing things, truth be told it seemed to be a major point here, a line even. One side was the island's nature, the other its future and where it lay. Even an outsider could pick up a lot of everything riding on what those things were. “What can you say, best fruit ever” Kat said with a smile and a little grimace when she put too much weight on one foot by mistake, yup she would be taking it easy tomorrow and not doing her run.

“I'm not after the diamonds, mine sank in 1944 not 1744. We are trying to clean up the mess so future generations are not impacted. My last find was more baggage than dangerous cargo though. We ignored the problem too long.” She said with reference to the local obsession with that ship among some. She had been shown to a well run through section at Library before she remembered it was after a different era of history. Maybe it was recent events that made the islands a little weird.

She noticed his return a few minutes later and she… Well Kat paused a little awkwardly. Had she interrupted some kind of date night between the two, she would say that this lady had good taste. If it was handsome and handy about the house, the tool box was worn from use. Kat just tried to avoid getting in the way. Kat looked at her nail, she really had to find a place at some stage, no time to book an appointment in London.

“I can take it to go, if you have a thing. Just tell me which is the easier path back to Marina” Kat said softly with a little hope she didn't have to walk straight away, it would be better if she could wait a little time farm background or not.

Her head turned and looked out the window when she hered the loud engine of one of the islands few aircraft, an drone echoed out until it ended when the distant sounds reduced and then ended. She recalled it might be the same one that flew her in, a crampt and noisey smaller float plane but she had ended up on what must have been one of the "busy" flights.

That float plane must be based locally, it made sense. The Marina where she was likely too busy to safely take off and land regularly, this side of the island was more sparsely populated.


Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

[color=7bcdc8][/color]“I can be helpful when I want to. The Eye of Beholder, behind the stage is my Inn.” Sya said as he spoke about the Inn, the fact he did not drink, well did he expect the water here would be clean and safe? Maybe…who knew. She was immune to any blight combinations but he was human, oh well. His risks if he drank the wrong water source and got unlucky. “Have to check when I'm back, it will be a little basic if I do but I might have one free, as long as you don't bring trouble to my door or harm others. Extension phase in peogress.” Sya said the last part firmly, she was very clear on that rule. She did not mind who, it was an Inn… she did mind trouble at her door. If the characters her Inn attracted were odd…that was the town.

The small woman could be a force when she wanted to, and if you threatened her hoke…she would protect her hoard.

"Too much loss about, I have been given something but most of them still are normal, and can make a new start, there are few places that accept me.” Sya said, dragged into the man's verbal pull before she knew she should not be, but he was…vexing. “My travel was a little less voluntary. My homeland was in the blight lands” Sya found herself saying and tried to regain control from this overly energetic man.

The guards, she had never really seen like this, arrayed out like this and had some feeling that made her very much apprehensive. She felt no need to add anything and tried to regain control of the crazy situation and crazy man mentally challenging her mind.

“I have all the parts I need right now.” Sya said with a more playful expression, there was no need to clarify exactly how a blight born could be dangerous, you'd have to be an utter idiot not to know.

“How do you keep making me talk to you, hopefully you are a good gardener with a vexing personality.” Sya said with a shake of her head, she glanced around and spotted a luminous haired blightborn arriving, fire elementals. Had the blight grown stronger or was it just they were attracting more reclusive and cautious of her kin? Kiara...was that her name, yeah..The redheaded one was about too, she never really had met her much. No real need for food or any of Sya services.

That would be a worrying, interesting and more curious idea. Sya genuinely did wonder what the limits of a blightborn was in some ways, what kind of was she? Was there any other like Sya? Was their a pattern? Was it random? She could feel aomthing was coming... somthing like before...

An silver haired woman was about too, small, it was Sunni friend, the one he had refused a meal with... but where was Sunni and where did he spend the last night? She had been rather happily distracted admitted and without shame, but where was he... or who...he was with.

Sya was bar her rather distinctive eye, rather unremarkable when she was hidden behind hood and so. “Have you seen many Blightborn?” Sya found herself asking genuinely curious now.

@The Muse@Lu@Qia@Dezuel

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya knew it…he really was a pain. He was a mosquito…those little bugs that bug you and you cannot swat and not reach and stay a inch away from you… “Mistress of the Inn. I run the oh… the one place that sells hot sit down meals and ale not watered down and suspiciously looks like piss. The rest you can wonder about is between me and my closed and bolted bedroom door. I am quite satasfied though.” Sya said with a deadpan tone and shook her head and sighed. Did he really have to bother her so much… “Oh, I never noticed… It was an entirely painless and happy story. I do enjoy reminders of what I lost from strangers who vex me for their own pleasure..” Sya ground out and practically hissed her tone turning fully to her accent to borderlands. This guy was just pushing Sya’s buttons in ways that were the exact opposite of good. She had a thick skin at times but Sya was trying to be a better happier Sya, cuddle her girlfriend to sleep, be more open, and live her life and then… sigh.

