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Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
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Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
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Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
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Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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Died laughing maybe :)


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Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya's need to respond to the overly annoying lord was cut short by Elara and she gave her a thankful smile, her tail flicked with her intense annoyance and she forced herself to calm down before she hurt or broke someone or something. Her tail was rather more powerful than her legs had once been, and closed her eyes before she responded to anyone taking a breath as her posture calmed and her tail tip remained up but less active and calmer.

“Treat her well” Sya said to her staff and Gave Elara a kinda clumsy snake curtsey in response, her new limb was still somewhat awkward. She proceeded to take the man to little chunks faster than a hungry worker took apart a hot meal and left but the scraps of his deflated Manhood behind… Sya had to hand it to her, she took him down so well he was a basement… or a basement basement.

“I expect a genuine apology the next time you're at the Eye, like a proper gentleman treats a lady.” Sya said not expecting anything but the man would be seething hotter than a forge and she honestly enjoyed this. Letting her native accent slip in as he would have to apologise to someone from the Borderlands region.

“Elara, Welcome, come over?” Sya clapped spotting something in the back first sample tray of Eye of Beholder cookies, Gelatinous cube Jellies and Muffins yet to be named. Becky was and had been working on other things, with help from someone she said was Lady Persephone who seemed to enjoy the distraction… If not, was regularly tired looking. She did not seem to sleep too well.

“Would you like to try our first bakery products and distillers art? It's a rather good batch I must ssssay. Becky has been most busy with them this week.” Sya said with a little Drama and gestured with her arms, tail and more. OK, Sya was just being Dramatic and she had a sense of mischief in her expression at the thought. Sya was trying to be friendly especially as her form and changed body was… bound to cause certain concerns and reactions.

Sya hoped Elara had shine before because she had brewed enough proof to take down ivor if he drank enough, maybe it was a little unfair but the drink was a pride of Borderlands and you just had to try it. She offered the woman a small measure and gestured to the tray.

A cart rolled In the distance, someone was another trader, traveller or newcomer to the town, that was normal, survivors of the storm Sya guessed.

Noting the man In overalls sampling the Distillery product, in robes like a worker she gave a small sigh of annoyance but locked it alway. “It's rather more potent than the beer, I would not down it.” Sya did not fully recognize him and had her tail wave, her brain and impulses were a little off and the two moved and acted rather differently at times. He had a blade… and he was…blight…maybe. “Welcome To the Eye, I hope you're not here for trouble, it's a celebration after all.” Sya said with a glance and brought her tail closer and a hand to her waist where she knew she also had a hidden weapon, her sword to her scale sword sized blade that her coat and dress concealed. She lightened the end, noting him and his potential but also trying to show now was far too public a place for such actions.

He gave her a weird…gut . Feeling much as she did not eat, so …um…feeling? Like a dice that rolls at random…

Sya did not want the events the Prince had trusted her to support, and organised to be ruined on her behalf. She knew people trusted her and she tried to live up to that.

Daphne sighed as she saw the situation and moved closer as things became even more risky. The man was on horse and had backed himself into a corner! Really, he was being taken apart verbally by a small white haired Woman, the Innkeeper slithering and tail showing her very clean mood, the man made her pause and gave her a bad feeling, the drink and blade. She put one hand on a grip of her blade and apologetic glance to her hopefully new friend Fiona, she needed someone who was more her age to talk to and maybe… who knew. “Sorry, pompous peacock.”

“I suggest you desist most strongly. You're causing the Prince's Peace to be disturbed. Go get some free food and keep warm like everyone else.” Daphne said firmly and projected in a clipped lunarian accent compared to her softer response to Fiona. Daphne vs Royal guard Daphne.

“Sya is in her rights to request you leave her property, her condition is not a factor.” She said with clear tone, she trusted Sya at least to operate the Inn and manage things here. Blighrborn still were weird to her but they seemed to have no baseline, no standard or rule that seemed to stuck and she had to study and trust her instincts. Sya was trusted obviously In this town given the prestige of her Inn, This male was the one that had her hairs rise on her neck, feral…not quite…but definitely not safe at all. "You want a woman to put you on your back... and make it no fun at all. Lady Coswains...regards." She said with all the inunedo and also threat as well, emphasis on the threat. He had given her lord and lady she practically considered family pain, so he was automatically on her shit list.

Most fell In middle somewhere between the two, they were so alien, different and married that there was no point trying to make a single rule to unify them.

The woman also seemed to hold a strong degree of respect for the serpentine Innkeeper. it Left Daphne with questions her training did not answer and raised uncomfortable feelings about the fact. Things where very very different here.

“That..man…” Persephone said as she saw Others guards turn, and also flinch at her tone when she man, more like a curse against an ancient foe than a word.

