Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Well, it looked like Luana was going to be officially knighted. That was fine enough, though Luna needed to get some items together for their trip. "For now, I shall go collect some things for the trip. Not to step on your toes, Fio, but Sucaria and I will gather together rations and the like for the road." The Knightess said, taking initiative, excited to get on the road to visit her highly distantly related related species. "Rations for four since I have a feeling a certain someone would follow along whether we asked her to or not." Luna mentioned, looking over to her maid for some short seconds with a tired look before it quickly turned into a soft smile. "What greater amount of loyalty can a woman ask for?" Luna teased before turning to Elnith.

"That aside, it's a pleasure to be working with you this time, Elnith." She gave a smile and offered a handshake. Whether the other woman accepted the hand or not, Luna would head out after to get their supplies together. She went about collecting rations for four people and prepared for the trip on her end. Just in case, she made sure to bring a hunting bow and some arrows in case they needed to forage for food later. While her magic was usable at range, it was a good way to alert other animals to her position. Well, regardless of otherwise, they should mostly be ready for a trip. The part that was hardest to account for was the mountains considering she had never been out that way before. Well, Elnith will probably have a better idea so perhaps it would be best to ask her opinion on the matter. Regardless, Luna was as ready as she would be to go. Except for one more question, perhaps. "Are you going to be riding on your own or with me?" Luna asked her maid, guessing at the answer she had expected.

"I said unhand me Lyssa!" Katherine complained, pounding on the girl's shoulder until, soon enough, they entered the room where a very irritated Lady of the Manor waited. The Firbolg was swiftly sat down on a couch before Lyssa made herself scarce to go eat some pancakes. Katherine frowned as the other maid left, leaving her with the Miss Fiore and another maid.

The feline-earred woman sat as her employer chided her for not attending the greeting ceremony. There was a small look of annoyance on her face as the noblewoman continued and threatened to have the other maid, Nynette, "correct her lack of manners." The puppeteer sighed a small bit after the chastisement before speaking up herself. "Pardon me for my lack of manners, milady. As I'm sure you read, I'm a girl from a friendly, haunted forest so my knowledge of maid etiquette is a small bit lack. However, I made an assumption that you would prefer us to be fully battle ready in lieu of everyone being present to greet you."

Katherine didn't want to mention how she had, instead, been sleeping right until the point Lyssa came to retrieve her. "As you are aware, we had a... Chaotic landing in the last operation and my own personal squad had taken devastating losses in combat with a high demon. Since, I have been repairing the ones I could and building new ones otherwise... Well, I will apologize for taking initiative if you would have liked otherwise."

"So, as I have explained in as concise detail as possible, it would not be necessary for Miss Nynette here to need correct me on manners for I have apologized for any perceived mistake I may have made." Kat mentioned, hoping that this much would disuade her employer from needing any maid to give out "corrections."
Mom and Dad that were mauled by beasts in her early life? For a human that must be rough. Akyasha thought on that for a few short seconds until Julene brought up her sibling like relationship with a Gilles. "Hmm. I see." The vampire mentioned, trying to think of her past. She couldn't remember much of anything before she had become a vampire. Hell, she couldn't even remember how long ago that was. And then, Julene asked about her family.

"That's a fair question to ask, especially when I brought it up first." She pondered the question for a few seconds before opening her lips again. "Truthfully, my memories are slightly vacant. I have no recollection of my childhood nor my actual age by number. If I were to assume, my parents were dead far before I had lost them or I would have found some clue. No other family by birth with that in mind. The only real family I have are those I travel with now." The redheaded vampire said with a small amount of somber tone to her voice. "Well, the past is the past. It's unchangeable by most accounts aside, perhaps, long dead gods."

Akyasha went silent again as she didn't have much more to add to that topic. She thought about how this human had connections with one Gilles but didn't mention anyone else. It seemed her relationship with Gilles was more of one between brother and sister than anything else... Still, it didn't hurt to probe and see if she had any other close relationships. "Asides this Gilles, is there anyone else in town you're close with? Truthfully, I'm almost surprised no one came to check on you after what happened with that house. Then again, I guess there were some other troubles happening."
"Yes, I do believe you to be rather dense your Highness. You can't see what treasures you have at hand before you try encroaching on other treasures that have yet to be collected. Consider me insulting all you want, however, if calling you dense marks me as such." Serrica said before sighing. "Just think about my words a small bit. With that, I really must show this young Miss somewhere. Please do conversate with Lady Meridan at convenience." With that, she grabbed Anne by the hand and led her off.

