Ranbu no Izayoi

A vivid nightmare had plagued Arton's sleep, causing him to toss and turn throughout the night. Despite this, he had woken up around dawn as he always did. After a short wash, Arton packed his things and donned his armor. His pack was a little on the heavy side but it did contain all of his possesions. It wasn't like there was a home he could return to. Arton made sure to check on Neve as the group departed the castle and prayed she could find some rest on the trip.
Arton managed to mount his chocobo with a bit of effort. It had been sometime since he had a chance to ride one. The wanderer flashed his signature smile towards the crowds and waved goodbye as they left the city. Having travelled a good distance, Arton's thoughts began to dwell on the comrades that accompanied him. He felt like he had a good read on those who remained, all except one: Ranbu. That was what had him staring as he rode behind her. She was without a doubt bloodthirsty, but there was more to it than that. He intended to find out.
He gave the regins of his chocobo a little flick and moved up besides her
"Ranbu, I apologize if this is a ignorant question but why do you hate Valheim so much?" Arton felt that if he were to trust the Mystrel he had to know.
Izayoi hadn't been beset by cheering crowds since the emperor had raised her in his esteem, at the very beginning of the war. There simply hadn't been time after. Like many other things, time and weariness soured this experience for her. Would they be cheering as greatly if they'd known who she was? The woman responsible for many of the deaths of their sons, their husbands, their brothers?
Not that they would find out. Her straw hat obscured the top half of her face and her hair to the onlookers, and crimson robes didn't quite carry the same visual notoriety that her black war plate had. Still, she kept silent through the entirety of the procession out of the city and towards the Stormseas. The return to Osprey would be much quicker than her arrival to Edren, considering she would be crossing the fields of grass mounted rather than on foot this time. Izayoi consigned herself to simply listening to the rest of the party to pass the time until Arton decided to approach her.
"Ranbu?" Izayoi echoed, one eyebrow lifted. Of all the...of course. Foreign ignorance, to say nothing of the other matter. First things first.
"My given name is Izayoi. Ranbu is a title, gifted to me in the old tongue of Osprey. I will not begrudge your lack of knowledge this one time, as you are an outlander." She took a breath, trying to decide on how much to reveal of her grudge with Valheim. The logical part of her mind knew that full disclosure would be for the best, but she had little desire to show her pain to strangers.
"As for Valheim...you would be a fool to ask this within Osprey's borders. The Edrenians at least left once they had stolen what they desired." A pointed look in Galahad's direction.
"Valheim subjugates us. Renders us second-class citizens within our own lands. The occupiers are neither merciful nor benevolent. You will see once we arrive." A deep, shuddering breath. Just beginning to list off Valheim's offenses ignited more rage within herself than she'd thought. Enough to throw caution to the wind. They would find out eventually, regardless.
"Their soldiers slew my husband and my daughter. Razed my village. Massacred everyone who lived within. Is that reason enough for you?" Izayoi spat at Arton, her grip tightening on her chocobo's reins.
"Vengeance for them is the only concern I have. So long as Valheim and the Blight are linked, you have my sword. But do not get in the way of my sole reason left to draw breath."Arton could feel a flush in his cheeks at his embarrassing mistake. The whole time he had gotten her name wrong. Izayoi's expression gave him pause to consider retracting his question, but he stayed committed. The look on his face grew solemn as she explained her reasoning, but it did not prepare him for the rest of it.
The blue eyes of the Sollan darkened for the first time since meeting team Kirin. Was this who he could have become? A demon hell-bent on revenge? His heart ached for the loss Izayoi and her people had suffered. Their loves ones and their very freedom. Arton at the very least had the second part. Would she beleive him? That he knew a fraction of her pain? He quickly glanced around at the others. Perhaps it was only right to share his own experience.
"Thank you..for sharing. I doubt whatever condolences I could offer would mean much, but I wish..I wish I could have met them I suppose." His thumbs rubbed the learher straps for a moment
"Bandits murdered my parents before my eyes, and kidnapped my closest friend. We had been traveling in a wagon much like the one we have. A few guards for protection...but it did not matter." Arton spoke so only her ears could hear, consicous of the Viera in their party
"A kind stranger took me in. He taught me how to smith and fend for myself." He finished now looking ahead.
Some of the fire in Izayoi's eyes dimmed as Arton seemed to accept her reasoning, replaced with the same weariness that had accompanied her since that day atop the mountain. She'd been hoping he would just accept her words and move on, but then he started up with his own experiences.
In the interest of group cohesion, Izayoi resisted the urge to sigh. She hadn't intended on this becoming a sharing of trauma, despite the fact that his story was so close to her own youth. But it would be more than rude to rebuff him if he was so willing to reciprocate.
"The same happened to myself as a child. Though my master was not what I would describe as kind." She replied in an equally quiet tone to Arton's.
"But I will be forever grateful to him for teaching him what I needed to survive." Izayoi finished before urging her chocobo a few paces ahead, clearly uninterested in speaking more on the subject.
"Your condolences are...appreciated." She said in a more normal volume so that the rest of the party wouldn't grow too curious.
"I would hope that it does not become a habit from yourself or otherwise. It will grow tiresome quickly." Mother above, if the rest of them decided now was a good time to express sorrow or pity, she may as well gallop ahead.