Avatar of Pumpkinlord


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9 yrs ago
Current Waterworld D&D


27 year old Pokémon VGC player from Texas who likes to RP.
I also play guitar and enjoy hiking.
My favorite RP's would be stuff like...
D&D style
Star Wars
End of the world style
Dragonball Z
Super Hero
Others I cant think of now lol

Most Recent Posts

Cool, accepted. Can't wait to see her in action.



Thanks, awesome!
A bit more about the setting...
The year is 2065, Omega city (new york) the future is now. Hover skate boards, hover "choppers" hover cars. Not flying quite yet but they have eliminated the use for tires. The economy of the u.s.a has stabilized and they have switched over to an all credits money system the currency dubbed "creds" by the populace. (Totally stole that from batman beyond. .)
The cities crime rate has gone beyond the normal, criminals believing they can run wild. A few Heroes have risen and taken a stand. They have decided to team up or at least work together in an attempt to clean the city up.
Sevral anti mutant groups, anti- super power groups have gained a footing in the government. People have started harassing innocent mutants.
Non mutant super heroes have also been looked down upon.
Looks good so far, let me know when your ready to submit it :)

Same for you, looks good let me know when your done and ready.

Looks good so far, I totally thought it was a blunderbus flintlock b4 I read that it was a pump action net gun. Lol cool.
Classes would be like,
It seems that she would be kinda like an artificer or somthing. You can mix classes as well.
Also I thought I would mention that Hengeyokai are also available as a player race.
Yes lol I remember that show from when I was young. Need more shows like that now days !!

Awesome I'll take a look at it right now.

No prob :)

Cool I will read it after I read Osmius character.

Thanks everyone for your interest!
Awesome I look forward to seeing it once it's complete!
(Side note, armor is just as scarce and useally made from bone, wood, synth, shark leather or whatever kind of leather.Hemp or seaweed cloth is the most common type of clothing [rags] people wear)

The limits will be pretty harsh since its a survival RP in a way. So feel free to give the tinker gnome things like,

Salt water reverseanator: makes fresh water out of sea water but is prone to malfunctioning and breaking.

The self inflateing air raft: a synth air raft.

Small sub: a steampunk style one man sub.

Fishingrod-a-scope: a fishing gadget that can see underwater and catches fish with a sonic sound wave that stuns them. (About as good as a nice rod.

Simple things like that. Tinker Gnomes have lower strength and Dexterity but higher intelligence or tinkering.
Just ask me about a gadget you want if your not sure.

Link to OOC

Hi I was wondering if anyone would want to do a super hero team RP. My idea is slightly vague so far but I wanted to see how many would be up for it.
I was thinking for the team to have an x-men/spiderman feel to it meaning mutants, super soldiers, spiderman type heroes. But your free to make whatever you want. I'm ok with a bit of teen titan flair or whatever you have in mind. Your character would not be restricted when it comes to origin but would be in power level. The setting would be full of mutant protest groups, anti super hero teams, regular villains as well as all sorts of other world problems.


We are still recruiting for this. We need heroes and villains, and all inbetween.

I will be accepting up to three characters per player but you are free to only play just one if you like.

I am looking to fill a few teams and have them conflict with eachother.

The teams:

Omega League - A team of super heroes that retired years ago. The leader is the only one left and he is trying to recruit members to re establish the team. Needs as many players as possible. This team will need a team captain.

Faction of Brothers - A group of mutant villains that believe mutants should rule over humans. They activity pursue this goal and have loyal mutant members who want to see there kind rise above where they belive they belong. Recruiting as many as possible. This team will also need a captain.

Zeta Squad - A group of super villains who have many diffrent motives spanning from world domination to money. There leader is a mentality insane Super genius who has an underwater laboratory base of operations in the Pacific Ocean. They are best known for stealing a tank and taking it downtown to distract the authorities from the others who stole millions of dollers in Dimonds from a world renowned jewelry shop and Museum striking two places in one night.

The Assassins - A government run group of super villains who take orders straight from the white house. They execute extreamly difficult missions of questionable motive that can span from taking out certain "high risk" targets, eliminating threats to going on diplomatic missions.

Awesome, I look forward to seeing it once it's complete. I assume bone daggers. So are you just trying to decide between the first or second version?
That's pretty brutal.

The OOC is up and link is added to the first post in this thread.

The Dark Waters of Azmier.

This is the OOC for the Dark Waters of Azmier RP. Azmier is a world covered in water, after the world ending event called the "big wave" no land has been found. This'll be where everyone can post out of character or just talk about the RP in general. Also this is where character sheets will be submitted for review. Thanks.

