Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Ashewell patted the imps head. "There, there. No need to be all tsun. One second please." She had a pretty good feeling of how to use her web from earlier... right? There was someone falling through the air so she shot some webbing between some trees to catch whatever or whoever it was falling at them. There was enough space where they should safely bungie down and not splatter. As soon as she was done, she turned her attention back to the imp. "With that over with..." She snuggled Ravy briefly before pulling her away.

The spider-woman sat Ravy behind the sheep girl so they could both get a free ride. "If you ever need a hug, don't be afraid to ask." She teased before changing her attention to the sheep. "Yes! Grand adventure! Though, I can't help but wonder if I'll have a hard problem adjusting to society in this world." She didn't ponder her situation long though. "Ahh! You can just think of me as Onee-Chan if you want!" Ashewell teased, though there were no complaints if they wanted to call her that.

"I'm very excited to see the rest of the world!" She said, looking around excitedly. "Let us go forward?" She asked? "Otherwise, I could figure out how you tick." She said, looking at the doll girl among them with an odd smile.
Ashewell continued to hug the sheep-like girl as she answered the... Doll girl? "Ahh, I suppose I could join you all. I'm a little lost here too." She seemed not to be too bothered with the situation altogether. Her thoughts then seemed to change to the sheep girl who mentioned being from Japan. "Ah! So was I! Though I was born and raised in Tokyo."

Then the girl asked what she looked like. Ashewell looked over her a bit and gave quizzical look. "Hmmm, well, you look a bit like the adopted sister of one of the heroines from Yuri Monmusu. So... A Sheep-Girl?" She said curiously. "You have ram horns and are fluffy so I guess so." The Drider smiled again, "Now, do you want a ride on my 'back'? You'll be the first rider~"

Ashewell didn't give the girl much of a chance to decline as she twisted her body around and set the girl on her back. "Now~" The Drider turned to the imp girl that technically agreed to a hug. "You won't regret it~" She continued as she scooped Ravy up in her arms and gave her a good tight hug. "Let your worries flow out." Her arms stroked the back of Ravy's head. "You're pretty cute too you know." Ashewell continued to tease.

As she held on to Ravy she looked to the rest of the party. "I don't mind being a bit of a carriage for those with shorter legs. If any of you have an idea of where to go, I'm all ears."
Kaoru looked at the group. This... Well, it was going a bit better than it should have. Really. Luckily, the one guy seemed to not have issues with her being what she was. "Resident of the forest? No. I'm... Stuck in this wonderfully weird body." She looked around the group and got an idea of who each was. She then laid her eyes on some cute and adorable thing. Well, there were two of them but only one looked extra soft and had horns. All of her eyes blinked as she quickly moved on all legs over before grabbing the girl up and hugging her close to her chest. "Adorable~ Just like something out of Yuri Monmusu!~~~"

It was a solid hug and the spider never let go. At some point, she let go with one hand and started petting the satyr's head. "Cute adorable little thing." Kaoru mentioned before looking around at the others. "Oh, anyhow, how do you do? Kaoru... Well, that person doesn't need to be here. Call me Ashewell, if you would." There was a smile across the spider-woman's face as she looked around to Ravy. "Did you want a hug too?" She the turned to the male and looked him up and down before patting his head as if to say "sorry not you."
As Shion clicked every key on the station, everyone in the server would hear a blaring alarm as the monitors on the wall move in and out of the wall. The station was probably on full alert according to that sound. Everyone in the server would have heard it including Ruruka in the jail.

Manaka came over the comms to Shion's group. "What was that. What just happened...."

"Other people missing you? Huh. Well, sorry. Not my problem. Really. I mean, I have to stay here and watch you now still but it's whatever. It's nice to be away from that music." The Aruekenimon walked over to a nearby cabinet and pulled out what looked to be a thing of meat and then back to in front of Ruruka's cell.

Ruruka's cell was pretty cramped at the moment. It looks like they were using it as a storage room of sorts. There were a number of chests and boxes sitting on one side of the room. There was a bed on the other side and something like a sword with the blade end sticking up. As Ruruka looked over at her Digimon Warden, she'd notice that she was busy eating, not too worried about Ruruka doing anything.

The Digimon perked up though. "Oh! Do you watch 'Systematic Justice' at all?" Ruruka might have heard of that. It was a somewhat popular TV show about court-room trials. "It's on right now I think." The giant digimon turned around and tapped on the wall which produced a TV. After tapping on it a couple of times it turned on and started playing the show.

"This is the man we brought in for the murder. His name is Jimi Uwasaki."

The Digimon seemed a bit focused on the show for now and Manaka's voice appeared in Ruruka's head. "Well then, this could be a chance for you to get out. Unless you want to meet that Siren again I guess." Ruruka could tell there was a curiosity in Manaka's voice as to what she'd do.