“Daphne can handle him, besides she only learns if you win the front line. That or he gets beaten by a woman. She fast on the jab and can ounch hard. I know too well.” Coswain Noted the man close and planned several options to intervene, but he also knew he had trained her well asma Capable swordswoman and hand to hand combat. He laughed slightly and gladly knowing she could land a good blow and was hardly unprepared even unarmed.

“I'd like to Visit the temple. Adon, Im sure she and Hector can handle that scented sack of dung.” Persephone said as she watched, they did need a priest and wrapped a gloved hand into his larger one, watching carefully but also having a concern for Daphne.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya could not help but hiss especially as her temper began to flare and had to clamp down on the growing temper and surge of emotions. She swayed slightly on her new limb and eye expressed some of her mood glaring at him and annoyed he refused to even dismount. a mental thought turned to her knife that was strapped to about her waist, the wlong blade having no leg to … one leg to strap it to. Tail?

she would have to get all that straight. Sya did not reply, Reptile… she was … blightborn, what she was debatable.

“I'm the owner of the Inn, I think I would know more than a newcomer. Reptilessss are not worms for your information.You too weak for it anyway. Strong borderland drink, not weak southern stuff for weak constitutions.” Sya said with an annoyed snap to her voice, her borderlands growing thicker and more of her native birth language accent.

Sya saw that he was drawing others and drawing attention to his rant especially atop his horse, mounted atop an large animal, white no less… white horse. Elara with her rather striking white hair and a blonde Sya had yet to meet another woman, this pompous peacock seemed to be heavily outnumbered by women, human or blightborn.

Why was she taller than Sya? Everyone was taller than Sya 5 foot height.. she had gone through the blight twice now and had grown not a inch! maybe she could push off with her tail a little more with practice but she doubted it, she was unsure If her new body was intended to do that naturally. She had to learn her body all over again.

“I'm quite a clean woman in fact, the hot springs will likely feel very nice on my ssssxcales. Ssssatisfying…” Sya said with a grin and knew it would annoy him even more, that she was not surrendering to this overly annoying example of nobility.

Sya put up with his rant as he grew even more unhinged, who did he think he was and why did he think that he was so much of a being above them, she got more grudging respect even if it was tinged with distrust from the various guards of Lunaris.

“No. I am the mistress here. Thissss is my home, my business and my Inn. You are on my land.” Sya said firmly and simply, she did elaborate it or apologise. She was firm, and would cry and break down later curled into her new tail that was an oddly comforting way to rest. Much as she would like someone to wrap up and cuddle into herself, someone to tell her it would be OK and to share the light petting ahe enjoyed as she dozed off.

“Hello, thankyou Miss Elara, your kindness and support is appreciated. I'm glad you are well despite the storm. I'm a little changed but me and you are always welcome at the Eye of Beholder.” Sya gave her a friendly wave that her tail mirrored, poking up and waving in time to her hand. She did it without thought or intention, Sya's expressive eye switched and showed a softer welcome expression to the woman whose hair was like the moonlight. Elara was … she had never been hostile to Sya and had treated her well so Sya treated her well in return, she found a little extra in her glass too that was entirely deliberate.

A rather inviting smell of fresh baking began to form from the Inn, Sya has requested. The shape would have to be refined but she had an aim and a goal that she wanted.

“Please sasstay. I have fresh samples from the bakery coming out soon, ” Sya said warmly to Elara and gestured to the door. “Sssshine of selene…too” Sya said and waved to several glass bottles filled with clear liquid though if you drank it like water you would know about it. Her arm gesture got an imitation from her tail and as she moved and pointed to the door where the smells came from.

A blonde Sya saw approach and introduced herself as a champion of religion and she bristled a little at the idea however Sya also picked up she seemed to be not against her least in this matter so Sya calmed down.

“Thankyou and welcome to the Eye formerly. I am Sya, the Keeper and owner.” Sya gave the woman l, newcomer and champion a wave, her tail imitating the gesture and it seemed so nothing she would have to get used to. “I am helping host the event, the Prince cares about people here, Blightborn or not, you'd find your friend has perhaps changed for the better. His generosity is why people are happy as these daysss allow and also why their loyalty is genuine.” Sya said to the woman and the overly annoying man.

She laid out several options and based on Sya personal opinion, she would likely prefer to see the guard, maybe the Stocky gruff armoured one with one a single eye to drag him to a stockade. “Would you like to …” before Sya could finish this blonde Knight or so ran over to someone who looked to have walked out the wilderness, dirty, bloody and so. Her attention was turned back to the man, Elara and a group of customers who were waiting to gather drinks. “We have them out soon, The Prince did not give us much warning.” Sya Said to inform those waiting and show the annoying man that this was her domain, not his… Sya was Mistress and owner of the eye, he had just an interloper on her domain.

