Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

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The Arukenimon shrugged. "Not really. Orders are orders you know? That's one boss lady you don't want to piss off in my opinion. She didn't use any amount of spider silk or web, but instead had a lame rope and tied Ruruka up. "She's a little extra pissy when she's actually up on stage." The Arukenimon added before double checking the ropes were tight. Ruruka's arms were behind he back with a rope rather tight around her gut. "Well, there's that." With that, the spider Digimon carried the girl under her arm. "Come on, gotta take you to the holding room." They left through the doors right behind the spider.

"Man, you really got stones to go talk to her like that." Arukenimon mentioned as she carried Ruruka out. There was little to do at the moment but talk as they went to the far side of the facility. "I'm surprised you even got back there like that. Err, that dress. How'd you end up back there?" The Digimon asked.

@PsyBlade@King Cosmos

Manaka came up in the chat to Reiko and Harumi. "Hmm, well, I think it would be best to get Ruruka out, but realistically she got herself into this~ Hmm, but I can't tell you what to do here. Just... If I wasn't clear before, don't get caught. I rather hoped that our little group would stay secret longer than about five minutes." She went silent after that, but the two would definitely feel her presence following them.

On the other side of the stage from where they started, there was a door leading out to somewhere and a small staircase leading down to the ground floor. The crowd was rather dense and it would be difficult to get through them. That said, there was another doorway further down and it would be easy enough to get out through. They could move behind the curtains to get to the other side stealthily and from what it seemed, the concert would go on for a while.

@Hammerman@Duthguy@The World

The Elecmon looked between the group suspciously. "THE Concert? You know? The big one? 'If you don't show up I'll gut you alive IRL' That one? Holy moly are you all dense. I really hope ya'lls new or she really might gut you." The digimon seemed irritated and serious about that. "Wowzers I'm glad I'm you're not my Tamers. I feel like you'd get me into a bad fight." He added, bluntly. "Muse's quality for new members have gone down over the years."

He then looked at Issei, "No, you can't. That's my food." He then gave Shion and her digimon a nasty glare as it was obvious they took some. He then turned to his monitors... And snorted which turned into a giggle which further turned into a good hearty laugh. "Oh! Perfect example of what I meant!" He laughed. A giant monitor fused from all the smaller monitors behind him and he clicked a button putting an image on the big screen. "Look at this fool! Got up on stage with that violent woman." It was an image of the girl they briefly met, Ruruka, walking up to this girl on stage before being hit and then pushed off by the Etemon. "Oh, geez. I can't believe someone did that. Anyhow newbies don't interrupt Siren's concert unless you want that to happen." Ruruka was now being tied up on screen.
@Hammerman@The World@Duthguy

The meat tasted fine. In fact, rather high quality! It was definitely not a mistake to take a bite! Juicy or something. It tasted really good.

After Kotoki got up, she'd hear the door that was more or less behind her open up. If she or the others looked, they'd notice a small little red digimon walked in and basically ignore everyone as it climbed up and grab a chunk of meat. "Gah, I hate those concerts." The little thing said, taking a bite of the food and walking over to the computer thing. He then bumped into Kotoki. His face didn't register shock or anything as he looked up. "Huh, black. Weird." He then bumped into the girl's leg again. This time he jumped back, finally realizing he wasn't alone. "What the hell!? People!? Shouldn't you all be at the concert!?" He asked, looking odd about it. "Well, who the hell am I to judge." He shrugged, moving his hands in a motion to get Kotoki to move out of his way. Whether she did or not he made it around her and to the console.

The Elecmon touched his tails to the console and shocked it before jumping up in the chair to get to the keyboard. "You kids hate her music too?" He asked, looking between them all. "The kitchen is the perfect place to get away. Other humans don't usually come here so it'll be perfect."

@Rune_Alchemist@King Cosmos@PsyBlade

As Ruruka moved on stage, she'd notice that the crowd was QUITE sizable. That and it started to quiet down. "Get off the stage you broad!" Someone yelled. Siren herself went quiet mid-song as she turned towards Ruruka. Her face initially showed shock as it turned to anger. Her teeth grinded together and her hands clenched.

"Get..." She breathed.

