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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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Farim & Anastasia

Part 2

Time: Nightime
Location: Lover’s Lake

“Yes. To us and our hearts!” She clinked her drink against his, then brought it up toward her face. As the rim of the cup touched Anastasia's lips, she hesitated for a moment, studying the swirling liquid within. Then she took a small sip, her eyes narrowing with curiosity as the taste unfolded on her tongue. Her expression went through a series of reactions. First, there was a crinkle of her nose, then she let out a burst of laughter after swallowing.

"Oh, this is like drinking a forest! …A muddy forest, but not bad at all!" She exclaimed, her laughter echoing in the night. Eagerly, she took another, slightly larger, sip. This time, the taste seemed to befriend her taste buds. She leaned against Farim’s arm as she asked, “What did you think?”

As the liquid touched Farim’s own lips, he could not help but think back to some of the herbal medicines and remedies his brother Dali would insist he try. He could tell his senses were already starting to warp slightly - and the telltale taste of hallucinogens hung on his pallet. All the same, with a slight scrunch of his face, he downed the drink in rather uncouth speed. Farim blinked his eyes a few times and looked at the Princess with a grin.

”It certainly packs quite the punch. There are such earthy tones and ingredients in this. I feel like this is definitely some of the good stuff.” The arm that Anastasia leaned against found it self holding her hip as looked around to see what sort of things he could see now that his mind was open to the spirits - or at least that is how Roman seemed to portray this particular beverage when he heard it described.

“It reminds me of dirt!”Anastasia eagerly exclaimed with a huge smile. She threw her arms in the air as if this was an accomplishment to be proud of.
Farim couldn’t help but giggle at the silly nature of the woman in the moment. He held a hand up to his mouth and felt the giggling fit continue for a few moments, leaning into her as if to use her body as a small pillar of support. ”I suppose that is not too far off. Something about the way you said it was just too funny!” He stifled his giggling before thinking of another comedic comparison. ”I would have to say it reminds me of having to take medicine when we were young. I remember hiding from the nurses back home when they wanted me to take some kind of medicine for my cold. I think I stayed in that laundry basket for 6 hours!” He placed his finished drink on the table nearby. ”So what do we do now?”

“Dance with me, silly!!” Anastasia exclaimed with a playful giggle, dropping her emptied cup and seizing Farim's hands. With the upbeat rhythm of the music fueling her enthusiasm, she twirled him around in a whirlwind of laughter and movement. Taking his hand in hers and wrapping her other arm around his waist, she danced with him in a joyous and carefree manner.

With another giggle, Farim joined in the woman’s whimsical display of dance and joy. He held her hand above her head so that when she twirled, he held her steady. Once she finished he himself took large steps around her with slight kicks and stomps similar to how one might do a joyful dance back home. But with the shifting of the songs being sung, Farim couldn’t help but falter and slow his movements to give proper attention to what was happening on the center stage.

It wasn’t long before their dancing slowed as Anastasia’s attention suddenly fixated elsewhere, even as they had been spinning around. Moving much slower now, she returned her gaze on Farim, “Look at Mina Blackwood… Gorgeous redhead from Varian. Something’s wrong. You can hear it in her voice.” she murmured, her voice tinged with concern. Roman appeared to be comforting the girl, but Anastasia's sympathetic frown deepened as she observed from afar. However, her ability to comment further was cut short as an unmistakable silence fell over the crowd with the end of the song.

“Brothers, sisters, friends, and strangers. Our next song is meant to be somber, is meant to give reflection and remembrance to our ancestors! ...You and I are the culmination of all our ancestors’ hopes and dreams. What they worked lived and died for…Listen to our song, dance if you want, but we beseech you to take this time and remember those who came before you. Tell the others here your favorite stories of them, tell them who they were and laugh about it. If you still carry grief then express it one last time and let it go, the dead can not carry grief with them so neither should you.”

Anastasia's gaze drifted to the flickering flames of the fire as bags were thrown into it, causing the colors to shift and dance before her eyes. Entranced by the mesmerizing display, she found herself unable to pull her eyes away as the colors seemed to blend and warp, and the flickering flames took on a surreal glow. Her surroundings appeared to shimmer and distort, and a sense of disorientation washed over her. Fighting to maintain her composure, Anastasia clung to Farim's arm, her grip tightening as she struggled to make sense of the swirling images before her.

“ …Whoa...”