Maybe it was her blightborn nature and changes making them more wild until she had got used to them again, but she felt a desire to defend her territory from an obvious rival and threat to it.

Looking over she spotted the guard frown and looked over and stood near getting a drink, it was the tall woman who seemed to be the most Junior of the group but one would be wise not to underestimate as she seemed entirely comfortable armed with swords and dagger behind her back. The amazonian woman have a nod and looked over, she would prefer to take Fiona up on a drink but would do her duty as required and gave Hector a thumbs up that she was good. One overgrown ego driven noble inbred was not a challenge for Daphne, or should not be anyway. "Always one... to ruin a good thing" She said mostly to Fiona and sighed.

Other guards had turned noting the raised voice and man sat atop a horse looking down on several women, new, old and one who ran the local Inn, blightborn but well known to many in the town who crossed the Eyes threshold. Thry started to pay attention and some moved closer to be able to keep a better eye on matters.

The other Knight…or whatever her role was was now hugging this woman who arrived covered in blood, tree and torn… That was odd but hey, Dawn Haven…

“Do I need to get the guards? Will you disturb the Prince's Peace, his friend would respect his home and peoples whom he protects..” Sya asked and looked around, especially at the man who was causing so many issues. Sya said testing the man a little, testing the Idea he even was close to the Prince.

@Queen Arya@Qia@Dezuel@GambolMuse

Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island _ Azul Days _ Just off Ave Pura Vida

Limping Lady.

Kat had been forced to take it easy after her run in with the rock, Thursday morning she found herself at the island's local doctor getting her foot looked at and had skipped her normal trip to the library that day as she waited in the drop in clinic. Even Kat could admit when she needed to get someone to check on her injury, the ache had not diminished at all from night before and she decided it was time she seek help.

An unhappy Kat and an even more tongue tied receptionist told her that nothing broken, nothing sprained but she had bruised it and only thing that taking it easy would be the answer until it healed. Putting her earphones back in she made her way back to her home away from home, hitting play on her phone. The pink sports earphones started playing some of her 90's dance playlist as she walked slowly back stopping by a cafe to grab a coffee and sat around till lunch reading her book people.watching for most part.

The local library had not got the maps she needed and was waiting on a postal delivery to get them sent over from the US. So Kat waited, enjoyed her down time and talked casually to some of the local tourists who swung by.

Trust Kat to get hurt in typical paradise, it was an adventure to put it politely.

Sleep evaded Kat that evening as she rested her ankle and tried to do best to rest, frustrated, hurting and too hot. She had already tossed her sleep shirt and was half covered by the sheet as she worried about failing. Realistically she knew she had done everything she could and waiting was normal but she was unhappy. She wanted to be out looking and not sit drinking coffee in the sun however enjoyable it was.

looking at her clock it was still 2 am and she groaned with a sigh and turned to The cold side of the pillow. reaching out she found her water bottle and the ibuprofen she had picked up groping about, it was a blurry grey in the blurry world that Kat without her glasses was pretty much a mole more than an owl to say the least.

It took her a minute to find It but she eventually did, not feeling like it was worth finding her glasses and popped a painkiller hoping it would help her sleep. The waves softly rocked the boat and felt the gentle rhythm of the sea. It was very soothing and tried to concentrate on it vs her foot if she tried to move it to the wrong angle.


Kat rode her E bike to the superMarket unable to put off the chore, the whole journey was slower than normal and she was glad for the assist looking right now. Fresh fruit and so would make her feel better, picking up a mix of things, local yoghurt and such.

She made a search of the place and scoured the shop for things, a few fun items and little things to put together a nice meal tonight, she found a few bits and pieces close as she could to make an Polish meal feeling a little home sick and wanting to make something nice.

Also ice cream, she definitely needed ice cream having found some rather expensive imported Ben and jerry's fish food ice cream in triplicate with some chocolate sauce and sprinkles. Glass coke, she would like a glass of wine but decided to wait till weekend given her current injury.

What she made was hardly what could be called authentic that evening but it was the best she could make on their supplies that were available locally. The meal was hardly the best example of cooking there was but it gave her some idea of home. The homesickness only really came when she was ill or hurt for the most part but Kat really needed this.

Most of her evening was spent on the upper deck, the weather was decent and she looked out over the town watching people and talking to some of the people at the Marina. She had a whole mini feast even if she had to take breaks making it and was eating ice cream as the sun set, sprinkled with chocolate sauce, Sprinkles and oddly mango chunks because no one could say the black haired woman was normal.