The man liked to talk, he had a mouth and lungs to last forever, and ever …and ever. If he was into certain things that could be handy but he was really not helping, he just talked and talked… so so so much. Sya shook her head sending her braid flying about her lightly and tried to process the waves of words this man threw at her without seeming to pause, stop or decide that monologuing was really annoying.

Sya turned and looked at the man with a clear gaze, eye almost glowing blue with a faint light and a tick to her jaw. Responding more calmly and resisting that deep down urge, That primal and blight driven desire to feed from him till he was prematurely grey. But Sya was better than that, her control was better than that, taking a calming breath Sya tried to calm her temper. “It's likely something worse. Too many guards. It does not feel like a happy mood. Maybe you can ask if they need an encore after.” If someone would save her…save her as she looked around, her body language uncomfortable and agitated.

“I am trying to be kind to Mr Paladice, and my hands for someone else to kiss. I'm a good height to reach your tender parts though.” She said with a tone that was about as flexible as Ivor would make a good chimney sweep, though Becky well.. she did not want to think about that anatomical adventure.

“Dawn Haven is. Its home. im Safe to walk the streets, shop. I'm allowed to run my own business, where else could I do so?

I'm still a Blightborn even if I'm Petite, remember that. I am civilised, I am not defenceless however. You sure plants even grow a lot, Gardener seems a rather obsolete trade right now, it's not stopped the mushrooms mind. A Funguy perhaps.”
Sya said, trying to bounce things back to him and turn them around looking for at least a diversion, she would even take having to hear Aunni explain where every rock he found came from, he was however a good egg even if a little weird…. Sya could not really judge.

Sya just mentally screamed save me please. She would even let them eat for free... Sya would let them eat for free.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

A clean-shaven man came up to Sya, she was more concerned to notice the man straightway eye drawn to the stage, her Inn behind it and guards marching in as they saluted. They had talked for a short time and took their places in the line. Each guard, unlike normal, seemed to be dressed in their full finery, alert and at strict parade postures backs straight, spears and other weapons held tight and towering like trees of the forest. There was more on show than they ever normally saw on duty for both nations' soldiers.

His comments about her eyes made her cross her arms and look up with a somewhat glare, a little huff and gesture of annoyance. “Keep your orbs where they belong please, I'm not that kind.” Sya said with a little bit of an attitude, it was not unknown for people to have a… thing for blightborn however feared or even illegal to exist in pain of death. She really was not interested in that if that was what he was after. “I have a name, I'm not a orb, you can call me Mistress Leela.” Sya gave her full name and title however it was natural she felt Sya did not represent her feelings at being named after her eye, it was only like the 100th time someone had made that creative link.

Sya looked at the chair and sighed, yes she was further back and seeing as not too easy but she was small, it was a large crowd and many more were taller than the woman who was finding this man quite frustrating. “You are here to vex me? Much as you are also correct. They are rather tall, broad and packed together.” Sya said, letting her native more guttural accent and wording come through her common tongue, it was only when she was frustrated, angry or more pleasurable loss of control she tended to go like her birth accent. “The word I'm told is Petite.” Sya said with a level of bite and challenge to the man with those pale blue eyes. She had one arm on a post and a second by her side, the chair was balanceable and she did have a better view of things.

“You really should be careful who you upset, you never know what their job is” She said trying to be diplomatic, this man would likely refuse a room at this rate even if he had gold coins if this was his normal personality.

“Are you here as the court jester?" Sya said with a raised expression despite having one eye, her version of a raised eyebrow.


Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

Lord Coswain dressed with help as Daphne helped Hector and himself armour up, she was already in her lighter plate as a squire that suited her agility more than sheer heavy protection. He knew her strengths and had worked hard to make her realise that she did not have to fight the same way, to build her own style. sure it broke some of the rules and he taught her the standard but then they took the standard and turned that into what was going to make her the best. At the end of the day the job was not that she was a perfect book knight of Lunaris but the one who could stay alive long enough to enjoy her own life, whatever path she chose. If that meant teaching her to fight dirty, to use any trick or various foreign forms, he had.

Plates, greaves, chains and weapons sat around their room. The tavern was a small place to gear up but that was what they had. Persephone was in a clean uniform, walking arm in arm alongside her husband in all but legal sense fully clad with his chain of rank detailed with honours, decorations and an old, worn sigil of iron from the bandit who slew his master and the one he himself slew. That man's sword also rested at his side, older, a little worn but every bit as reliable as it once was. A Paladin's sword made in more prosperous times, its quality was harder to some by.

He waited carrying a hard wood and iron banded staff that was part symbolic, part tool for crowd control. Swords made for bad tools vs civilians. Dead people or missing limbs cannot work, feed their families or support themselves.