"GET OFF MY STAGE YOU BIMBO!" Siren yelled, staring daggers into the girl of Rashomon. "GET! OFF!! MY! STAAAAAGGGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!" She yelled again before punching and kicking Ruruka repeatedly, trying to force her off the stage. They weren't much, really. Very weak one might say.

The Etemon walked over to Siren and put his hand on her shoulder. "Take it easy, Si." He said before pushing Ruruka hard and out to the crowd.

"Tie her up so I can interrogate her later!" Siren yelled, tears coming to her eyes. She didn't seem to be concerned with what might have also appeared backstage as she continued her songs, this time singing about dumb bimbos.... Or whatever might qualify as a song. Etemon rushed back over to where he was and started playing along with her.

Currently, Ruruka was crowd surfing to the back of the crowd. With an Arukenimon waiting to tie her up.

Manaka smiled as everyone agreed to join her in her self-righteous crusade against Thor. Well, for now at least. Half of them were goody-goody two shoes as she had expected. Really, virtual space was at stake and they were worried about inconsequential things like "Morals" or "ethics". Well, whatever worked for now.

She looked at everyone, thinking about how to keep them with her. Ruruka would be the easiest. A bored rich girl? Never been easier to keep interested considering all the interesting plans she had.

Reiko seemed similarly easy so long as their goals of freedom remained. Though her threats of quitting if it got dangerous were concerning.

Issei was a crap-shoot to say the least. So far he seemed to be in so long as it didn't seem too... Fishy.

Shion seemed up to it as long as it served her sense of justice. Strength also helped some.

Harumi seemed easy enough to get a handle on. Let her make some money and she'd be happy. Nothing makes you want to help more than survival apparently.

Kotoki was the most likely of them all to be an issue. Unlike Reiko, Issei and Shion she wouldn't be the type to quit if Manaka did something wrong. She'd likely go full power to shut her down. Little girls like her were no problem of course, but that could serve certain complications.

Well, regardless, "I'm glad to have you all on board with me. I'm sad little Ruruka beat me to inviting Harumi to come live with me. We could have so much fun bathing and watching scary movies an--" Before she could continue, Raguelmon poked her in the back of the head.

"You're saying way too much, Boss." The giant cat humanoid digimon said with an embarrassed look on it's face if anyone could actually tell. "I think you should just stop before you say something wrong."

Manaka glared at the Digimon who reciprocated it. There was a small stand off until Manaka blinked, winning the match for the Digimon. "GAH! Fine." The human whined before turning to her new team again. "Anyhow, as long as you work with me, I can make sure your account is secure and no one will get into it." She seemed to be thinking. She then smiled and brought up not just one but two terminals. A feat of sorts. While it wasn't impossible, it was quite impressive to bring up to and seem to use both without problem.

"Well them everyone, the day is still young. How about we see your Digimon in action? I have JUST so happened to a perfect training ground for you all." The woman said as she did a couple of last taps on one of the terminals. On the party's UI they'd notice a display message.

You have joined the group chat, Manaka's Daring Six.

"Yay~ Now we can all keep in touch if we want. Just don't clog it up with chatter too much. We don't want it too difficult for me to give you information." When she was done with that, she went to the other terminal and seemed to be closing in with that. "Alright gang, this is a test of your skills. One warning. You WON'T be able to win against the Mega-level threat so find another way around it. Good luck!"

With that, the floor disappeared below everyone as the fell into something. Anyone that knew anything about EDEN would know what that was. A Direct Link, but where to?

It was a falling start as everyone landed in a pile. "Sorry about that. I've been working on this for a while and that was the only way I could get you in without alarms." As group got their bearings, they'd notice something was a bit amiss. There was only two others with them! Well, two humans and their digimon if they were out originally.

Shion would find herself sitting on Kotoki and Issei under her. The area they were in was fairly bland save for some weird posters on a wall, old promotional ads for Yuzurin before she formed KuroYuri. She was about fourteen in this promo. Another featured a singer in some KISS type make-up. Along with those were some other bands that have gone defunct. The weird thing was that the pictures had a X through their picture, all except the last one which was the current KuroYuri. The man in the kiss make-up, if anyone had knowledge on pop figures, was fairly popular for a couple of months until it was revealed that he was a total creep. All of these other bands and groups seemed to have for some reason or another fallen out of grace for some reason or another.

