Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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4 mos ago
best I got's a microwave burrito and a handle of popov, straight
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7 mos ago
when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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1 yr ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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1 yr ago



Most Recent Posts

Renar Hagen

Ah. Fresh drama. Renar almost snorted in contempt as the nem's effects told one story to be reinforced by the use of actual writing. Clearly, a hapless adventurer manipulated into an idiotic, near-suicidal assassination attempt through a hostage situation. This couldn't have been the entire plot. What were this nem's employers banking on? That desperation would result in a suicide attempt? The trick with assassinations was that it was remarkably easy to kill someone if one didn't care to continue breathing afterward. A good assassin lived to tell the tale and not give away any clues afterward.

Frankly, Renar didn't care one whit for the assassin's little family drama. The girl's story seemed to move Gerard, goddesses bless him, and likely Fanilly and Fionn as well. But frankly, Renar only cared for finding who was pulling the strings. This wouldn't end until they were caught.

The Bastard of Brias's grip on the assassin stayed firm even as he glanced down at his captive.

"Names and places." He said after Gerard made his inquiry. "If you want your sister safe, we both have a vested interest in ensuring this mastermind is found and secured."
Nakano Nagi

Finally. Class and club were over for the day. Nagi sighed in relief as she finished helping the other members of the cooking club tidy up the clubroom before taking their aprons off and starting to file out. What a pain in the ass. As much as she liked what she did here, the other members being mildly intimidated by her was really starting to get old. At this rate, she might have to see about doing another study abroad for her senior year, like she did in middle school. At least overseas, no one knew or even cared that she was a yakuza boss's kid. Of course, that depended on if her current situation changed or not.

"Fuckin' a." Nagi muttered under her breath as she strode through the hallways, pulling her phone out. Huh. No orders yet, or even a missed call. Weird. Usually, her new bosses would've had something for her by the end of the day. Within her, Belial stirred slightly as Nagi palmed the Awakening Drive she kept tucked in her uniform blazer's pocket. At this point, it was force of habit.

Still, if she wasn't needed yet, Nagi supposed she might as well go home. She still had to cook four meals' worth of food as usual: dinners and lunches for both herself and her old man. Not that they'd get to enjoy a family meal if things kept going on as they were. The government had been cracking down ever harder on the yakuza, and her dad and the rest of the clan were stretched thin trying to make ends meet under the new laws. Not that Nagi begrudged him that. She knew the score. Didn't make it suck any less, though.

"Let's see..." She murmured as she strode through the school halls toward the entrance. "What to make? Wait, did I run out of salt? Motherfucker." Guess a trip to the grocery store was in order as soon as she was free of the campus.
Dragan Meszaros

Dragan said nothing in response to Giles's ultimatum, only nodding in response and proceeding downward. With the limited information available to the headman, it was only logical for him to take such an action in defense of his people, plus he didn't know that a barricaded door had very little effect in the face of vampiric strength. Dragan wouldn't begrudge him that.

As the three vampires reached the bottom of the stairs, Dragan scanned the situation in an instant. Two beasts: one feasting on a human and the other threatening more. While Dragan was curious as to why the latter seemed unwilling to cross the field, he didn't have the luxury of having the time to question such. Target prioritization came first. However reluctant the second beast was to advance on the remaining humans, that might change once they began their assault. That one would have to go first.

Blood pooled in Dragan's veins, flowing to his limbs as he raised his hammer and leapt towards the beastman snarling at the humans in a lunge. The Death Knight took the beast from the flank, aiming to smash his weapon into the side of the creature's head and smash its brains in.
Renar Hagen

Well, Renar wasn't exactly going to suggest that they torture the nem in plain view of the princesses. They had dungeons for that, after all. Still, the girl's slashed throat suggested that this path of inquiry would lead to no results. That said, if this assassin's handlers saw fit to mangle their own agent, it seemed likely enough that her loyalties to her employer and superiors would be less than sterling.

As for extracting information out of her, Renar did notice an avenue they'd not taken yet. Just as he was about to start, Felix came in from the side as if to try to seize credit after doing absolutely nothing. Oh, for the love of...

"Wait your turn, buffoon." Renar hissed near-silently into Felix's ear, out of earshot of Fanilly and the princesses, at the very least. "If you want to interfere, you can do so after we're finished here."

"One moment," He said politely to his superiors and the royals as he began to pat the nem assassin down. Hopefully he'd find something on her person that would provide a clue. A competent killer wouldn't leave anything incriminating on themselves in case of death or capture, but judging by her haphazard attempted shooting, they weren't exactly dealing with a master criminal here. Whatever he found, he'd turn over to Tyaethe first.
Valerie Durand

Oh, boy. How to get out of this one? She'd dueled the guy last night, of course she should have realized that he'd probably have questions about what the hell had happened if he was just a normal person. And what weird Obelisk girl? Valerie had caught brief glimpses of an Obelisk uniform during the previous evening's shitstorm, but she didn't get a good glance at who exactly it was. Still, it was good to know that at least someone else on this island had an idea of what Duel Spirits were. What wasn't good was that now the onus of explaining all this was dumped onto Valerie.

Or it would be, if she actually gave a crap about it. As it stood, she was in no mood to deal with any of this. Plus, thanks to the Obelisk girl, Valerie couldn't even play dumb and pretend it wasn't just an elaborate case of smuggled alcohol and drugs. Great.

"Alright, I'm going to keep this short." Valerie tucked her deck away with a sigh, turning to face Leo as she sat. "The Obelisk girl wasn't screwing with you, spirits are real. If you can't see or hear them, tough luck. It took years of being around one for me to hear him, but considering there's more than a few of those around this island, who knows? Anyways, if you don't believe in Duel Spirits, we're about done here. I seriously can't explain this otherwise."

