Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island BNB

Kat took the mango most happily, it was cold and refreshing, the heat was still something the woman was not used too fully. Some days she would be glad for a wet cloudy day just to get a short break from the hot days, London was very very different to Azul. It was hard to be a tropical goth, maybe they would think she was a witch or something. “Thank you, it's delicious. I'm not used to the heat. Cold and refreshing.” Kat said happily as she sipped her drink.

Kat quietly enjoyed her drink but eyes looked around and took I'm the environment, the well loved and maintained place, its homely style. The place definitely could grow on her, it was nice to get away from the floating home in the evenings. The boat was nice but Kat found it hard, no noise, no busy crew working shifts… she was alone, and could do whatever she wanted. Often she just found self walking or even taking a swim, the water was lovely.

“Thankyou for ze map, I do not want a rematch with the rock, my sister will not let me live this down.” Kat said as she looked into her bag and popped a pain killer to dull the ache a little, it did not stop it but it would help her make it back home. “I almost wish they would put me up here now.” She said casually, the place was lovely, calming by the sea. The Marina was more central to everything she needed though and easier to trek back with photocopies, maps and such.

“Have a nice time. lucky you.” Kat said cheerfully and innocently as she went back to looking out the window and relaxed, her foot throbbed but let the gentle pounding of the waves lull her, the gentle rhythm that could be heard or felt almost the entire island.

It probably was a date, a date she forgot it seemed. Usually it was the men doing that, not the women.

“umm your local? Can I ask? You know If this Azul days has a dress code or … anything? It seems talk of town, I don't wanna turn up to a sombre event dressed for a dance… I just arrived, everyone's been caught up in events and such. I live in London, so this is.a new world. Not felt as open .. recently as people said the islands where so no one to ask.” Kat had a few ideas but she really did not know, and to complicate most of her wardrobe was not suited to this weather, coats, layers and black was not the ideal colour palette. Maybe that cute somewhat addams family summer dress her friend had got her last year and she never had much good weather to wear it.

Kat looked to Eloy as she asked the question, she really needed more info and Google was not so helpful. The Island was rather small and hardly the most advanced in social media and digital media usage. London was not Azul and she was having to adapt to a whole new way of life.

Their was some other people it sounded like but could not see them bar a small slant, a man and a woman had come up by the looks of their height and build anyway. She could not be 100% on that from this angle and walking out to the balcony to drink was off her list of things to do at this particular moment.

Banned because ball pits are awesome.
Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya felt a little hot and swayed a little before she recovered, thankfully her companion had left, he very much confused her in many ways. He spoke a dozen words and you wondered if 11 were a lie… he was interesting. She gave him that.

His final words and actions had her even more bemused. Leaving on a prophecy, a song and a point she was sure she could work out if she sat down and mulled it over for a few minutes. He gave her mixed feelings but also he probably would make the town more colourful to be sure, not likely … most likely he would end up at the Inn somehow, he needed a meal even if he seemed to live off water, man must be mad, water was never clean as ale.

The Prince's words and news did not rock her much as others, the Queen of Lunaris was a distant figure to her, all the Royalty bar Flynn and his Princess were distant, Capitals were a long way from her home, new home and former homeland. She had no loyalty to those places.

She stayed quiet and watched respectfully as the news hit some much harder than others, the snow gathered on her shoulder and she knew, somehow, that she should prepare. She felt little effect or challenge to such weather events but those under her roof? Definitely would be harmed If the fires ran low.

She would prepare however much she felt off, something was off and she felt it in her very soul. She suppressed the feeling, Sya would talk it over with Olivia in the evening when they had time alone. The construction was well on track though and hopefully that internal work would not be paused by this weather? If they were willing anyway.

Sya made a mental list as she hopped off chair and returned it to the table, the small blightborn woman bounced slightly as she headed into the gradually thickening snow, she could appreciate it majesty least personally without fear. First things first, make sure the cellar was stocked, secured and the firewood was piled close. It would be easier to grab, before they could build the loading Docks and so where it would be much more accessible even In harsh weather.

Again her vision gave her a headache but she ignored that and pushed on, Sya could not afford to stop. She had important work to do.

How little did she know it was not a bug and what she was in for. Or what she would become. Her legs hurting was a bad omen.

Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

Coswain seems to have hit a nerve, the man could talk and talk…and talk. He was some Auralian nobility but he had not come across this family before, probably one of the overly proud lesser nobility that have a massively inflated ego and an inbred lineage of a dozen cousin marriages. It never ended well, you seemed after a few generations to end in madness. “Castellian, is a rank of import behind a castle in Lunaris.” He said with a tight tone.

“Do you realise how many times I heard that In my career? How many have claimed that in Lunaris…to know a Lord, a Prince, the King….” He said entirely unimpressed and without concern, the chances were slim. You had to claim such things, you were faking it. Looking over however the snow was starting to increase and to get stronger, to get heavier and the subtle wind etc began to pick up force.

He gave a wonder and a worry, his thoughts said that the snow would be worse, would be stronger, and would last. “Your his friend, and you'd starve his project” He said with an easy expression, He knew if he was working for Prince he would not sabotage the man's project as that would be a fast way to lose his favour.

“He is not causing much ado in the middle of the crowd, much as he is cursed.” He did not let the man intimidate him.

“This Crone is a Lady, wife, and a Throne Agent to name a few.” Persephone said in a tight capital accent of Lunaris, she had a tight expression and looked at the women and kneeled down to her. “Calm miss, calm… your gonna hurt yourself.” She placed a hand on the woman's shoulder and stopped her getting up Just yet.
“She failed to hit you, your not hurt. No blood shed. No gold Lost.” Coswain said that he studied the situation, he had no cause to arrest the woman yet.

