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Current I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
10 mos ago
Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
10 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @Helo Leo @JJ Doe Count Fritz @Samreaper Kazumin
Mention: @Rodiak Nahir

Charlotte blinked, seemingly snapped out of her reverie, and turned her gaze towards Leo. Her arm, which had been suspended mid-motion, dropped to her side as she regained self-awareness. Leo's words, initially registering as mere background noise, now began to process in her mind. "... Uh! Yes! I'm..." she stammered. Then, with genuine confusion in her eyes, she whispered, "What did you say about lettuce nobles?"

The truth was Charlotte could not invest much emotional weight into that question. Her mind was too busy trying to unravel the sudden shift in her reality.

... What in Primitius's name just happened? Was... Was I dreaming!? Keeping the storm of emotions swirling within beneath the surface was a challenge as she attempted to remain calm on the outside. However, on the inside, she was a mess. Unbeknownst to Charlotte, her nervous disposition was obvious to anyone with eyeballs. Did someone cast a spell on me? And now Leo must think I have lost my mind. How long was I standing there? Considering Olivia had telepathically spoke to her earlier in the evening, magic could not be ruled out. For better or worse, magic was real.

She had no idea if Leo would just shrug that off; the same way she had been unable to let go of the topic of his strange change in pitch. Certainly, if she told him what had happened, he would think she was crazy... But there was someone here who might not. Her gaze slid over to Count Hendrix and the "mysterious" waiter. She was supposed to meet by the pillar after all but she by no means wanted to ditch Leo alone. Her gaze lingered about as she scrambled through her head for a solution until she was distracted by the sight of a certain Alidasht princess. "I h-have, well, uh, a quick question for Count Fritz about his findings... I think the girl you like is just over yonder by the way if you wanna say hello, otherwise, I'll be back in a moment."

She hesitated before moving. With a warm smile, she took his hand and squeezed it, "Hey...Save me a dance?"
Though her wish was to avoid Leo figuring out the attendant's identity, she couldn't stop him from following her if he so decided and she'd have to simply try to keep the situation handled if that was the case. Without waiting, Charlotte turned around and approached the duo she had intended to, her unease still written on her face.

Greeting the two with an elegant curtsy that ended with a clumsy misstep, she said, "Evening gentlemen. Having fun over here I hope?"

She decided to perhaps just lead with the greeting for now, but her eyes did fall questioningly on the man who invited her to the pillar.

Location:Damien Estate Ballroom
Time: Evening
Attire: Mask Suit
Interactions:@PapaOso Cassius @Helo Leo

As Count Calbert Damien’s attention focused on a duo at the center of a disruptive fit of laughter that had occurred quite timely after his speech, he had immediately made his way down the stairs toward the man adorned with a peculiar lion mask, and the woman by his side. The laughter had echoed, disrupting the delicate equilibrium that Count Damien sought to maintain within the room. An unsettling feeling crept up Calbert's spine; he was convinced that the laughter was directed at him.

The audacity to mock me in my very house!

A surge of predatory anger, a familiar fire, coursed through him. He quickened his pace, his steps heavy with the weight of his displeasure. Behind the lion mask, Calbert imagined a smug satisfaction. As he had been about to reach them, the intensity of his emotions momentarily gave way to a peripheral glimpse of his son, Cassius. In that brief moment, Calbert's keen eyes caught enough to send a ripple of awareness through him. He was well aware of what had been provided to Cassius, but more importantly, the tension in the air was unmistakable between Cassius and the man he had been having an exchange with. Instead of moving immediately, he instead had allowed his gaze return to the lion-masked man and then the woman with the butterfly wings.

If the long raven hair wasn’t a giveaway, then the butterfly theme certainly was.

.A flicker of memory danced before his eyes, accompanied by the distant echo of Duke Walter's voice calling out to “his butterfly”.

Well... I see you’ve come to play after all. And then that must be Lord Leo Smithwood…You two have been long time friends, after all. His thoughts meandered, a wry smile playing on his lips. Your allegiance is loud and clear, Lord Smithwood… And make no mistake… You will suffer for it… And do I ever have plans for you, dear boy. We'll see who's laughing then. His eyes made their way to Charlotte and he let his smile linger.

Surveying the lock of hair twirled by Charlotte's fingers, Calbert changed his course, aligning with a determined stride toward his son.

If only she was more like you, Walter.

Time: Night
Location: The edge of Lover's Lake
Attire:Dress, A crown of various flowers
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim

"Of course not, I was really excited to see you tonight so you've been on my mind today too..." Her voice drew off as she acknowledged the brush of his hand against her hip. "Callum is hosting actually. Strange right? Think my dad forced him into the role or something. He's always pissed at poor Callum... Whom I was hoping to see here actually. Still gotta try to work everything out between us."