She still had no idea about the Azul days event coming up, she would just turn up and see what happened. Azul was certainly different from what the Internet had said. It was like watching the moon rise over the sea from her boat, Kat had already sent several reports and back about how the place felt somewhat unsettled.

The TV show she was watching half hearted played over the boat's speakers resting with her leg up on a soft cushion. Her Google search did not give many answers to her questions and tossed the phone onto the table and sighed.

She was back to her plan of just turning up and going with the flow stretched out on a couch watching the movie. She had seen it so many times Kat had no need to pay much attention at all to know where she was.


Kat was on edge that morning a little, she did not like not knowing things and has been used to a much more structured life. A quick shower Kat walked carefully and slowly about drying her hair off and tying back into a casual ponytail for now to keep it out the way. She did a short Yoga routine, mostly breathing and other static exercises, and sat in the sunshine to fill some of the morning, unsure what to do right now.

Kat spent Lunch at a small cafe nearby that was overly busy eating a healthy lunch of chicken salad with pasta, something that would keep her feeling full for a while. The service was slow but she understood that they had a very busy day grabbing a mint Mocha to go, leaving them wondering what to wear for this event… She appeared perfectly calm but inside she was nervous, would she muck this all up, was this celebration a local only thing… Kat just had too many Questions.

Summer goth? She wanted to be true to herself but this weather? It was far too hot and she had not packed a lot of things, she did not need multiple coats when it barely dropped below T shirt weather. Finding a suitable dress, a vintage hat and much as they looked odd her bright pink trainers as her nice heels of any kind would just mean falling over and probably breaking her ankle to add to a hurt foot.

Oh and much sunscreen, Factor 50 was the norm for her here.

Music constantly played as she got ready, now entirely used to doing her makeup to the gentle sway of the boat, styling her hair into a style that was a little challenging in the tight confines and took a few tweaks to look right.

Kat fussed a little before she left as she headed out, checking she had everything and grabbing her hand bag, checking sunscreen… so much to remember.

Azul Days.

Heading out into the flow she took a steady pace seeing the entire town lit up with lights, murals of the former mayor she guessed were all over and prominent in their display and followed the noise and the growing crowds. Kat had arrived after all this had happened and locals seemed tighter lipped at the time.

Kat had to assume the major was well liked Or least respected in anyhow if they did not like them, this kind of display was rather hard to ignore and to fake for someone who did not matter to people.

winding through the crowds towards the main central street of the island, the largest concentration she assumed of events. The street buzzed with music, flags, people and lights, her glasses glared in the light and In places it was hard to see what was going on. Burning torches and people made it hot, along with the weather it was hotter to Kat and again glad she chose to dress for the season and the environment.

The tall dark haired foreigner ended up finding a stall serving cold drinks and soon got herself a cold local beer. “Keep the change. Enjoy.” She said in still a little rusty Spanish with a cheerful wave finding a quieter spot outside of the main flow to take in. Honestly she had no idea what she was meant to do, she had not really known anyone to ask… She just decided to make the most of whatever… this was.

Summer goth, Kat stood drinking her beer, tattoos on show. Kat was unreservedly Kat and she refused to not be herself, even if the weather made it alot harder.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya shifted as she swayed slightly as she stood actively, moving over behind the counter slightly as she talked with Becky directing where to place various things and set the stall outside up. It helped her manage to do things and keep her mind from swaying too far to the future.

The slithering motion was still something she had to actively have to think to do and was a little clumsy but she moved about and made her way without falling over or so. She stood off the side and tried to avoid getting the way of her staff. “There, and keep an extra barrel ready to go, people have spent week indoors with but water. I think sssales will be good” She said with a grin, they would make up for their slow… very slow trade during the blizzard.

Sya made a mistake on her S, that was sure, the new instincts were strong and she was still newly adapting to her new form and its demands, its likes and Dislikes and how to best use it.

She heard a horse, it was distinct to the rest of the noise but ignored it and stayed talking and saying where to place the sample trays, fresh warm cookies would be a good start, muffins and biscuits in the shape of the eye of the Beholder creature with little tentacles soon to be served. Maybe they needed some icing, or something ..ideas.

they were a little weird but dawn haven was hardly normal. Nore was the bakery owner … or the Baker. They definitely fitted the owner. A whole range of fun monster themed bakery items. That she should mentally note down.

Her thoughts of baking, bakery and future plans where derailed by a man calling for her, lady, this was polite, but it could not last as Sya turned around and waved hello, her tail raised at same time and waved a copy of her gesture in perfect sync…she still was leaning to seperate things, at least it looked deliberate and a little cute. Sya turned with a smile until she heard his comment after and should have known as she saw a man on a white horse treat her the polar opposite of before. She was about to talk before he called her a beast, then tried to act like she was his servant…

Sya crossed her arms and turned to face him fully, her single blue eye narrowing slightly. “I am mistress Ssssyya Leala, The Eye of Beholder, is mine. I am supervising the roll out of my new bakery and disssstillary test.” She said with a proud tone and a clear challenge to those who thought she was a mindless monster, feral and unthinking.