In Farim’s eyes, the world began to shift slightly. Every little detail he could perceive became exaggerated to borderline uncomfortable levels. The feeling was just as chaotic as it was unsettling, but after a brief pause to acclimate, the man continued listening to both the song and his dance partner. He took note of the way she looked at his cousin, chalking that little nugget of gossip away for now. But Anastasia was right, something wasn’t quite right about the way Mina was behaving. ”Hmm perhaps she is reacting poorly to the-”

It was all he could say before he saw him. In a far more pristine image than he had ever been used to, a man walked into Farim’s sightline wearing common clothing with a simple yet beautiful necklace adorned with a blue crystal. This same necklace is the one Farim wore, so he instinctively grasped it as he fully realized he was hallucinating the spirit of his long lost friend. ”M-Malik?” Farim meekly chirped. The spirit seemed to notice the young shehzade and saunter over to him with a smile on his face. Farim’s grip on Anastasia likely tightened as he took in the clear and lucid reality that his dead friend had just spoken to him.

“Did you see the pretty colors…” Anastasia’s gaze shifted to Farim as her voice drew off. Subsequently, she followed Farim’s line of sight to an empty spot on the ground, then back to him, then repeated the motion, before asking, “Huh?”

”These drinks sure are….potent.” As much as he wanted to look at Anastasia, his gaze simply fixated on Malik’s ghost who simply shrugged. ”It’s about time you noticed me, dummy! I’ve only lived in your necklace for the past few decades now.” Farim rubbed his eyes with one of his hands and looked over to the princess. ”Are…are you seeing things too?”

There was a dramatic silence before she informed him, “I see pretty swirls and colors.”

Farim’s eyes blinked for a moment and he looked at with growing concern. ”Not…people?” The man turned once more over to the seeming carefree spirit looking at the pair.

”Habibi, you are not feeling well I presume. You normally don’t see me so clearly. But yes I promise you are not losing yourself just yet. Try not to scare the pretty lady with your looks, friend.”

He looked back at Anastasia with a bewildered expression. ”I…see my friend who died when I was a young boy…and somebody else?” Farim’s eyes squinted as he began to make out another shape approaching him. One far more feminine in build and taller in stature than Malik’s spirit - and something about this apparition was different than Malik. This one contained a more distant feeling, as if there was not nearly as strong of a connection between Farim and them. He began to worry if this was another one of those scandals like the other night. ”Annie, is this supposed to be happening?”

“Uhh…” Anastasia peered in the direction of his gaze once more, but found she was still staring at an empty spot in the woods. Concern etched her features momentarily, but she quickly masked it with a reassuring smile that played at the corners of her lips. “ Do not be alarmed, but the drinks are totally drugged. But! I promise we’re okay. Just move with me. “ Her tone was gentle yet firm. She gently adjusted his positioning if he so let her as she guided him. She paused once his back was to the dreaded spot in the grass. “There. Keep your eyes on me instead. You’re safe with me.”

Farim had been through hallucinations, and he had seen dreams - or what he thought were dreams - involving his long lost friend and himself having long conversations into the night. The visions he began to see now began to dawn a reality on him that he did not truly like, and an uneasy feeling hit his chest. It really is him. All this time, it’s been him… If this magical potion truly did “connect us to the spirit of our ancestors” as Roman had claimed earlier, this entire episode would make sense - if not for the additional specter still making its way towards Farim and Anastasia.
But his nerves and shaky demeanor settled as the soothing voice of the princess guided him to a better state of mind. He was alive, and with her, grounded in this place, and merely observing the passing of spirits. While he wasn’t entirely calmed, he did as she requested, letting her guide his stance and keeping his eyes locked onto hers. ”I…I feel like something bad is happening. I do not know why. But I trust you. I have no concern over the drug…but these visions … are quite uhhh …. realistic.” He blinked several times as if to dispel the drug's effect on him, to little avail. Then he heard the other voice speak.

”Oh, hayati (my life). Look at how much you’ve grown. I am so happy to be seeing you in such good health. And with such a beautiful woman no doubt!” It was then the color drained from Farim’s face. ”M-Mother?”

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Guavav Village - Menzai's home
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

Phia's gaze lifted to fixate on the big fruit in his hands. A smile slowly formed on her lips as Cyrus spoke. "Riverfruits are my favorite fruit too..." she remarked softly, her words tinted with a hint of nostalgia. Her brows slightly furrowed as she considered the story he had told her. She couldn't recall ever having a Riverfruit slush yet at the same time she could, if once upon a dream. She could almost taste the icy sweetness of the fruit, envisioning it served in a rustic wooden cup. She, too, suddenly grabbed a riverfruit. Then, she sunk her teeth into it with unnecessary vigor.

After a moment of loud chewing, she looked at Cyrus once more, "Can you take me to where I can find the slush version sometime?"

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon --> Evening
Location: Guavav Village
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus @samreaper Menzai
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

Phia seemed perplexed by the answer she received from Cyrus, but relented as Menzai assured as well that no harm had been done. "Ooooo.... Viola... Her skill truly is remarkable, isn't it? Such a rare technique." she mused with genuine admiration. Her gaze then shifted to the female fairy, offering a warm smile filled with encouragement. "I'm so proud of you for building a skill to protect yourself," she added, bringing her hands together in a pleasant gesture.