Beyond that, there was a door that led out to what looked like a kitchen of sorts on one side. Which was weird considering there was no need to eat in EDEN, at least for humans. Oddly, there were a couple of trees in the corner of the room with... Meat hanging from them. Some thing that tended to appear on Digifarms. This certainly was not a Digifarm though.

The other side seemed to be a monitoring station of sorts. There were a lot of monitors but none seemed to be powered up with no obvious way to turn them on. Beyond those two parts of the room, there were two doors that seemed like they would lead out to somewhere else in whatever this place was. Whatever the case, there didn't seem to be any immediate danger to the group.

In another room, Ruruka found herself on the ground laying across Harumi and Reiko's bellies. They seemed to be... In a prop closet of sorts? There were instruments and other things of the sort all around them. "Oh my, I'm sorry... I might have gotten you guys a bit too close to somewhere you shouldn't be. Please be careful you three~" Manaka said, not sounding too concerned. If they listened, they'd hear cheering. "-ren. S-. -iren." What they could hear even more was the heavy metal noises of an electric guitar and what could only be described as guttural screaming.

If they looked outside the door, they'd notice that they are in the back of some giant stage. Up front was an odd sight. An Etemon playing Guitar and a Sukamon on drums. On stage was a girl in a very exaggerated Punk Rock outfit. The source of the screaming was her. The cheer was for her it seemed. "Siren."

"Force out the illusionary sound!" She sang as the Digimon played their instruments. It was pretty loud overall. "Sail the ship to the shores! Crash! Crunch! IT IS NO MORE!" One thing was sure... They should not get caught here! There seemed to be some hoodies with an emblem for "Muse" on it. And a door that was on the opposite side of the stage from them. Luckily, there were curtains that could obscure them to the other side from the audience.
Manaka seemed surprised by all the pushback she got. It was most obvious that she did not expect everyone to disagree with her so much. "Wha!! Hold on, hold on! One question at a time!" The woman said, trying to get all the questions in her head. "Geez, I was hoping you all would be happy enough to learn from the best Hacker in EDEN..." Manaka muttered to herself before looking over everyone. "Alright, first thing first. I'm not an "old lady" like I think I heard from someone in the audience. Repeat offenders are subject to heavy penalties." She said, glaring at the direction of the gun toting Digimon.

The hacker cleared her throat and continued. "Now then. I'll address that question first. I actually sent out more invitations, but all the males aside Issei decided to not show up." She shrugged and moved on. "That aside, I suppose you don't know the behind the scenes of Hackers? I vetted you all very hard, I'm sure you all figured out. Do you all realize how much of an iron grip that Thor has on the major hacking groups and the higher tiered hackers?" She looked to the faces of her perspective members. "I can't just pick up anyone. Thor has their hands in way too many cookie jars. I'd rather not have a spy in here. The only reason this place is safe is because I have more than a couple of measures to make sure it was tough for you all to get here and this place was forgotten even by EDEN's programmers."

She sighed a bit. "Anyway, I'm more than sure you all wouldn't betray me for any small reason." Then she looked at Harumi and Shion. "Now, you have some issues with us being "evil" was it?" She then looked to Issei, "You as well, right Issei?" She added, remembering he said that as well. "Well, what can I say? Good, bad, Evil... They're just human concepts aren't they? Back in the day, some members of Jormungundr did some account raiding and other things, I snuffed that light out as soon as I figured it out. I didn't do that out of some sense of justice, I just didn't want other hackers to group up and beat us down. What good that did." She chuckled to herself. "I won't lie, I've done some less than scrupulous things in my day as many of you have." In particular she looked to Harumi and Ruruka as she said this.

"I'm not too worried about those sort of things though. Do what you want, that is what it means to be a hacker. Freedom. Even at the expense of others. Right? Well, Thor intends to regulate us all and put us under their thumb. Wouldn't that be terrible? Duchess, what if Thor got on you and forced you to dig up information on the Prime Minister and blackmail him to commit injustice?" She looked to the Duchess with a smile. Then to everyone else. "And this comes to Reiko's question. Why should you help me? Freedom. I mean, you also get to learn from the best hacker on EDEN and you can get a bit of money while working."

