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Current I love PapaOso
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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Hi Sausage Pat


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Vampire Clans

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Character Sheet

Purple means erase! Replace everything else with the required info. Add any additional info you want and customize it however you wish. I will make it basic so you can create it to suit your needs. Rearrange the info on how you want. Merge things.

Form to make a clan/pack/coven/hunter group: We have pre-existing ones; come in discord to discuss first.
Alignment Chart

✡ Welcome to Ember Grove ✡

Starting Date: October 1st, 2020

Witch's Spellbook:

Details about places in discord. Any small buildings unnamed in discord, which are many, can be any commercial lot of choosing from mcdonalds to a clothing store etc.

Road 68
If you go down this road straight for about a half hour and make a turn down a barely noticeable road towards what appears to be a gated, private community, you'll find it's occupants a bit strange. Not many people venture here and those who do don't make it out. This small town was called Mills and is now overtaken by Sanguine Moon.

Road 69
This is a very long road through wooded areas and plains. After an hour's worth of travel, about 50 miles in, if you make turn down a dirt trail, you'll find the gated entrance to a very large facility where you will be told to turn back. This is where Operation Humanity can be found.
Witch's Spellbook:

✡ Playable Characters ✡

✡ Accepting a small amount[Probably 2 max] of unaffiliated, ordinary humans that can get caught up in the mess

GM:Princess CO-GM: FunnyGuy

Please do not proceed without reading everything.

Be kind and respectful.
No godmodding. Respect the limits of the roleplay. If GMs say you're crossing a line, respect and work with them
Don't get offended if someone's character doesn't like yours. As long as they are respectful OOC, then they are not causing an issue.
Outright smut gotta go to the PMs. Sexual themes are okay just remember you are walking on thin ice.
Posts must be at least a paragraph. This means a 5 sentence minimum.
Posts must be weekly. The sooner the better since it is more fun if the RP moves. If you fail to post within a week WITHOUT warning us ahead of time that you cannot post, so that we can work something out, you will be given a strike. Two strikes you're out.
Do not join if you cannot commit. If you are too busy to post or know you are going to be, please don't join.
Four character maximum.
We will not accept a large number of grey-area, loner-type characters who are not going to move along the story and want to just go along with their own side story. Building upon the story is great! However, when too many people are off-topic, it becomes hard to move the story along. That said, a few are fine. We have right to reject whoever.

✡ Premise ✡

The town of Ember Grove is one of the oldest but always forgotten towns in the United States, founded in 1632. Located off the coast of South Carolina, the town is sometimes a tourist spot but the settled population always seems to be dwindling. It's a hot-spot for crime and murder seemingly but this never seems to become a new story for more than those who dwell in the town. Murders and disappearances are swept under the rug and no one outside of Ember Grove seems to know much at all of their constant mishaps. As far as appearances go, it's a rather nice looking area and most tourists wonder how anything bad could happen in town with such friendly faces.

Ember Grove has a big secret. Many of its residents live in ignorance of the reality of all the disappearances. It is one of the many towns that supernatural creatures gravitate to. Vampires hungry for blood come here looking to feast, werewolves bound through the woods and witches cast spells in the safety of their bedrooms. These creatures have lived for centuries without the public eye really believing they exist. The government, of course, knows of their existence and wants them to stay hidden to keep control of any panicking. Hunters have arisen for generations as well as an actual secret federal operation to exterminate these creatures in an effort to preserve humanity. Trouble looms for the residents as well as for these creatures themselves. Will they be able to coexist or will their secret finally come out? Life for sure is peculiar in Ember Grove...

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall
Interactions: @Inertia@Tae@Potter@Dezuel

Malachi had not put too much effort into his appearance other than picking out a decently appropriate outfit as well as a gold-colored mask to match it. He had spent most of the time the others were preparing and dressing up to work on the game plan and think things through. He had not gotten to see the others as he was entering the hall ahead of time to make sure things were safe. Kenia would be escorting the two humans inside.

After handing his ticket to the man at the entry, he had found himself walking into Roshmi Hall. It was gigantic and very open with an intricate gold-detailed flooring that could be seen under the moving feet of those dancing. The hall was marvelous with its beautiful chandeliers and painted ceilings. It had been a long time since Malachi had stepped foot in this hall and he could remember how breathtaking it was even up to this moment.

