Avatar of rabidbacon


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1 day ago
Current A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
2 days ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
4 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
9 days ago
Feel free to remind / message / tag me if you want faster replies!
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10 days ago
Curious to finally know what Krabby Patties taste like.


Welcome, stranger.

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@Herald Ooh, mind if you tell me some OOC-ly so I can mention them in-character?
@Lunamaria Hawke@Varshanka@FatPrincess

Not to speak for the DM, but I believe applications can still be submitted here! 😄
In Regalia 24 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae Thanks! I love the idea of a criminal being saddled with what essentially feels like lifelong community service 🤣

Will get a character submission up soon!
In Regalia 24 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae I was actually considering that the character starts out in prison (caught doing crime or doing time for a boss) and gets blessed during a nasty fight, which then allows them to break out and escape. Would this escape "pardon" them in society's eyes, in a similar way that surviving a witch trial or winning a trial by combat makes one innocent?
In Regalia 24 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
All right, shifting my focus onto Leviathan. My character concept would be someone working in "sanitation" read: some kind of mob undertaker who leaves people to sleep with the fishes.

Is that still in line with the RP vibe? Just want to make sure before I proceed.
In Regalia 24 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Oops, just saw now that @Theyra called dibs. May I know who how many Dominants are left / what you would like to know if a player wants to propose a Dominant?

An aside - I realized why the vibe was somewhat familiar. I applied to Bleak Centauri years ago (made a character for Quetzlcoatl), which turns out to be yours as well.
In Regalia 24 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae I've been eyeing Valefor, if there are no other takers yet. My question would be how its powers can be expressed without essentially going all the way to what appears to be a nuclear strike?

My character concept for it would be some rich person who likes antiques a little too much and inadvertently buys remnants of Valefor's temple artifacts... or something along those lines. Lmk if that's in line with the vibe!

Cullen was both relieved and alarmed to hear that even some of those among the ranks felt the same way he did about the Inquisitor's decisions. As he watched the elf leave, he strove to reassure himself with the idea of Ophelia being so unpredictably, irrationally charitable that the enemy is kept constantly on their toes, unable to guess the Inquisition's next move. Unfortunately, it also kept him and the rest of the advisors on their toes, ready to clean up any messes that good intentions caused. Now, this unplanned evening excursion was one of these efforts. The Commander finally allowed himself to lean against the wall, shaking his head at how he'd managed to create more tasks for himself. It had to be seen, though, by none other than himself. Though Templar and Templar recruits were no longer bound by their previous oaths, Cullen knew all too well that it took more than that to break free from such clean lines.

Give all that he'd seen and lived through, he couldn't help but feel a spark of anger and disappointment at the mages who lowered themselves into mutiny. Hadn't the Inquisition given them a safe place to hide while the world tears itself apart outside? With each piece of armor he removed, he did not feel the burden decrease. Instead, the combined weight of worry and resentment ate at him, even while he strove to stem the flow of thoughts in his mind. Only a prayer could quell the darkness in his heart, and he mouthed off to the Maker all the way, whispering each word of the Chant as if it were a curse upon his own sins, as he walked to meet Hyacinth at the courtyard.

Eventually, he'd reached the courtyard, the shadows of night transforming its simple tranquility into a garden of secrets and intrigue. Cullen made sure the hood upon his head was high enough to conceal his features. His eyes flitted about, waiting for the crowd to gather, though he hoped against hope that there would be none, and that Hyacinth would be mistaken. But Leliana's spies were very rarely wrong, in the end.

Considering his options, the Commander decided to stand at a shadowy corner where he supposed he would be able to hear most of the whispers, though it would also cut off his best chances of escape. All too well, he was reminded of how mages didn't need anything but their intentions and a focused mind to deal death to those who stood against their magic. Right now, all he had was a dagger, with his longsword being far too large to be hidden effectively under his disguise.

It was a wondrous fortress, far beyond anything Alba had ever seen before. Her mouth opened in excitement, ears already ringing with the sound of imagined coin. There had to be chestfuls of them in such a place! Little matter that their entryway into riches would be through the dungeons. Alba determined that she and her crew would get their share. After all, it seemed that they had quieted their grumbling, now that they began to see why Alba had been keen on getting caught.

"Forgive my presumptions, Inquisitor. Of course, yes, you are doing very well indeed," said the pirate, her smile darkened by greed. "I do look forward to our next meeting." The rumors of the Inquisition being an untrained and impoverished force was a pack of lies and intentional misinformation, she realized.

"Whatever story I tell, you can be certain of one thing - I am keen on writing myself into yours," continued Alba, raising her bound hands and making a funny little gesture with the fingers she could move, as if she were holding a quill and scribbling in the air. Then, she stopped, and stepped closer towards Ophelia, drawn back only by those who maintained the Inquisitor's security. "And be forewarned: I tend to write in blood, Inquisitor."

The threat warranted a rough transfer to the cells, with each one of them thrown in with disgust and outrage, the crimes of pirates known among many. Alba herself nursed a few bruises she had sustained, though she seemed not at all disturbed by the rats nor the smells. No, what worried her the most was the stripping of her sword. It was an ornate piece, easily worth a small fortune on account of its exquisite craftsmanship. So she stewed in the cell, awaiting the one who would no doubt torture her.

Bane watched the newcomers with bleary eyes. There was nothing more they could take from him aside from his life; there was no village near that would accept his cursed armor for trade, either. It was safe, here, in the bleakest way. Somehow, that filled the guard with comfort, enough to share of himself, first. Not all of himself, but just enough.

"I was stolen from," said Bane. He stared at the spice offered and decided to go without, feeling unworthy of such finery. Then, his eyes met the young scholar's gaze, meaningful in its sternness. She ought to keep her valuables and her primness to herself, unless she was certain she was among friends. There were those who would cut her down for less. Unable to stop the old habits of a nobleman's guard, he continued, still keeping his focus on her. "Ma'am... you must be cautious. Generosity does not always bode well." He refrained from the finer details on his thief, however. It was a bawdy tale, though the marks on his neck left an unspoken explanation. Unsolicited advice given, he then continued with some reluctance, particularly as he felt the hooded figure's eyes on him. Bane felt his ears burn with shame from beneath his helm as he realized how relieved he was to be able to hide his own true nature.

"I am nobody," said the man, his voice as worn as his greaves. "But you may call me Bane." While Cora might have had to explain her skills and knowledge to a potentially ignorant and illiterate crowd, the guard's armor and arms spoke for him. "Mercenary for hire, on most days. Tonight, just a vagrant, sharing a kind stranger's fire."

His head turned to watch the warrior opposite him, her features and her headdress betraying experience and wisdom with both the fight and the wilds. There was a peace about her that he envied, one that he chased after, but could never find. The closest he could get was the bottom of the bottle, but it never lasted, and it always led him to trouble. Would tonight be different?

"I hail from Riffolk. But like many others... it is long gone, now."

To this end, no further details were offered, and once more, the guard's face returned to its stolid, thoughtful state.
Take your time! And belated happy birthday 🥳
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