She hoped this would be enough to convince them. To be fair, she was a little hyperbolic. Thor would likely never do something like that, but things happen when people let power get to their head. "And before anyone asks, I'm sure we can win this time. We lost last time because of one deciding factor." With that, she brought up a terminal. Terminals were something familiar to any hacker. Much like the menus available, Terminals were what hackers used to bypass security and other things. The Sistermon seemed worried for a little until Manaka finished and nothing major seemed to happen. The woman put her hands on her hips as something fell from the ceiling and landed behind her. After that, something else slowly fell from behind the group and touched the ground.

"Say hello to my friends, Ophanimon and Raguelmon." She introduced them. "Digimon. When Thor did their takedown on Jormungundr originally, they had Digimon. It was a mass of confusion. We didn't know what hit us. Now though, with some Digimon at our side, we can win. Of course, we need to build our support and strength. I doubt that we could just go in guns blazing and win. The first thing we can easily do is hit their vassal groups and destroy or turn them."

In an attempt to not seem too threatening, Raguelmon waved at the group and gave them a smile. Ophanimon seemed a bit bothered with the entrance. "Manaka, don't you think that was a bit too dramatic?"

The woman looked at the Digimon and rolled her eyes. "Just go with it." She then looked back to the group. "Anyhow, what do you all say now? Are you with me? Or are you against me? Or are you in the group of not caring one way or another?"


Sorry >.<

Sorry, we're actually full right now. The six characters we have right now is over what I was wanting originally too so I'm going to decline for now. I can put you on a list if we need to fill a slot
"I'm not sure about what exactly she does, to be honest. We merely give her a place to settle." Noir mentioned again. "We do not pry. She tells us what she will and she doesn't really tell us much." She continued.

Before anyone else could do anything, the lights went out in the room. A small scream could be heard from where the nuns were followed by a sigh. Ruruka would feel someone put an arm around her shoulder and drag her slightly and then Kotoki would feel something similar. "Now, now. It's not like I'm keeping you out, I just don't need to let too much information leaking." A woman's voice said. Kotoki and Ruruka would feel something grabbing their chest slightly. "Ah, not too bad." Not much longer after, the lights came back on and if everyone followed, they'd notice that there was a woman among them, one that wasn't there before.... And she was... Doing something not exactly kosher to Kotoki and Ruruka.

"Ah, those came on a lot faster than I expected." The woman was standing with her arms around the two girls and feeling them up. "Oh, I mean... Howdy! How's everyone today?" She asked looking around the room. "Thank you all for coming~"

From the doors where the two Sistermon came from originally, another one came through looking out of breath. "Miss Manaka! Don't mess with the server settings like that!" She complained.

"Take it easy, Ciel. Not like I'm hurting the server or anything! Hehehe." The woman, apparently the Manaka that they were all brought here by, teased.

Sistermon Noir cleared her throat loudly to get Manaka's attention. "Regardless, perhaps you could stop such acts in a Cathedral." She requested, pointing at where the woman's hands were.

Manaka rolled her eyes and took her hands off the two girls, backing off slightly to prove she wasn't doing "such acts" anymore. "Alright, I can never win against your on that subject Noir." Manaka added, looking over the group of people. She seemed rather pleased with something. "Well then, welcome to the Cathedral everyone. Temporary base of operations for now until we can make a foothold in EDEN. She continued. "My name is Manaka. No one probably knows me at all since I tried to keep myself rather secret, but I am the original founder of Jormungundr years ago. A pleasure to meet you all. Now, you may be wondering why I've invited you all here."

She started to say everyone's name and pointing them out in a crowd. "Ruruka, Kotoki, Shion, Issei the lone male here, Harumi and Reiko. I want everyone here to help me. First, to rebuild Jormungundr. Second... to destroy Thor. I can never forgive them for shutting down Jormungundr years ago. You all are aspiring Hackers in some way shape or form and while I'm probably the most experience and most skilled Hacker in all of Japan, even I can't solo the entirety of Thor. So I want your help to erase them from EDEN." She looked very confident. "Any questions? Concerns? Oh! But, Ruruka, Kotoki, don't worry... B-cups are beautiful in their own right!"