“Its a gift from the Prince to the people I believe. You would have to assssk him, or the guards. Very kind after the Lunarians lost their Queen. I am providing the alcoholic drinks for coin naturally. we have ales, wine, sssshine of selene and more, if you were a gentleman of honour i would have given you a free sample. You call me a beast and yet, you might be thusss.” Sya said with a florish forcing herself to be smoother, more confident and in control than she felt in all honesty.

Sya stood … tailed…. Whatever it was…Sya had no idea what term for her now, under the shelter of the worst of the weather, the new expansion project had gone fast as a few carpenters chose to stay and decided to do the interior work…for an extra fee of course and meals for free. It was not perfect or 100% finished but the structure was fully up and functional… The rest Just needed time.

The Eye of Beholder stood proud with its lower working area topped by a guest floor, her private apartments, and the two story reading room and snug with eventual Little library. New rooms, balcony, and a whole wing wrapped around the back with more facilities and rooms besides such as its loading dock, root cellar and the bakery's future home. Strong wood beams with stonework and plaster stood proudly, clean and fresh from the axe and hammer. The weather shutters were mostly still closed from blizzards making the building darker and more stark than it would be in better weather.

Sya buffed a nail on her coat that was lovely and warm. The lining was soft and felt good on her skin, and blue suited her. She wear this again as winter's bite came closer. “Its quite nice is it not, I do enjoy the fact I will have the snug to be cosy and make most of the large windows with plenty of pillows and room to sssstretch my tail doing the accounts…” Sya said casually rubbing some salt into his well deserved wounds, well hopefully…he seemed the egocentric type…. Who rode a white horse into the centre of a gathering?

Sya was no longer homeless just scraping by, she had a place to call her home and something to be proud of.

A pang of hope...and hope to not be hurt that the other blightborn Ashe would not treat her badly despite her changes and challenges she faced now. They had been a intresting potential friend, and a little bit of healthy rivalry that would sharpen them both and mean they rose faster than they would without.

What would the Prince think? Sya had her mind if not her legs, she was not feral and would master her instincts again.

One person would have a word for anything, she knew that for sure... no points guessing who. How the rest of the town reacted... who could guess? Sya still felt the pain of rejection, got lonely, sometimes just needed a hug or friend qnd had the same needs as others minus the whole food thing. She was not a monster, just physically... a little diffrent.


Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

Daphne was waiting and stood to get a drink letting her swords fit tighter to her, so as to not bump into everyone. She stood and made her way forward by virtue of being armed, a guard and tall enough to look over heads of smaller people.

The crowds were busy, after a long time indoors the sight of free food, hot food and hot drinks were very much a great lure to people. Even with the cold weather people gathered freely about the large fires and she wondered when they would have to take charge of the crowds.

They were there and ready, but waited as trouble did not start yet. “Thanks. shout if they get too pushy, at least one of us about even if we are not fully armoured” She said to the vendor serving hot food and drink to them. Taking her own hot stew Daphne sighed as she sipped its delicious and welcome warmth. “Everyone… calm down, plenty of food for ya, ease up folks. The Prince will feed all of you, no need to rush the stalls.” She called out the crowd to gain more control of the masses.

A noise next to her, Daphne noticed someone pushing closer to her and it was a red headed woman, a certain woman who she had helped out the week before about the blizzard. “The guards and Prince set this up. If you want ale we can try the Inn, it seems they are opening up and getting tables out. In Lunaris it's just another day.” She took advantage of her height and made a path for them out of the worst of the crowd to see where someone was dragging a barrel out and setting up a bench in the inn's overhang shelter out of the weather as best they could be.

Handing her some hot food first, a thick stew that looked a little basic but filling and hot, Daphne was trying to show that the royal guard was not just a blunt hammer to beat down things, it was trying to help… they just had very very little time to do so in recent times.

A … was that a tail? A snake? Daphne had seen blightborn here and the sight no longer really shocked her as much in dawn haven… then a single eye… that was.. she had no idea and honestly maybe it was better to be the one who did not know. A good idea honestly when you had this many problems in town and society. There were so many blightborn that one with a snake's tail was sadly a non-event.

Shaking her head she let her hair fly and bounce on her back, no real feeling through the thick leather. “Are you serving yet or indoors?” Daphne asked before turning to Fiona and gave her a small smile, showing she was under her uniform, a woman in her early 20's. “Daphne, I'm Daphne Athenus, tried to knock the peacock out and met Lord and Lady Coswain? Hector is the grumpy one with a beard but he help you if you ever need a repair. Not be pretty but be solid work.