As Menzai announced his departure, Phia's excitement for their time together dimmed. Once he paused before her, she turned to face him with a smile nonetheless.

"Good night, Menzai," she said, enveloping him in a passionate hug. "I will save you the greatest plate ever," she promised.

Then, she turned to Cyrus and Viola, "Well my lovelies. Follow me to the dining area of our home and we can eat!"

Phia led them inside Menzai's home, guiding them to a wooden dining table adorned with a variety of meats, breads, and fruits. To Phia's disappointment, Viola filled a plate and decided to take eat dinner alone in the guest room.

Seating herself across from Cyrus, Phia maintained her warm and encouraging demeanor. "Well, it's just you and I now. A nice opportunity for us to get to know each other and become friends," She said, picking up a spoon. Then, she held the larger part of the spoon in her palm and gripped it whilst using the thinner end of the spoon to stab a piece of meat and lift it to her mouth.

Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @JJ Doe Count Fritz @Samreaper Kazumin @Helo Leo
Mention: @Tpartywithzombi Violet @PapaOso Cassius

Charlotte bit her lip, her gaze shifting between the two before she spoke once more. "I visited Lady Violet the other night and she's not the same girl anymore... It was as if we were strangers. She may have wanted to be elsewhere tonight given she's not herself right now, but if we can find out anything else about the situation, it is worth doing so. I don't want to see her hurt..." she expressed, her concern evident. A vivid image of Lady Violet's red eyes and the deep gash flashed in her mind – the gash that had been right where the axe had struck.

"Again," she murmured under her breath, her eyes momentarily distant.

It was then she caught sight of Count Calbert speaking to another man in black and gold. She lingered on the splashes of silver in the man's hair for a moment before beginning to return her gaze to the two before her. Her attention subsequently fell on Lord Leo Smithwood as her eyes traveled back. He seemed to be circling the vicinity like a vulture seeking an opportunity.

"I currently lack any additional information to share, but I hope you both don't mind if I summon my friend Lord Smithwood," she said and attempted to catch Leo's attention by signaling him to join them. Her eyes met Count Fritz's once she sensed Leo's acknowledgment. "Please continue to tell me why you're disheartened."

Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @JJ Doe Count Fritz @Samreaper Kazumin

Charlotte had looked to Count Fritz and reached out to touch his hand tenderly, "...Why are you disheartened? Did someone hurt your feelings?"

She momentarily shifted her attention to Kazumin, her worried frown persisting as she absorbed the question. "... No." She answered. "I have not engaged with her in any form today nor discussed where she might be heading for the evening." Her gaze shifted to Count Fritz when he confirmed not having seen Violet either. The absence of Violet from her father's party puzzled Charlotte, but the unexpected interest from Kazumin added another layer of mystery. What exactly did he know?

"What prompted you to raise such a question?"
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Nearby Riverport
Interactions: @JJ Doe Jun
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, short sword, backpack, a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender, three memory glasses
Attire: His outfit


The crickets began to chirp as the sun had set. A black-haired elf treaded softly through the woods, each step accompanied by the rustling of branches beneath his feet. It had been hours and he had yet to find the human. He slowed to a pause as a heavy ache settled in his chest, and the familiar weight of sorrow draped over him like a shroud.

He had to find Jun and he would no matter what. But even then... What did he say to him to make him want to stay at this point? It had only been a week ago that a female elf had thrown her drink in his face and informed him he had been the least charismatic man she had ever met after Malachi had frustrated her with his cold words. That hadn't surprised him in the least. He hadn't had the energy to put much effort into others and was used to reactions as such.

What had surprised him had been the comment of someone nearby.

"He wasn't always like this."

Upon a glance, he recognized the speaker as someone he had once known back when all had been different.

He was right... I was different... Maybe the man I had been would have been the one who could comfort Jun and convince him that he'd be safe with me. If only I could just be him again.

Halting in his tracks, Malachi's hand instinctively delved into his pocket. Within the hidden recesses of his bag were memory glasses, he retrieved one small memory glass. As he gazed at the image captured within, his countenance softened. A silent reverie enveloped him, fingers delicately tracing the contours of a past that seemed distant. Back then, I was different. I truly believed I could protect them. Now I know I cannot truly protect anyone, no matter how much I want to... But this time I must. The dark elves will pay for what they have done.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught his eye. A distant figure, barely discernible in the night stirred hope within him. Without a second thought, Malachi's heart quickened, and he ran towards the figure, his emotions propelling him forward.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon --> Evening
Location: Guavav Village
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus @samreaper Menzai
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

"ENOUGH!" Viola's commanding shout filled the air, as Phia had been approaching. Though she had missed the context of the conversation, she could sense the intensity of the moment as the thorny vines drew outward. Phia halted where she stood, the sway of her magenta hair slowing with her hesitation. She was surprised to see such behavior from Viola, whom she had trusted to bring to Guarav. She frowned and hastened her steps toward the group. Thankfully Menzai had begun to step away and Viola hadn't harmed him with the thorns. Instead, she had retracted them.