After they made some distance from the Prince and Lady Meridan, Serrica took Anne near a place where student activity were a bit higher. If the Prince happened upon them this time, well, it would be easy enough to sic some of the younger girls upon him. With a small breath with the coast being clear, Serrica turned to Anne and released her hand. "So, Lady Marielle, you can take an easy breath now. Though, you seem much too nervous. Is there an issue you're having with the school?" She had to ask, looking the girl straight in the eyes. "Well, we've all but started some short time ago so I'm sure that's not it." The Duke's daughter mentioned, stroking her chin in curiosity.
I've been thoroughly bamboozled into joining and being the new hire.
Luna would be lying if she said she didn't desire to see Harzelslack, but she understood why the teams had been divided as so. First, the team heading there already had contact with the nation's border so it would make perfect senses why they would go. On the other hand, Luna had some constant contact with them where she figured was why she would go to recruit a giant smith. Though she was a small bit curious why Her Majesty had given Fio lead on this mission. Truthfully, Luna would have expected it to go to her all things considered but it wasn't a big bother to her really. Fio was smart, if a bit...Sensitive?

"The mountains west of our territory is probably our destination. I can't say I've been around the area much, though I've met a number of giants from that way." Luna mentioned with a nod. "I've not an exact location but I believe it was Llobrokor Mountain. Not exactly safe from what I hear, but what is safe?" Luna asked with a small smirk. "Have you been there, Elnith?" Luna asked the cursed knight, curious since she was signed on to this mission as well.
"I'm not teaching them these commands, they only do what I want them to do. Most of the time." Katherine answered the other maid's question about her dolls. "As usual, the only one to get in trouble is yours truly." Then Lyssa started to tease her about being heavy. "No one asked your opinion about such a sensitive topic! I'm quite petite as you can see!" The feline mentioned before Lyssa suddenly picked her up but...

It was obvious Katherine demanded to be carried like some princess rescued from an evil dragon or a newly wed bride... But no, instead she looked like a feline sack of potatoes slung over the back of this brutish girl! "Carry me properly! Like a person not a damn inanimate object!" Katherine limply slapped on Lyssa's back with the lack of strength she truly had. The dolls, meanwhile, just watched, shrugged and went back to what they were doing straightening the workshop out from the toils of the previous night.

As Lyssa ran her around, showing off the helpless feline over her shoulders. "Why are you like this!?" And soon, she passed by the her fellow maids and screamed for help to no avail. "HEY! GET ME OFF OF HER!" But they were gone about as quickly as they had shown up. It was truly an odd situation for the cat as they would soon be at the place of her inevitable doom.
"I'll watch over the village with Julene in case something happens. Still feeling a small bit fatigued from that fight earlier. Take of my cuties with you. If something happens and you need help, send it back and I can come running." Akyasha mentioned, ordering one of the gorebats to follow the leaving group. It was hard to tell what would happen so it was best to be prepared. She was highly anticipating the time in the near future when she could finally bring forth a few more powerful creatures in the goddess' roster.

Well, there was always time for that. After everyone that had planned on leaving left, Akyasha looked around Julene's house from where she sat. There didn't seem to be anyone else around the place. Rather, it looked like Julene lived by herself in this fairly tidy place. Akyasha couldn't help but want to ask a few question. "You live here on your lonesome? It looks like it at least." She was curious. Though perhaps it was not the wisest of question to ask one's personal situation but she was curious about the girl. She was clever. And clever was a good thing in someone that would help you. Akyasha had yet to give up on her thoughts of turning Julene into a thrall, after all and if she lacked real, concrete connections to this village, the easier it would be to convince her to join. "Do you have any family in town? Pardon if I'm too intrusive in my questions."
Even Serrica was feeling bad for Lillian at this point. Not that she hated the girl, but there was not much to say about another high ranking noble if she couldn't get her feelings across. "She's preoccupied wi-- No." Serrica started to state what she figured was obvious before deciding that wasn't the course of action. "Nevermind that, I suppose. You're quite dense, Prince Christopher." The student mentioned before briefly shaking her head and sighing a small bit. "It is thanks to that, however, that I doubt you carry the reputation of a ravenous hound, fret you not." Serrica mentioned with a small shrug. "Perhaps an unintentionally rude or dull one but that aside it does not matter to me. You're still the Crown Prince to me."

After saying that much, she turned to Anne. "Ahh, yes. Lady Marielle. I believe that you wanted guidance to a certain place on campus, did you not? Would you still like me to guide you there? I'm still not past trying to recruit you into my group, but I shall ease up until your graduation if you wish."

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