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38 min ago
Current I find it interesting that caffeine supposedly helps peeps with ADHD become more calm / focused.
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2 days ago
A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
3 days ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
5 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
10 days ago
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Couldn't help but reply, I hope that's ok! @Enzayne

He looked up, eyes quickly flicking towards the one other person that he saw as something approximating competition. The strange flicker, as well as the almost unreal symmetry of the woman's features only made his curiosity deepen. Albrecht felt a need to poke, to mingle, to sniff her out. Sure, she looked busy on her phone, but he was the sort of person who could talk at people, instead of talking with them.

"You're new too, aren't you," he asked, rather loudly, from his messy desk. "What's your name? I'm Albrecht. Albrecht Rose. Al, for short." The man introduced himself, eyes wide with an almost child-like inquisitiveness, though his grin had a manic sort of energy, not too different from how dogs accidentally bared their fangs as they played with their favorite stick. "You're dressed really nice. You don't look like you need to work here at all."

Albrecht had an eye for clothes, and while he dressed as well as he could, he still had to pay the rent. By his estimates, her whole outfit alone seemed like it could pay his entire bar tab twice over. It was a very large tab, kept afloat only by the fact that Albrecht's antics kept people coming into the bar, too.

"Hey, in case we ever work together, I'm going to tell you ahead of time - I hope there's no hard feelings if I end up... burning a blazer or something of yours. Trying to keep it to a minimum, but fire's a wild thing, you know? Almost like it has its own mind."

It was a warning, a subtle signifier of how relatively new Albrecht was to all this proper wizarding, especially when compared to the others in the "company". Given how it was phrased, though, it was clear that Albrecht was also doing his best to balance this precaution with a clear statement of his abilities; however simplistic it was, even brute force could be effective, even if it wasn't the best tool for the job.

"But it doesn't happen often. Promise."

He raised his hand to swear, just as someone laughed in the background, clearly disagreeing with what he just said.
<Snipped quote by rabidbacon>

Looks great! There's only two things I want to clarify. His hide, I imagine it would be immune to regular bullets, but not to Abyssal Energy bullets?

How is his skin temperature?

Also, the abyssal connection would read 'Natural Subjugation' instead of 'None'.


1. Yes.
2. I imagine that the skin keeps the heat inside, but when he's wounded, the parts around the wounds get pretty hot.
3. Noted, will edit!
Great, thanks again. Looking forward to this and what the rest come up with.
I'm a sucker for low-magic, grim fantasy settings.
Thanks! I'd like to keep the part of his background about his employers - would it be plausible to say that the nobles were initially quite generous and meritocratic to a fault, which is why they gave him a chance? It also adds to his bitterness about their demise. And to avoid going against the culture vibes, we can have Bane's men to be unfortunate half-elves like himself as well (because I assume no human wants to work under him). It's also useful for a noble to have them as spies, maybe, or expendable cannon fodder?

Albrecht rushed to work, still hungover, but that didn't mean he had to look the way he felt. He'd gotten a ride from a friend in HR - they seemed to be full of the nicer sort - and made it just in time, before the clock managed to mark him as late. This was a good thing, as he wasn't quite known for his punctuality, but he was known for doing all he could to get the job done. Case in point, his right arm was still sore from that fall he'd taken, leaping off a building and into some dumpster. Nothing a nip of good whiskey couldn't fix, after work.

As he made his way onto the floor, he high-fived some of those he'd passed and talked shop. In other words, people inflated their stories about the creatures they'd faced off, and he joined right in. Everyone knew that everyone was talking themselves up, of course, but Albrecht understood not all of it was meant in malice. It was a good thing, to have won, and if not, to have survived.

"What's the next target?" he asked, lazily glancing about as he propped his feet up on his desk. "Ophelia, if we get paired up again, do you think you could do that thing with the vortex?" The man gestured with his hands, speaking as much with them as with his mouth. "I don't know how it worked, but it made quick work of the horde we chased down. I'll have to buy you a drink sometime. Because of you, I managed to get a table at ST4T1C."

So it went, with the wizard's voice mixing with the rest of the so-called Marketing and Sales team, all of them dressed to kill. Of them, Albrecht liked to think he was the best, at both.
Interested, what culture/s and time period is Eldoria based on?
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