Persephone had found her clean uniform, it had not been lost in her manic ride and was added with metal along her lower arms and legs, the breast plate was slightly damaged and needed repair along with other bits. She waited and remembered the first days they met like yesterday still, it was not love at first sight but there was a deep pull and both knew that day they had found something special.

A noise of metal on wood told her Daphne and Hector arrived clad in their best, the Prince had called a formal meeting. While they expected it would be … boring. They were prepared for pomp…or problems. “Let me old man” Daphne adjusted the daggers belt and hooked it into its slot, moving it a little out and In to ensure it'd lock into the scabbard.

Hector laughed, he was a grumpy old bastard at times, but he got on with the younger woman and saw her as someone he was responsible for, someone whom he was with Adon ensuring would stay alive whatever happened after she went on her own, they sadly fell, or anything else. She would survive and hopefully make a life of her own choosing when she could. “Thanks Lass, let's go see what this Prince of Summer lands has to say.”

“Or choose not to say who stands with him… or not.” Persephone added, she knew how to read between lines and find the holes especially in nobles and more capital types. The more distant you went the more direct they tended to become. “onward brave knights” She said and leaned into Coswains hard but familiar bulk as they left. it was not most formal but she had missed her Partner and they could allow one thing in back of end of the world that was Dawn Haven.

“Let's make a show” Coswain said with a grin as he locked his helmet down, visor up and saw the other fully geared and ready. Staves, swords, newly polished shields across backs and honours shown. Full regalia and Lunaris military on display as metal crunched on the cold dirt marching out to the gathering. If the Auralian guard thought they would not look at least the part even if they lacked numbers.. they were mistaken.

“If all we have is pride, show them its still unbreakable even if the stones are not” Hector said with a growl of agreement locking his helmet down before helping Daphne who was less familiar. “I might not be a knight but who the fuck cares at end of world” She said with a grin as the amazonian woman checked the twin swords at her waist, she was not meant to match in step with but right now Lunaris was a long way away and they where thrown to the wolves. They would make them regret that.

“Make the world's end work for it.” Coswain said proud of his squire, he greatly worried for his family and would have gladly given his life if it meant stopping this blight. Persephone would be sad…lost. But he would make a future for them. If he had to die to save the Kingdom that was his path.

“Fuck the the warmblood. Ice and stone stand defiant.” Hector said with a brutal looking grin, the motto of one of their first campaigns together as they walked into the square.

“Boys… behave, until they don't anyways.” Persephone said to Daphne but was also approving as the woman walked alongside the heavily armoured group arm in arm with her partner and held her head high.

Nodding to the other Lunaris guards, he had yet to really see them active and about, they must be more restricted in their roles than the Auralins who manned the gates and so. Most curious indeed... This was a all a little strange. "Captain. Your troops turned out very well. A credit to you." Coswain nodded as they passed a officer, not young, not old but seemed competent and has the men all turned out gleaming. Unsure to their role formaly they found a place close to edge and gave a one handed salute across their breastplates to the soldiers who seemed to be ordered to duty.

"Thankyou, you have the right post sir, need some more to balance the wings. I hope you got the runner m Lord. Truth be told the lad was not the best choice but you use what you have at time." Persephone took the situation and read it giving her not husband a pat on shoulder, a good luck and headed into the crowd and found a spot to watch on a further side but still close to hear. She saw a large space had cleared but the person was honestly on fire... a blightborn and one that looked more threatening than the norm. They definitely rated a potential high risk threat.

"No, but that cannot be helped Captain, things happen. Fall in Right, put on a show." Coswain said as he nodded to the Captain before they took their places in the line of mixed guards.

Darker metal standing next to gleaming pale metals and armours of Auealia.

Persephone looked around and saw another figure trying to stay out way, their smaller Inn Keeper who ran the eye though today she noticed had abbafoned the hood she wore last night, a single large blue eye standing out in the dark. Her mind was trying to place the risk she posed and the woman was hard classify.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya was unwilling to leave the hot spring as she dressed, finding her clothes stacked in her previous neat pile and exactly as before. She was doing up her boots as a bell tolled warning of the time and the coming hour. She had managed to tie her hair back into her French braid style with a little effort, it was easier when Olivia helped her and Sya was out of practice with that style. One try later Sya had got it looking respectable after bungling it up once.

Ashe had been interesting to say the least, new business, Becky, opportunities, bakery, things were looking good. She had such a good morning and now she had to deal with all the chaos, all the drama and whatever this announcement was.

Walking out with a bounce the blightborn cyclops headed into the crowd instantly looking a little more trepidation seeing the stage, soldiers in gleaming plate armour in the colours of Lunaris and Aurialia. This was not a normal announcement, something confirmed by Sya’s gut feeling this morning felt justified. looking around for anyone she knew, Sunni, her customers, anyone familiar.

It would be noted if she did not attend though. Sya found a quiet spot and the small woman looked around, defiantly without hiding her eye looking around. People would have to get used to the new Sya.

Banned because I was bored and the sky is blue.
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