It had been then the ceremony had taken full swing. "I think I've been to something like this before too, but I was definitely inebriated."

When Farim had asked what day the event would be, she glanced at Farim and informed him, "I believe in two days. I gotta check with Callum though and confirm." Howls suddenly took her attention to the ceremony once more. For fun, she joined in with the howling, looking to Farim with a grin. Mina and Roman started to dance, and the princess found herself quite enamored with the display. She cheered along with enthusiasm and repeated the names of gods and goddesses as she heard them, slightly mispronouncing some of them but the energy was there nonetheless.

She turned to Farim and whispered, "If they start singing, wanna dance with me?"

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport
Interactions: @JJ Doe Jun @Helo Zion @Tae Kenia
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, short sword, backpack, a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender
Attire: His outfit

Once the spiders had been dealt with, Malachi and Kenia had attempted to spend a few moments trying to locate Jun, only to find he was gone. Faced with no other recourse, they carried the injured Zion to the River Port medical center, where a team of physicians and healing fairies sprang into action. They had decided to sedate Zion to ensure a calm environment for his treatment, given his large and powerful lion demihuman form would be dangerous if he started to thrash about.

Reluctant to leave Zion in the care of someone they had only just met, especially under such dire circumstances, Malachi hesitated before leaving to look for Jun. Fortunately, Enstille joined them, providing a familiar presence.

Despite protests from the medical workers, who now knew about the spiders looming outside River Port, Malachi harbored a determination to first locate Jun and then hopefully find time to report the incident to the River Port town council. However, this task proved more challenging than anticipated. As the night enveloped the surroundings, Malachi found himself navigating through dense woods, clutching an orb of light that cast its dim glow through between the trunks of the trees.

A terrible sense of deja vu closed in on the elf as he found himself alone. His voice echoed through the canopy as he yelled out Jun's name into the darkness.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon --> Evening
Location: Guavav Village
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus @13org Viola @Alivefalling Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @samreaper Menzai
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

After lunch, Phia escorted Cyrus, Viola, and Darius back to her and Menzai's home, and offered up her bedroom to Cyrus and Viola to relax in for the day after such an arduous ordeal. Her room was a bizarre sight to most besides Phia. As they walked in, the sound of windchimes filled the air. The wooden walls served as a canvas for a varying assortment of trinkets. Shimmering crystals dangled from the ceiling, casting kaleidoscopic patterns across the room as they caught the sunlight filtering through the windows. In one corner, a collection of colorful rocks and gems sparkled rounded wooden shelves. Bones adorned the window sills. Two handcrafted swing seats hung from sturdy ropes like suspended cocoons. The seats themselves were adorned with plush cushions and draped with soft fabrics.

A soft hum filled the air, emanating from a cluster of peculiar little bugs that fluttered and chirped in circular glass containers, suspended from the ceiling by strands of thread. Fireflies darted about her bedroom and flowers seemed to be growing out from the cracks of her floorboards. A young fox was curled up on top of her bed, sound asleep.

As a tarantula scuttered across the floor, Phia scooped it up in the palms of her hands and turned to Viola and Cyrus with a smile. "I have plenty of snacks and books with pretty pictures in the cupboard on the right. Please make yourself at home, precious friends. I have important matters I must attend to, then I would like to meet with you two for supper tonight pleasely. We can talk about finding your family. I will bring something to draw with so we can make posters. " After a pause, she added very seriously, "Feel free to pet my baby boy Sunny over there. He loves head pats."

Following that, she had checked in on Darius, inviting him to accompany her to visit Dante, who thankfully was in good condition. However, he was resting which was no surprise after what he had been through today. Phia subsequently found Menzai once he had returned and decided to remain at his side while he was recovering. She felt the strong urge to protect him. Knowing that she had almost lost him had unnerved her. It wasn't a feeling she was used to and she did not enjoy it.

Phia had eventually fallen asleep, her head faceplanted into the side of the bed, her body contorted in an unusual position, and a tarantula seated neatly on her head. As the hours passed and night set in, she began to stir.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Interaction: @Lava Alckon@Potter@Helo@FunnyGuy@Alivefalling@Tae@Mole@Pink Khione@samreaper@13org@Conscripts@JJ Doe@SilverPaw@Th3King0fChaos@dreamingflowers@Apex Sunburn@ShiningSector@Tpartywithzombi

The day continues on for our adventurers and the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape of Avalia. The towering mushrooms and ancient trees, once illuminated by the vibrant pink of midday, now stand silhouetted against the darkening sky. As the night arrives, the world comes alive with the soft flutter of wings and the gentle hum of magical energies. Pixies and fireflies, tiny beacons of luminescence, dance through the air.

