Avatar of Queen Arya


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Really I'm fairly open to any kind of character. Its easier to describe the kind of characters I don't want, which is more or less Evil characters, or OP Gods of destruction. Else I want to adapt the story to what my players want!
@Sir LurksalotL O R K Y
@Fabricant451 Thats what I am hoping!
Standing alone among the shattered bodies, and raging fires she stared horrified.
Lifting her spear high into the night, so did the lonely warrior make her decree.
With it, reality itself shrieked in horrific pain, torn asunder by her force of will.
Her final words to that departing world floating in the thoughts of all.
"No more Gods. No more War. No more Suffering."

Hopefully, that little blurb was enough to grab some interest! In advance, I'd like to thank everybody taking the time to read this interest check for giving their time. Hopefully, there will be something in this mess to snag you in to come write with me~! To that point, y'all are probably wondering what kind of RP I'm even thinking of running here; to which I can say the setting is intended to be a High-Fantasy setting. So we'll have all the obvious tropes of such a setting around; lots of magic, fantastical beasts, tons of different races, at least one angry dragon chillin' on a pile of gold., and some lovely heroes to protect all of the realm (YOU!). As such, the RP will naturally be focused on the brave group of adventurers that we will all play, taking down one impossible threat after the other, and maybe causing a bit o' chaos along the way.

World Background:

Our RP will actually consist of more than one world, so to speak. As the little blurb in the intro suggests; our setting was torn apart into several fragments of the original host world, creating a series of 'worlds' that make up our Universe. Each of these fragments vary in just about all ways one can imagine. Culture, populace, biome, weather, magical presence, and a host of other descriptors I'm much too stupid to think of right now! Some of these worlds have discovered means to travel to their sister fragments, via realm-travel magic or a fleet of impossible vessels sailing across the Astral Sea. Others barely have developed civilization, others are just full of hostile murder-beasts, and others still are simply devoid of life. With that being said, I will be detailing just a couple of locales within the universe here in the interest check, others can be laid out in the OOC/Developed with the help of you lovely souls! (As a note, all of the fragments are actually spheres, I will just be describing them as they appear on a flat map.)

The Astral Sea:

The Great Void in which all of the fragments of the Old World float, taking an ever-so-slow trip around a large, central glowing sphere. Nobody quite knows the nature of the Sphere, as it's nigh-impossible to approach without simply being vaporized. All that is known about the Sphere is that the object is not natural, nor is it a Star. Occasional 'portals' open upon its surface, providing a mere second's worth of view of the interior. A seeming wasteland, with naught of note standing out amongst the barren lands. Intricate weavings of magical runes can be seen running in long lines across its surface, casting shadows over the worlds far below. Within the shadows, Dark Magics run rampant. Dark beasts rise and follow along in the shadows as they drift across the Fragments' surface, as exposure to the light causes them to burst into flame. These roaming pockets of darkness are easily enough avoided or shielded against the surface of each Fragment, but when sailing the Astral Sea, any vessel caught within simply disappears. Beyond these roaming shadows, the Astral Sea is still filled with other dangers. There is no air within the void, making it impossible to function were one to be exposed to the Sea itself. The magical currents of the sea itself can violently shift without warning, throwing any travelers far from their intended course in mere seconds... or destroying them altogether. Various creatures live within the void, ranging from harmless 'fish' swimming through the magical currents, to the occasional Leviathan drifting up from Great Shadow directly below the Sphere. Even with all these threats, sailing the Astral Sea is commonplace, with actions in place to mitigate the dangers posed. After all, Sea-Travel has its advantages over Realm Walking.

Troubling, however, are rumors of late that sailors in the Sea can feel a sort of... presence lurking at the edge of their minds. Unnerving, as it always seems to be watching yet with no discernable motive. Yet, all who have felt that touch understand that whatever the presence is... it is powerful.

The First Fragment, Micarea:

Micarea is a moderate world in nearly every sense of the term. The climate is relatively mild, harboring four seasons that are about equal in length to each other per year. The vast majority of the fragment is covered by lush, temperate forests and great plains. Far to the North and South, Icy Mountains rise high into the sky. The world harbors a single large ocean, in the center of the ringed landmass that covers the rest of the planet. Islands populate this ocean, creating a few tropical locations. In the center of this ocean sits a single island, 50-miles in diameter, and entirely consumed by the Yggdrasil. A massive tree with glowing leaves, which radiates warmth and magical energy, spreading life to this world. The impossibly large tree hosts multiple cities within its branches, and at the top is the massive terminal by which Sea-Travellers can arrive or depart on trips to sail the Astral Sea.

Life is varied within Micarea, with a range of creatures from mundane to the mystical Drakons; Dragons with no wings and long-translucent bodies that swim through the air with ease and nest in the Yggdrasil's lower branches. Only leaving to feast on the raw-magic flowing from the tree's branches, and shedding a more diluted (and safe) version of the magical energy onto the world below. Micarea, being a sort of hub, has long since lost any trace of their 'natural' races to the fragment might be, with sizable hosts of nearly every discovered race calling the fragment home. Most live in the massive city-states that dot the land, all living in a state of relative peace, despite constant political struggles to gain the upper hand. These States all have delegates assigned to the Grand Senate, housed in an ornate building at the feet of the Yggdrasil, and here international law is decided upon or disputes are settled. Warfare is a very rare occurrence in Micarea.

Fragment Travel:

Fragment Travel takes two forms, the aforementioned Astral Sea Vessels, and Realm Walking. Both accomplish the same goals but come with different costs, risks, and benefits.

Astral Sea Vessels:

These great vessels are often found sailing the Astral Sea, carrying goods or people wherever they might need to go. These vessels have all kinds of shapes, but all are completely enclosed. Only the rarest of these vessels have magical seals to allow for 'open' decks and viewing the Sea. These vessels land at terminals in the fragments to deposit whatever they might carry, take on a new load, then leave again for the Sea. All are capable of moving in any direction within the Sea, and each comes armed with self-defense weaponry against the threats of the Sea. Though there are, of course, some armed more than others. A Naval force, hosted out of Micarea, does patrol the sea to try to keep things relatively safe.

The benefit to using such vessels is that they are, on average, much more affordable and easy to use than Realm Walking. Additionally, Sea Vessels do not require Realm Walking infrastructure to be built at both ends and is more predictable than Realm Walking. That being safe, Sea Vessels do take much longer to reach their destinations than Realm Walking's instant travel.

Realm Walking:

Realm Walking is a method of travel between fragments involving the usage of magic to create a stable teleportation link between two points. Using such portals requires the traveler, or a guide, to be magically inclined towards such a type of magic. Additionally, it requires endpoint portals at each end to ensure safe transit (such endpoints can be destroyed). Using Realm Travel without endpoints is risky, as it is not guaranteed where the other end of the spell will leave the user. As such, Realm Walking is faster than Sea Vessels, but does come with a large risk involved.

The Story itself will start on Micraea, in one of Yggdrasil's Branch-Cities. Home to the Adventurer's Guild, and where many independent Adventurers, regardless of their experience, make their starts. Here there are legions of quests, ranging in scale from menial tasks to critical operations. This is where the party will find itself, for reasons of their own to each character. All of them unknowing of the trials that just might lie ahead...

That's about all from me for now! If you're interested, leave a message, and feel free to ask any questions you have! I've still got a bit of brainstorming to do for this RP, and will gladly listen to ideas put forward by those interested! Hope to hear from y'all~[/hr]
If you're still open @King Kindred, I would be interested in a Naruto AU! I usually play an Uchiha, if thats okay, I know you said they're dwindling, I just think they're neattm.
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