Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

"A tunnel or vault? Guess that's where we need to be." Katherine calmly mentioned as all the carnage is going on around her. Her dolls were more than capable of turning these demons to mincemeat in due time but Lyssa and Eliz just expedited the process more than a little bit. "Thanks for the support Bernadette." Katherine continued to mention with a smile as she moved forward toward Lyssa and Eliz with her small column of dolls behind her. "Scout out where the entry-way to this tunnel or vault are dears. If you find any more of these demons report back with due haste. Lyssa, Eliz, shall we?" The firbolg smiled, walking forward. "Unless you two could break through the floor and get us there much faster."
The bandits were easily dispatched realistically. Hardly a warm-up even. It was then that something was flying in the air. A large, mountain wrapping dragon? "What in the world is this?" She questioned. It was quite a bit bigger than the one she was expecting them to have to fight. This thing destroyed the very stone beneath it. She had a thought that, in fact, this was not quite the beast that had taken their friend's hand. And it was trying to crush them? Luna ran to safety, lest she be crushed by such a large beast. She summoned a blade of light behind her as she ran, wondering if her magic would be enough to pierce the creature's scales at all. For now, she needed to keep herself from getting crushed.
Camila Willows

Mentions: @Thayr

The professor's entrance was about as one could expect if they knew her at all. Short and to the point... Her speech that is. Nothing else. Camila found the professor to be somewhat cute really. Not that she'd openly admit that of course. She, for the most part, just stayed quiet and followed along with everyone as Camphor led them to the habitat. She was happy enough to just watch every do what they did. After all, she wouldn't have much a chance to see so many trainers in one place for a while. Perhaps some of them might even make it to the League tournament. She didn't have too many thoughts about the new trainers so far. Some of them seemed to know exactly what they wanted and others... Well, not so much.

The group seemed to be dispersing to get their Pokemon. That much was fine of course. Since the professor had the rest of the group showing her their current Pokemon, perhaps she should go out and talk to the ones that were getting their partners. The habitat was how it was the last time she was here. Relaxing if one enjoyed such a thing. The first person she ran into was Isla trying to coax an Eevee closer. Well, it seemed that she was pretty successful in it. That was a good thing. "My, my. Isla was it? Trying to make good friends with the Eevee before you use the Pokeball?" She had to ask, pondering how exactly it go to the point that Isla was in whatever awkward position she was currently in.
The church-goers being gone was a nice breeze comparatively for Katherine. She never did like their type. Her adoptive mother didn't have a great respect for them while the firbolg was growing up so it must have rubbed off on her. Regardless, there were these amphibian-like creatures in the way now.

"Not that I think any of you would like to listen to me, but stand aside and I'll put you out of your misery in a more peaceful way. Just enough shots to make it near instant. Otherwise~" The maid's dolls lined up, quickly aiming their rifles at the five axolotl. "This will be a lot more painful for you." With that, she pointed forward as if ordering her soldiers to open fire, aiming for the more vital parts of these axolotls. She fully expected her two teammates to be right behind her and ready to help finish off these things.
Camila Willows

Mentions: @Thayr

"The professor?" Camila questioned, thinking about the best answer to put forward for Isla's question. "Well, she's a character alright. I think that's the best way to put it." She mentioned with a weak smile on her face as they drew close to the lab and the woman saw a familiar face. "Ah, Frieda. You made it here first and yep. I got the package all safe. Guess I'll give it to Professor Camphor when we go see her." The intern mentioned with a smile as Frieda ushered everyone inside.

She was glad to make it back safely with the package intact. She was worried some ruffian or gang member might actually try to accoust her for it, but it seemed that it was an unfound worry. "Yes, everyone. We have a few snacks if you're feeling a small bit peckish and feel free to ask me any questions." She seemed ready to answer questions at the least. For her own part, she went over and grabbed a cookie, happily eating it. "It's good." She mentioned with a smile. She looked at all the new recruits wondering where the might all be going for this new job of theirs. She also started to ponder if she would have the chance to witness any new of the upcoming contests. Regardless, she was ready to help anyone that needed it at this point, though she mostly expected they would mingle amongst themselves for the most part, noting it already happened in fact with one of the people that wasn't part of her group.
"I see. Well, I suppose that means we'll have to prevent the beautiful woman from getting sarcrificed, won't we." Katherine mentioned, motioning for her teammates to follow her after the possessed woman's trail. "Feel free to join, Cardinal. If you wish. Our goals aline for the moment at the very least. What do you think Lyssa? Eliz?" Katherine asked, leaving to hunt for the possessed wife.
Camila Willows

Mentions: @XxFellsingxX@Thayr@Savo@PKMNB0Y

After she called out as she did, Camila noticed a number of people walking her way. It was safe to assume these ones were the new workers she was sent to pick up. "Hello everyone! Welcome to Eidda. My name is Camila and I'm here to guide you to the lab." After she gave her small introduction however, the captain and someone that she thought she might have recognized walked off the boat where the captain walked up to her.