While the night appears to usher in peacefully, the responsibility of preserving that peace rests squarely on your shoulders...

Please discuss with your groups if need be and agree upon what has transpired within your group over the course of the day. Then, allow one designated person per group to be in charge of setting the scene. Anyone wanting to finish up any morning activities must please be clear about the time of their post and treat it as a flashback. Thank you.

Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @Helo Leo

Charlotte let her brows furrow as Leo stayed in place. She appreciated his bravery, especially toward Calbert. Perhaps she even would have loved to stand up to him then and there too. However, instead, she frowned at her friend, then glanced in the count’s direction.

Guests swirled around them and in between them, oblivious to the rising tension. Despite the space that separated them, Charlotte could feel the weight of Calbert's intense gaze even throughout the brief movements of obscured vision. The very air around him carried a malevolence that sent shivers down her spine.

Calbert's attention briefly wavered, his calculating eyes darting elsewhere, and for a moment, relief washed over Charlotte. But the respite was short-lived as his eyes very soon returned to them. The pause stretched, an agonizing silence that heightened the anticipation. And then, as if the silence were a prelude to a storm, Calbert's lips curled into a smile devoid of warmth. With deliberate slowness, Calbert changed direction, the smile lingering.
Charlotte nervously twirled a lock of her hair, attention fixed on the count's retreating figure. When he disappeared from view, her gaze shifted to Leo, concern etched across her face.

“When did that happen to your voice?” Her voice, tinted with worry, broke the silence. “Quite frankly, Leo, I'm a little concerned. “

That laughing fit. That was so strange... Did someone use magic on him? The questions danced in her mind as she awaited her friend’s answer.

Her gaze drifted over his shoulder, attuned to a shift in the atmosphere. The room had suddenly seemed to brighten, and colors had become more vibrant, leaving her momentarily disoriented. As she glanced about with confusion, brown eyes, framed by a deep blue mask, met hers, igniting a surge of nostalgia within her almost immediately. He had brown hair that was swept back in a gentle wave and a face that held a delicate beauty. She could not tear her gaze away as her eyes followed his movements as he twirled with an unseen partner.

A haunting melody of the music added an otherworldly quality to the scene as it echoed dimly through the grand hall.

The man seemed out of place, his entire presence standing out against the backdrop of the room. His partner came into view as they weaved through the crowd and moved closer. She was a small black-haired woman in a white feather mask and a glimmering long white gown. The pair momentarily paused, acknowledging Charlotte before the man gently broke away from her.

A step back was Charlotte's instinctive response as he drew near, his hand extending towards her. A warm smile graced his face as his hand lingered, reaching out to her. Time seemed to freeze, the music pausing in tandem. The next few moments were suspended in that moment. The man unrealistically remained just where he was as they seemed to stare at each other amongst of room of statues.

She finally reciprocated, reaching for his hand.

Then, in an instant as their fingers just barely graced each other, it all vanished. He vanished. And as it all disappeared it became ever so clear that the scene presented to her had been a different ballroom and a different time, with people who were not here anymore. Yet, Charlotte stood there, hand outstretched toward the air, caught in the echo of a memory that had somehow momentarily intertwined with the present.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport
Interactions: @JJ Doe Jun @Helo Zion @Tae Kenia @Alivefalling Stupid spiders
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, short sword, backpack, a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender
Attire: His outfit

Malachi's focus wavered as he noticed Jun departing with the child. An initial pang of frustration gripped him at the apparent abandonment, yet after a moment he felt relief. The grim reality was that it was best Jun and the child moved away. Zion was proof the spiders were not to be underestimated. However, what truly surprised him, was Kenia joining him in his attack with the rare skill and expertise. Even in his overwhelming emotion, he could not take his eyes off her.

Her strikes were akin to a viper's calculated precision. She was more than a beautiful woman bringing baked goods to her neighbors. Her deadly ballet was a dance that outshone many trained men he had fought with. ... Who is she?

It wasn't long before the spider had laid in a lifeless mass before them. He strung his bow immediately and spun on his feet, knowing very well that these creatures were never alone. His gaze locked on Zion in time to watch him his body being drawn into the forest. A surge of urgency flickered in Malachi's eyes and he moved forward. He imbued his sword with light magic as Zion roared and struck the webbing holding Zion with his sword. "You will not have him. " With gritted teeth, he shot bolts of light up into the canopy one after the other with a sense of desperation to end this. Zion needed to be taken for healing sooner rather than later.