Shame you knock some sense into themann, though that's not official. I must warn you about trouble or something.”
Daphne said with a grin, she did not really comment on the innkeeper, blightborn or not. It seemed rude in earshot and she could kick them into the cold which would not be ideal. diplomacy demanded they be cautious.

“Few minutes ladies, we just needed to pull a barrel up and we got ale, maybe some wines, and a little of our new product sample.” someone who worked at the Inn said, glancing over to Sya before curious before turning back to them. “Shine of Selene. Potent stuff if the mistress is happy, and the bakery is opening up a run of samples on new products” They said as a noise of a barrel being dragged up came from inside the now expanded Inn.

Sya gave a nod of agreement and slithered past to talk with Becky who was talking excitedly about some kind of new recipe and both seemed to be in agreement making a rather quick decision. The Innkeeper despite her changes however still looked slight compared to the rather female and curvy Baker who seemed to be like a happy child given free reign of the kitchens.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya fell ill, her heat built up, a fever took her quickly and the woman passed out in her rooms, Sya's head began to hurt, her vision blurred, mixing between reds and the greyish blues. Everything spun and began to lose all balance and sense of her environment. Soon as she staggered into her floor, soon as the door was closed it got even worse, Sya was out of it and utterly beyond calling for help. She made a feeble call for aid but she was alone … no one had needed to come up here, this was her personal home.

The blizzard would make everyone too busy…too caught up on survival as Sya wondered if she was dying…again…

The dreams where insane, everything floated into a fog And Sya had no idea what was happening, everything was floating, her body felt like it was changing but her mine had no idea, she could not wake and her brain moved through Dream, nightmares, stories and rather pleasant memories of spending time with an handsome farm boy then muscular man in the stables hay loft. one who fell too young and unable to deepen their relations into something more serious.

her Mind floated and she knew not how long time passed or how, minutes, days.or weeks she had no idea … Sya would not wake for days as it turned out.

Sya woke up feeling like half her body got beat up by Ivor, her head felt like she drank a barrel of Shine and felt something natural, wrong… deeply wrong, she felt things that should not be reached, Sya was 5’1 and she could feel the wall despite being what seemed to be its centre. Her vision Still hurt and kept her eye closed. Her lower body felt unclothed, or wrong but she felt her top covered.

Her hands, her legs though…we're not felt. Something moved and something responded to her thought, she felt the wall again and cool stone that made up a fireplace against the wall..Sya rarely used it to anything but a small amount of light or minor enjoyment of the crackling flames.

She felt…scales and smooth muscle reach down and panicked, a Book hit the floor and opened her eye, but could not see and closed it again quickly. Too bright.. curling up she felt self contact, her body moved and she self smooth scales and toned muscles.

Sya tried to calm her mind as she hyperventilated, cried and quietly sobbed as she fainted and everything went black again. She hid In the nothingness and stayed under, refusing to wake up.

The shock took time to wear off and Sya was some hours later before she fully rose back to consciousness, her eye slowly cracked open and she began to be able to force the red into the background and concentrate on the blue. the blue… The blue… slowly the world phased Into reality as she managed to shit Into her night vision. If she concentrated on the red that came, the world came into colours and human activity after glowed Into yellows and brighter tones. Was that…. Heat? energy?

Forcing her head to the alien state her legs were in, Sya saw a long snake like tail, wide as her waist then tampering down to a tip, the skirt was a ruin along with her boots. Smooth scales ran and layered down her .. leg.. tail.. limb.. and she consciously tried to move it and it flexed with her command. She gave an experimental move and pulled herself in closer, reaching out nervously to run a hand over it. It was solid, real and not some crazy vision. she could feel her hand against the flesh, the cool scales flexed under her fingers and moved at her own command. Left, right, up, down… the tip brushed and she felt it tickle against a brush a little.

Sya could not help a small smile when something tickled and released oddly comforting she was still ticklish and one thing least had not changed. Still she was stuck… Sya was stuck, unable to stand, unsure how to stand, unsure how to move… she found she was somewhat heavier than a prior slight form as she pulled self and used her limited motion she gained to climb onto her bed and curled up layering her tail over itself feeling oddly instinctual, comfortable, safe, as Sya tested her new limb. She might have to move, run or be able to escape if things went utterly shit.

She tucked the tip of her tail in under the blanket she pulled up partly. It was like her toes and she was even immune to cold tucked those and kept her feet warm, the same impulse remained however much the limb changed. She Wiggled it like her toes and utterly scared it gave her the same small joy..