"Ah! Captain! Yes, I am the new assistant." Camila said, not needing to introduce herself. "H-has she said good things about me? I'm glad to hear it then." She added with a bright smile before listening to what the man had to say about the box in front of her. "Rats? Hmm. Understood." The woman acknowledged before taking the box and setting it in her bag, out of sight. "I shall keep it safe." The woman added. "With that in mind... Come now, new workers. We should get going. You guys can ask me questions along the way if you want." She mentioned to the four others she was meant to be guiding. She had done what she had come here to do either way. All she needed to do was smile and take them to the lab for a job well done! She took a happy sip on what little was left of her drink at this point and tossed it in a nearby trash can.
Katherine caught the doll as it was launched at her with little to no recoil from it. "Hey, rude priests. Would you like to calm down?" She asked, aiming her gun at the one with the halberd. It was frustrating to have these priests show up now. "It's bad enough when you get so into your fanaticism that you can't see two feet in front of you but I'd like if you didn't kick my little precious babies aside." The firbolg seemed irritated. "I'd also appreciate it if you would stop trying to mutilate my companion." The woman mentioned, "Stop swinging and I'll happily put my weapons down." A few of the nearby dolls would aim at this Madeline as Katherine lowered her own gun to set the doll back down so it could stand on it's own.

She then turned toward the other member of the clergy, not threatening her at all. "And you're right. We're not with Havershel. Think what you will of why we are here, but we wish to solve the little conundrum here as well. "His possessed wife went towards these steps and I believe that's where we shall be. And this here is his son. Poor little guy is worse for wear." Katherine added with a smile. "Luckily he's alive for now." With that, she started to walk toward the stairs since they needed to find the wife. Her dolls would lower their weapons on Madeline if she stopped trying to attack her teammates and they would follow her.
Camila Willows

Mentions: @XxFellsingxX@Thayr@Savo@PKMNB0Y

The day had started like most others. Camila was performing her secretarial work in Professor Camphor's lab like the good little intern she was. She hadn't studied half as much information about Pokemon as she would have liked but what much could she expect when she was acting as a secretary. Still, today was a bit special. She and the professor's assistant had both been tasked with retrieving the new hires. Well, it would be easy enough. She just needed to go to the docks, wait for the ship to come into port and guide them all to the lab.

Well, she had plenty of time before that. She stopped by a cafe to get a bite to eat since she had somehow figured that she wouldn't get the chance later if she wanted. After, she stopped into a local coffee shop. She had never been a drinker prior to working at Camphor's lab but the combination of being around it constantly and the hours she sometimes put in led her to start drinking it even recreationally now. Though the way the professor drank it was like utter sludge to her.

Not that it really mattered much. She just had to make her own. Or buy it from a place made specifically to make it. "Oh! I should get a sign." She kept a marker in her bag for her work so that came in handy. She just needed slightly larger than average piece of paper or cardboard. Both of which were easily accessible in the city so it didn't take her long to find a piece of fairly pristine cardboard she could use as a sign. She found a seat by the dock as she waited for the S.S. Calliope to come into port. She wrote "Camphor's Lab" on it and held it with her legs as she sat, waiting for the boat to come into dock by reading some old research papers that the Professor ever so curtly "Allowed" her to read.

Soon enough, however, the Calliope came into dock and the passengers disembarked. She let the first wave of highly desperate passengers leave so she could have a slightly easier time in not being pushed into the water. Not that she couldn't swim but she chose a nice outfit for the day and she'd hate to have it ruined by the salt water. As soon as those first passengers had exited toward the city, Camila herself had moved in, trying to find the new workers the Professor had called to the region. She held the sign up with one hand and securing her purse with the other. "Who here are the new hires for Professor Camphor's lab!?" She called out, noting a few people that seemed slightly familiar. She had seen pictures and heard names but it was hard to tell faces you weren't intimately familiar with out in a crowd. At the least she remembered the names. Isla, Richard, Jill and Yuu.
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