Just as Viola had voiced her interest in food, Phia awkwardly joined, waving a hand once she had come into their field of vision, "Hello there... Cyrus and Viola." Her gaze, akin to doe eyes, absorbed the scene with a childlike wonder. Phia's genuine smile persisted as she decided to speak her mind, her way of expressing herself akin to someone who saw the world through a different lens. " I am glad to see that Viola has not chosen violence. I still am not happy though because it appeared like you were going to hurt my Menzai for a moment."

She then raised her small paint set with a playful yet determined glint in her eyes. "I brought this. We will make signs...After we eat."

Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @Helo Leo @JJ Doe Count Fritz @Samreaper Kazumin

" But what of you, Lady Butterfly? That... little episode you recently demonstrated?"

This is certainly Kazumin. Now that I am honing in on his voice I know for certain.

Charlotte's fingers delicately interwove as she pondered best how to answer that question. He had certainly noticed her reaching out toward nothing. Though, there was no telling what she looked like as the false imagery had unfolded before her.

"Well I... I don't know." She found herself sliding into the chair that had been pulled out and her gaze moved to Count Fritz, "Hi there. You look lovely. Oh..." She hesitated then added in answer to his question, I'm alright, and you?" She returned the smile, then glanced toward Kazumin. She hadn't wanted to particularly have a detective meeting without Leo, but she knew Kazumin had wanted to tell her something in private. She wondered if he too had plans for the night. Nevertheless, it was best he let her know soon so that she could bring Leo back into the conversation so as to not offend him too much. She had felt that her behavior could have come off rather rude toward him.

"Uhm... you wanted to tell me something, yes?"

Location: Violet's bedrooom
Time: Evening
Mention: @Tpartywithzombi Violet
Attire: Mask, Dress

Countess Lilianne Damien stood in the silent bedroom, the air heavy with an unsettling stillness. Moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a glow upon the empty room. The blonde adorned in a matching white feather mask and dress stood with dilated pupils. In her hands, she held a crumpled letter, now tainted with droplets of blood like crimson teardrops.

Her heart, a frantic drumbeat in the silence, quickened with each passing second. Panic gripped Lily as her eyes raced over the words in the letter.

Where is she?

In the quiet of the room, she turned her gaze to a hairbrush on her nightstand. I will find you, Violet. Whether you are trying to escape or someone matters not. I will not lose you again... He will not lose you again. She then looked down once more at the letter. If this Roman had something to do with her disappearance, he will pay a cost he could never dream of...I have to tell Calbert... This cannot wait. She then grabbed the hairbrush and left the bedroom with haste.

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Balolroom
Attire: Dress, Mask
Mention:@Silverpaw Wulfric @PapaOso Cassius

“If you do not push me, I will have no need to retaliate.”

The woman draped in red had been weaving through the crowd, though positioned close to her son with strategic purpose. A mask, an intricate tapestry of roses and thorns, veiled her features as she moved with grace through the ballroom. Her straight brown hair framed her face with not a strand out of place. Her gown, a deep red adorned with black lining, bore wings reminiscent of a dragon, matching the silent power she emanated. She had been careful to not wear anything that would set her apart from the crowd, as she sought to remain within the shadows of the gathering while projecting a subtle presence.

Wulfric's voice briefly snagged her attention, pulling her sharp gaze momentarily. Still, she turned away, keeping her back to the unfolding scene.

“No retaliation necessary, your highness. We are all here to have a fun evening, after all. It was lovely to meet you, Prince Wulfric. I look forward to our next little talk...Oh…and speaking of lovely…tell my Annie I said hello. It was such a pleasure getting to know her the other night.” A scowl etched across Alibeth's concealed countenance. Her red lips visibly tightened into a thin line.

How that girl could hold such consistency in her taste of poor company escapes me... Nonetheless, it is unacceptable for Wulfric to be spoken to in such a manner.

As Wulfric engaged in conversation with Captain Stratya Durmand, a scenario that found favor in Alibeth's discerning eyes, her attention shifted but did not waver entirely. The interaction was less alarming, and she granted it only a portion of her focus. Her gaze remained locked on the man with the silver locks entwined in his dark hair as Count Calbert Damien approached him. Her eyes simply narrowed as she considered the possibilities of that situation. When Captain Stratya eventually departed, leaving Wulfric alone, Alibeth closed the distance with purpose. She delicately placed a hand on Wulfric's forearm, her touch delicate despite her stern tone as she whispered in his ear, "From here on, disrespect, especially purposeful disrespect toward you and your siblings, will not be tolerated."
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