"Manaka's Digimon? Oh, no! We are not. We're what you might call... System Digimon? Us three Sistermon were stationed here to fit the setting." Noir mentioned, motioning to the area around them. "This place was originally created and populated with us three and Seraphimon about a year ago for in system marriages. They decided against implementing us into the public servers so they shoved us in the back effectively. We are happy to have company after a year. Seraphimon disappeared so it's just been us Sistermon."

Blanc stepped forward a slight bit. [b]"Yea! Even if it's been one or two people and their Digimon... It's been nice to talk to people! Like... Umm... Manaka has mentioned that his place is 'out there'. Is that true? We've never left!"[b]

Noir giggled a little bit. "At ease, sister. We'll have time to ask them questions later if they allow us. Remember, calmness is a virtue." She patted her little sister on the head and looked back to the Hacker-to-be asking questions. "That aside, Miss Manaka is indeed the one trying to recruit you all. You might say she's..."

"Odd!" Blanc mentioned abrasively.

"Blanc! Take care that the woman herself doesn't hear you say that." Obviously, Noir shared a similar opinion. "But yes. She is a bit on the eccentric side. She's a good person, I think." She didn't sound amazingly convinced of that though. "If you ever are in need of help, or had questions, we are here." Noir added before resuming her position she had very slightly moved from since they started talking.
"Well, I would love to say my success is all due to my thousands upon thousands of fans out there!" Akihabara was as one would expect. Otaku central some might call it. An interview with the famous idol Yuzurin of KuroYuri resounded in the area. She frequented the area, so she was extra popular here. That wasn't the reason that six people were invited to the area. Particularly, there is a casual EDEN Cafe.

"Now then, Yuzurin, what is the next stage for KuroYuri, the most popular all-girl group in Japan?" The interviewer asked. It was about this time that the meeting was to take place. The location? The aforementioned EDEN cafe.

Yuzurin smiled to the question. "The next step? Well, there's only one more step for us. We may be the most popular all-girl group, surpassing even AKB of the past... But of course there's one group ahead of us and we challenge them earnestly!"

Background noise, something to listen to as aspiring Jormungundr members walked to the cafe.

There were six different invitations, all sent over Line. Each slightly personalized before a default body.

Net Sheep Cafe itself had a sign up front with the name spelt out in English letters with a cute little sheep picture of it's mascot Meep-chan. The inside was set up so that each customer has their own cubical as to give them privacy. The cashier was what one might consider a pretty boy. He'd welcome customers with, "Welcome to Net Sheep Cafe."

The boy was nice and quickly pegged each of them as one of the "special customers" that were to get free sessions from "a mysterious patron" of sorts. That aside, he pointed out the reserved spots for each of them and let them on their way with nothing else but a smile on his face.

From there, it was a simple scan to get the URL and enter Eden to go find the server. Once there, well, it was probably something they wouldn't expect. Especially with the name of Jormungundr. It looked like a huge Cathedral, oddly. "Oh! They're here! Sisters!" A girl's voice could be heard off in the distance, though nothing to be seen.

"How correct you are, sister! Mostly on time aren't they? Ciel, would you kindly go and fetch Manaka? Blanc and I will go greet the guests."

"As you wish sister."

From a side door, two girls walked toward in nun outfits. At least, it looked like that at first. They had a similar look to nuns, but they definitely weren't if the animal faces on their headpieces were to tell anything.

The one in black spoke. "Greetings, dear guests, to the Forgotten Cathedral. A place forgotten to EDEN save those few brave souls who venture here. I am Noir, and this Blanc."

"Gr-greetings!" Blanc added in with a small bow and a large smile.

Noir smiled at the group as well. "Miss Manaka will be here shortly. I would suggest ntroducing yourselves to each other. You're as likely aware as I am that Miss Manaka probably doesn't need any introductions from you as you do from each other." She waved at the area behind her. "This place was originally intended for marriages, however, that idea itself was scrapped yet the Cathedral still remains. Miss Manaka and Jormungundr has been very kind to us so feel free to come and go as you please." With that, they step back and stand as if NPCs in some game, waiting for a player to interact with them.

I'm always up for a Discord.

I do have a character coming by the way; just rethinking some things.

You're good, if I wasn't lazy and started replaying Cyber Sleuth I'd get started on the first post since I have most of what I need anyhow.

Anyhow, I've generated a discord


Go ahead and join my friends!
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