Sya forced herself to concentrate on small goals, small aims… the sheer shock was something she was trying to not think about. She had done the same when she first was turned and was forced to do it again, mentally she had a breakdown after but she already had started her breakdown early… Sya was healthy and balanced …for sure.

Sya had called out and said she felt unwell to Becky, asking about the bakery samples and so she got some more time. She reached over not falling over… somehow to open a window and let the cool air flow over her skin and felt the cool air soothe her, the blizzard was still blowing and How deep it had been piled it had been days and not let up. Her standing up was entirely off balance and she felt like swaying as unfamiliar muscles tried to work and understand how they meant to act. Her height had not changed… Sya had done all this and not gained any height.. Seriously, the world was unfair and Sya was still her Petite 5 foot self though her legs now stretched out longer and she had to remember to curl up or fall off the bed, get caught or so.

A minute passed before she fell back to the bed which was longer than she had before. Progress. Her new limb was alien but she forced herself to accept it and pulled herself back to bed and let the tail drape over the bed's end resting it as she stretched out the tremors and weird pains that standing had caused. Having an instinctual understanding of what she needed to do, to stand, to move, to balance was not the same as doing it.

Looking down at her body she was running a finger being where scales and skin blended into each other, she still had… certain body parts and they still worked also, somehow the blight had not lost her function but feet. What would people think of her, if anything that was what made her cry more than the change, she had acceptance of a kind and now she was a monster to them even more. Sya pulled her tail about her sobbing and hid from everyone as the winter storm blew and blew.

What was causing her so much hardship was wrapped about her as a comforting pressure that she layered herself in hiding from everything and everyone.

The blizzard lasted around a week as Sya stood as best as could be described… a Certain guest who left and Sya had shared a rather intimate short time with had somehow left a chest of things behind in leaving Dawn Haven and with no means to contact had explored it. She found a dress, about her size in blue and oddly more Auralian than Lunaris but it was pretty, Coats, boots and other items. Her Baker could have the boots if they fit, Sya no longer had feet.

The dress she pulled over her head and it covered where it needed, a coat she wore over it warm and lined with fur, the blizzard was gone but it was still cool. The material of dress was not the thickest but it fit well enough and she admired herself In a small mirror deliberately braiding her into a pretty French braid, a necklace and even a little of the…make up… one of the entertainers had given her to give a little more colour to her face. Sya looked about as ready to face the world as a woman who spent a fair chunk of it crying could.

She glided across the same doorstep she had walked over before, the novelty of this form of location having been told through the door that people were gathering outside and starting to leave their homes again. A perfect time to sell food, treats and meals. Sya moved down the stairs cautiously and had to remember as she felt her tails tip catching a corner and cursed softly. She looked over her shoulder and saw she passed down the stairs without further trouble. A random thought as to how it felt in the water, Sya probably thought it would be rather nice letting all the weight be supported and she could almost float and push about the hot spring playfully.

The woman braced herself as she headed to face the other people, other residents of the town and glided out down the steps to the main bar and eventually into the outside world. Sya faced her fears, however much she wanted to curl up and cuddle herself for the rest of her days.

The large central fire burned and glittered off her now deep blue scales that made up part of her skin, smooth, shiny and an extension of the new Sya. She had a pretty dress on, a nice coat, her hair was styled… she was least trying to look less scary, though everyone would likely judge her regardless.

"Yes... this is me, I know its a ..shock but Im still me, if you want to walk...walk. but if not, we have sweets to get out, get some barrels out, tables out and get some drinks flowing. Becky get the ovens hot and right now. We debut the Bakery. Samples. Samples. But encorage them to drink too!" Sya said with a confidence she did not feel. Though she almost cried when no one quit, A few comments about her likely being tight as ever, and the fact she was a blightborn already, so they just had to dodge her tail now. Dawn Haven was so weird these days anyway... your boss growing a snake tail was apparently... not a problem.

"Well.. lets go then, thankyou. The Eye is new, improved and soon we have Shine and Sweets." Sya said deeply as they vanished off to kitchen or basement to bring up beer, wine and other things that a party would need... for coin of course.

Sya glided out feeling the ground shift anf felt straight ge under he lr new form of locomotion, she had a pretty blue dress and coat on. She now had to dress to match her scales... seriously, she was gonna have to get new clothes...

Feeling the cool slush against her skin...scales was weird. But she did not feel cold, it was just wet, and like it made moving easier and harder... Sya shoved that aside as she saw most of the town was already waking up or In process of. Almost in fear ahe moved her tail closer to her without thinking though you'd had to blind to miss thr changes. She still felt small In the crowds...


Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

Lord Coswain had been busy trying to help them prepare for blizzard and he was caped in snow by the time of his return. Persephone had been napping by the time he returned so he just kissed her forehead and changed quietly out of the sodden kit before heading downstairs to get a meal and something for her.

The Lunarian guards had done their best and most able to try and help the Auralian guards and civilians to face the coming blizzard. He did wonder what that over zealous Lord would do, and he didn't care how he survived the weather, his servants though he had more worry for, he would let them die while he remained warm and snug. The worst kind and most dangerous of them, the kind who believed they were practically gods themselves.

“Done ma best to help the road post, You alight Daph, you help her out” Hector said as he himself returned himself worse for the storm that was blowing quite white and only just starting out. “Good enough old man, she will make it even if not ideal. Damn cold.” The tall amazonian woman said from close to the fire, warming up her hands and shedding her heavy cloak that was soaked though from the storm's wrath.

“your the giraffe”Hector said, the woman towered a good 5 inches over the stocky bearded one-eyed warsmith but he gave as good as he got.

“Dwarf…you're stocky and have a beard too. Fiona was decent for an Auralan, that Lord is a peice of work they were labouring into the storm even as we headed in.” She shook her head at such things, the Temple…Inn.. their there places to shelter and they laboured in the dead of cold winter's night.

“Most we can do, she tried to knock him out. Sorey to say she missed.” Coswain laughed at the memory, sure he made a enemy but frankly he did not care and he seriously doubted anyone who talked that much had the friends he did… those how did tended to speak softly and be very different to him. Real power just found them annoying.

“Oh… I like her already. Just proves I was right.” Daphne said as she tucked into a meal of roast meat and some gravy. Best not ask what animal but it was hot and filling. She found the woman to be a bit crass but decent and seemed to have some morals if she was so offended by him. She was curious.

“Just stay out of trouble so I not have to arrest you. “ Coswain said as they took a seat near the fire to eat together. The windows and shutters were shut down tight already, bars across and prepared as best they could be. The small Mistress of the Inn with her distinctive single eye seemed a little off and headed away quickly upstairs.

The storm's wrath was not spent quickly and they alternated duties of keeping the fires stocked and fed, helping the Baker out to keep busy. Persephone had even treated them to fresh cookies which had never been unwelcome, fearsome she was, a good Baker she also was. The innkeeper they were told has taken ill so they did best to keep their slice of warmth and comfort exactly so,

It was not most tidy, clean or so but they were surviving and honestly well provisioned to last out the storm. The snows did not break on the 3rd night, or even the 4th and they fell into an easy routine. The chess board downstairs saw A Lot of use.

The news of the Queen's death had all them rattled and a lot of quiet talks and such Took place doing their best to make sense of things, events and what it meant for them and their futures.

What did this even mean for them, the town and everything agreed? Power was changing rapidly and everything would change.

They heard a knocking and found on the 7th day, the storm had finally ended to the point that the people could leave. Someone had enquired after Sya but they told her she was ill, apparently her ability was in demand and several calls had been made knowing she would likely see through the storm.

They headed out , Daphne was strangely happy and heading out ahead of them, Sya was not there.. she would be down when she felt better. Persephone gave an odd smile and followed, she had strange visions that night, ones she could not explain? Dreams… but not.. something reality? Persephone had no idea.

They headed into the outside the fire burning hot food on tables and it seemed from the noise in the kitchen. The Inn was firing back up and seemed to be busy to take advantage of the coming burst in trade. Firewood was being moved in quickly and it seemed the ovens were burning hard. People were making the most of it.

“Let's go, I've been cooped up all damn week” Daphne outpacing them all.

"My knees ain't that young, Persephone you think she has a friend..." He said quietly with a expression of mischief that made the old, scarred warrior seem younger. Auralians had taken his eye but th4 gods had blessed him with a spare.

Persephone expression gave a odd look but a positive one she had known Daphne for several years and was practically a extra daughter in some ways. His squire had meant she had formed a close bond with the Lord and Lady household. Anyway she was someone who used their brain not the swords unlike the men. "I'm not certain, I know it might be a intresting party, make the most of it." Her visions rarely made sense, they where more abstract and very much open to interpretation and she had yet to refine the ability to point she could be considered a true Seer, that was rare indeed.

Daphne made much faster progress, her 6 foot 1 frame in the warm winter leathers normal to Lunaris, she kept her twin swords but had not fanned any armour like the rest going armed as they felt wrong without but not clad like a week ago in intimidating steel plates. Daphne had even let her longer dark hair into a braided style down, it was a celebration and they had ernough second guessing over the last week.

She soon soon found the hot drinks and waited for her chance to be served, standing eye to eye with many of the men, which she found had unnerved more than a few weaker souls.
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