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17 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
1 like
23 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
23 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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26 days ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/
1 mo ago
Other people's opinions of you don't determine your value.


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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Within the hallowed quietude of his bed chambers, a realm untouched by the ceaseless murmurs of the outside world, Orion Nightingale sat ensconced in profound contemplation. The chessboard arrayed before him was not merely a game but a stark representation of the dichotomy that now permeated his existence—the perpetual conflict between light and shadow, order and chaos. Each chess piece stood as a mute sentinel, poised for battle, their strategic placement mirroring the complex ballet of alliances and enmities that he deftly orchestrated within the royal court. The lantern’s soft luminescence above bestowed upon the room a gentle, undulating radiance, crafting a haven where Orion’s thoughts could unfurl in solitude, unshackled from the scrutiny and anticipations that often besieged a man of his station.

His chambers, a sanctuary lined with opulent tapestries that chronicled the storied past of Aurelia, bore witness to the heritage he had pledged to defend. Amidst this silent splendour, Orion discovered fleeting solace, a cherished interlude from the inexorable demands of his dual roles as the prince’s sage advisor and stalwart protector. The chessboard served as his silent confederate, privy to the internal conflict that raged within—a cerebral skirmish pitting prescience against the unpredictable, understanding against disarray.

With each deliberate maneuver, Orion’s fingers charted the course of fate, his intellect as incisive as the weapon he once brandished with honour in the field of battle. The knight, his avatar on the board, executed its moves with an elegance that echoed Orion’s own adeptness in circumnavigating the perilous legacy of the blight. This intricate dance, demanding both martial skill and astute mental acuity, had garnered him the unwavering confidence of the prince and secured his place at his royal side.

Yet, when it came to the labyrinthine game of his personal affairs, the board was set quite differently. Here, the rules he knew so well were upended, the strategies obscure, the outcomes uncertain. In this arena, he was a player at the mercy of forces beyond his control, where the blight’s shadow cast long and unpredictable. His family’s rejection and the dissolution of his marriage were moves that had left him in check, a solitary king navigating a board where every square was a potential trap, every alliance fraught with the spectre of betrayal.

In the sanctity of his chambers, Orion Nightingale, the Blight-Born strategist, found himself at an impasse, contemplating the next move in a game that was far more personal and complex than any he had ever played on the battlefield or in the court. It was a game that tested not only his strategic prowess but also the resilience of his spirit and the steadfastness of his heart.

It was then that the sounds of the kingdom stirring to life reached his ears, however, pulling him from the reverie of his solitary game. The prince, his charge, would soon be about his own day’s work, and Orion knew his place was at Flynn’s side. The game of chess could wait, for the real-life game of thrones and the welfare of Aurelia required his attention and his unwavering vigilance.

Rising from his seat, Orion cast one last glance at the chessboard, the pieces poised in silent anticipation of a battle that would never come, before exiting the room.


A watched in awe as her companions used their unique abilities to combat the shadow entities. Relief washed over her as her own assailant dissolved into a pool of inky blackness on the floor. However, the moment of respite was short-lived as the creatures began to reform, joining together into one massive, writhing mass.

Understanding the urgency of the situation, A refocused her energy, preparing to unleash another wave of Hemorrhage against the newly formed entity. She watched as VV's ethereal tendrils attempted to restrain the creature but couldn't help feeling that their individual powers might not be enough to bring it down.
"We have to work together!" A shouted over the chaos, her voice ringing with determination. "Combine our abilities and focus on the central mass. It seems to be the most vulnerable spot!"

A wasted no time in putting her words into action. Channeling Hemorrhage once again, she targeted the core of the writhing entity, hoping that her companions would follow suit. With a fierce cry, she launched her attack, her energy crackling through the air as it collided with the mass of shadow and darkness.

As the entity shrieked in pain and anger, A spared a glance at her allies, hoping to see their own powers joining the fray. Together, they might just stand a chance against this evil force.
I'll try to have my post up sometime early next week <3 Birthday celebrations this weekend so busy.

