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3 hrs ago
Current I find it interesting that caffeine supposedly helps peeps with ADHD become more calm / focused.
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2 days ago
A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
3 days ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
5 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
10 days ago
Feel free to remind / message / tag me if you want faster replies!
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A few questions:
- At this point, is it everyone's 1st day at work?
- Regarding our departments, do we also do stuff directly related to tgeir namesakes? (Ex: Marketing and Sales are described as the "hitmen" but do they also market and sell things? If so, who are the customers? Are we also pretending to sell stuff for non-Wizards?)
- Can we enter the building or do we all need a keycard / spell / password?
I'm open to the idea. If a player Wild wants to bind up, shoot me a message and we can coordinate.

It wouldn't even have to be a previous binding, could be something brand new from the characters running into each other.

I may be interested, and I think my idea for a Wild could work with your character's angle.
Will submit before DMing you to make sure it's all fleshed out first.

Hello! That is entirely up to the player. Wilds are known to have physical forms or ghost-like forms. However, all forms have a physical heart present.

The Wild becomes bound to the human. If they are spectral they will live inside the human. If they are corporeal they will live around the human. They will have a mental tether that binds their souls, allowing them to communicate telepathically. The Wild will feast on the humans emotions, either positive or negative, depending on the type of Wild. And the human will in turn gain powers. These powers can be enhanced if enough suffering happens.

Thanks for the details. I have a few more questions:
- How big can they get? I was thinking of making a Wild that feeds on fear or anger, and it would be reasonable to assume these emotions are abundant in such a setting, which means they are quite well-fed.
- Is there a set distance between Wild and bound human (kinda like how the Wi-Fi signals weaken and stop working after a certain point)? If this happens, what are the effects (ex: human's Wild-given powers stop working, Wild gets hungrier, etc.)
- Regarding the powers, does it have to be consensual for it to work, or can a Wild give and take away the powers freely? And when bound to one, does it mean it cannot choose another?
- Can a Wild give powers to only one human?
- Can a Wild feed on more than one human's emotions? I feel like the answer here is yes... though I asked just to be sure.
- If Wilds feed on emotions, do they have their own? If so, can they feed on each other?
- How are Wilds born/created? (Or is this a plot point you will reveal later in the story?)
- If the Wilds were brought into this world via accident, what is keeping them from staying in their world / going back through the tear?
What sort of bodies / physical forms do the Wilds have?
And what's the mechanic of Wilds PCs granting other non-Wilds PCs the abilities?
Out of curiosity, do you play Path to Nowhere? @Abstract Proxy
Damn, I find this very interesting, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to write properly because I know too little about racing and the jargon used. Do you have any recommendations for a crash course of sorts?
That moment when you’re so exhausted, you fall asleep in your desk chair… @rabidbacon considering it’s been a VERY long time since magic was openly practiced, I’d say you’d be hard pressed to find a mortal who knows or actually believes in magic anymore. Unless it was specifically revealed to that particular mortal then, it hey likely don’t know about it. Most people wouldn’t really believe kids either and children who have magic either wouldn’t understand it enough to use it without training, or they’d be heavily discouraged from using it openly.

As for approvals… @Enzayne you are approved.

Same goes for @rabidbacon@Crimson Flame@Archazen but if you three could add a few more details as to how your characters came to Magicorp (specifically for the ones who don’t have magical parents) that’d be great. Otherwise, everything looks pretty good!

@Abstract Proxy I wanna give you the go ahead too. Just remember to finish your sheet: photo (Include one for Stella if you don’t mind? See how Kath has multiple photos), quote, and your Misc. section.

Done, let me know if the added details are ok.
A question: how much do regular humans know about magic? Like say, one kid who saw it - if he blabbed about it, would people believe him, or think he was making stuff up?

And can I say that there are secret underground communities of sorts that try to find wizards and keep them from revealing secrets? I feel like not all wizards would know to keep magic a secret, particularly children.
Very cool. I don't really know much about F1, but the whole premise and set up is refreshing. Watching this like a hawk.
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