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Current A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
2 days ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
4 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
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Curious to finally know what Krabby Patties taste like.


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In Regalia 17 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
May we copy-paste the BBCode post format in Laura's post? @Mirandae I don't have the time to think of how to make my posts look pretty, and I don't want to detract from the aesthetic.
In Regalia 17 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae I see! Understood. Would it be possible for an article of clothing to "collect" the Residue? I feel like Votera, which is huge into subsidizing electeicity costs by avoiding waste and using green energy, would think it more "fair" if the resource is kept and distributed evenly (with a larger share of funds gained as profit incentive for the corporation that sponsored the tech). Wondering if I can retcon it into the suits Aethalos wears.

Edit: sorry nvm silly me, Residue only gets dropped by the Dominant form.

I also forgot to give her an addiction excessive stims and painkiller exposure back in Cetra. Is it too late?

Her eye are a brown color instead of blue. But here is Evalynn

Wtf, her dad must be rejecting marriage offers every hour, she's gorgeous!
In Regalia 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I have a question about Crystals, how long does it take for one "chunk" to form? And why are they more abundant underground when the Regalia are above ground - do they seep into the ground when the Residue is released? On that thought, does it exhaust the Regalia to release Residue / are there finite amounts they can give in a day?
@BunniesOfDoom I mean I can pick a less conventionally attractive one if you'd prefer LMAO

Just for plotting's sake, at which point would you like to introduce the survival horror element of this story? I'm in no rush and am perfectly happy with our current pace btw (looking forward to seeing what's in the tavern and so on).
I love Evelynn, she's so honest in her anger and annoyance LMAO. Didn't exactly have a fixed idea for Eldwic as I began this, but I like the idea of him being a bit more reticent, cautious and shy than her. Do you have an image reference of some sort for Evelynn? How tall is she?

I'd say Eldwic is about 5'8". Will dig around Pinterest for a likeness!
Edit: I'd say this is apt: pin.it/6xi3YR1sP (just imagine with more setting-appropriate clothing)
@BunniesOfDoom I had this idea that he was around 19? Happy to age it up a bit - he's supposed to come off a bit socially awkward because he spends more time with animals than people lmao
"The pub? Sure. All right. Sounds like... a wonderful idea," said Eldwic, his voice just as strained as his smile. It wasn't as if he didn't want to go there and have a drink or two, and on Evalynn's coin, too. No, it was her father he feared; he was a hard man. There wasn't much to be said about it, for that was what men had to be. He felt like a boy around him, waiting in fear of his reprimands. Where Evalynn got her fire to stand up to him, Eldwic knew not. Perhaps her frustrations were greater than her fear; the tale of woe she shared was not all that new. "Well, you don't know. Maybe the man looked like an ass with mange. And... and I'm sure you'll get more."

He didn't know what else to say, because he believed what he had said. Evalynn was beautiful, forthright, and strong. She knew how to run a farm, and she didn't smell like rotten cabbages. Eldwic couldn't understand why she was so angry. The lad had a sneaking suspicion that she would be bored, doing nothing all day, sitting on her rump.

"There's fine," he called out, leaping off the cart with a grunt. Larder dug him a few holes, and he put the rats in them, saying a quick little prayer as he did. It wasn't their fault they were born rats, and the least he could do was bless them before the earth turned them into dust. "May the Provider warm your poor souls, and thank you, for filling my cup." Eldwic grasped about his waist, finally finding a small bottle of weak ale. He opened the cork stopper and poured some of the bubbly liquid onto the little burial mounds. That done, he took a swig himself and ran the short distance back to Evalynn.

"Your brothers are a menace, by the way," he choked out, still winded from the run. "I think one of them snuck in a snake once, while I was working. Gave me a fright, but Larder just went for him. She got bitten... but it was just one of those ringed hissers. Harmless."

He wished he could give the two a good talking-to, but if they wouldn't listen to his friend, then they definitely wouldn't listen to him.

"I suppose we should go on then. Have that drink. Then... get back before it's too late. We can use the rats as an excuse, there were plenty today," he offered. Eldwic hated seeing his friend after she'd gotten a nasty reprimand. "If you'll get the ale, then I'll get the stew. Hm... today's Tuesday. It should be fish; I smelled the fishmonger's cart this morning, when I walked my way to your place."
It was fun writing that :) @Estylwen Does this mean Val understands the Wilds' language now?
Also, whenever Val transforms, does it also tire out Mercy? And whenever Mercy is "outside" Val, can Val also simultaneously become a colossal beast? So many questions.
In Regalia 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae Are we allowed to update the Home part of our character's bio? I was thinking of giving Votera giant electric death rays that can weaponize the city's vast surplus of electric and crystal power. They are outwardly peaceful but have deterrents hidden in plain sight - the windmills open up and turn into weapons if need be.

I want to create a vibe of "nice if you're nice to us, but if you want to fuck around and find out, you will"

Edit: can we also add / edit more stuff as we think of them? Like... cuisine, customs, fashion, etc...
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