@PsyBlade@King Cosmos

Manaka giggled at Reiko. "You're funny. If it was too dangerous that I didn't think you could handle it I wouldn't have sent you. Besides, Ruruka only got caught because she was being silly. Still though, she's going to serve a purpose for you guys anyhow. I suggest you start searching before the other team makes things a little difficult for you." The woman continued.

She seemed to think about what they had said earlier as it had just dawned on her. "Wait, I never told you what you were looking for? I swear I wrote it in the the to-do list.... Ah... Guess I did. Sorry about that. Well, I suppose I should tell you now. It's a list as I mentioned. It has the names of every group that's been subdued by Thor in their conquest of hackers up until about two months ago. It also supposedly has an encryption of their over all plans. Supposedly." Manaka seemed dead serious about this. "Now, it should be hidden somewhere. I'm supposing it has something to do with that Mega I told you about so be careful."

The hallway ahead of them seemed about as promising as anywhere else. If the group looked, there was a small sign on the wall that pointed that way said "Recording Room" and another one saying "Siren's Room". As good as any to start right? Of course, to their right was a sign that said "Digimon Mess Hall."

@Hammerman@Duthguy@The World

"Jormungandr? Damn it all, more of you!?" The Elecmon sighed. He switched over to another button and hit that instead. No loud alarms were sounding. Instead, a hole in the ceiling opened and a rope fell down, allowing the Digimon to climb up rapidly. He taunted them as he quickly ascended. "Digimon are on their way! Don't think you're getting out of this, Jormungandr posers!" The digimon added as he crawled through the hole and escaped elsewhere. The hole did stay open though and it seemed big enough for a person to crawl into. Supposing he didn't trigger a silent alarm, he was probably running off to get some help.

"Well, we have to act now. You should search out and find that list. Oh, it's also come to my attention that I didn't tell you what you're here for so let me just..." She quickly informed them of what they were suppose to search for in much a way as she did for Reiko and Hifumi. "Now then you should probably head out and look for it."

To their front was a door that led to what was probably a hallway. To their right, another door that the Elecmon had come from. Or if someone was being brave, they might even consider following Elecmon but was that a wise choice?
"Yuri Monmusu~ Yuri Monmusu~" Kaoru sang, practically dancing down the street. It was finally the release of Yuri Monmusu Ni: The Silkweb Story. It was the long anticipated sequel to Yuri Monmusu: Through Darkness comes Light. Kaoru in particular was excited because the main antagonist, Lady Ashewell Silkweb, was set to be the protagonist this time! It was early in the morning so that meant one thing. "I have all today to play!" The college student cheered while heading towards the trains quickly. Sadly, the game just wasn't downloadable even with all the modern amenities of the internet so one must go to the store to pick it up.

That however is how tragedy befalls Kaoru. In an attempt to make it home faster, Kaoru took a side street. Construction was going on here but one could still get by them through a small passage allowed for foot traffic. As the Otaku passed by some weird things happened. A brick crumbled to dust, the edge of a jack hammer chipped off and flew in Kaoru's direct, a steel beam rolled off the top of the pyramid where it was sitting and lastly Kaoru almost stepped in a pothole. In response to all of this, Kaoru merely looked on with worried eyes and spoke inwardly. "I'd really hate to have this for my job with all this stuff happening."

All in all, Kaoru came out of the experience unscathed. That however was just the tip of the iceberg however. Moving back on to another street, the Otaku continued towards the station when an old lady's voice from above could be heard. "Oh criminy! That darn AC fell again!"

As Kaoru looked up there would be a noticeable object falling at a high rate of speed. There was no reaction time fast enough to get fully out of the way of the on-coming object and it crashed into Kaoru. There was a great pain in the student's chest as a heavy old model window AC unit rested there. There was an amount of blood spilling onto the ground as Kaoru's hands clutched the game in them. "I'm sorry. Lady... Ashewell." With a slow closing of the eyes, that was the death of one Kaoru Ushikata.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Kaoru screamed. This was a weird dream for sure. Falling? Well, this wasn't the first time in this sort of dream. What was the meaning of falling in dreams again? Insecurities? Yes, something like that. What was there to do? Kaoru flailed around for a little until something weird happened. Some weird feeling came from behind. Not so much getting hit by something but rather shooting something out. "Uwaaaaahh!?"

Soon though the world started to move different. Instead of the ground coming to meet Kaoru it started to move to the side before eventually going away again. There was a pit growing in Kaoru's stomach as the same scene started to repeat itself until finally there was a certain realization. "Am I spinning around something?" Eventually the spinning came to a stop and Kaoru was just hanging in midair teen feet off the ground before a loud audible snap was heard and the Otaku smacked into the ground feeling naught but a small bit of pain.

