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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

One full day and an afternoon into the third day after our week skip
Ball Day

The clock strikes 4 pm on the day of the lich's masquerade ball, located in the grand hall of Roshmi in the center of the fortunate demihumans. Only one more hour remains before the ball will commence. Folks of all species who were able to afford the thirty ama tickets now are finishing up readying their appearance in fine gowns and masks, a task some have spent all day on. Masks are required for the event. Events of such nature were held with great respect and happened very infrequently.

The masks will be a great advantage for you, humans, but also potentially make finding each other more difficult. It is imperative some of you find each other before the wrong people do. Spend the next hour preparing, humans. You're in for more than just one dance and you're not the only ones with a plan prepared.

Time: Morning
Location: On the street
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: Lucius @Ithradine

Violet watched the man perform a spell in front of her, not even going as far as to hide himself speaking latin. So he was the new warlock in town after all. Usually, most witches were safe around each other as far as she knew so she relaxed a bit. "No, you did well."She said and smiled, "You will have to be careful doing that in public. Not everyone is very appreciative of a nice trick like that. " Violet warned him. The Holy Saviors were still up and running so she hoped he'd take her warning seriously or it could cost him his life. "If you're lost, I can help you find where you're trying to go."She offered.

Location: Operation Humanity Headquarters
Interactions: @FunnyGuy Sean

Angel had laughed at Sean's words, though it was a bit forced. He was right. She was a grown woman grounded. It was pathetic. "You're their bitch as much as me, at least I'm not a loyal golden retriever." Listening to what had happened to the old man made her uncomfortable as much as hearing about the other crazy shit they did to people if they could even call those things people. "How welcoming of them to torture him upon arrival." She commented bluntly. It irked her at times that after going out of their way to drive home how much of monsters the other creatures were, they would do just as terrible things. Maybe they were all monsters in the end.

Thankfully, he switched the topic, but not to one she loved. "We got Taco Bell."She replied and she shrugged. "Probably an adrenaline rush from the battle or something, I'm sure he'll go back to his regular programming." Angel rolled her eyes as she spoke. This topic sucked too. "So. I'll meet up with you around dusk and you can tell me your plan on the ride. Just get some sleep before you pass out on the floor." Angel had found herself worrying over how tired he was, but she did not want to let him catch on to that, so she kept bringing it up in a nonchalant tone.
I'm very interested
And I've finally finished my CS! I hope he's acceptable, feel free to tell me if any changes are necessary! ^^

Great job! I accept this character. I really like him. You did great work and I like how well detailed your history is. @FunnyGuy will also look it over when he has time.
This is interesting to me!

Time: Morning
Location: Streets of Ember Grove
Interactions: @Ithradine Lucius @jetipster Felix

Violet glanced down every so often to see if Chéri was peeking her head out a little too much. For a while, it seemed like she was being a good girl and keeping herself hidden, so Violet's attention was taken to what was in front of her. There was a dark-haired man with a beard walking toward her. He looked wise beyond his years and very curious in Ember Grove. Violet wasn't sure if she stayed in too much to notice all the newcomers in town or if maybe they had been here all along and she just never met them yet. She did not notice the ferret completely peek her head out of the purse to nibble on the floral ribbon tied around the handle, just to sample the taste, of course.

She offered a friendly smile when they crossed paths but he paused to speak to her. Politely, she turned to face him and listened. It started off mostly innocent as he complimented her ferret, though she was displeased he had seen it. It got worse when he brought the word 'magical.' The odds of that being just a coincidence were very low. Felix had mentioned the warlock he had seen had seemed old, and this was definitely an older gentleman. It was quite possible that this was the same man. This was better news than him possibly being a hunter but still called for caution all the same.

"Oh, she's just darling," Violet told him, her tone friendly. She was doing her best to keep her thoughts from her expression, though she was sure her eyes had given away a bit of her surprise when he had first mentioned magic to her. "The love a pet can give you is so rewarding." She tilted her umbrella and held it up higher so that it would cover his head as well as they spoke, "I haven't seen you before, sir. Are you new in town?" As she spoke, she attempted to gradually use telekinesis to select Felix on her phone and text him. Chéri was sitting on it, blocking the light, which was from the phone being activated, from being visible from outside the bag. It was difficult since she could not see for sure what letter she was pressing, but she had done this before enough to achieve a close result.

"I doun tht wsrlpck."

Location: Operation Humanity Headquarters
Interactions: @FunnyGuy Sean

Angel wanted to go back and kick over Colonel Asshat's desk right into his big head. Maybe she would later. Running around the track was actually helping her ease her anger. Thanks to her efforts, five dangerous, malicious vampires were now dead. Niko did help, but the situation wouldn't have happened without her. That mattered little since he was so stuck on figuring her out. All these years they told her to channel her emotions into avenging her family, then she pursued it and they got mad at her. "What a load of crap." She grumbled under her breath. He could threaten her all he wanted. She'd find another way. Besides, he was kinda right that she was probably getting too popular and the vampires had caught on to her bull at this point. Either way, she would have had to work around this issue.

She was running for a good few minutes when Sean's voice started to echo through the large room. Lucky for him, she had started to blow off a lot of her steam by the time he got there. He started joking around as if she was a track star. It was nice to see him joke around and not be so serious. The whole hair of blood thing was a bit much, but she supposed he had just been hanging around with Niko too much and was catching his cheese. She slowed her running, finding herself grinning at his words. "Yes, yes it is I! Thank you! Don't faint!" Angel dramatically bowed and threw kisses to an imaginary audience. "I love you all! I wouldn't be here without my fans!"

As Angel slowed to a halt in front of him, he continued telling her about how Trotter sent him an email, which she assumed was all about telling him all about how she couldn't go out at night without chaperone or babysitter. Niko probably got it too. She shrugged off her slight embarrassment. "Well... I guueess I could help you if you really need it. I won't make you resort to begging and I'll save your pride."

The poor guy had obviously stayed up all night working on whatever this plan was. He really had to take it easy sometime; he never stopped overachieving. "Yeah, yeah go to sleep, you nut. Take it easy for once in your life. " She paused before he decided to go to sleep and added curiously, "What'd you do to the sugar daddy?" Angel had almost forgotten about him.

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Hi! ^^

I just wanted to see if ya'll might have room for one more?

If ya'll don't, it's fine and I apologize for potentially wasting any time, but if you do, I have an idea for a werewolf character, but I just have a quick question about werewolves as a whole beforehand. At what age does a pureblood werewolf come into his/her abilities? If this was already stated somewhere, I'm sorry for being a bother!

Hi Vixen! We definitely do have room for you. That's a good question. You're not a bother at all! Ask as many questions as you need. I believe you probably saw the discord link in the first post if you'd like to join, but if not I'll get it for you.

Purebred werewolves always have the ability and their parents have to raise them to control it even from their toddler years as the temper outbursts start to become a thing.
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