Link to the interest check.
Azmier was once a lush world of magic and Dragons it was filled with every sort of climate and land. Many races called this world home and flourished for centuries.
Two hundred years ago the world of Azmier was devastated by an apocalypse. A war in between the factions of the most dominant religious groups and the primordials had been waging for many years. The war had torn Azmier apart though no victor had risen. In a last ditch effort the shift the tide of battle the primordials opened a portal to an elemental realm of water. Something went wrong and the portal was trapped open letting in an apocalyptic amount of water. It caused a wave like an enormous wall that ripped its way across the whole world. The devastation was so immense and so many species went extinct that the balance of nature was completely thrown off. Now, two hundred years later our story begins. The new Azmier has settled somewhat compared to the first years after the big wave. A few floating shanty towns have been built from the wreckage.
Knowing where to find these shanty towns could mean life or death for your character. Being out on the open ocean for to long can make a person insane.
Currency on Azmier could be anything, the economy has become more of a trade system. For example, you give me some rusty metal scraps and I'll give you this jar of dirt. Or, you give me this fishing kit and that bone knife and I'll give you a half a jug of fresh water.
Language has evolved quite strangely on Azmier post wave. Elven, common and oriental common have been slightly merged to become an alerted version now called "gypsie common" or "Elfock" other languages have undergone a similar change for instance, a mixture of giant and minotaur has been adopted by some abord slave ships.
The Dwarven language has been completely lost while the cannibal halflings have created their own new strange dialect.
"Synth" is a man made substance created from seaweed and various other aquatic plants, crushed clams and ground fish bones. This substance can be molded into various shapes and is great for building material as well as weapons. It is the same consistency as a very hard plastic.

Weapons are most commonly made from bone, synth, or wood but that doesn't mean that there aren't metal weapons in Azmier. They are just very rare. Where as in a normal fantasy setting the most common weapon would most than likely be a sword, in Azmier the most common weapon is a spear, harpoon or dagger. Nets are also very useful. Since almost all weapons accessible are made from these crude materials there is a chance that your weapon can break upon use.

Some of the races left Azmier, fleeing back to there native home of the feywild or the elemental chaos. The surviving races are as follows.
○ Human - Humans are hearty and some did survive.
○ Eledrin - Most Eledrin fled back to the feywild. They are very rare on Azmier.
○ Elves - Elves did survive, but most are now gypsies, cut throats or two timing thieves.
○ Half Elves - There are half Elves on Azmier.
○ Dark Elves - the Drow have survived, any who where not in the underdark at the time of the big wave where trapped on the surface. All the others within the underdark are now sealed inside, cut off from the world.
○ Half Drow - half drow are present on Azmier.
○ Sea Elf - the sea elves or aquatic Elves as some call them have dominated the new Azmier with there cities under the ocean. They interact with the surface dwellers as little as possible. This race will have a one person limit I think.
○ Dwarves - dwarven kind has suffered immensely. There numbers have been devastated and the race has been brought to the brink of extinction. Most might go there whole lives with out ever seeing a dwarf. It is said that some fled to the icy north and have managed to harvest a large ice berg that they magically keep frozen and use as a surface for a village. It's only a myth tho.
This race will have a one character limit.
○ Halfling - the Halflings have split off into two sub races. One is your avrage Halfling while the other is one that has evolved to live within the jungle. A thick expanse of plant life that is growing out from relatively shallow water. This type of halfling is fierce and tribal, they swing around and live within the jungle. They are cannibals and known to devour people in hordes. No one wants to go to the jungle, it's shallow waters are full of hungry sharks and cannibal Halflings.
○ Gnomes - while most regular Gnomes fled back to the feywild along with the Eledrin the Tinker Gnomes have survived on Azmier. The tinker Gnomes are responsible for most of the steam punk technology within Azmier. They are masters of making gadgets and responsible for creating the sea water reverseanator witch turns sea water into fresh. They are also known to have an under sea bubble city. They are said to go to and from the bubble city in steam punk submarines. They are reluctant to share technology with people and keep to them selves.
○ Orc - some orcs survived, there is known to be an orc war ship that terrorizes people.
○ Half Orc - yes, they are preasent on Azmier.
○ Goblins - All goblin kind has evolved into an amphibious new race called Aquablins, they float in and around wreckage and trash blending in. They lay in wait, sometimes for extended periods of time waiting for an unlucky boat, ship or raft to drift by. They strike all at once and cling to your vessel tearing it to bits. They want more wreckag to add to there pile. They have evolved webbed hands and feet and can hold there breath for long periods.They will be a non player race.
○ Pixie - Most fled to the feywild along with the Eledrin. They are very rare in Azmier.
○ Tiefling - A few have indeed survived.
Dragonborn - the Dragonborn are as common as humans or Tieflings.
○ Goliath - this race is on the decline but a few still survive. Many work on slaver ships, or are slaves them selves. Limit one character of this race.
○ Minotaur - this race is on the decline much like the Goliath. They are also commonly abord slaver or pirate ships.
○ Shardmind - this race is as rare as the dwarf is. People might tell a stories about a Shardmind of old.
○ Lizard folk - some did survive.
○ Yun ti - some of the snake people did survive.
Any other race not coverd ask the GM.
The D&D theme is only in the world and lore. You don't really need to much D&D knowledge to play while it would help some tho. It will be pretty open when it comes to character creation. People in this world are barley hanging on, some just surviving. Keep that in mind. :) thanks for your interest!
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