In Ju-V 6 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

As Natsumi nodded in agreement, Sophia rose from her bed, a mix of trepidation and anticipation filling her. Together, they made their way out of their room, joining the others as they walked towards the cafeteria. The halls echoed with the nervous murmur of students, their apprehension mirroring Sophia’s inner turmoil. Had she perhaps done something thoughtless back there? She couldn’t stop her mind from replaying everything she’d said. Why had she put her parents in such a negative light, at all?

Sophia knew she was the sole reason for her presence here, through and through. She was the sole reason that she wasn’t normal.

As Sophia entered the bustling cafeteria, her gaze scanned the crowd, taking note of the diverse faces she saw. Among them, she even spotted Haven in the lineup ahead. The urge to chat her up again tugged at the blonde, but she hesitated, fearing she might be an unwelcome interruption. Besides, she found her eyes following an interesting sight of an…

Is that an otter!?

Sophia’s mouth hung open in utter shock before melding into an expression of confusion. How had she not sensed the creature? And it was strange. The more Sophia looked at it, the more she was sure he or she or it wasn’t what she thought it was. Unlike her other animal companions back home, there was an eerie absence of any emotional resonance. This otter also carried itself with a purpose, its sleek form gliding effortlessly through the bustling cafeteria. And then there was the tray—a detail that defied all otter norms.

Sophia had never seen an otter serve itself food before.

The temptation to approach him/her/it gnawed at her, but she reigned it in, remembering her manners. Instead, she tore her gaze away, grabbing a tray and joining the line for food, her mind still churning. Did she really want to repeat the same mistakes she’d made before, anyway? Surely, the normal thing would be to prefer talking to someone human like her here.

With a sigh, Sophia turned her attention to the food on offer. The server’s question pulled her from her reverie, and without hesitation, she opted for the vegetarian choice. She wasn’t down to change everything about herself here, after all.

Navigating through the maze of tables, the blonde settled into a seat that offered a balance of proximity and solitude. The faces nearby were familiar—echoes of similar conversation from the rec room—but right now, they were just faces, nothing more. Her social reserves were depleted, the day’s events having drawn heavily upon her introverted spirit.

Sophia’s fingers hovered over her meal, the vibrant colours of the vegetables stark against the white of her plate, yet her appetite was lost to contemplation. Her thoughts circled back to the otter, an unexpected aberration in the academy’s structured environment. It had drawn curious looks from her peers, its odd behaviour a ripple in the otherwise still waters of their routine.

But to Sophia, the otter was more than just a curiosity; it was a gentle nudge from the universe—a reminder that not every mystery required an immediate solution. There was wisdom in the patience of observation, in the quiet acceptance that some things simply were. And yet, despite this understanding, a part of her yearned for the tactile connection, the soft fur beneath her fingertips, the physical affirmation of the otter’s reality.

Her desire to reach out and touch the creature was a tangible echo of her longing to connect with the parts of her world that remained just out of reach. It was a silent battle between her disciplined restraint and the raw, instinctual pull toward the warmth of a familiar life that the otter represented.

Sophia’s gaze drifted across the cafeteria, momentarily catching on a solitary figure at another table near to hers- his presence a mirror to her own. She felt a kinship with him then, yet-

With a soft exhale, Sophia turned her attention back to her plate, finally lifting her fork. The act was one of self-promise—a vow to honour the delicate balance between her previous life and the current one that buzzed around her. For now, she would savour the simplicity of her meal, because sometimes, it was enough to simply be.

My busybody archetype continues <3

@Qia Hello there..! First of all, love the pfp and siggy set!

Secondly, we are accepting still. I will send you a PM with the discord link so you can join us, love ツ

Thank you so much :3!
Hello, just read through the first post. Do you need an invite for this? Just to clear up my confusion. :)
Sounds interesting :)
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