Couples in beautiful clothing were practically swirling around the center of the room. Round tables with silk table cloths were placed around the perimeter of the room. There were buffet tables with food and plenty of drinks for the guests to enjoy. At the back of the room, there were grand, rounded staircases at each end that led up to a balcony that overlooked the hall. Upon the balcony, there were seating areas and an arched doorway that led to a room with couches where people could talk privately.

Though beautiful, Malachi was never one to be able to truly admire this kind of place as it always was filled with snobby rich people that he couldn't stand. Normally, he couldn't even stand being in a place with a lot of people in general but then adding wealthy assholes into the mix just made it all the worse. The amount of money the folks here had probably invested in their gowns and suits made him sick. He leaned against the wall near the entry to await his companions, purposely averting his eyes from others to avoid starting up a conversation that was more than necessary.

"Hey, you. Take one." Malachi glanced over at the speaker to find a well-dressed gentleman with a bowl of cut-up pieces of paper. Malachi eyed the bowl then up at the man's smiling face as he continued "You will be assigned two dance partners through the two numbers you get on this piece of paper for the upcoming dances. They are enchanted to gravitate you toward the correct partners. It's a jolly ice breaker don't you think?"

He scowled at him, replying abruptly, "No." Once again, Malachi avoided his gaze but one of the papers was shoved into his hand regardless and he turned to yell at the man but he was rushing away to annoy someone else already. He glanced down at the paper, examining the two numbers: 11 and 7. Malachi sighed, resisting the temptation to throw it on the floor. It was a good opportunity to find humans so he had to deal with it. Dancing with strangers sounded awkwardly intimate. There had been only one person he had been interested in sharing a dance with. This thought prompted him to glance towards the entrance hopefully only to hear the worst statement ever being announced. Lord Terneus Andros was being introduced.

"Oh you're kidding me." Malachi grumbled and positioned himself behind a pillar.

Hey everyone! If you were kicked from discord and want to participate in the roleplay still:

I kicked people who haven't been on the forum in more than 20 days. I am figuring things are too hectic right now and they have been for me as well so I understand. However, I want to bump this back up and make up for that.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:Kyran's Home


Two nights ago, Risa had run into Corvina and Rei outside and the three had been able to exchange information and get to know each other a bit. A plan was devised for Risa, Elsea, and Kyran to meet with Corvina, Rei, Malachi, and Kenia the following day. The morning of that day before the two groups met, Risa had to give a tearful goodbye to Dionaea in hopes she'd get well soon. Hades was to lead her back to the Flower Fairy Kingdom. A fairy had accompanied him on his trip to Roshmi to fetch Dionaea and brought Risa a very special crate containing the dress of her grandmother, one that much of the older fairy folk and even some non-fairy folk were familiar with. She had to think about wearing it for a while but eventually did decide it would be her decision and she'd be upfront with her lineage.

The groups were then able to speak to each other for a short time period somewhere secret in order to discuss plans. Risa found most of them to be nice but she thought Malachi was a bit cold and distant. However, she felt she could trust them. They decided that Kyran and Elsea would aid Risa in a secret plan whilst Kenia's group would concentrate on locating other humans as well as allies and spreading information for them all to meet in a port town up to the northwest that could be located by following the coastline west from Roshmi. The more humans and allies they could get together, the better. They were going to need numbers.


Risa stared at herself in the mirror, her gems on her gown shimmering under the light. Kyran's mother stood behind her, giving her a complex hairstyle with braids that kept her hair back away from her face and carried a regal elegance. However, the dress was what Risa couldn't keep her eyes off. It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever worn.

She'd stick out like a sore thumb and be making a bold statement to emulate her grandmother, the former queen of River Kingdom. Surely, many would pick up on it. Risa was not going to turn back. This was a risk she was willing to take. They were trying to push her into hiding as they feared the power of who she was and Risa would not hide that any longer. She was going to put herself out there and she was ready. Many statements had been made by the enemy and it was time to move her chess piece.

As Kyran's mother put on her headpiece, her eyes locked with her reflection, her eyes framed by a sparkling, gem mask. The girl who spent her days shopping and fooling around stood there no longer. Whether she liked it or not, she was helping to lead a war and there were lives on the line. Every move was critical from here on out. She thanked his mother and moved to find Kyran and Elsea within the home to see how far along they were to being ready.

Dionaea, Jean, Cloud, Helio... I won't give up. Don't worry.

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