“No… not on my knees … if you have to talk you can… Looks like show time.” Coswain said and the speech came, and things… changed. Alot.

His feelings were…complicated to say the least, the Queen was Dead? She had been the light of Lunaris, the King Was.about as likable as the plague to many but they loved the queen, truely she had been loved. This just changed everything and yet they where so far away unable to do anything.

He had seem how things where in the capital, seen how things where in the Castle, the markets…Lunaris was holding together but by Selene it was fragile at the best of times, damaged, enemies on several fronts, threats internal and external…

“By Selene… things are worse than imagined. So much worse.” Coswain said with a shocked look, the Winter Queen was one of the things holding everything together, she had been the uniting force and the symbol they could admire. Now what did they have?. Coswain looked and tried to process the news.

The snow was falling much thicker and it was falling in settlement thickness, he seen ernough snow to reconise when it was a dead man's blizzard, this was a real danger.

“Cancel it new priorities, We not have time, make sure you have fire wood, food and so prepared for a week or more. look Marquess Ayel Raunefeldt.” He was still processing anf currently grappling with the bombshell that just dropped and exploded right as Prince And Princess spoke. “Get your horses into stables if you want them to live, and I'm not sure where your staying. Or how, but if you have winter preparation, Do it now and do it fast. You can always argue with me when we still alive after this.” He did not know where he planned to stay, the Inn unless it was a Unfinished wing was near full, their was empty houses and so but winter had beaten their builders and many where still yet to be finished.

“Winter is enemies of all, It takes no sides, You can try the Inn, but it's pretty full unless you like a buidling site, so you might have to find your own shelter. Maybe the Temple or so should be warm and provisioned.” He said and looked to head off to organise that materials, food, firewood, water and other things got distributed and where stocked up. once this bit they where Inside for the duration.

“Lass, I know ya hung over, but right now, forget this fight, this feels like we gonna be in a white out, get ya home ready.” He said more kindly and nodded to Persephone.

“My husbands right, how about we worry about the bigger problems.” She Gave The Lord a minor glare and hoped this woman not throw up all over the good unform she wore.

Persephone had her own feelings, they where a utter mess right now and barely could begin to peice it all together. The Queen was Dead, the entire situation had just changed and no one knew how it would play out. She has not met her personally but like many… she had admired the Winter Queen and she had been a loved and figure of unity in the Kingdom.


How much of understanding would a outsider have?

Just know to turn up and work it out from their type of arrangement?
Basix Google knowing the data and times situation?
Fantasy parking fines.

Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

Coswain knew his day would be busy when it started, crowd control work was always busy… he looked down at the woman who was … well he held his stoic look but internally laughed at some of her comments. A pint and a meal were what most folk wanted, not a long fancy speech and who could say they were wrong, really they had simple Aims and simple ways to solve them, nothing wrong with that.

“Royals always arrive on time so they say, we just arrive early, you'll get your meal and a pint at launch. Sya serves a decent meal, get used to blightborn, its life here.” Coswain said with a calm tone, he was used to this, keep calm, keep order, do not let them think you're able to be goded. People love a reaction. Then she did look sick, someone was gonna end up in the splash zone, he wss about to tackle that matter before a Voice called for him and he ground his teeth, fucking Nobles…

He had to deal with this. “Follow me, we better sort this.” Grabbing whoever was available, a Lunarian guard and a Auralian Sgt who gave nod and followed, the 3 guards headed over to the man, they did not need more chaos.

Persephone gave him a glare and looked Over at a rather well dressed man, but reaked of nobility and being so far up his own ego he not even see the ground below his feet. “Watch yourself you peacock” She called out watching her “husband” begin to walk over, gathering a few soldiers with him. “Your mistake.” She said, this was Princes town, not this nobles.

“No, I do not. And I am infact Lord Castellan Coswan, of the Lunaris Royal Guard, Capitaline Lance Veteran Company.” He said speaking calmly as he lifted his visor and looked at the man. “Not Guard”

“would you also leave my wife alone, before I take offense.” He said firmly, he saw a rapier on the man's hip but it would do frak all to plate armour and a war sword. Looking at Persephone whom he checked she was OK and got a nod but kept his hands ready on the stave in his hands held vertically.

He saw the woman come up, the one with the sword and a bad stomach, well not his fault if anything happened was it? He was not the one who could change if someone felt ill or not.

He automatically out a arm out to stop a fight and a Gauntlet clad hand on her shoulder. “Peace Lass, I got this, sat down, their seems to be some chairs on the corner., Seph would you help her.” He said more kindly and looked to Persephone to help her over if she allowed. “ I'm Persephone Coswain, you look like you could need a sit down, and some water.” She said with softer tone than her formal unform belied, and a look of concern.

“You reconise him?” He asked the the guard, technically the Auralia Sgt did not answer to him but mutual agreement won out. “Not this one, new to town.” and the Lunarian guard nodded with the statement. “No sir, his Carriages are parked in the way too. Blocking an exit incase of fire..”

“You Sir wait with everyone else, the Prince not be long, then you have have your waggons more appropriately parked up. Unless I'm told otherwise, you wait with the rest of us, unless you want me to put you into the good Sgts temporary custody for disturbing the peace.” He said with a slight grin, he had no official name, or title. He was yet to be confirmed thus was just an overly egocentric trouble maker.

“Oh…is there a parking fine…oops.. knight, please write him up for 3 counts of blocking exit incase of fires…” He said and both Lunarian guards shared a smile.

"Aye Sir, il check his load for contraband... very carefully." The guard said, they would use everything they had to cause this fop a headache, oh they could make one fine into like 12.

"Oops, what is minor assult..." Persephone asked innocently joining in the legal way to vex this man into next week with summons to the Royal Hall.

Banned as no one banned you for 5 days and you cause too much chaos.
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