"Owowow." Kaoru said, pushing up off the ground. "What the hell kind of dream is this?" Thinking on the death defying spinning that was just done, Kaoru couldn't remember many of the dreams that went like this. Hell, how could this happen? Humans couldn't do anything to make them spin around a tree like that! Well, it was a dream after all. Perhaps that had something to do with it. A hand went to Kaoru's head and massaged it a bit, trying to relieve some of the stress from what just happened...

"Geez, my hand feels glossy. That's weird." Taking a look, Kaoru discovered something... Interesting. "Ehh? Eeeeeehhhhh?! What the hell? What's with my arm? It's all glossy and like... I don't know what it's like!" Kaoru looked around noticing many things different. "What with my chest?! My hair?!" Pure white hair and a somewhat large chest. Two things that weren't there before. "Wait..."

Kaoru then noticed something even weirder when trying to stand. "My legs are... There's... Eight?" Kaoru twisted "her" new body around to take a look behind. A spidery abdomen and eight legs. Hell, her vision was even... She furrowed her brow and reached up with a hand to feel. There were in fact eight eyes. "Ummm... Ok. This is a weird dream. did I turn into a Drider or something? I must be having the weirdest most lucid dream I've even had. This is probably just because I'm too excited for Yuri Monmusu Ni. I'm just dreaming that I'm like Ashewell. A good silly dream."

Kaoru just expected that a good silly dream would disappear soon after it was discovered to be one but that didn't happen. Kaoru waited a minute for something to happen but nothing did. Against her better judgement, Kaoru tried standing. It was extremely awkward at first but. Standing and walking came naturally, truthfully. Well, it did after some grueling trial and error. It was refreshing somehow.

The Drider started walking in a direction to make sure there were no problems with her legs. After that fall, it wouldn't be surprising if issues arose. Instead of any bodily issues, however, there was one problem practically staring her in the face as she walked through the tree line. There were a ton of things here. A man, a sheep, a girl? Another girl and a little devil girl? It was hard to make out at this distance. She wasn't sure if introductions were the best idea or not. Well, she was well enough to run should the need arise. "Umm. Hello there?" The look on her face at the moment was "confused" if one wanted to be generous. "Worried" if not.

If you still got room, I'd be interested.

Ruruka's ears echoed, "Minus 40 points to Ruruka!~~" Manaka's voice. "Boy-oh-boy are your points dropping fast, girly." Only Ruruka could hear her, of course.

The Arukenimon stopped and held Ruruka up so they were eye level with each other. "Girl, I think you need help. There's no way in hell a Direct Link could put you in so deep into the Muse server. I doubt even Thor could do that without access to a server. Well, I say access, but you know what I really mean right?" Of course someone in Ruruka's field would know this. The Digimon was implying a... hostile takeover, one might call it to be nice. Complete invasion force was a different one.

"Well, regardless, I hope you won't go up on stage like that again. Siren's a bit..." The Digimon searched for an exact word as she put Ruruka under her army again and opened a door. "Strange? Not that you'd say that to her face. Now then..." They were in a jail-like room. "We'll hold you here until Muse is done with her concert. Shouldn't be too much longer, but since you interrupted her she'll probably sing her troubles away."

@PsyBlade@King Cosmos

Manaka came through on the party chat for Reiko and Harumi. "Take it easy, Reiko. I told you, it's a test~ We have to see how you work under stressful situations of course. Ruruka doesn't seem to get stressed... A negative in her case it would seem. Reiko doesn't seem to like it and Hifumi.... Well, as long as you get paid right?" She didn't seem like she was trying to be mean though she was a bit blunt.

"Alright though. From where you are there are three paths. To the left and around the corner. If you wanted to try rescuing Ruruka that's the way to go I'm pretty sure. Ahead is a bunch of rooms, the list might be there." Manaka mentioned, seeming excited saying it. "To the right and up the stairs seems like some more rooms and pretty much back to where you were before." The only thing about going that way was there was a small barricade to try and keep people from going past, though that was easy to get around.

"List might also be there. It's probably guarded by some different forms of security wherever it is. And, again, there's still a mega level here. You two can probably handle an Ultimate Digimon by yourselves but completely turn around and run if you meet the Mega and it proves itself hostile." Besides everything else so far, Manaka's voice did carry a bit of worry when talking about the Mega.

@Hammerman@Duthguy@The World

The Elecmon wasn't even suspicious anymore, he was pretty damn sure. "Alright, who the hell are you guys. First you steal my food and then you say some damning words. 'Don't know what Muse is.' 'teach that singer a lesson.' I thought you were just noobies but you're obviously not. Who are you and why are you here?!" The Digimon said, holding his hand over one part of the terminal. "I hope you have some really good excuse." His eyes quickly darted between everyone in the room that wasn't him. This seemed like some bad news. That said, they really had no idea why they were here.

Manaka spoke up in their ears, "Come on, let's see what you can bullshit without Mama Bird telling you. Talk yourselves out or you might be up against the entire facility, you know~."
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