Time: Night
Location: The edge of Lover's Lake
Attire:Dress, A crown of various flowers
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim

"Oh look at you! Blue's a great color on both of us." Anastasia ran her hand down the fabric of his sleeve with intrigued amber eyes that gradually met his gaze with a subtle, teasing glint. As he inquired about her day, Anastasia's expression softened, and she began recounting her adventures with enthusiasm. "And guess what? I made a new friend! He proposed a brilliant idea for a concert at my brother's charity event. Looks like I'll need to start preparing a song!"

Taking a moment to appreciate Thara, who had captured her attention, Anastasia cooed and extended a gentle hand toward the majestic bird. "I've missed my pretty girl!" Her smile widened, radiating the genuine affection she held for the winged companion.

As the ceremony unfolded before them, Anastasia's expressive eyes widened with curiosity and awe, her playful demeanor momentarily subdued by the gravity of the moment.

She had whispered to him after a pause,"Oh, Farim, can you feel the magic in the air? I've never witnessed something so enchanting!" As the shaman and Roman chanted in unison, Anastasia leaned in, finding herself caught in the mystique of the moment

When the duo walked around the stone circle, dripping the red liquid onto the stones, Anastasia's gaze followed their every step. The air became charged with a palpable energy.

"Farim, isn't this extraordinary? The way they move in unison, the words they speak—it's as if they're one with nature..." she mused, her tone revealing her fascination.

Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @Helo Leo @Samreaper ???

Charlotte had beamed at her friend, returning his bow with a curtsy. However, his strange tone of voice had immediately thrown her for a loop and it was absolutely written on her face. "...Welcome to the Fae Realm, my feline friend."

She decided she'd simply circle back to the high-pitched voice, as she was fairly certain that was not a usual symptom of a common cold. "Oh, Leo, dear Leo," she continued, her tone exaggeratedly dramatic, " It seems you've stumbled into the realm of the fae without proper precautions. A rookie mistake, truly. Fear not, for I, the Fairy Queen Charlotte, shall graciously grant you asylum, though you might have to endure a sneeze or two as a tribute to my royal presence."

Her expression became more sincere as she parted her lips, planning to address the situation with more concern, but then a voice interrupted.

” Pardon the interruption... I have brought refreshments.”

Charlotte took a second to steal a glance around the room. Servers glided throughout the ballroom, bearing trays adorned with an array of tantalizing hors d'oeuvres and drinks. Her gaze was inevitably drawn back to the glasses of wine being presented.

A soft gasp escaped her lips as her eyes widened in surprise. The drink before her was a sight to behold. Nestled within the glass was a delicate lily. In the soft glow of the room, the drink sparkled like captured stardust, casting a mesmerizing glimmer across the surface. Charlotte couldn't help but be entranced as the server went on. She took it within her grasp, her fingertips tingling at the touch of the cool crystal. "Oooooh my. This is wonderful..."

Her eyes did find their way back to the server once he spoke again and Charlotte tilted her head, her curiosity piqued, much like a curious puppy as he spoke, “ For it takes a fierce man to don such exquisite footwear, wouldn’t agree, my lady.”

That voice... Something about that hair... Her attention was fixated on the intriguing curve of his mustache, a detail that seemed to demand her gaze. It was as if the very essence of his being was encapsulated in that twist of hair. Yet, her focus was finally shattered by the sudden wink and head motion.

He wants me to go to the pillar... Realization washed over her like a wave, and she found herself nodding, her lips forming a silent agreement as she mouthed she'd be in there a moment. Simultaneously, her mind raced with thoughts that mingled with disbelief.

... I cannot believe he's doing this. No, actually, I can...

“Offly chatty servant...Dreadful excuse for a mustache too. Here I thought it was only the palace that scrapped up servants from the bottom of the barrel.”

"He was a tad strange." Charlotte agreed simply as Leo pointed out Count Fritz. "Oh good. The gang's all here then." She noted to herself she'd have to speak with him as well before the evening ended.

Her gaze briefly moved to Calbert as he welcomed the room, acknowledging his presence before her eyes locked onto his once more as he spoke of the tea party. "Before we address that, I have to express that I'm awfully concerned about-"

Their conversation was almost immediately derailed by an uncontrollable fit of laughter, echoing through the room. Her brow furrowed in worry, unease etching her features as his laughter grew with intensity. She first noticed that the eyes of those nearby had fallen on them. Subsequently, she also noticed Count Calbert Damien approaching them, his steps heavy and his speed growing by the second. Though much of his facial expression was obscured, it was not hard to put together that he clearly thought Leo was laughing at him and he was NOT happy at all.

She entwined her arm with Leo's and forced herself to laugh along. As this was occurring, Charlotte began trying to turn him away from Calbert with the strength of her grip. She loudly proclaimed with deliberate emphasis, "Oh I still cannot believe you ate that WEEK OLD CHEESE to impress those girls! Hahaha!"
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