@King Cosmos
Renar Hagen

In truth, Renar hadn't expected his move to have worked as well as it did. Going for the takedown had really just been to force the assassin's hand and manuever them into a position for any of the knights chasing the hooded figure to be able to catch them. But as he brought the attempted killer to the ground from behind, Renar certainly wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Even as the assassin went down, Renar flung his sword hand out, sliding his blade out of his grasp and along the ground. It wouldn't do for them to get any bright ideas about suicide in the face of capture and interrogation. With both hands freed, Renar proceeded to grasp both of the tiny figure's hands and lock them behind their back, even as he applied his body weight down on their back to keep them pinned. Even though she wasn't trying to get away, he wasn't taking any chances with the nem.

"I need bindings, now!" Renar called out to the crowd around him, hoping that one of his fellow Iron Rose or even a Crown Knight had something usable on them. "Rope, twine, cuffs, it doesn't matter!

Once he was inevitably brought a method to keep the assassin's hands bound, Renar proceeded to drag her up to her feet and frogmarch the nem to a safe distance but still within speaking range of the princesses, Fanilly, and Tyaethe.

"Your Highnesses. Knight-Captain." He expressed deference as best as he was able while restraining the assassin, which amounted to a deep nod of his head. "What do you wish done with this person? I don't suppose you've an interrogator on retainer?"
Dragan Meszaros

A breach in the tunnels? Dragan furrowed his brow from beneath his helmet, considering the state of the room they were in. As it stood, the villagers had used too much of their available materials barricading the front already. Any patchwork blockade they'd try to block off the basement door was doomed to fail.

"Enough of that." Dragan hefted his hammer up in his hands as he advanced on the entrance to the basement alongside Aleksiya. "Master Giles, we both know there isn't enough left here to secure the other door. We will secure the lower levels."

He glanced back towards his two fellow vampires for a moment, considering. Any tunnels below would likely be narrow enough that all three proceeding down would be more of a hindrance than a help in close quarters, and there was still the concern of the front door's barricade breaking down. However, these were his peers, not his armies. They would do as they will, regardless of his wishes.

"I will take the van. Do try to watch your range of casting." He said, throwing the door open and proceeding down into the basement.

@Rune_Alchemist @VitaVitaAR @Asuras
Renar Hagen

It was a stroke of luck that Renar had even noticed the crossbow being drawn by the small, hooded figure. He'd been idly glancing around the party to avoid paying too much overt attention towards the royals, even as he listened in. By the time Fanilly shouted in alarm, his sword was halfway out of its scabbard as he started rushing forward. Unfortunately, he was nowhere quick enough to intercept the crossbow bolt. Fortunately, the Gentle Blade had that covered. He'd halted for just a moment to confirm the princess's safety before taking off in a sprint after the assassin.

Serenity and Tyaethe's words echoed in his ears, and he noted with some amusement that Serenity wasn't even bothering to give him orders. Fortunately, the First and Youngest's sentiments echoed his own in this situation. The priority was to go for the capture. Stopping an assassination was all well and good, but these sorts of things had to be cut off at the source. Someone wanted a royal of Thaln dead, and depending on who made the commission, it could result in war.

With this in mind, Renar thanked the sun and moon that the assassin was rather short. Agile, yes. But he was gaining on them, thanks to the difference in the length of their strides. In the corner of his eye, he noticed the massive wall of black armor that was presumably a knight, and he settled on his plan.

As Renar sprinted past an alarmed serving boy, he snatched the empty, circular serving tray the man was carrying with his left hand, his right still clutching his sword.

"I'll be borrowing this." He said hastily as he tore after the assassin.

As Haelstadt moved to cut the killer off, Renar took the tray and hurled it like a discus, aiming for the fleeing figure's back. Even as he threw, he poured on the speed in one final burst, aiming to catch the assassin and tackle them to the ground while they were occupied with dodging or being hit. Oh, to imagine Felix's face if he pulled this off...
Valerie Durand

"Today's parent visitation day."

"...Fuck." Valerie muttered under her breath at the announcement, folding her arms in front of her. For the entire rest of the period, her expression was practically murderous and she stormed out of class without a word. The only thing that gave her pause was Haruko giving her a free card...

...Ash Blossom? Damn. They almost never printed this card, and Haruko was entirely comfortable just giving her one? Between this and last night, how the hell was this girl a Slifer?

"Wait, seriously? Look, you don't have to. All I did last night was get wrecked twice-"

"Just take it. If you don't, I'll get angry."

Well, there wasn't really anything she could say to that, could she? So with a resigned sigh, Valerie took the card and tucked it away, making a mental note to slot it into her deck later.


Some time later, Valerie managed to slink away from the crowd of students waiting for the boats. Instead, she sat atop a shipping crate, pulling her deck box and her collection out as she went through her cards, retuning her deck to both include Ash Blossom and account for the weaknesses she'd seen in last night's duels with what she had. Damn, she really needed to hit the card shop soon. There wasn't much in her current collection that would help much.

"Valerie." Ceruli materialized, sitting down on the crate next to her. "Do you want to-"

"No." She said flatly as she resleeved her cards. "I gave up on this changing years ago."

"Very well." Ceruli sighed as he propped himself up to his feet. "Know that I will be present should you wish to speak of it. In any case, it seems you've a visitor. I'll make myself scarce."

“Hey, Dark World girl! You got a minute?”

Oh, what now? Valerie glanced up at the familiar voice as she finished retooling her deck.

"Oh. You're the HERO player from last night." She remarked tonelessly, idly shuffling her deck and drawing a test hand. "Look, today's not great. Can we make this quick? You need something?"

@King Cosmos
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